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Injuries and Illnesses Among UAE Athletes in the Asian Games Hangzhou


The nineteenth Asian Games held in Hangzhou, China, from the 23 September to 8 October 2023.
Nineteenth release should happen in 2022 yet was deferred because of Corona virus. Asian Games 2023
in Hangzhou will have a sum of 40 games across 61 disciplines, including sports, cricket and football.
The UAE public group partook in a few classes, including shooting, horse riding, games, swimming,
cycling, judo, taekwondo, karate, ju-jitsu, boxing, ball, rugby, cruising, chess, golf, e-sports and
marathon in the Asian Games 2023, which closed on October 8.
The host of a super game upgrades the improvement to the host city is exceptionally perceived by the
public authority and upheld by specialists. It is realized that numerous urban communities have
Olympic Games during the urban areas' basic improvement stage. For instance, 1964 Tokyo Olympic
Games, 1988 Seoul Olympic Games and 2008 Beijing Olympic Games were completely held during
the period of energetic financial and social and social improvement in those urban communities and
locales, setting out significant open doors for the host city's turn of events. The upgrade of metropolitan
center capabilities, the promotion of parks and sports offices, the expansion of public vehicle and the
improvement of residents' pride are beneficial outcomes of worldwide enormous scope games on the
city. As the biggest and most significant game in Asia, Asia Games was first held in New Shop India in
1950 and has been held multiple times in 13 urban areas. Also, the nineteenth Asian Games will be held
in Hangzhou China, Sept 23 - Oct 8, 2023, with the idea of "Green, Brilliant, Affordable, Moral". In
anticipation of the Asian Games, Hangzhou has built 12 tram lines, with a complete length of 610
kilometers. Also, Hangzhou has assembled 56 contest scenes, which are appropriated in Hangzhou,
Ningbo, Wenzhou, Huzhou, Shaoxing and Jinhua. Among them, there are 12 new-constructed scenes,
26 redesigned settings, 9 extended settings and 9 transitory scenes.
As the demand for success in sports rises, athletes face increased stress and susceptibility to injuries and
illnesses. This research aims to provide a detailed analysis of injuries and illnesses among UAE athletes
during the Asian Games in Hangzhou and to compare these findings with similar studies.The data
presented in this report pertains to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Olympic team's participation in the
nineteenth Asian Games held in Hangzhou, China, from September 23 to October 8, 2023. This data
was meticulously collected by the medical team of the UAE Olympic team, with the primary objective
of comparing the findings with other teams.

The steadily expanding request to win sports competitions can make competitors become more pushed
and more inclined to injury, despite the fact that games and proactive tasks can be a significant piece of
a sound way of life. The information will assist with the preparation and execution of competitor
medical services, and the improvement of injury and disease counteraction strategies. It can help with
recognizing qualities of disease and injury, as well as give knowledge into various strategies and
methods being utilized to limit the gamble of ailment and injury.
Sport has positive impact on undeniably chosen sicknesses, for instance, improvement of coronary
illness (Reiner et al., 2013), brings down the dangers of creating cardiovascular sickness, type 2
diabetes mellitus, a few tumors (e.g., bosom, colon, colorectal, prostate) and different illnesses (Garber
et al., 2019; Koba et al., 2011). Indeed, even at times, active work can be as or more powerful than
standard pharmacological treatments. Shores et al. ( 2015) gathered 687 customary state funded college
understudies' information including their game support, and reasoned that one to three episodes of week
by week cooperation in any game for at least one year offers a chance for medical advantages and solid
way of life. Gero et al. ( 2018) inspected expected relationship of game club support during youth and
game related actual work during adulthood with mortality from cardiovascular illnesses in a Japanese
populace. The outcomes showed that the people who joined sport club support during immaturity as
well as taken part in sport exercises during adulthood could prompt a more articulated risk-decrease for
coronary illness (CHD) mortality. Wang and Han (2022) have planned a model of game to
examinations the wellbeing level of occupants and understudies locally in 2019. The outcomes showed
that after nonstop game support, inhabitants and undergrads' generally actual quality has been
upgraded: their BMI has diminished to the typical norm (vacillates around 18); their wellbeing level
slowly improved from the underlying undesirable level to sound level (unfortunate level 2 to solid level
2). Other than its advantages to grown-ups, the impacts of various degrees of activity on youngsters and
kids have additionally been analyzed. Moderate power exercise can assist youngsters with forestalling
persistent infection, diminish the gamble of heftiness, work on engine and mental abilities, as well areas
of strength for as. It additionally decidedly affects lipidemia, circulatory strain, oxygen utilization, body
creation, metabolic disorder, bone thickness and muscle strength (Malm et al., 2019; Sothern et al.,

Source Of Data:

The raw data, including pre-hyperbaric evaluation, physiotherapy log book entries, injuries' report data,
illness report data, and hyperbaric post-evaluation data, was collected by the medical team of the UAE
Olympic team, facilitating a comprehensive analysis and enabling meaningful comparisons with data
from other teams.

Data Collection:

The data was meticulously collected by the medical team of the UAE Olympic team, ensuring expertise
in athlete health and a comprehensive understanding of the specific challenges faced by these athletes
during the Asian Games in Hangzhou.

Data Organization:

To facilitate efficient analysis, the collected data was organized in Excel sheets with clear columns and
labels for each variable. This included detailed information on athlete demographics, injuries, illnesses,
and the hyperbaric evaluation process.


The hyperbaric chamber, a crucial component of athlete recovery, offers a myriad of uses and benefits
for optimizing performance and supporting overall well-being. The hyperbaric chamber facilitates
faster recovery from injuries by increasing the delivery of oxygen to damaged tissues. This accelerated
healing process is particularly beneficial for athletes dealing with musculoskeletal injuries, strains, and
sprains. By promoting oxygenation at a cellular level, the chamber helps reduce inflammation. This is
essential for athletes experiencing inflammation-related issues, such as joint pain and swelling. Regular
use of the hyperbaric chamber contributes to an athlete's overall well-being by boosting energy levels,
promoting better sleep, and reducing fatigue. This holistic approach ensures that athletes are physically
and mentally prepared for peak performance. Increased oxygen levels in the brain have been linked to
improved cognitive function. Athletes may experience enhanced focus, concentration, and mental
clarity, which are vital components of optimal sports performance. Athletes can use the hyperbaric
chamber as part of their post-competition recovery routine. This aids in reducing the physical strain
experienced during intense competitions, allowing for quicker recuperation and readiness for
subsequent events. For athletes dealing with cuts, abrasions, or post-surgical wounds, the hyperbaric
chamber provides an environment that accelerates the natural healing processes. It can be particularly
beneficial in minimizing the risk of infection and promoting scar tissue reduction.
The pre-hyperbaric evaluation data comprises information from individuals participating in various
sports. The participants predominantly represent fencing, boxing, shooting, and swimming. Most
individuals are undergoing hyperbaric evaluation for the first time (70%), with some having 2-5
sessions (20%) as shown in Figure 1. The average age is around 27 years, with a range of sports-related
conditions such as muscle pain, fatigue, and general well-being reported. The average BMI is
approximately 24.7, indicating a relatively healthy weight distribution among the participants. Notably,
all participants reported normal conditions in their pre-evaluation assessments.

Figure 1: Pre-hyperbaric evaluation

While subjective feedback on the overall well-being varied, with some participants mentioning nothing
significant, others reported minor concerns such as nasal congestion or sore throat. Overall, the
majority of participants appear to be in good health, with the evaluation serving as a proactive measure
to optimize their sports performance.

The physiotherapy log book data consists of a series of entries with corresponding tokens and
submission timestamps. The data spans multiple days, starting from September 23, 2023, to October 8,
2023. During this period, the percentage distribution of submissions on each day indicates variability in
activity. On September 23, there is an initial surge with 35% of entries submitted, followed by a steady
flow over the next few days. Notably, there is an increase on September 25, accounting for 28% of the
total entries, possibly indicating a busier day as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: A Visual Representation of Physiotherapy Log Book Data
Subsequently, the submissions exhibit a more sporadic pattern with lower percentages, suggesting a
more distributed workload. It is essential to consider external factors or specific events that may have
influenced the fluctuating submission rates in the physiotherapy log book during this time frame.
The injuries' report data reveals a variety of incidents across different sports. Approximately 40% of the
injuries occurred during competitions, with notable instances in Jiu-Jitsu, Karate, and Judo. Around
24% of the injuries were associated with the shoulder and clavicle region, mainly due to impingement,
contusions, and tendinosis. Another 14% involved the knee, primarily featuring strains, ruptures, or
tears, often resulting from overuse or contact with other athletes. Ankle injuries accounted for 9%, with
sprains being the predominant issue. Overall, 56% of injuries were due to overuse, while 22% resulted
from sudden onset incidents, emphasizing the significance of conditioning and preventive measures in
sports as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Distribution of Sports Injuries: Occurrence, Region, and Incident Type

The treatment plans varied, including physiotherapy, ice compressions, and specific interventions like
shock wave therapy and needling. The report also mentions some recurrent injuries and prior surgical
history, underscoring the importance of monitoring and managing athletes' health over time.
The illness report data includes information on various health conditions reported by individuals
engaged in different sports. Musculoskeletal issues are predominant, constituting 70% of the cases, with
conditions such as triceps pain, general muscle fatigue, plantar fasciitis, knee pain post-operation, and
fractures. Dermatological problems account for 15% of the cases, including acne, folliculitis, and dry
skin. Gastrointestinal complaints, such as abdominal pain and diarrhea, represent 5% of the cases.
Respiratory issues, such as sore throat and nasal congestion, make up 5% of the cases. Other conditions,
such as allergies, insomnia, and fever, collectively contribute to the remaining 5%. Exercise-induced
factors are the leading cause (40%) of reported issues, followed by environmental factors (30%),
preexisting conditions (15%), infections (10%), and other causes (5%) as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Health Conditions in Sports: Percentages

The reported treatments vary from pain management and dry needling to medication and surgery,
depending on the nature of the condition.
Based on the hyperbaric post-evaluation data, approximately 80% of participants reported positive
experiences, rating their overall satisfaction between 8 and 10 on a scale of 1 to 10. The majority of
athletes also indicated low levels of physical and mental fatigue after the sessions. However, around
20% of participants reported challenges during the sessions, including dizziness and ear discomfort.
While these percentages highlight a predominantly favorable response, addressing specific discomforts
and incorporating feedback from the entire cohort can contribute to an even more optimized and
universally beneficial hyperbaric oxygen recovery program.

The injuries predominantly occurred during competitions, emphasizing the need for targeted prevention
strategies. Overuse injuries were a significant concern, underlining the importance of conditioning and
preventive measures. Musculoskeletal issues were prevalent among reported illnesses, indicating the
need for comprehensive healthcare strategies. Hyperbaric post-evaluation showed promising results, but
addressing challenges can enhance the recovery program's effectiveness.


In conclusion, 19th Asian Games in the Hangzhou, China, proved to be a significant sporting event,
showcasing the resilience of athletes amid challenges posed by the Covid-19-pandemic. Participation of
the UAE national team in various sports, coupled with the city's meticulous preparations, highlighted
the positive impact of hosting such international competitions on the development of the host city.
The analysis of injuries & illnesses among UAE athletes during Asian Games provided valuable
insights into the physical toll and health challenges faced by participants. Emphasizing the need for
targeted prevention strategies, particularly for injuries occurring during competitions, and recognizing
the prevalence of overuse injuries underscored the importance of comprehensive healthcare strategies.
The positive outcomes from the hyperbaric post-evaluation data indicated the potential benefits of
incorporating such recovery programs. However, addressing challenges reported by participants,
including dizziness and ear discomfort, will contribute to refining and optimizing the effectiveness of
such initiatives.
Moving forward, the findings from this research can inform future planning for athlete healthcare,
injury prevention methods, and recovery programs. As sports continue to play a vital role in promoting
a healthy lifestyle, it becomes imperative to prioritize athletes' well-being, ensuring their physical and
mental health is adequately supported throughout their sporting endeavors. 19th Asian Games in the
Hangzhou not only celebrated athletic excellence but also provided valuable insights into the holistic
approach required to safeguard the health and performance of participating athletes.

1. Reiner, M., Niermann, C., Jekauc, D., & Woll, A. (2013). Long-term health benefits of physical

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4. Shores, K., Becker, C. M., Moynahan, R., Williams, R., & Cooper, N. (2015). The Relationship of

Young Adults' Health and Their Sports Participation. Journal of Sport Behavior, 38(3).

5. Gero, K., Iso, H., Kitamura, A., Yamagishi, K., Yatsuya, H., & Tamakoshi, A. (2018).

Cardiovascular disease mortality in relation to physical activity during adolescence and adulthood

in Japan: Does school-based sport club participation matter?. Preventive medicine, 113, 102-108.

6. Wang, R., & Han, L. (2022). Analysis of the model for sports enhancing human health using data

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7. Malm, C., Jakobsson, J., & Isaksson, A. (2019). Physical activity and sports—real health benefits:

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