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December 6 - 12, 2007

The Epoch Times


Walking lowers risk High- glycemic-index

of heart disease diet raises diabetes risk
Special to The Epoch Times NEW YORK (Reuters Health)—
Regular consumption of foods with
While exercise is pretty much a high-glycemic index appears to
universally recommended as a dis- increase the risk of type 2 diabetes
ease-preventer and important con- in African-American and Chinese
tributor to good health, there’s a sur- women, according to the results of
prising dearth of studies supporting two studies published last week.
this premise. Glycemic index refers to how
Most recommendations for exer- rapidly a food causes blood sugar
cise have come from epidemiologi- to rise. High-glycemic -index foods,
cal studies, which may find asso- like white bread and potatoes, tend
ciations between, say, activity and to spur a quick surge in blood sugar,
better health, but do not prove that while low-glycemic-index foods,
it’s the activity itself that’s is caus- such as lentils, soybeans, yogurt,
ing improvement. Active individuals and many high-fiber grains, create
may, after all, smoke less or eat more a more gradual increase in blood
healthily than less active individuals, sugar.
and it may be these factors that are For their study, Dr. Supriya
responsible for the apparent relation- Krishnan, from Boston University
ship between activity and enhanced School of Public Health, and col-
health. leagues examined data from 40,078
To properly gauge whatever bene- U.S. black women who filled out
fits exercise may have, we need proper a food questionnaire in 1995. The
intervention studies. The most obvi- glycemic index and glycemic load
ous model here would be to take a were calculated. Every two years
group of individuals and get them to through 2003, the women provided
up their exercise, and then compare up-to-date information about their
their long-term health with that of a weight, health, and other factors.
group who remain more sedentary. During eight years of follow-up,
As in the area of nutrition, such 1,938 women developed diabetes.
studies are rare compared to the epi- Results showed that women who
demiological variety, but they do ate high-glycemic-index foods or a
come along every so often, and they diet with a high-glycemic load had HIGH-GLYCEMIC FARE: These sweets have a high glycemic index. Eat-
generally provide a valuable oppor- a higher risk for diabetes. However, ing them often can predispose one to diabetes. L. VALENTINE/THE EPOCH TIMES
tunity to get a much more accurate women who ate more fiber from
picture of what exercise can—and grains (cereal fiber) had a reduced
can’t—do for us. risk. day) had a 28 percent higher risk “Given that a large part of the
Recently, such a study was pub- “Our results indicate that black than those in the group consum- world’s population consumes rice
lished. It essentially sought to assess women can reduce their risk of dia- ing the least (about 263.5 grams per and carbohydrates as the main-
the effects of walking on a group of betes by eating a diet that is high day). stay of their diets, these prospec-
individuals with type 2 diabetes [1]. in cereal fiber,” Krishnan and col- Women who had diets with a tive data linking intake of refined
The study started out with 102 indi- leagues write. “Incorporating fiber higher glycemic index and who ate carbohydrates to increased risk
viduals aged 35–75 who walked for sources into the diet is relatively more staples such as bread, noo- of type 2 diabetes mellitus may
20–30 minutes per day. Their progress easy: A simple change from white dles, and rice specifically also had have substantial implications for
was followed for a period of a little less bread (two slices provides 1.2 grams an increased risk. Women who public health,” Villegas’s team
than 18 months, during which their of fiber) to whole wheat bread (two ate 300 grams or more of rice per concludes.
adherence to the program and their slices provides 3.8 grams of fiber) or day were 78 percent more likely to
cardiovascular health with regard to substituting a cup of raisin bran (5 develop diabetes than those who Source: Archives of Internal
heart attack and stroke were assessed to 8 grams of fiber) or oatmeal (4 ate less than 200 grams per day. Medicine, Nov. 26, 2007
through telephone interviews. grams of fiber) for a cup of Corn
During the course of the study, 38 Chex (0.5 grams of fiber) or Rice
individuals dropped out and ceased Chex (0.3 grams of fiber) will move
the exercise program. The cardiovas- a person from a low-fiber intake
cular health of these individuals was category to a moderate-intake cat-
then compared with that of the indi- egory, with a corresponding 10 per-
viduals who stuck with the program. WALKING: An easy way to protect the heart. L. VALENTINE/THE EPOCH TIMES cent reduction in risk.”
The incidence of cardiovascular In the other study, Dr. Raquel
disease was about 1.5 percent in Villegas, from Vanderbilt Univer-
individuals who completed the sity Medical Center in Nashville,
program. This compared very be quite optimistic about the real ben- tary individuals to be more active. Tennessee, and colleagues followed
favorably indeed with the incidence efits to be had from regular exercise a group of 64,227 Chinese women
in dropouts, which was found to be for type 2 diabetics. References: for an average of five years. They
more than 18 percent. The result was What I find most pleasantly sur- interviewed the women every two
statistically significant and remained prising about the findings is the rela- 1. Shinji S, et al. Adherence to a years between 2000 and 2004, to
robust even after the researchers took tively short period of time it took for Home-Based Exercise Program and gather health-related information
into account other factors that might the benefits of exercise to become Incidence of Cardiovascular Disease such as dietary habits and physical
affect the result, including age. apparent. in Type 2 Diabetes Patients. Inter- activity levels.
This study was small and far from It would be nice to see more exer- national Journal of Sports Medicine During follow-up, 1,608 women
perfectly designed. Asking people cise-intervention studies in the future. 2007; 28:877–879 developed type 2 diabetes. Results
about their exercise habits and dis- Ideally, these should include healthy showed that women who con-
ease experience over the phone, for individuals and be focused on man- Dr. John Briffa is a London-based sumed more carbohydrates overall
instance, may not give us the most ageable, realistic forms of exercise, doctor, author, and health writer with were more likely to develop dia-
accurate picture of such factors. How- such as walking. Positive results from an interest in nutrition and natural betes. When they were split into
ever, even with these limitations, I do such studies and their attendant pub- medicine. His Web site is http://www. five groups based on carbohydrate
believe this study should allow us to licity may just help to inspire seden- intake, those in the group consum-
ing the most (about 337.6 grams per

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