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Kyla Mae N.

Rallos BSA 4B
Theo 4b
January 21, 2024
In delving deeper into the passage of
Mark 1:14-20, the passage
demonstrates the strength of religious
solidarity. Instead of following Jesus
one by one, the disciples gathered as a
community, encouraging, and fortifying
one another in their common dedication
to God's purpose. As believers, we have
a responsibility to be a light to the
world and to support one another in
growing in love and faith. As such, a
feeling of community is essential to our lives.
While considering this passage, which was ordinated over by Rev. Fr. Eric
Entuna, we were provided with insightful knowledge that is useful in day-to-day
living. The lesson my unchurched companion, which is my mother, took up from
this gospel is that we should believe in God's plan and be receptive to His call,
even if it means stepping outside of our comfort zones.
She also served a reminder that following Jesus frequently entails accepting
difficulties and learning from them. Knowing that God is constantly with us,
guiding and supporting us on our path, helps us to keep our confidence and trust
in His love while we navigate life's ups and downs.

January 28, 2024

When listening the gospel of Mark 1:21-28,
we come across another important point in
Jesus' ministry that Mark, the evangelist,
records. This passage sheds light on the
nature of faith and the efficacy of God's love
by demonstrating Jesus' power over evil and
His capacity to heal the sick. Rev. Fr. Eric
Entuna, whose insight and spiritual direction
never cease to amaze us.
The passage highlights Jesus' unique relationship with God and His power to
confront and overcome evil. It also demonstrates the faith and trust that those who
sought Jesus' help placed in Him.
The lessons my mother personally learned from this gospel center on the value of
having confidence in God's ability to heal and the significance of prayer in our
lives. She said that we need to have trust in Jesus' capacity to cure us—both
spiritually and physically—just like the synagogue members did. This necessitates
having faith in God's love and providence and being prepared to turn to Him when
things get tough.
She highlights the significance of community and the power of unity in faith. The
people in the synagogue did not hesitate to bring their loved ones to Jesus,
knowing that He could offer hope and healing. This underscores the value of
supporting and encouraging one another in our spiritual journeys, as we seek
God's guidance and help.
February 4, 2024
Mark 1:29-39 presents a
passage Jesus healing many
people throughout the night.
Despite His exhaustion,
Jesus' concern for the well-
being of others did not wane.
This illustrates the
importance of selflessness
and dedication in our own
lives, as we strive to serve
others and spread the love of
God. This passage, which
was ordained by Rev. Fr.
Eric Entuna, narrates Jesus'
visit to Peter's mother-in-law and the healing of many people in Capernaum,
showcasing His compassion, concern for the well-being of others, and His tireless
dedication to serving God's people.
The Gospel account continues on to describe how Jesus healed a large number of
individuals throughout the course of the night. Even though Jesus was worn out
from His activities that day, He paid attention to the needs of the crowd.
My mother's personal learnings from this passage highlights the importance of
compassion and empathy in our lives. She said that Jesus' actions in this passage
serve as a reminder that we should always strive to be compassionate and
understanding towards those around us, especially when they are in need. This
involves listening to their struggles, offering support, and extending a helping
hand when possible. She learned that this requires a deep trust in God's love and
providence, as well as a willingness to turn to Him in times of need. By
cultivating this faith, she can experience the transformative power of Jesus'
healing presence in her life.

February 11, 2024

In Mark 1:40-45, we find the
story of a man with leprosy who
approaches Jesus for healing.
This passage was ordained by
Rev. Fr. John Chrisbert Lood. It
serves as a reminder of the
immense power of faith and the
compassionate nature of Jesus.
Personal learnings from this
passage, as shared by my
mother, have been deeply
impactful. She often emphasizes the importance of humility and faith when facing
life's challenges. The leper's act of falling on his knees and pleading for mercy
from Jesus demonstrates that even in our most vulnerable moments, she should
not be ashamed to seek help and rely on our faith.
Moreover, my mother highlights the significance of gratitude. The healed leper's
decision to follow Jesus and spread the news of his healing serves as a powerful
example of how she should express her appreciation for the blessings she
receives. This story teaches her to be mindful of the impact her experiences can
have on others and to share her stories of redemption and healing.
February 18, 2024
In Mark 1:12-15, we witness
Jesus being led by the Holy
Spirit into the wilderness,
where He faced temptations
from Satan. This passage,
ordained by Rev. Fr. Eric
Entuna, demonstrates Jesus'
reliance on His divine guidance
and His ultimate triumph over
As for personal learnings from
this passage, my mother shared
with me she learned that this story teaches us the importance of faith and trust in
God's plan. Just as Jesus trusted the Holy Spirit's guidance, we too must have faith
in our own divine guidance and rely on it to navigate the challenges we face.
Additionally, this passage serves as a reminder of the constant battle between
good and evil, and the importance of resisting temptation and staying true to our
beliefs. By embracing these lessons, we can grow spiritually and become better
versions of ourselves. My mother emphasized that Jesus' experience in the
wilderness represents a time of testing and struggle, which is a common aspect of
the human journey. By enduring these trials, she can strengthen her faith and
deepen her connection with God.

February 25, 2024

By examining Mark 9:2–
10, which describes Jesus
Christ's transfiguration,
we learned about the
divinity of our Savior and
the value of faith. This
sacred occasion,
officiated by Rev. Fr. Eric
Entuna reminds us of the
spiritual pilgrimage that
believers go through.
In this story, Jesus takes
Peter, James, and John to
a high mountain, where
they witness a remarkable transformation. Jesus' appearance changes before their
eyes, as His clothes become dazzling white, and His face shines like the sun. This
moment is further elevated by the appearance of Moses and Elijah, two prominent
figures from the Old Testament, who engage in conversation with Jesus. This
event is a testament to the divine nature of Jesus and serves as a powerful
reminder of the importance of faith.
My mother highlighted that this mass also served as a reminder of the importance
of hearing God's voice. She mentioned that for her, the Transfiguration is a
symbol of hope. In the face of adversity and doubt, she can find solace in the
knowledge that Jesus, as the Son of God, has the power to overcome any obstacle.
This passage serves as a beacon of hope, reminding her that even in the darkest
moments, she can find strength in her faith. These teachings, passed down through
generations, continue to inspire and strengthen the spiritual journey of countless
believers, including my own mother.

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