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Robotics Journal

Name: Sarah

Label the following hardware

USB Cable

Gyro Sensor


Force Sensor

Colour sensor

Hub/ LED Matrix

Large Motor

Distance Sensor
Tutorial Tasks
Add screen grabs of the code you created for each of the tasks and type a short
explanation of what the code does.

When I start the program the SPIKE shows a smiley face on a 5x5 square screen. I can change the code to
make my SPIKE display different things on the screen.

When I press play, the code sets how fast the motor is running and then I can choose how many degrees,
rotations, or seconds the motor runs.
Tutorial Tasks
Add screen grabs of the code you created for each of the tasks and type a short
explanation of what the code does.

When I play the code and put a red Lego brick in front of the colour sensor, the hub displays the word
‘HI’. I can change the code to a different coloured Lego brick and what is displays on the hub.

When I run the code and put my hand close to the distance sensor, the hub plays a beep sound. I can
change the code to make the distance sensor more or less sensitive and how long the beep sound plays.
Tutorial Tasks
Insert screen grabs of the code you created for each of the tasks and then type a short
explanation of what the code does.

When I run the code and press the force sensor, the motor starts turning. When I release the force
sensor, the motor stops. I can change the code on the pressure on the force sensor and which direction
the motor is turning.

Inside the hub, there is a built-in Gyro Sensor. It can register movements and tilts. When I tilt the hub to
the right, it plays music. I can change the code on what sound plays when tilted and which direction the
gyro sensor is tilted to make the sound.
Invention Squad
As you work through the Invention Squad Challenges, you will get the opportunity to make your ‘own
version’ of each design. Insert screen grabs of your code , photos of any models you build and provide
a short written reflection of each design – mention

1 Kiki the Dog

Kiki Reflection - Kiki’s code has 3 different options, depending on what colour the colour sensor is facing.
It has 2 different stories, and I had a lot of fun building and coding Kiki.

Explain what the WAIT UNTIL code does -

It stops the code and waits until a particular event or condition happens.
2 Hopper Race

Hopper Reflection - I got inspiration on one of the videos that was on Canvas; a robot dog that can walk.
The way animals walk is moving your legs back and forth and not 360 degrees all the way around. I tried
doing that and made many legs on my hopper (still kind of like wheels). I also added a

Explain what the MOVE code does -

The MOVE code makes the motors move a certain direction according to the code and for how long or
how far.
3 Super Clean up

Grabber Reflection—
Grabber no.1 is best for picking up heavy and medium/large objects. Grabber no.2 is best for picking up
light and objects of all sizes. When the code is running and the force sensor is pressed, the motor turns
left, making the grabber snap shut. If the force sensor is then released, the grabber opens.

Explain what the WHEN code does -

The WHEN code runs the code if a particular event or condition occurs.
4 Broken - CNC Plotter

Plotter Reflection -
I had to take a while figuring out the code to make the Plotter “cut” a triangle. For the code to make the
Plotter “cut” a triangle, I had 2 different “when program starts” codes. One of those codes move the
motor plugged into port A of my hub up and down and the other moves the pencil sideways. For the
Plotter code that cuts a square, I don’t need two different “When program starts” codes because I do not
need the Plotter to cut a diagonal line to draw a square.

Explain what the RUN code does -

The RUN code makes the motors move a certain direction according to the code and for how long or how
Extension 1 - Innovation Challenge: Design a Prosthetic Arm

Add photos and screen grabs below showing your Design being used
and the code you developed. Don’t forget to write your Reflection at
the bottom of the page

Prosthetic Arm Reflection -

Extension Activity 2: Pick your own problem to solve

Explain the Problem you have identified.

Add photos and screen grabs to show your Design being used and the
code you developed. Don’t forget to write your Reflection at the
bottom of the page


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