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07 Seatwork 1

Expectancy-Disconfirmation Model

1. Initial Customer Expectations-

 Step 2: An IT representative of a company reached out to NETwork Solutions about the holiday

discounts they saw online.

 Step 3: The manager of the IT representative was pleased with how the products

performed and planned on re-purchasing.

2. Company Develops and Communicates Value Proposition-

 Step 4: NETwork Solutions created a different offer that would discount some items that the IT

representative needs as long as they purchase above P40k. Warranty and support included.

3. Company Designs Customer- Experience System-

 Step 7: NETwork Solutions sat down with the IT representative to talk about the products

included in the promo. They found out that most of the components needed by the IT

representative were not part of the discount promo. They planned an alternative.

4. Shared Customer Expectations-

 Step 5: Based on the new alternative offer, the IT representative figured that they might

still save money from the allowed budget.

5. Actual Customer Experience 1st/ 2nd Moment of Truth-

 Step 1: The IT representative was disappointed after finding out that the components

they needed were not part of the discount promo. He left the NETwork Solutions


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