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The first way to make an impression when applying for a job is to always be
on time.To prepare for the interview, we should practice answering interview
questions, and must prepare a CV with a full summary of personal information,
education, skills, and experience. Keep my things as neat and tidy as
possible.Dress politely and professionally for the interview. preferably 1 suit and 1
pair of matching shoes and it's not too difficult to edit the outfit, the hair needs to
be neat. It is important in an interview to keep a friendly smile, be energetic and
confident during the interview, reveal your strengths and answer questions. We
need to show the benefits we bring to the interviewer and be tactful in our


The most difficult skill to improve is probably Speaking so I want to share some
experiences when I learned to speak English before. Perhaps these experiences can help
you speak English well. Speak and listen to conversations in English as often as possible.
If you have classmates, friends, or other acquaintances who can communicate in English.
You should practice together. Regularly watch movies, listen to music in English. It helps
you understand English in normal conversation better. It seems difficult at the beginning.
But soon. it gets easier and before you know it, you're doing it with very little conscious
effort on your part. When you have mastered communication in English. you can talk
with native english speakers easily.

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