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Session 13

Civil Obligations

I/ Overview of Civil Law in Vietnam
II/ Civil legal relations
III/ Ownership
IV/ Civil obligations
V/ Civil contracts
VI/ Tort law

IV/ Civil obligations - Outline
1) Definition
2) Bases for giving rise to civil obligations
3) Types of civil obligations
4) Transfer of rights/obligations
5) Securities for Performance of Civil

Session’s Objectives
• Being able to understand:
– WHAT a civil obligation is
– WHAT TYPES of civil obligations are
– HOW to establish a civil obligation
– HOW to transfer civil rights or obligations
– HOW to secure a civil obligation

4.1. Civil obligations: Definition
Civil obligations = ??? (Art. 274)
E.g. of civil obligations = ??? (Art.s 274; 275)
Civil obligations = Civil Legal Relations???
Elements Subjects Contents Objects
Legal Relations
obligors the obligors and obligee's properties (money, objects,
Civil Obligations obligees rights and obligations valuable papers), conducts,

individuals, organizations

employer the rights and obligations salary, fringe benefits,

E.g. ??? labour obligations employee of the employer and
promotion, monetary and
non-monetary rewards,...
4.2. Civil obligations: Bases
4.3. Civil obligations: Types
Art.s 287-291
- Separate v. Joint Civil Obligations
- Divisible v. Indivisible Civil Obligations
ex: separate: homeworks assigned to each students, homework assigned to groups of students: joint
-divisible: phân chia tài sản
4.3. Civil obligations: Types
1. A and B are co-tenants. Totally, they have to
pay the rental fee of 5 million VND/month.
a. Can the landlady require either of them to pay
287, 288.1
the whole sum of 5 million VND?
b. Assuming that the landlady succeeds in
requiring A to pay for B, can A require B to pay
his portion?288.2

c. Can the landlady require A and B to pay the

rent (of 60 m VND) for one year at a time? 290.2

Hints: Art.s 287-291

4.4. Civil Obligations:
Transfer of rights/obligations
- Transfer of Rights
- Transfer of Obligations

4.5. Civil Obligations:
Securities for Performance
- Pledge
- Mortgage
- Deposit/ Performance Bond
- Security Collateral/ Security Deposit
- Escrow Account/ Escrow Deposit
- Guarantee
- Pledge of Trust/ Fidelity Guarantee

4.5. Civil Obligations:
Securities for Performance
A is in debt now and would like to borrow
some money from B - his friend. B doubts
about the ability of A to return the
a. What A can do to persuade B to proceed
on lending the sum?
b. What if A does not have his own asset?
Hints: Art.s 292, 309, 317, 328, 331, 335,
344, 346
1. Create your own
mind-map for
today’s session!
(It works for you in
exams! :D)
2. Read Art.s 385-
393, 398, 406,
430-569, 117 in the
Civil Code
3. Read Course
book, pp. 195-196

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