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What is event-driven programming?

Event-driven programming (EDP) is a programming paradigm where external events

determine the flow of program execution. These events come in different shapes: user
actions (e.g., button clicks, keyboard inputs), system events (like a finished file download),
messages from other programs, sensor outputs, etc.

Unlike procedural and sequential programming (which generally follow predefined

execution steps or sequences), in EDP, the program waits (listens) for events and reacts
to them as they occur, by using appropriate event-handling procedures. This allows for
greater flexibility and responsiveness in applications.

It’s worth noting that event-driven programming is often asynchronous, and it’s particularly
popular in graphical user interfaces (GUIs), real-time apps, and IoT use cases.

EDP typically goes hand-in-hand with event-driven architectures (EDA). While EDA
defines how multiple (and different) programs interact and communicate via events, EDP
provides the means to implement the specific logic and behaviors within a program in
response to events. That’s not to say that all components that comprise an EDA need to
follow the EDP paradigm; however, adopting event-driven programming where suitable
can lead to more efficient and responsive systems within the overarching EDA. I won’t go
into more details here, but please see the “Event-oriented architecture: e-commerce
example” section towards the end of this article to better understand how EDP works as
a part of a wider EDA.

JavaScript Events
The change in the state of an object is known as an Event. In html, there are various
events which represents that some activity is performed by the user or by the browser.
When javascript code is included in HTML, js react over these events and allow the
execution. This process of reacting over the events is called Event Handling. Thus, js
handles the HTML events via Event Handlers.

For example, when a user clicks over the browser, add js code, which will execute the
task to be performed on the event.

Some of the HTML events and their event handlers are:

Mouse events:

Event Event Description

Performed Handler

click onclick When mouse click on an element

mouseover onmouseover When the cursor of the mouse comes over the

mouseout onmouseout When the cursor of the mouse leaves an element

mousedown onmousedown When the mouse button is pressed over the element

mouseup onmouseup When the mouse button is released over the element

mousemove onmousemove When the mouse movement takes place.

Keyboard events:

Event Event Handler Description


Keydown & Keyup onkeydown & onkeyup When the user press and then release the key

Form events:

Event Event Description

Performed Handler

focus onfocus When the user focuses on an element

submit onsubmit When the user submits the form

blur onblur When the focus is away from a form element

change onchange When the user modifies or changes the value of a form

Window/Document events

Event Event Description

Performed Handler

load onload When the browser finishes the loading of the page

unload onunload When the visitor leaves the current webpage, the browser
unloads it

resize onresize When the visitor resizes the window of the browser

Key concepts of event-driven programming

This section walks you through the core components involved in event-driven

An event refers to a significant occurrence or change in state within a system or
application. In simpler words, an event records that something has happened. Here are
some common examples of events:

 A user clicks a button in the UI.

 Someone makes an online payment.
 A user sends a chat message.
 A smartwatch detects an irregular heartbeat.
 A sensor reports a vehicle’s location and speed has changed.
 A record is inserted, updated, or deleted in a database.
 An application is starting or shutting down.
 A warning that disk space is running low.

Here’s an event that signifies a vibration recorded by a sensor installed on a machine

used in manufacturing:
"eventId": "a1b2c3d4-5678-90ef-ghij-klmnopqrstuv",
"eventType": "VibrationRecorded",
"timestamp": "2023-09-29T16:30:25Z",
"source": "VibrationSensor",
"sensorLocation": "Motor Assembly Line B, Conveyor Unit 4",
"version": "v1.2",
"data": {
"sensorId": "VB-42345",
"vibrationLevel": 12.5,
"baselineVibrationLevel": 4.0,
"unit": "m/s²",
"difference": 8.5
"metadata": {
"model": "VibroMonitor Pro X1",
"calibrationDate": "2023-06-15"
"systemMessage": "Vibration level recorded exceeds the acceptable threshold. Immediate inspection
In this example:

 eventId is the unique identifier specific to this vibration recording.

 eventType specifies the type of event.
 timestamp indicates the exact date and time when the event occurred.
 source and sensorLocation indicate the origin of the event.
 data contains the actual readings from the sensor and other relevant metrics.
 metadata provides additional information about the sensor.
 systemMessage is a human-readable alert or notice about the event.

Collecting such telemetry events enables the manufacturing company to monitor its
machines in real time and detect issues in production lines as soon as they occur. This
way, the manufacturer can quickly react and follow the appropriate course of action (i.e.,
investigate the machine and perform maintenance, if needed).

Producers and consumers

Producers are sources of events in a system. They generate events to signify that
something of interest has occurred. In the example provided in the previous section of
this article, the sensor that measures vibrations is the event producer.

Meanwhile, consumers listen for events generated by producers. To continue our

example, if the vibration sensor is the producer, the consumer could be, for instance:

 A monitoring system designed to analyze and visualize real-time vibration data, history,
and trends.
 An alerting system that sends automated alerts via email, SMS, or other means to
maintenance teams.
 A database or data storage system that stores the vibration readings for historical
analysis, reporting, or compliance purposes.
 All of the above (you can have multiple and different types of components/systems
consuming an event).

It’s also worth mentioning that, depending on the use case, an event producer can also
be a consumer. Think, for example, of chat apps. If you send a chat message (an
event), you are the producer. On the other hand, if you receive a chat message, you are
the event consumer.

Event listeners, event handlers, and the event loop

An event listener is a procedure or function in a computer program that waits for an
event to occur. Here’s an example in JavaScript:

const button = document.getElementById('myButton');

button.addEventListener('click', handleButtonClick);
In the snippet above, we’re attaching an event listener to a button (‘myButton‘).
The addEventListener method listens for a ‘click‘ event and associates it with
the handleButtonClick callback function.

handleButtonClick is the event handler — the actual code that gets executed in
response to the ‘click‘ event. Here’s a possible implementation:

function handleButtonClick(event) {
alert('Hello world!');
On button click, this trivial event handler will display an alert to the user saying ‘Hello

Note that you will often see these two terms (event listener and event handler) being
used interchangeably. However, as we have just seen, there is a distinction between

 The event listener listens for events and specifies which function to call when an event
 The event handler is the actual callback function that gets executed in response to the

Being aware of this distinction is important for several reasons:

 More efficient troubleshooting. When debugging, it's essential to know if an issue lies
in the event listening mechanism (the event isn't being captured) or the event handler
(the response isn't as expected).
 Flexibility and modularity. Multiple event listeners can trigger the same event handler,
and vice versa, a single event listener can trigger different event handlers based on
certain conditions. Grasping the distinction between handlers and listeners allows for
more flexible and modular coding practices.
 Clarity in collaboration. It’s crucial to have clear, shared terminology at a team level.
Misunderstandings can arise if one person is discussing a handler while someone else
believes they’re talking about a listener.
Before moving on from event listeners and handlers, it’s important to say a few words
about the event loop. Numerous runtimes and frameworks (e.g., JavaScript/Node.js or
Python’s asyncio library) use an event loop as a sort of intermediary between event
listeners and event handlers. Here’s how it works:

1. Event listeners detect incoming events and place them in an event queue.
2. The event loop mechanism continually checks for queued events and calls the
corresponding event handler for each event.

Event loop overview

One of the main benefits of the event loop is that it enables concurrent execution and
non-blocking I/O operations when you’re working with single-threaded programming
languages and runtimes.

Queues and topics

When dealing with high volumes of data and numerous producers and consumers in a
distributed environment, it’s common practice to use some sort of messaging
middleware to intermediate the flow of events between different components. We’ll talk
about the different types of messaging middleware later in this article; for now, suffice to
say that messaging middleware technologies generally use topics and message queues
to route events from producers to consumers:

 Message queues. A message queue temporarily stores messages (events) generated

by producers, ensuring they are processed in a specific order, often first-in-first-out
(FIFO) by a consumer. As events occur, they are added to the back of the queue. Once
a consumer processes the event, it’s deleted from the queue. There can be multiple
producers publishing events to a queue; however, on the consumer side, there is a
single entity consuming each message (point-to-point messaging). Note: do not confuse
message queues with event queues I mentioned earlier when talking about the event
loop. While an event queue helps manage and execute tasks (like functions or
callbacks) in an event-driven application, a message queue helps manage and transmit
events between different instances, applications, and systems.
 Topics. A topic is a communication channel specific to publish-subscribe (pub/sub)
messaging systems. Producers publish events to topics, and multiple consumers can
subscribe to topics to receive events. Unlike queues, events sent to a topic can be
consumed by multiple consumers, (one-to-many communication). Some messaging
middleware solutions allow you to retain events in topics for long periods of time, even
after they were delivered to consumers (this is not generally the case with queues).
Message queues vs. topics

Message queues and topics bring many benefits, such as:

 Decoupling. They introduce a level of decoupling between producers and consumers.

This means changes in one won't directly impact the other. Decoupling allows different
parts of the system to scale, evolve, and be maintained independently.
 Parallel processing. Multiple consumers can process events concurrently, optimizing
throughput, reducing processing times, and improving responsiveness.
 Asynchronous communication. Queues and topics allow non-blocking data exchange
between producers and consumers. This means producers aren't held up waiting for a
response, which leads to efficient workflows and improved system performance.
 Load leveling. Queues and topics act as buffers, preventing sudden bursts from
overwhelming processing units, and ensuring smooth operation.
 Reliable event delivery. Queues generally guarantee the order of delivery, ensuring
that sequences of events are processed in the correct chronological order. Meanwhile,
topics can guarantee ordering within specific conditions or configurations (e.g., at a
partition level, or across events that share the same key). Additionally, topics and
queues offer guarantees around event delivery, even during system failures —
unprocessed messages can be resent, which helps prevent data loss.

Event examples:

Click Event

1. <html>
2. <head> Javascript Events </head>
3. <body>
4. <script language="Javascript" type="text/Javascript">
5. <!--
6. function mouseClick()
7. {
8. document.write("This is JavaTpoint");
9. }
10. //-->
11. </script>
12. <form>
13. <input type="button" onclick=" mouseClick()" value="Who's this?"/>
14. </form>
15. </body>
16. </html>
MouseOver Event

1. <html>
2. <head>
3. <h1> Javascript Events </h1>
4. </head>
5. <body>
6. <script language="Javascript" type="text/Javascript">
7. <!--
8. function mouseoverevent()
9. {
10. alert("This is JavaTpoint");
11. }
12. //-->
13. </script>
14. <p onmouseover="mouseoverevent()"> Keep cursor over me</p>
15. </body>
16. </html>

Focus Event

1. <html>
2. <head> Javascript Events</head>
3. <body>
4. <h2> Enter something here</h2>
5. <input type="text" id="input1" onfocus="focusevent()"/>
6. <script>
7. <!--
8. function focusevent()
9. {
10. document.getElementById("input1").style.background=" aqua";
11. }
12. //-->
13. </script>
14. </body>
15. </html>

Keydown Event

1. <html>
2. <head> Javascript Events</head>
3. <body>
4. <h2> Enter something here</h2>
5. <input type="text" id="input1" onkeydown="keydownevent()"/>
6. <script>
7. <!--
8. function keydownevent()
9. {
10. document.getElementById("input1");
11. alert("Pressed a key");
12. }
13. //-->
14. </script>
15. </body>
16. </html>

Load event

1. <html>
2. <head>Javascript Events</head>
3. </br>
4. <body onload="window.alert('Page successfully loaded');">
5. <script>
6. <!--
7. document.write("The page is loaded successfully");
8. //-->
9. </script>
10. </body>
11. </html>
Advantages and challenges of event-driven
EDP brings significant advantages to developers and organizations. Here are the key

 Responsive applications. When an event occurs, predefined handlers or callbacks are

invoked instantly. This ensures that user inputs or system triggers receive prompt
feedback, in real time. In addition, many EDP apps use asynchronous, non-blocking
operations, especially for I/O tasks. In other words, instead of waiting for a task to
complete, the app can continue processing other events. This ensures the app remains
responsive even if it’s handling potentially time-consuming operations.
 Concurrency and scalability. Event-driven systems can process more than one event
at a time, which allows them to deal with numerous simultaneous user interactions or
system events. Events can be distributed and processed by multiple consumers in
parallel. This means it’s possible to handle large volumes of events without relying on a
single consumer, who could be a bottleneck that slows down the system.
 Modularity. Event-driven programming creates a framework where software
components are modular, with clearly defined responsibilities (for instance, each type of
event is usually handled by a corresponding event handler). Due to this separation of
concerns, you can add, remove, modify, and reuse components without affecting other
parts of the system.
 Efficient resource usage. By reacting only when events occur, event-driven systems
avoid the wastefulness and overhead of constant polling. This leads to more efficient
CPU and memory utilization (on-demand resource usage).

While EDP offers plenty of benefits, it also comes with challenges, such as:

 Code complexity. Asynchronous code can be hard to understand and debug. In

addition, layering multiple events and callbacks can lead to convoluted code.
 Testing is non-trivial. Emulating real-world event sequences for testing can be difficult.
 Ordering issues. Events may not always execute in the desired order. Race conditions
can cause unpredictable results, data corruption, and system instability.
 Steep learning curve. Developers who are new to EDP may experience a steep
learning curve, particularly when learning complex topics like concurrency behaviors.

Event-driven programming use cases

There are numerous real-world applications for EDP. Here are the most popular use

Use case About

Almost all modern GUIs are event-driven.
Events like button clicks, mouse
Graphical user interfaces (GUIs)
movements, or keyboard inputs can trigger
specific actions and update the interface.
Real-time apps rely on event-driven
programming to instantly react to events,
maintain responsiveness, and deliver low-
latency updates. Here are just a few
examples underpinned by EDP: push
Real-time functionality
notifications, chat apps, stock trading apps,
ride-sharing apps, multiplayer collaboration
functionality (e.g., Figma), live dashboards,
e-commerce recommendation systems, live
news and sports updates.
IoT devices generally communicate
asynchronously with central systems,
Internet of Things
relying on events to signal updates, alerts,
or changes in status.
Database systems often use event-driven
models to handle triggers or to notify other
Database systems
components about certain changes in the
Event-driven development is used in
scenarios where events need to be
Event processing processed as soon as they occur and acted
upon immediately (e.g., fraud detection in
EDP enables gamers to quickly react to
actions from other players, environmental
Game development
changes, or AI decisions, making gameplay
dynamic and immersive.

Event-driven programming technologies

The rise of real-time applications, and the need for scalable, responsive systems has
led to the emergence and adoption of a wide range of technologies optimized for event-
driven programming and event-driven architectures.

Programming languages
You can implement event-driven programs in any programming language. However,
some languages and their ecosystems (e.g., C#, JavaScript, Python, Ruby) naturally
offer more streamlined tools, libraries, and frameworks to simplify the development of
event-driven applications.

 Examples: C# (async/await), JavaScript (Node.js), Python (asyncio, Tornado, Twisted),

Ruby (EventMachine).
Communication protocols
Push-based protocols are generally a good fit for event-driven programming, because
they ensure that as soon as an event is generated, it's immediately delivered to the
consumer without waiting for them to request it. This leads to reduced latency and
efficient resource utilization (there’s no need for constant polling, which is
computationally expensive).

 Examples: WebSockets, Server-Sent Events (SSE), Message Queuing Telemetry

Transport (MQTT), Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP).

Event streaming platforms

An event streaming platform is a system designed to handle the continuous flow of data,
allowing for the production, persistent storage, and consumption of streams of events in
real time. Event streaming platforms are the backbone of event-driven programming in
distributed environments, bridging event producers with consumers efficiently, and
allowing them to react to events as soon as they occur. Event streaming platforms can
generally handle very high volumes of streaming data, allowing the system to scale up
as the event load increases.

 Examples: Apache Kafka, Apache Pulsar, Amazon Kinesis, Redpanda.

Learn how some of these event streaming platforms compare:

 Kafka vs. Kinesis

 Kafka vs. Pulsar
 Kafka vs. Redpanda

Stream processing solutions

Stream processing complements event streaming. While event streaming platforms
continuously collect, store, and deliver events from producers to consumers, stream
processing is a complementary technology that allows you to analyze and transform
(e.g., aggregation, windowing, deduplication, joining) streams of events in real time.

 Examples: Quix Streams, Kafka Streams, Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics, Google
Dataflow, Apache Beam, Apache Spark, Apache Flink.

See how some of these stream processing solutions compare:

 Apache Beam vs. Apache Spark

 Apache Flink vs. Kafka Streams
 Apache Spark vs. Apache Flink vs. Quix Streams

Event buses
You can think of an event bus as a routing middleware that receives events and delivers
them to one or more destinations. Event buses are generally well-suited for routing
events from many sources (producers) to many targets (consumers). Unlike event
streaming platforms, event buses usually deliver events in a fire-and-forget way (data
isn’t stored for long periods of time). Another difference is that event buses allow for
better, more efficient event filtering and routing compared to event streaming platforms.
The tradeoff is that event buses are not generally geared toward the same levels of
scalability and huge data volumes as event streaming solutions.

 Examples: Amazon EventBridge, Eventarc, Azure Event Grid.

Message queuing services

Message queues help you implement asynchronous, point-to-point communication. A
queue temporarily stores events generated by producers, ensuring they are processed
in a specific order, often first-in-first-out (FIFO) by a consumer. As events occur, they
are added to the back of the queue. Once an event is processed by a consumer, it’s
deleted from the queue. Message queuing services are especially vital in environments
where multiple events can occur simultaneously or nearly so, and they must be
processed in a specific order.

 Examples: RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ, Amazon SQS, Azure Queue Storage.

If you’re curious to see how event queuing services compare to event streaming
platforms, check out the following:

 ActiveMQ vs. Kafka

 RabbitMQ vs. Kafka

Pub/Sub messaging services

Although they both fall within the pub/sub paradigm, a pub/sub messaging service
differs from an event bus. An event bus usually includes centralized routing rules based
on the content of each event (message), whereas a pub/sub messaging service does
not. Instead, a pub/sub service broadcasts the same event to all subscribers of a
specific topic. Message routing is managed through decentralized subscriptions to
topics rather than centralized rules, and there usually isn't any in-built filtering based on
message content.

Note that event streaming platforms like Apache Kafka also belong to the pub/sub
paradigm, but can support more advanced use cases out of the box. In contrast, pure
pub/sub messaging services mainly focus on one simple task: delivering messages
reliably from producers to consumers.

 Examples: Azure Service Bus, Amazon SNS, Google Pub/Sub.

Event stores
An event store is a specialized database or storage system optimized for storing and
querying event-driven data. Unlike traditional databases that store the current state of
data entities, an event store captures the full series of state-changing events over time.
Each event in the store represents a state transition, carrying information about the
change, its cause, and a timestamp. This sequential log of events enables event
sourcing, a pattern where the application state is reconstructed by replaying the events.
 Examples: DynamoDB, Google Datastore, Azure CosmosDB, EventStoreDB, Axon

Event-oriented architecture: e-commerce example

At the beginning of this article, I mentioned that event-driven programming often goes
hand-in-hand with event-driven architecture. We’ll now look at an example to see how
these two concepts work together to deliver a system that reacts to events as they
occur, in real time.

We’ll use an online shop as an example. When customers (event producers) submit
orders, OrderPlaced events are generated. An event streaming platform then ingests
these events.

The event streaming platform then sends OrderPlaced events to:

 An event store, for long-term storage. This is useful for event sourcing, analytics (e.g.,
analyzing historical order data to understand buying patterns), and auditing.
 A payment service, which consumes the events to process customer payments.
Event-oriented architecture in e-commerce

The payment service has an event listener (OrderListener), which listens for events
and triggers an event handler (PaymentHandler) to initiate the payment process. Once
a payment is processed, the service emits a PaymentProcessed event, which is sent
to the event streaming platform, and from there, forwarded to the customer, as payment

We then have another component, a warehouse service. This service

consumes PaymentProcessed events from the event streaming platform. Similar to the
payment service, the warehouse service has an event listener (ShipmentListener) that
listens for events. The event listener triggers an event handler (ShipmentHandler)
which initiates the shipping process and sends a notification to the customer, so they
are aware their order will soon be underway.

In this architecture, as events flow through the system, each service can work
asynchronously, improving scalability and resilience. If, for instance, the payment
service goes down, orders can still be placed. Once the payment service is back, it can
pick up from where it left off, ensuring no order is missed — the event streaming
platform can store OrderPlaced events as long as needed for the payment service to
consume them (plus, they are also stored in the event store).

Bear in mind that this is a simplified architecture — the point was to showcase how EDA
and EDP work together in an easy-to-understand way. In a real-life scenario, the
architecture would be more complex. We’d likely have:

 Additional services that follow the EDP paradigm (e.g., fraud detection service, inventory
checker service, recommendation engine to send recommendations to shoppers).
 More types of events (for instance, FraudCheckCompleted to signal the result of a
fraud detection process, or InventoryChecked events, which are fired after verifying
product availability). Additionally, all types of events could be pushed to the event store
for long-term storage.
 Extra components, such as a stream processing solution (it would allow you, for
instance, to join OrderSubmitted and InventoryChecked events to ensure stock is
available before initiating the payment process).

Simplify event-driven development with Quix

Quix enables you to develop, release, and observe scalable event-driven apps without
having to worry about complex infrastructure and configuration. Under the hood, Quix
combines containerized microservices with Docker, Kafka, and Git — all of this is fully
managed, so there’s no infrastructure provisioning, setup, and maintenance nightmare
for you to deal with. Instead, you can focus entirely on writing your apps and deploying
them to production. Among other features, Quix offers:

 Open source connectors, so you can easily ingest events from different sources and
stream them to various destination systems.
 Online IDE and open source code samples.
 Stream processing capabilities.
 Multi-environment support, baked in CI/CD, and Git integration.
 Built-in observability, e.g., dashboards to monitor metrics and logs, a graphical snapshot
of your app’s architecture.
JS Sample Programs
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h2>What Can JavaScript Do?</h2>
<p id="demo">JavaScript can change HTML content.</p>
<button type="button" onclick='document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "Hello
JavaScript!"'>Click Me!</button>

<!DOCTYPE html>
<h2>What Can JavaScript Do?</h2>
<p>JavaScript can change HTML attribute values.</p>
<p>In this case JavaScript changes the value of the src (source) attribute of an
<button onclick="document.getElementById('myImage').src='pic_bulbon.gif'">Turn on the
<img id="myImage" src="pic_bulboff.gif" style="width:100px">
<button onclick="document.getElementById('myImage').src='pic_bulboff.gif'">Turn off the

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