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Instruction: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions.
Mark only one answer for each item by shading the box corresponding to the
letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES
ALLOWED. Use pencil no.2 only.

1. The membership of a country to the United Nations (UN) is decided by the ______ as
recommended by the Security Council.
A. International Court of Justice C. General Assembly
B. Secretariat D. Economic and Social Council

2. Background checks of individuals commensurate with the security requirements of

their work is –
A. personal security C. personnel security
B. security investigation D. background investigation

3. Regarded as the “Father of British Secret Service” and being considered as the “First
Great Spy Master”, who used information for national not for personal ends.
A. Sir Francis Walsingham Of England C. Karl Schulmeister
B. George Washington D. Allan Pinkerton

4. What were the primary goals of police professionalization introduced by August

Vollmer through the 1931 Wickersham Commission?
1. Elimination of political influence and appoint qualified chief executive
2. Establishment of a mission of non-partisan public service and raise
personnel standards
3. Introduction of principles of scientific management, emphasizing military-
style discipline and developing specialized units.
A. 1 and 2 C. 2 and 3
B. 1 and 3 D. 1, 2 and 3

5. Choices A, B, C, D are noted Intelligence agencies in the world. Which of them is

known as the “Institute”?
A. Central Intelligence Agency
B. Security Service (MI5) and Secret Intelligence Service (MI6)
C. Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti
D. Ha Mossad Le modi’in Ule Tafkidim Meyuhadin

6. One of the challenges in security and safety is the presence of any act or condition
which may be conducive to breaches of security which is known as –
A. danger C. risk
B. hazard D. natural hazard

7. Notice issued by the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) when

a certain fugitive has a pending warrant from his mother State and the latter
seeks to arrest him and be extradited is –
A. Blue Notice C Red Notice
B. Black Notice D. Green Notice

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8. An authenticated list of personnel allowing entry to the plant, facility or room with
classified work is –
A. access list C. I.D. system
B. personnel list D. VIP list

9. What concept of policing that considers the police organization as a mere

repressive machinery the barometer of police efficiency is more on arrest of criminals
and punishment is the only instrument of crime control?
A. Old Concept C. Classical Concept
B. Modern Concept D. Crime Control

10. Crime prevention is the foremost among police functions. What does it mean?
A. Elimination or reduction of the desire to commit crime
B. Neutralization of criminal activity by proper enforcement of criminal laws
C. Enforcement of rules and regulations and ordinances all aimed at achieving
a desired uniform standard of activity among members of society
D. Police visibility to eliminate desire, opportunity and instruments of crime

11. Emergency lighting system is placed –

A. on a regular schedule for secure areas
B. for occasions when more light is needed
C. when more light is needed in areas not usually lit
D. to be used as an alternate power source when the regular power source fails

12. Known as “Private Security Agency Law of the Philippines”. It governs the
organization, operation and supervision of private security and detective agency in the
A. Act 175 C. RA 5487
B. RA 4864 D. RA 6975

13. Security Service contracts between private security agency and their clients must
be in writing and should be –
A. published C. typewritten
B. printed D. notarized

14. Category of police intelligence whose operational value cannot be readily

ascertained. They are not practical and immediate but rather long range that requires
build - up. It deals with identifying the “intention” of the subject of intelligence effort
and mostly employed in the formulation of policy and military plans.
A. Order of battle intelligence C. Line/tactical intelligence
B. Strategic intelligence D. Counter-intelligence

15. Patrol is called the “Operational Heart” of the police organization because the –
A. patrol force incorporates all objectives inherent in the police organization
B. general goal of patrol is to safeguard the community
C. patrol force have always been expected to handle variety of situations
D. patrol is the single largest element in the police organization

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16. The total number of the prescribed high power-firearms that private security
agency/company guard’s force is authorized to posses is not exceeding _____ percent
of the total number of guards employed.
A. 10 C. 20
B. 5 D. 15

17. He wrote the book entitled “Art of War” and the theories he set down around 490
BC remain remarkably fresh and are required reading in the practice of intelligence
today. It basically postulated that “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you
need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy,
for every victory gained you will also suffer defeat. If you know neither the enemy and
nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle”.
A. Sun Tzu C. Hannibal
B. Alexander The Great D. Julius Caesar

18. Sir Robert Peel’s concept of modern police are:

1.Organized along military lines who are screened and trained
2. Hired on a probationary basis and deployed by time and area
3. Accessible to the people and maintains records
4. Good appearance commands respect.
5. Public security demands that every police be given a code
A. 1, 3 and 5 C. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
B. 2 and 4 D. 2, 3, 4 and 5

19. Assume that you are a Criminologist-Beat Patroller. Before you

assume your tour of duty, you are required, as a standard practice____.
A. To attend the roll call formation for briefing
B. To check your personal appearance, uniform and individual equipment
and instruments
C. To report to your immediate superior officer and declare readiness for
the task
D. To know the crime incidents that transpired during the previous day

20. An assignment of trained intelligence personnel to other agency in order to

obtain information of police intelligence value is known as –
A. discovery and identification C. liaison programs
B. surveillance D. debriefing

21. The National Appellate Board composed of a chairperson and three regular
members have the following appellate jurisdiction, EXCEPT:
A. Demotion or dismissal cases decided by the Regional Appellate Board
B. Demotion or dismissal cases decided by the Chief, Philippine National Police
C. Demotion or dismissal cases recommended by the Inspector General-Internal
Affairs Service that were not acted upon by the Chief, PNP
D. Affirmation of the Inspector General –Internal Affairs Service to the
resolution of the Regional Internal Affairs Service dismissing the complaint for lack of
probable cause

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22. Person, things, action or events from which information about the enemy, weather
or terrain is derived. It may or may not be under friendly control.
A. Informant C. Source
B. Agency D. List

23. Penetration agent is the one who –

A. uses his authority to procure information
B. has been recruited for a highly sensitive target
C. have reached to the enemy, gather information and able to return without
being caught
D. leaks false information to the enemy

24. Consider the following statements

I. Watch list contains the identities and locations persons whose inclinations
and attitudes toward the State’s objectives could not be determined
II. White list contains the identities and locations of persons who have been
identified as being of intelligence interest and are expected to be able to provide
information or assistance in existing or new intelligence.
III. Black list contains the listing of actual or potential enemy collaborators,
sympathisers, intelligence suspects and other person whose presence menaces the
security of friendly forces.
Choose the correct answer
A. I, II and III are true C. Only II and III are true
B. Only I and II are true D. Only I and III are true

25. An intelligence analyst performs the following activities in the processing of

procured information to come out with intelligence product
1. Recording 4. Analysis
2. Evaluation 5. Interpretation
3. Validation 6. Verification
A. 1, 2, 3 and 4 C. 2, 3, 5 and 6
B. 1, 2, 4 and 5 D. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6

26. Assume that you are a Criminologist-Intelligence Analyst. How will you present the
evaluated information B-3U?
A. The information was reported by a civilian agent who is unreliable and the
information is possibly true.
B. The information was reported by the penetration agent who is usually
reliable and the information is possibly true.
C. The information was obtained from captured enemy subjected to
D. The information was given by a member of a populace whose reliability
cannot be judged but the information is confirmed by other source

27. Essential questions that are required to be answered in planning are:

1. What is the work to be done?
2. Who will do the work?

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3. How will the work be accomplished?
4. Why is there a need to accomplish?
A. 1 and 3 C. 1, 2 and 3
B. 2 and 4 D. 2, 3 and 4

28. What standard operating procedure that is intended to be used in all situations of
all kinds, outlined as a guide to officers and men in the field?
A. Headquarters procedures C. Special operating procedures
B. Field procedures D. Characteristics of plans

29. A Case Officer has received an information from a Metropolitan Manila

Development Authority (MMDA), that a certain place in Marikina is being used as
stashhouse of a notorious carnapping syndicate operating in Luzon. The informant
reliability cannot be judged but the information given is possibly true.
A. A2-U C. C4-W
B. F3-Y D. F3-X

30. Considered to be the most practical means of determining crime situation or

occurrence of criminal incidents which acknowledged to be a tool in increasing the
officer’s effectiveness. This may be used as supplement to statistics, especially to
patrol officer in the field.
A. Spot or pin map C. Hot spots
B. Enemy situation map D. G-spot

31. Which of the following is considered as line intelligence hence immediate and short
A. Lay out of the area, house, structure building, or installation where an
arrest or raid will be conducted
B. Type of firearms and number and location of hostages and hostage takers
C. Espionage, sabotage, subversive acts, assassinations and enemy collection
D. A and B

32. The patrol method that has the combined characteristics of mobility and stealth
refers to –
A. foot C. motorcycle
B. bicycle D. automobile

33. It provides a consolidated reference containing data on organized crime groups for
operational purposes.
A. The Target List C. Wanted List
B. Priority List D. Watch List

34. In each prefecture in Tokyo Japan there are several police stations that serve as
the principal operational unit of the police which is sub-divided into police boxes
which are populary known as –
A. Koban C. Chuzaishe
B. Chi sai san D. Kobun-Oyabun

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35. Which office/ agency that has the actual control of the police in Japan that enjoys
degree of local autonomy?
A. Prime Minister C. National Public Safety Commission
B. National Police Agency D. Regional Police Bureaus

36. In this system of policing in Europe, England was divided into 55 military
districts known as the Shire-Rieve. Shire was the district, Rieve was the ruler who
makes law, pass judgment and impose punishment, with the assistance of the
A. Shire- Rieve System C. Leges Henri
B. The Travelling Judge D. The Magna-Carta

37. Man-made hazards are acts or conditions affecting the safe operation of the facility
caused by human actions, intentional or –
A. planned C. accidental
B. deliberate D. force majeure

38. Propriety in the dissemination of intelligence means, intelligence must–

A. reach the user on time to be of value
B. be disseminated to the correct user
C. be given to the user through personal contacts such as conferences,
briefings and person to person exchanges
D. be disseminated through messages such as Couriers and other secured
electrical means

39. If your goal is to intercept crimes on progress and to prevent crimes from
occurring through police presence; what type patrol will you use?
A. Reactive patrol C. Preventive patrol
B. Proactive patrol D. High visibility patrol

40. Commonly unrelated crime prevention and law enforcement duties are:
1. Performing necessary services and inspections
2. Handling of conflicts among neighbor
3. Report to corresponding agencies underground water pipes leaks, open
manhole, clogged drainages, uncollected garbage, etc
4. Request to intervene in situation between husband and wife
A. 1, 2 and 3 C. 1 and 3
B. 2, 3 and 4 D. 2 and 4

41. Information or material in any form or of any nature, the safeguarding of which is
necessary in the interest of national security.
A. Classified matter C. National security matter
B. Top security document D. Secret matter

42. Built-in overhead device that emits liquid case of excessive heat in a room like fire
or hot smoke.
A. Fire hydrant C. hydraulic
B. Sprinkler system D. fire extinguisher

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43. Functional classification of police intelligence essential to ensuring the protection
of lives and properties is –
A. police intelligence C. internal security
B. criminal Intelligence D. public safety intelligence

44. You are the Chief of Police (COP) in a medium-size Municipal Police Station in the
province. What plan will you prepare to cope up with specific situations at such as
attack by lawless elements in your police headquarters?
A. Tactical Plans C. Management Plans
B. Extra-office plans D. Strategic plans

45. Can natural hazards be prevented by the security force of a plant?

A. Yes, by monitoring warning from the weather bureau
B. No, it is an act of God and nobody can prevents it
C. No, but its effects which can cause damage to life and property
D. Yes, by proper planning and constant drills

46. Citizen’s Complaints against PNP members, who are not assigned in the municipal
station or city police office/station or in areas where no PLEB is organized, is filed in
A. Regional Director
B. Provincial or Regional Internal Affairs Service where the offense was
C. National Police Commission
D. Chief, PNP

47. The Philippine National Police (PNP) has the Special Action Force while the Royal
Malaysian Police has the –
A. Special Action Unit C. UNGERIN
B. General Operation Unit D. PGK

48. Which plan is designed to meet the long range, overall goals of the organization
which is very important because it allows them to prepare for, and deal with the
changing environmental conditions?
A. Strategic Plan C. Operational Plan
B. Visionary Plan D. Tactical Plan
49. What is the common police patrol practice particularly in high-crime areas where
persons whose behaviour is suspicious are accosted on the street, interrogated and
frisked by the police officer?
A. High visibility patrol C. Stop and frisk
B. Reactive patrol D. Street interview/interrogation
50. The patrol strategy which employs police officers in their police uniform and
marked police
vehicles refers to –
A. high visibility C. decoy
B. low visibility D. blending

51. On the study of globalization’s impact on policing, globalization is simply

the influence of –

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A. Economics, politics, cultures, and society
B. Mental deterioration of police force
C. Indifference of policing system in the world
D. Transportation, communication and technology

52. On the average nationwide, the manning levels of the Philippine National
Police are approximately in accordance with a police-to population ratio of 1
policeman for every 500 persons, but must not below –
A. 1 policeman for every 300 persons
B. 2 policemen for every 1000 persons
C. 1 policeman for every 1000 persons
D. 3 policemen for every 1500 persons

53. When the Philippine National Police was established with the enactment of
Republic 6975, its uniformed personnel workforce initially consisted of –
1. The officers and enlisted personnel of the Philippine Constabulary and the
members of the police forces who were integrated in the Integrated National
2. Commissioned and non-commissioned officers of the Philippine Air Force
and Philippine Army
3. Those officers and enlisted personnel who were assigned with the Narcotics
4. Members of the local police in the Metropolitan Manila and those in the
5. Regular operatives of the abolished National Police Commission’s Inspection,
Investigation and Intelligence Branch
6. Those officers and enlisted personnel who were assigned with the Criminal
Investigation Service, to include its civilian operatives
A. 1, 3, 5 and 6 C. 2 and 4
B. 2, 4 and 6 D. 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6

54. Can the President of the Republic of the Philippines may extend the PNP Chief’s
tour of duty?
A. Yes, when the country is at war or facing other national emergency
B. No, the tour of duty of the Chief, PNP is fixed for 4years
C. Yes, when there is an overwhelming public clamor for his retention
D. No, except when no suitable replacement for him is found

55. The following are the powers and functions of the Philippine National Police,
A. To investigate and prevent crimes
B. To maintain peace and order and take all necessary steps to ensure public
C. To supervise the conduct of mandatory training for all uniformed PNP

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D. To issue licenses for the possession of firearms and explosives in accordance
with law

56. Under Republic Act 8551, which power does the National Police Commission
exercises over the Philippine National Police?
A. Conduct yearly management audit
B. Administrative control and operational supervision
C. Supervision of the training of PNP personnel
D. Operational control and administrative supervision

57. The age, height and weight requirements for initial appointment to the
Philippine National Police may be waived –
A. Only when applicants possess extraordinary credentials
B. Only when the number of qualified applicants fall below the minimum
annual quota
C. Only when there is an urgent need for applicant’s services
D. Only when applicants are duly endorsed by the local chief executives, and
by their previous work history, have proven that they could be potential
assets of the PNP

58. PNP members with less than 1 year of service before reaching the compulsory
retirement age of 56 shall not be promoted to a higher rank or appointed to any
position. This statement is ABSOLUTELY true.
A. Yes, pursuant to Republic Act 8551
B. No because star rank personnel are not covered by that rule
C. Yes, in accordance with Republic Act 9708
D. No because the Chief PNP is the exception to that rule

59. Police Senior Superintendent Juanito De Guzman is due to retire

compulsorily from the PNP after 36 years of faithful and dedicated service.
Based on Republic Act 8551, he is entitled to a monthly retirement pay of –
A. Equivalent to 50% of his base pay and longevity pay
B. Equivalent to 90% of his base pay and longevity pay
C. Equivalent to 80% of his base pay and longevity pay
D. Equivalent to 100% of his base pay and longevity pay

60. The salary grade level of uniformed members of the Philippine National Police is
the same as that –
A. Of the public school teachers
B. Of the uniformed members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines
C. Of the uniformed members of the Bureau of Fire Protection
D. Of the uniformed members of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology

61. When a police officer has joined the Internal Affairs Service of the PNP, he may
NOT thereafter join in any other unit of the organization nor shall be allowed to
sit in a committee, deliberating on a police officer’s –
1. Promotion
2. Appointment
3. Assignment

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4. Designation
5. Placement
A. 1, 3 and 5 C. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
B. 1, 2 and 3 D. 4 and 5

62. Which of the following has a jurisdiction over a complaint or charge against
the PNP member when the penalty to be imposed is dismissal from the service?
A. People’s Law Enforcement Board
B. Internal Affairs Service
C. City or Municipal Mayor
D. Governor

63. Reform of the different paradigms of policing system in the world is

needed to effectively address transnational crimes. Which of the
following is NOT one of the acceptable measure?
A. International conventions
B. Policing and training
C. Addressing the laws
D. Sharing of resources including personnel

64. While patrolling your beat, you, a Criminologist-police Officer have NO right to
perform a pat-down search when?
A. The person is an ex-convict and is widely known to have a violent criminal
B. The person has been legitimately stopped with reasonable suspicion
C. You have reason to believe that the person possess weapon/s on his person
D. The person poses threat to you or another person’s safety

65. Assume that you are a Criminologist-Police Officer. While off-duty and in
civilian clothes, you saw a person carrying a suspicious objects. You decided to
approach him for the purpose of conducting a spot check or accosting. How will
you do it?
A. Conduct a spot check in the presence of the witness
B. Invite the suspect to a neutral and secured place
C. Identify yourself and display your official identification card or badge
D. Arrest the suspect and inform him of his Miranda Rights

66. You are a lone Police Officer in the beat conducting a routine observation. You
have noticed a suspicious individuals whom you decided to accost. The FIRST
thing you should do is –
A. Inform them of their rights under the law
B. Identify yourself before announcing your purpose
C. Call their attention in a language or dialect they can understand
D. Determine whether the circumstances warrant a request for back-up

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67. Being cursory in nature, pat-down searches are performed by police officers
with the suspect/s in –
A. Lying position C. Standing position
B. Prone position D. Kneeling position

68. During the pat-down search, you as a searcher is permitted only –

A. To place your hands inside the pockets of the suspect’s clothing
B. To feel the outer clothing of the suspect for any suspicious object
C. To conduct visual search of the suspect’s clothing for any suspicious object
D. Lift the suspect’s clothing approximately three inches above his waistline

69. When you, a police officer conduct a pat-down search on a suspect carrying a
handbag suspected to conceal deadly weapon you should –
A. Open the item in front of the suspect or obtain the suspect’s consent before
opening it
B. Not open the item and let it remain in the possession of the suspect
C. Open the item in the presence of a witness of sufficient age and discretion
D. Not open the item but instead put it in a place outside the suspect’s reach

70. The activities incidental to the commission of crimes of violence that are
similar in form and method to genuine terrorism but lacks some
essential ingredient. The use, the modalities and techniques of the
genuine terrorist but the purpose is quite different. Which one of these?
A. Civil disorder C. Limited political terrorism
B. Quasi-Terrorism D. Organized criminals
71. It may also be referred to as structural terrorism, such that terrorist acts
are carried out by governments in pursuit of political objectives, often as
part of their foreign policy. Which one of these?
A. Quasi- terrorism
B. Civil disorder
C. Limited political terrorism
D. Official or state terrorism
72. Of the following, what kind of cyber modus operandi is made whereby an
attempt to make a computer resource unavailable to its intended users
is made?
A. Computer virus infection C. Hacking
B. Cybercrime D. Denial-of–service attack
73. It is a malicious computer software that interferes with normal computer
functions or send personal data about the user to unauthorized partieis
over internet. This refers to –
A. Denial-of-service attack C. Malware (malicious code)
B. Plain cybercime D. Virus infection

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74. In understanding cyber crimes, what is known as a technologically-
based “attack” on one person who has been targeted specifically by
reasons of anger, revenge or control?
A. Denial of service attack C. Malware or malicious coding
B. Cyber stalking D. Cyborg
75. Use of computer to take or alter data, or to gain unlawful use of
computer services is known as –
A. computer fraud C. conduit fraud
B. customs fraud D. bank card fraud
76. What kind of modern crime is committed when the use of one person’s
personal information by another to commit fraud or other crimes is
A. Larceny C. Espionage
B. Identity theft D. Customary
77. In modern world study of crimes, there is a new kind of warfare where
information and attacks on information and its system are used as a tool
of warfare. Which of these?
A. Warfare of the internet C. Access to information
B. Information warfare D. Access warfare
78. What is the INTERPOL’s supreme governing body that meets annually
and comprises delegates appointed by each member country?
A. Assembly Meeting C. Consultative Meeting
B. General Assembly D. Meeting de Avance
79. The General Secretariat of the INTERPOL is located in Lyon, France, and
operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and officials from more that 80
countries work side-by-side in any of the organization’s four official
languages. This is the home of the –
A. Director General C. Secretary General
B. Secret General D. Executive Officer
80. At the INTERPOL, which one of these gives development equipping
activities for member countries in fighting transnational crimes?
A. Secure global police communication services
B. Operational data services and databases for police
C. Operational police support services
D. Police training and development
81. INTERPOL means –
A. International Criminal Police Organization
B. International Police
C. Inter-police Organizational Network
D. International Policing System
82. ASEANAPOL means –
A. Asian Police Organization

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B. Association of National Police Forces of the ASEAN Region
C. Association of National Police Forces
D. ASEAN Chiefs of National Police
83. Which of the following is also referred to as the Metropolitan Service in
A. Ministry of Police C. Scotland Yard
B. National Police Force D. The “Bobbies”
84. In Japan, the office of which has the authority in their police force is the

A. President C. Kobayashi
B. Prime Minister D. Ministry of Defense
85. The word “Abu Sayyaf” literally means –
A. The Sword Bearer C. Muslim Revolutionary
B. Father of Local Terrorist D. For the Love of God
86. Section 6, Article 16 of the 1987 Constitution provides that the State shall
establish one police force that is national in scope and civilian in character to
be administered and controlled by the NAPOLCOM, this means that:
1. PNP personnel are employees of the national government and they
shall draw their salaries therefrom
2. All aspects of police employment from selection to termination shall be
laid down by the national government
3. Disciplinary actions shall be executed by the national government
4. Commissioned Officers of the PNP may be assigned in any part of the
Philippine territory
A. 1 and 2 only C. 1, 2 and 4 only
B. 1, 2 and 3 D. 1, 2, 3 and 4

87. Operational plans depend greatly on the intelligence on the particular

activity. The statement refers to which principle of intelligence operations?
A. Intelligence is continuous
B. Intelligence and operation are interdependent
C. Intelligence must be timely
D. Intelligence operations require imagination and foresight

88. Directing as one of the functions of police management is consists of the

following, EXCEPT –
A. Reporting C. Instructing
B. Commanding D. Giving orders

89. The developmental period of policing which significantly affects the

contemporary policing system in the most countries in the world is –
A. Anglo-Saxon Period C. Westminster Period
B. Norman Period D. Modern Period

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90. The accomplishment of the purpose of patrol, crime prevention, traffic, vice, etc.
can be found in –
A. management plan C. operational plan
B. tactical D. extra departmental plan

91. A non-stock organization formed in 1958 which crafted the bill of what is known
today as the “Private Security Agency Law” is the –

92. What office under the Chief of the PNP charged with the supervision, direction and
control of all security agencies in the country?
A. Philippine National Police – Supervisory Office Security Investigation Agency
B. Philippine Constabulary Integrated national Police Supervisory Unit Security
Investigation Agency
C. Philippine National Police - Civil Security Group
D. Philippine Association of Detective and Protective Agency Operations, Inc.

93. After operating for six months or more, the private security agencies, the private
security agencies can procure licensed firearms in ____ to the number of guard posted.
A. ratio C. proportion
B. 10% D. 20%

94. What type of patrol should be adopted if the purpose is to attain good and
healthy community relation?
A. Automobile patrol C. Bicycle patrol
B. Foot patrol D. Canine

95. How can a foot patrol officer be better checked whether they are on their respective
beat or not?
1. By means of inspection by the beat leader
2. By checking on the neighbourhood residents
3. By analysis of the report
4. By installing CCTV came in all police beats
A. 1, 2 and 3 C. 1 and 3
B. 1, 2, 3 and 4 D. 2 and 4

96. Which of the following are the three (3) aspects of police visibility?
A. Proper, adequate and timely police response
B. Physical presence of the police, proper patrolling scheme and response time
C. Mobile, integrated and widespread
D. foot patrol, mobile patrol and specialized patrol scheme.

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97. First used by the Egyptians for patrolling. It is useful in high crime areas,
dangerous search situations, dealing with street gangs, dispersing crowd,
apprehending fleeing suspects, parks, schools and other large building. Which is being
A. Dog patrol C. K-9 Police Operations
B. Canine Assisted Patrol D. K-9 Corps

98. What is the common police patrol practice particularly in high-crime areas where
persons whose behaviour is suspicious are accosted on the street, interrogated and
frisked by the police officer?
A. High visibility patrol C. Stop and frisk
B. Reactive patrol D. Street interview/interrogation

99. The preliminary steps to police planning is the –

A. recognition of the need of the plan
B. collection of facts
C. frame of reference
D. securing of authority to plan

100. In Criminal Intelligence, a list consisting of persons suspected to have committed

organized or heinous crimes based from unverified reports and are subject for further
monitoring, investigation and case build-up is –
A. wanted list C. watch list
B. target list D. black list


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Instruction: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions.
Mark only one answer for each item by shading the box corresponding to the
letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES
ALLOWED. Use pencil no.2 only.

1. The membership of a country to the United Nations (UN) is decided by the ______ as
recommended by the Security Council.
C. International Court of Justice C. General Assembly
D. Secretariat D. Economic and Social Council

2. Background checks of individuals commensurate with the security requirements of

their work is –
A. personal security C. personnel security
B. security investigation D. background investigation

3. Regarded as the “Father of British Secret Service” and being considered as the “First
Great Spy Master”, who used information for national not for personal ends.
A. Sir Francis Walsingham Of England C. Karl Schulmeister
B. George Washington D. Allan Pinkerton

4. What were the primary goals of police professionalization introduced by August

Vollmer through the 1931 Wickersham Commission?
1. Elimination of political influence and appoint qualified chief executive
2. Establishment of a mission of non-partisan public service and raise
personnel standards
3. Introduction of principles of scientific management, emphasizing military-
style discipline and developing specialized units.
A. 1 and 2 C. 2 and 3
B. 1 and 3 D. 1, 2 and 3

5. Choices A, B, C, D are noted Intelligence agencies in the world. Which of them is

known as the “Institute”?
A. Central Intelligence Agency
B. Security Service (MI5) and Secret Intelligence Service (MI6)
C. Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti
D. Ha Mossad Le modi’in Ule Tafkidim Meyuhadin

6. One of the challenges in security and safety is the presence of any act or condition
which may be conducive to breaches of security which is known as –
C. danger C. risk
D. hazard D. natural hazard

7. Notice issued by the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) when

a certain fugitive has a pending warrant from his mother State and the latter
seeks to arrest him and be extradited is –
A. Blue Notice C Red Notice
B. Black Notice D. Green Notice

16 | P a g e
8. An authenticated list of personnel allowing entry to the plant, facility or room with
classified work is –
C. access list C. I.D. system
D. personnel list D. VIP list

9. What concept of policing that considers the police organization as a mere

repressive machinery the barometer of police efficiency is more on arrest of criminals
and punishment is the only instrument of crime control?
A. Old Concept C. Classical Concept
B. Modern Concept D. Crime Control

10. Crime prevention is the foremost among police functions. What does it mean?
A. Elimination or reduction of the desire to commit crime
B. Neutralization of criminal activity by proper enforcement of criminal laws
C. Enforcement of rules and regulations and ordinances all aimed at achieving
a desired uniform standard of activity among members of society
D. Police visibility to eliminate desire, opportunity and instruments of crime

11. Emergency lighting system is placed –

A. on a regular schedule for secure areas
B. for occasions when more light is needed
C. when more light is needed in areas not usually lit
D. to be used as an alternate power source when the regular power source fails

12. Known as “Private Security Agency Law of the Philippines”. It governs the
organization, operation and supervision of private security and detective agency in the
C. Act 175 C. RA 5487
D. RA 4864 D. RA 6975

13. Security Service contracts between private security agency and their clients must
be in writing and should be –
A. published C. typewritten
B. printed D. notarized

14. Category of police intelligence whose operational value cannot be readily

ascertained. They are not practical and immediate but rather long range that requires
build - up. It deals with identifying the “intention” of the subject of intelligence effort
and mostly employed in the formulation of policy and military plans.
A. Order of battle intelligence C. Line/tactical intelligence
B. Strategic intelligence D. Counter-intelligence

15. Patrol is called the “Operational Heart” of the police organization because the –
A. patrol force incorporates all objectives inherent in the police organization
B. general goal of patrol is to safeguard the community
C. patrol force have always been expected to handle variety of situations
D. patrol is the single largest element in the police organization

17 | P a g e
16. The total number of the prescribed high power-firearms that private security
agency/company guard’s force is authorized to posses is not exceeding _____ percent
of the total number of guards employed.
A. 10 C. 20
B. 5 D. 15

17. He wrote the book entitled “Art of War” and the theories he set down around 490
BC remain remarkably fresh and are required reading in the practice of intelligence
today. It basically postulated that “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you
need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy,
for every victory gained you will also suffer defeat. If you know neither the enemy and
nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle”.
A. Sun Tzu C. Hannibal
B. Alexander The Great D. Julius Caesar

18. Sir Robert Peel’s concept of modern police are:

1.Organized along military lines who are screened and trained
2. Hired on a probationary basis and deployed by time and area
3. Accessible to the people and maintains records
4. Good appearance commands respect.
5. Public security demands that every police be given a code
A. 1, 3 and 5 C. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
B. 2 and 4 D. 2, 3, 4 and 5

21. Assume that you are a Criminologist-Beat Patroller. Before you

assume your tour of duty, you are required, as a standard practice____.
E. To attend the roll call formation for briefing
F. To check your personal appearance, uniform and individual equipment
and instruments
G. To report to your immediate superior officer and declare readiness for
the task
H. To know the crime incidents that transpired during the previous day

22. An assignment of trained intelligence personnel to other agency in order to

obtain information of police intelligence value is known as –
A. discovery and identification C. liaison programs
B. surveillance D. debriefing

21. The National Appellate Board composed of a chairperson and three regular
members have the following appellate jurisdiction, EXCEPT:
A. Demotion or dismissal cases decided by the Regional Appellate Board
B. Demotion or dismissal cases decided by the Chief, Philippine National Police
C. Demotion or dismissal cases recommended by the Inspector General-Internal
Affairs Service that were not acted upon by the Chief, PNP
D. Affirmation of the Inspector General –Internal Affairs Service to the
resolution of the Regional Internal Affairs Service dismissing the complaint for lack of
probable cause

18 | P a g e
22. Person, things, action or events from which information about the enemy, weather
or terrain is derived. It may or may not be under friendly control.
A. Informant C. Source
B. Agency D. List

23. Penetration agent is the one who –

E. uses his authority to procure information
F. has been recruited for a highly sensitive target
G. have reached to the enemy, gather information and able to return without
being caught
H. leaks false information to the enemy

24. Consider the following statements

I. Watch list contains the identities and locations persons whose inclinations
and attitudes toward the State’s objectives could not be determined
II. White list contains the identities and locations of persons who have been
identified as being of intelligence interest and are expected to be able to provide
information or assistance in existing or new intelligence.
III. Black list contains the listing of actual or potential enemy collaborators,
sympathisers, intelligence suspects and other person whose presence menaces the
security of friendly forces.
Choose the correct answer
A. I, II and III are true C. Only II and III are true
B. Only I and II are true D. Only I and III are true

25. An intelligence analyst performs the following activities in the processing of

procured information to come out with intelligence product
1. Recording 4. Analysis
2. Evaluation 5. Interpretation
3. Validation 6. Verification
A. 1, 2, 3 and 4 C. 2, 3, 5 and 6
B. 1, 2, 4 and 5 D. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6

26. Assume that you are a Criminologist-Intelligence Analyst. How will you present the
evaluated information B-3U?
A. The information was reported by a civilian agent who is unreliable and the
information is possibly true.
B. The information was reported by the penetration agent who is usually
reliable and the information is possibly true.
C. The information was obtained from captured enemy subjected to
D. The information was given by a member of a populace whose reliability
cannot be judged but the information is confirmed by other source

27. Essential questions that are required to be answered in planning are:

1. What is the work to be done?
2. Who will do the work?

19 | P a g e
3. How will the work be accomplished?
4. Why is there a need to accomplish?
A. 1 and 3 C. 1, 2 and 3
B. 2 and 4 D. 2, 3 and 4

28. What standard operating procedure that is intended to be used in all situations of
all kinds, outlined as a guide to officers and men in the field?
C. Headquarters procedures C. Special operating procedures
D. Field procedures D. Characteristics of plans

29. A Case Officer has received an information from a Metropolitan Manila

Development Authority (MMDA), that a certain place in Marikina is being used as
stashhouse of a notorious carnapping syndicate operating in Luzon. The informant
reliability cannot be judged but the information given is possibly true.
C. A2-U C. C4-W
D. F3-Y D. F3-X

30. Considered to be the most practical means of determining crime situation or

occurrence of criminal incidents which acknowledged to be a tool in increasing the
officer’s effectiveness. This may be used as supplement to statistics, especially to
patrol officer in the field.
A. Spot or pin map C. Hot spots
B. Enemy situation map D. G-spot

31. Which of the following is considered as line intelligence hence immediate and short
A. Lay out of the area, house, structure building, or installation where an
arrest or raid will be conducted
B. Type of firearms and number and location of hostages and hostage takers
C. Espionage, sabotage, subversive acts, assassinations and enemy collection
D. A and B

32. The patrol method that has the combined characteristics of mobility and stealth
refers to –
A. foot C. motorcycle
B. bicycle D. automobile

33. It provides a consolidated reference containing data on organized crime groups for
operational purposes.
A. The Target List C. Wanted List
B. Priority List D. Watch List

34. In each prefecture in Tokyo Japan there are several police stations that serve as
the principal operational unit of the police which is sub-divided into police boxes
which are populary known as –
A. Koban C. Chuzaishe
B. Chi sai san D. Kobun-Oyabun

20 | P a g e
35. Which office/ agency that has the actual control of the police in Japan that enjoys
degree of local autonomy?
A. Prime Minister C. National Public Safety Commission
B. National Police Agency D. Regional Police Bureaus

36. In this system of policing in Europe, England was divided into 55 military
districts known as the Shire-Rieve. Shire was the district, Rieve was the ruler who
makes law, pass judgment and impose punishment, with the assistance of the
A. Shire- Rieve System C. Leges Henri
B. The Travelling Judge D. The Magna-Carta

37. Man-made hazards are acts or conditions affecting the safe operation of the facility
caused by human actions, intentional or –
A. planned C. accidental
B. deliberate D. force majeure

38. Propriety in the dissemination of intelligence means, intelligence must–

A. reach the user on time to be of value
B. be disseminated to the correct user
C. be given to the user through personal contacts such as conferences,
briefings and person to person exchanges
D. be disseminated through messages such as Couriers and other secured
electrical means

39. If your goal is to intercept crimes on progress and to prevent crimes from
occurring through police presence; what type patrol will you use?
A. Reactive patrol C. Preventive patrol
B. Proactive patrol D. High visibility patrol

40. Commonly unrelated crime prevention and law enforcement duties are:
1. Performing necessary services and inspections
2. Handling of conflicts among neighbor
3. Report to corresponding agencies underground water pipes leaks, open
manhole, clogged drainages, uncollected garbage, etc
4. Request to intervene in situation between husband and wife
A. 1, 2 and 3 C. 1 and 3
B. 2, 3 and 4 D. 2 and 4

41. Information or material in any form or of any nature, the safeguarding of which is
necessary in the interest of national security.
A. Classified matter C. National security matter
B. Top security document D. Secret matter

42. Built-in overhead device that emits liquid case of excessive heat in a room like fire
or hot smoke.
C. Fire hydrant C. hydraulic
D. Sprinkler system D. fire extinguisher

21 | P a g e
43. Functional classification of police intelligence essential to ensuring the protection
of lives and properties is –
A. police intelligence C. internal security
B. criminal Intelligence D. public safety intelligence

44. You are the Chief of Police (COP) in a medium-size Municipal Police Station in the
province. What plan will you prepare to cope up with specific situations at such as
attack by lawless elements in your police headquarters?
C. Tactical Plans C. Management Plans
D. Extra-office plans D. Strategic plans

45. Can natural hazards be prevented by the security force of a plant?

A. Yes, by monitoring warning from the weather bureau
B. No, it is an act of God and nobody can prevents it
C. No, but its effects which can cause damage to life and property
D. Yes, by proper planning and constant drills

46. Citizen’s Complaints against PNP members, who are not assigned in the municipal
station or city police office/station or in areas where no PLEB is organized, is filed in
A. Regional Director
B. Provincial or Regional Internal Affairs Service where the offense was
C. National Police Commission
D. Chief, PNP

47. The Philippine National Police (PNP) has the Special Action Force while the Royal
Malaysian Police has the –
C. Special Action Unit C. UNGERIN
D. General Operation Unit D. PGK

48. Which plan is designed to meet the long range, overall goals of the organization
which is very important because it allows them to prepare for, and deal with the
changing environmental conditions?
A. Strategic Plan C. Operational Plan
B. Visionary Plan D. Tactical Plan
49. What is the common police patrol practice particularly in high-crime areas where
persons whose behaviour is suspicious are accosted on the street, interrogated and
frisked by the police officer?
A. High visibility patrol C. Stop and frisk
B. Reactive patrol D. Street interview/interrogation
50. The patrol strategy which employs police officers in their police uniform and
marked police
vehicles refers to –
A. high visibility C. decoy
B. low visibility D. blending

86. On the study of globalization’s impact on policing, globalization is simply

the influence of –

22 | P a g e
E. Economics, politics, cultures, and society
F. Mental deterioration of police force
G. Indifference of policing system in the world
H. Transportation, communication and technology

87. On the average nationwide, the manning levels of the Philippine National
Police are approximately in accordance with a police-to population ratio of 1
policeman for every 500 persons, but must not below –
E. 1 policeman for every 300 persons
F. 2 policemen for every 1000 persons
G. 1 policeman for every 1000 persons
H. 3 policemen for every 1500 persons

88. When the Philippine National Police was established with the enactment of
Republic 6975, its uniformed personnel workforce initially consisted of –
7. The officers and enlisted personnel of the Philippine Constabulary and the
members of the police forces who were integrated in the Integrated National
8. Commissioned and non-commissioned officers of the Philippine Air Force
and Philippine Army
9. Those officers and enlisted personnel who were assigned with the Narcotics
10. Members of the local police in the Metropolitan Manila and those in the
11. Regular operatives of the abolished National Police Commission’s Inspection,
Investigation and Intelligence Branch
12. Those officers and enlisted personnel who were assigned with the Criminal
Investigation Service, to include its civilian operatives
C. 1, 3, 5 and 6 C. 2 and 4
D. 2, 4 and 6 D. 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6

89. Can the President of the Republic of the Philippines may extend the PNP Chief’s
tour of duty?
E. Yes, when the country is at war or facing other national emergency
F. No, the tour of duty of the Chief, PNP is fixed for 4years
G. Yes, when there is an overwhelming public clamor for his retention
H. No, except when no suitable replacement for him is found

90. The following are the powers and functions of the Philippine National Police,
E. To investigate and prevent crimes
F. To maintain peace and order and take all necessary steps to ensure public
G. To supervise the conduct of mandatory training for all uniformed PNP

23 | P a g e
H. To issue licenses for the possession of firearms and explosives in accordance
with law

91. Under Republic Act 8551, which power does the National Police Commission
exercises over the Philippine National Police?
E. Conduct yearly management audit
F. Administrative control and operational supervision
G. Supervision of the training of PNP personnel
H. Operational control and administrative supervision

92. The age, height and weight requirements for initial appointment to the
Philippine National Police may be waived –
E. Only when applicants possess extraordinary credentials
F. Only when the number of qualified applicants fall below the minimum
annual quota
G. Only when there is an urgent need for applicant’s services
H. Only when applicants are duly endorsed by the local chief executives, and
by their previous work history, have proven that they could be potential
assets of the PNP

93. PNP members with less than 1 year of service before reaching the compulsory
retirement age of 56 shall not be promoted to a higher rank or appointed to any
position. This statement is ABSOLUTELY true.
E. Yes, pursuant to Republic Act 8551
F. No because star rank personnel are not covered by that rule
G. Yes, in accordance with Republic Act 9708
H. No because the Chief PNP is the exception to that rule

94. Police Senior Superintendent Juanito De Guzman is due to retire

compulsorily from the PNP after 36 years of faithful and dedicated service.
Based on Republic Act 8551, he is entitled to a monthly retirement pay of –
E. Equivalent to 50% of his base pay and longevity pay
F. Equivalent to 90% of his base pay and longevity pay
G. Equivalent to 80% of his base pay and longevity pay
H. Equivalent to 100% of his base pay and longevity pay

95. The salary grade level of uniformed members of the Philippine National Police is
the same as that –
E. Of the public school teachers
F. Of the uniformed members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines
G. Of the uniformed members of the Bureau of Fire Protection
H. Of the uniformed members of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology

96. When a police officer has joined the Internal Affairs Service of the PNP, he may
NOT thereafter join in any other unit of the organization nor shall be allowed to
sit in a committee, deliberating on a police officer’s –
6. Promotion
7. Appointment
8. Assignment

24 | P a g e
9. Designation
10. Placement
C. 1, 3 and 5 C. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
D. 1, 2 and 3 D. 4 and 5

97. Which of the following has a jurisdiction over a complaint or charge against
the PNP member when the penalty to be imposed is dismissal from the service?
E. People’s Law Enforcement Board
F. Internal Affairs Service
G. City or Municipal Mayor
H. Governor

98. Reform of the different paradigms of policing system in the world is

needed to effectively address transnational crimes. Which of the
following is NOT one of the acceptable measure?
E. International conventions
F. Policing and training
G. Addressing the laws
H. Sharing of resources including personnel

99. While patrolling your beat, you, a Criminologist-police Officer have NO right to
perform a pat-down search when?
E. The person is an ex-convict and is widely known to have a violent criminal
F. The person has been legitimately stopped with reasonable suspicion
G. You have reason to believe that the person possess weapon/s on his person
H. The person poses threat to you or another person’s safety

100. Assume that you are a Criminologist-Police Officer. While off-duty and in
civilian clothes, you saw a person carrying a suspicious objects. You decided to
approach him for the purpose of conducting a spot check or accosting. How will
you do it?
E. Conduct a spot check in the presence of the witness
F. Invite the suspect to a neutral and secured place
G. Identify yourself and display your official identification card or badge
H. Arrest the suspect and inform him of his Miranda Rights

101. You are a lone Police Officer in the beat conducting a routine
observation. You have noticed a suspicious individuals whom you decided to
accost. The FIRST thing you should do is –
E. Inform them of their rights under the law
F. Identify yourself before announcing your purpose
G. Call their attention in a language or dialect they can understand
H. Determine whether the circumstances warrant a request for back-up

25 | P a g e
102. Being cursory in nature, pat-down searches are performed by police
officers with the suspect/s in –
C. Lying position C. Standing position
D. Prone position D. Kneeling position

103. During the pat-down search, you as a searcher is permitted only –

E. To place your hands inside the pockets of the suspect’s clothing
F. To feel the outer clothing of the suspect for any suspicious object
G. To conduct visual search of the suspect’s clothing for any suspicious object
H. Lift the suspect’s clothing approximately three inches above his waistline

104. When you, a police officer conduct a pat-down search on a suspect

carrying a handbag suspected to conceal deadly weapon you should –
E. Open the item in front of the suspect or obtain the suspect’s consent before
opening it
F. Not open the item and let it remain in the possession of the suspect
G. Open the item in the presence of a witness of sufficient age and discretion
H. Not open the item but instead put it in a place outside the suspect’s reach

105. The activities incidental to the commission of crimes of violence

that are similar in form and method to genuine terrorism but lacks
some essential ingredient. The use, the modalities and techniques of the
genuine terrorist but the purpose is quite different. Which one of these?
C. Civil disorder C. Limited political terrorism
D. Quasi-Terrorism D. Organized criminals
106. It may also be referred to as structural terrorism, such that
terrorist acts are carried out by governments in pursuit of political
objectives, often as part of their foreign policy. Which one of these?
E. Quasi- terrorism
F. Civil disorder
G. Limited political terrorism
H. Official or state terrorism
107. Of the following, what kind of cyber modus operandi is made
whereby an attempt to make a computer resource unavailable to its
intended users is made?
C. Computer virus infection C. Hacking
D. Cybercrime D. Denial-of–service attack
108. It is a malicious computer software that interferes with normal
computer functions or send personal data about the user to
unauthorized partieis over internet. This refers to –
C. Denial-of-service attack C. Malware (malicious code)
D. Plain cybercime D. Virus infection

26 | P a g e
109. In understanding cyber crimes, what is known as a
technologically-based “attack” on one person who has been targeted
specifically by reasons of anger, revenge or control?
C. Denial of service attack C. Malware or malicious coding
D. Cyber stalking D. Cyborg
110. Use of computer to take or alter data, or to gain unlawful use of
computer services is known as –
C. computer fraud C. conduit fraud
D. customs fraud D. bank card fraud
111. What kind of modern crime is committed when the use of one
person’s personal information by another to commit fraud or other
crimes is made?
C. Larceny C. Espionage
D. Identity theft D. Customary
112. In modern world study of crimes, there is a new kind of warfare
where information and attacks on information and its system are used
as a tool of warfare. Which of these?
C. Warfare of the internet C. Access to information
D. Information warfare D. Access warfare
113. What is the INTERPOL’s supreme governing body that meets
annually and comprises delegates appointed by each member country?
C. Assembly Meeting C. Consultative Meeting
D. General Assembly D. Meeting de Avance
114. The General Secretariat of the INTERPOL is located in Lyon,
France, and operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and officials from
more that 80 countries work side-by-side in any of the organization’s
four official languages. This is the home of the –
C. Director General C. Secretary General
D. Secret General D. Executive Officer
115. At the INTERPOL, which one of these gives development equipping
activities for member countries in fighting transnational crimes?
E. Secure global police communication services
F. Operational data services and databases for police
G. Operational police support services
H. Police training and development
116. INTERPOL means –
E. International Criminal Police Organization
F. International Police
G. Inter-police Organizational Network
H. International Policing System
117. ASEANAPOL means –
E. Asian Police Organization

27 | P a g e
F. Association of National Police Forces of the ASEAN Region
G. Association of National Police Forces
H. ASEAN Chiefs of National Police
118. Which of the following is also referred to as the Metropolitan
Service in England?
C. Ministry of Police C. Scotland Yard
D. National Police Force D. The “Bobbies”
119. In Japan, the office of which has the authority in their police force
is the –
C. President C. Kobayashi
D. Prime Minister D. Ministry of Defense
120. The word “Abu Sayyaf” literally means –
C. The Sword Bearer C. Muslim Revolutionary
D. Father of Local Terrorist D. For the Love of God
86. Section 6, Article 16 of the 1987 Constitution provides that the State shall
establish one police force that is national in scope and civilian in character to
be administered and controlled by the NAPOLCOM, this means that:
1. PNP personnel are employees of the national government and they
shall draw their salaries therefrom
2. All aspects of police employment from selection to termination shall be
laid down by the national government
3. Disciplinary actions shall be executed by the national government
4. Commissioned Officers of the PNP may be assigned in any part of the
Philippine territory
A. 1 and 2 only C. 1, 2 and 4 only
B. 1, 2 and 3 D. 1, 2, 3 and 4

87. Operational plans depend greatly on the intelligence on the particular

activity. The statement refers to which principle of intelligence operations?
A. Intelligence is continuous
B. Intelligence and operation are interdependent
C. Intelligence must be timely
D. Intelligence operations require imagination and foresight

88. Directing as one of the functions of police management is consists of the

following, EXCEPT –
A. Reporting C. Instructing
B. Commanding D. Giving orders

89. The developmental period of policing which significantly affects the

contemporary policing system in the most countries in the world is –
A. Anglo-Saxon Period C. Westminster Period
B. Norman Period D. Modern Period

28 | P a g e
90. The accomplishment of the purpose of patrol, crime prevention, traffic, vice, etc.
can be found in –
C. management plan C. operational plan
D. tactical D. extra departmental plan

91. A non-stock organization formed in 1958 which crafted the bill of what is known
today as the “Private Security Agency Law” is the –

92. What office under the Chief of the PNP charged with the supervision, direction and
control of all security agencies in the country?
A. Philippine National Police – Supervisory Office Security Investigation Agency
B. Philippine Constabulary Integrated national Police Supervisory Unit Security
Investigation Agency
C. Philippine National Police - Civil Security Group
D. Philippine Association of Detective and Protective Agency Operations, Inc.

93. After operating for six months or more, the private security agencies, the private
security agencies can procure licensed firearms in ____ to the number of guard posted.
A. ratio C. proportion
B. 10% D. 20%

94. What type of patrol should be adopted if the purpose is to attain good and
healthy community relation?
A. Automobile patrol C. Bicycle patrol
B. Foot patrol D. Canine

95. How can a foot patrol officer be better checked whether they are on their respective
beat or not?
1. By means of inspection by the beat leader
2. By checking on the neighbourhood residents
3. By analysis of the report
4. By installing CCTV came in all police beats
A. 1, 2 and 3 C. 1 and 3
B. 1, 2, 3 and 4 D. 2 and 4

96. Which of the following are the three (3) aspects of police visibility?
A. Proper, adequate and timely police response
B. Physical presence of the police, proper patrolling scheme and response time
C. Mobile, integrated and widespread
D. foot patrol, mobile patrol and specialized patrol scheme.

29 | P a g e
97. First used by the Egyptians for patrolling. It is useful in high crime areas,
dangerous search situations, dealing with street gangs, dispersing crowd,
apprehending fleeing suspects, parks, schools and other large building. Which is being
A. Dog patrol C. K-9 Police Operations
B. Canine Assisted Patrol D. K-9 Corps

98. What is the common police patrol practice particularly in high-crime areas where
persons whose behaviour is suspicious are accosted on the street, interrogated and
frisked by the police officer?
A. High visibility patrol C. Stop and frisk
B. Reactive patrol D. Street interview/interrogation

99. The preliminary steps to police planning is the –

A. recognition of the need of the plan
B. collection of facts
C. frame of reference
D. securing of authority to plan

100. In Criminal Intelligence, a list consisting of persons suspected to have committed

organized or heinous crimes based from unverified reports and are subject for further
monitoring, investigation and case build-up is –
A. wanted list C. watch list
B. target list D. black list


30 | P a g e

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