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Pasivas present and past PASA DE ACTIVA A PASIVA

1. do they advertise the CDs on the Net?

2. did they teach Mandarin at your school?

3. do they open the window?

4. did Renoir paint the portrait?

5. does he buy the picture?

6. a lot of people use mobile phones in big cities

7. he produces tea in Europe and America

8. my grandmother sold these paintings

9. he helped my friend when he needed

10. he didn’t build this church

11. Mary doesn’t clean the shoes and John doesn’t clean the table

12. they don’t buy tickets today for old people

13. she didn’t take the bus when it was cold

14. children read Harry Potter books and they don’t buy comics

15. my father lost his camera in the park and a man found it in a bench

16. our teacher translates this book

17. people watched these TV adverts on the 60’s

18. do they need this room to take the photo?

19. does she pass her exam if she study?

20. did he visit the Tower?

21. did they bring the pictures?

22. people didn’t sell the car

23. they don’t play football in Europe

24. the man doesn’t visit Spain

25. she didn’t clean the room


1. football is played in Europe by them

2. the answer was told by my cousin

3. paper is made from trees by them

4. Spain was visited last year by him

5. the ball was taken by him

6. the window was opened by her

7. gold is found in Africa by them

8. his camera is lost by you

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