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Figma cheat sheet

N Zoom to next frame
Page Up Previous page
Ctrl + Shift + ? Show keyboard shortcuts
Page Down Next page
I Pick color from elsewhere
Home Find previous frame
Ctrl + / Search through all commands
End Find next frame

Tools Text
V Move tool
Ctrl + B Bold
F Frame tool
Ctrl + I Italic
P Pen tool
Ctrl + U Underline
Shift + P Pencil tool
Ctrl + Shift + V Paste and match style
T Text tool
Ctrl + Alt + L Text align left
R Rectangle tool
Ctrl + Alt + T Text align center
O Ellipse tool
Ctrl + Alt + R Text align right
L Line tool
Ctrl + Alt + J Text align justified
Shift + L Arrow tool
Ctrl + Shift + > or Adjust font size
C Add / show comments Ctrl + Shift + <
I Pick color Alt + , Adjust letter spacing
S Slice tool Alt + . Adjust letter spacing
Alt + Shift + < or Adjust line height
View Alt + Shift + >

Shift + R Rulers
Ctrl + Shift + 3 Show outlines
Ctrl + Alt + Y Pixel preview P Pen

Ctrl + Shift + 4 Layout grids Shift + P Pencil

Ctrl + ' Pixel grid B Paint bucket

Ctrl + \ or Ctrl + \ Show / hide UI Alt + / Remove fill

Ctrl + Alt + \ Show multiplayer cursors / Remove stroke

Alt + 1 Show layers Shift + X Swap fill and stroke

Alt + 3 Show team library Ctrl + Shift + O Outline stroke

Ctrl + E Flatten selection
Zoom Ctrl + J Join selection

Space + Left click Pan Shift + Backspace Delete and heal selection
+ Move the mouse
+ Zoom in Selection
- Zoom out Ctrl + A Select all
Shift + 0 Zoom to 100% Ctrl + Shift + A Select inverse
Shift + 1 Zoom to fit Esc Select none
Shift + 2 Zoom to selection Ctrl + Left click Deep select
Shift + N Zoom to previous frame Ctrl + Right click Select layer menu
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Enter Select child Alt + Double click Crop image

Shift + Enter Select parents 1 Set opacity to 10%
Tab Select next sibling 5 Set opacity to 50%
Shift + Tab Select previous sibling 0 Set opacity to 100%
Ctrl + G Group selection
Ctrl + Shift + G Ungroup selection Arrange
Ctrl + Alt + G Frame selection Ctrl + ] Bring forward
Ctrl + Shift + H Show / hide selection Ctrl + [ Send backward
Ctrl + Shift + L Lock / unlock selection Ctrl + Shift + ] Bring to front
Ctrl + Shift + [ Send to back
Cursor Alt + A Align left
Alt (while pointing) Measure to Alt + D Align right
selection Alt + W Align top
Alt (while moving) Duplicate selection Alt + S Align bottom
Ctrl + Left click (while clicking) Deep select Alt + H Align horizontal centers
Ctrl + Right click (while clicking) Select layer menu Alt + V Align vertical centers
Alt (while resizing) Resize from center Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Tidy up
Shift (while resizing) Resize T
proportionally Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Distribute horizontal spacing
Space (while resizing) Move while resizing H
Ctrl (while resizing) Ignore constraints Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Distribute vertical spacing
(frames only) V

Edit Components
Ctrl + C Copy Alt + 2 or Alt + 2 Show components
Ctrl + X Cut Ctrl + Alt + K Create component
Ctrl + V Paste Ctrl + Alt + B Detach instance
Ctrl + Shift + V Paste over selection Ctrl + Alt + O Team library
Ctrl + D Duplicate selection in place
Last modification: 11/11/2019 8:10:42 PM
Ctrl + R Rename selection
Ctrl + Shift + E Export More information:
Ctrl + Alt + C Copy properties
Ctrl + Alt + V Paste properties Customize this PDF...

Shift + H Flip horizontal
Shift + V Flip vertical
Ctrl + Alt + M Use a mask
Enter Edit shape or image
Ctrl + Shift + K Place image

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