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Coping with negative cash flow

First of all, you can try to be able to obtain subsidies and

reduce your expenses: take stock of benefit from solidarity funds, as well
everything you pay monthly and as a number of tax breaks such as
annually, then reduce everything deferred payment or lower
that can be reduced. You can also production taxes. Lastly, depending
negotiate shorter payment terms on your sector, you may be eligible
with your customers and longer for specific types of assistance:
with your suppliers. This will reduce tourism, culture, transport, events,
your net working capital etc.
When you find yourself in
Next, you can try to negotiate financial difficulty, don't hesitate to
a temporary cash advance with your talk to your creditor. And the sooner
bank. If they refuse to advance you the better! It's better to establish a
the money you need to get back on dialogue and explain your situation
your feet, then find a new source of than to ignore their calls. You'll be
finance: another bank, investors, etc. able to find common ground, and
your creditor may be able to give you
There are also solutions for
more time to pay off your debts at no
getting paid quickly, such as invoice
extra cost.
financing. You create your invoice
and have the option of financing it in Why not consult a specialist? If
1 click. You then receive payment you feel overwhelmed by the
within 48 hours: a good way to situation, you can call on a
protect your cash flow, don't you professional who will be able to give
think? you the right advice. You can, of
course, work with a chartered
You should also review your
accountant, but you can also pay for
variable costs. Are they optimal?
the services of a management
What percentage of sales do they
represent? Are you selling enough to
break even? Can you reduce them by Another important point:
negotiating or changing suppliers? don't forget that you have the right
to ask the public accountant to defer
You should also be aware that
your tax debts.
if you run into difficulties, you may

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How would you say those in English

1. Comment faire face à une trésorerie négative?

How to cope with negative cash flow?

2. Vous pouvez chercher à diminuer vos charges.

You can try to reduce/cut your expenses/charges

3. Vous pouvez faire le bilan de tout ce que vous payez régulièrement.

You can take stock of everything you pay regularly.

4. Vous pouvez négocier des délais de règlements plus courts avec vos

You can negotiate/bargain shorter payment terms

with your customers/clients.
5. Vous pouvez négocier des délais de règlements plus longs avec vos

You can negotiate/bargain longer payment terms

with your suppliers.
6. Cela diminuera vos besoins en fonds de roulement.

That will cut/reduce your working capital

7. Vous pouvez essayer de négocier une avance de trésorerie temporaire.

You can try to negotiate/bargain a temprorary cash

8. Vous pouvez essayer de négocier auprès de votre banque.

You can try to negotiate/bargain with your bank.

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9. La banque peut refuser de vous avancer l’argent dont vous avez besoin.

The bank may refuse to advance you the money you

10. Alors, comment se remettre à flot ?

So, how can you get back on your feet?

11. Vous pouvez trouver une nouvelle source de financement.

You can find a new source of finance / financing /

12. Vous pouvez chercher un autre établissement bancaire.

You can look for another bank.

13. Vous pouvez chercher des investisseurs.

You can look for investors.

14. Il existe des solutions pour être payé rapidement.

There are solutions for getting paid quickly.

15. Vous recevez votre paiement sous 48h.

You receive your payment within 48 hours.

16. Vous pouvez essayer de revoir vos coûts variables.

You can try to review your variable costs.

17. Quel pourcentage des ventes représentent vos coûts variables ?

What percentage of sales do your variable costs

18. Vendez-vous suffisamment pour atteindre le seuil de rentabilité ?

Do you sell enough to break even?

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19. Pouvez-vous les réduire en changeant de fournisseurs ?

Can you reduce/cut them by changing suppliers?

20. Si vous rencontrez des difficultés, vous pouvez obtenir des subventions.

If you run into difficulties, you can/may obtain

21. Vous pouvez bénéficier de fonds de solidarité.

You can/may benefit from solidarity funds.

22. Vous pouvez bénéficier de nombreuses aides fiscales.

You can/may benefit from tax breaks.

23. Des aides fiscales comme le report des échéances.

Tax breaks such as deferred payment.

24. N’hésitez pas à en parler à votre créancier.

Don't hesitate to talk to your creditor.

25. Le plus tôt sera le mieux !

The sooner the better!

26. Il est préférable d’établir un dialogue et expliquer sa situation.

It's better to establish a dialogue and explain your

27. Vous pourrez ainsi trouver un terrain d’entente.

You'll be able to find common ground.

28. Votre créditeur pourrait vous accorder un délai plus long.

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Your creditor may/might grant you more time (=
grant you an extension of credit).

29. Vous pourriez régler vos échéances de dettes sans frais supplémentaires.

You could/might pay off your debts (= pay your

instalments) at no extra cost.
30. Si vous vous sentez dépassé par la situation, faites appel à un

If you feel overwhelmed by the situation.

31. Un professionnel qui saura vous donner les bons conseils.

A professional who will be able to give you the right

32. Vous pouvez collaborer avec un expert-comptable.

You can work (= collaborate) with a chartered

33. Vous pouvez aussi payer les services d’un consultant en gestion.

You can also pay for the services of a management

34. Vous avez le droit de demander à échelonner de vos dettes fiscales.

You have the right to ask to defer your tax debts.

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