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2024 Essential Wins Livestock Indonesia Lead to Tier 1 Country: "Sustainability of Biz, Hit
Plan #7" Value People & portfolio


1. Deliver (Consistently profit growth, cash, productivity & controls deliver our 2024 plan
each quarter)

§Growth: Achieve 2024 BP (Grow 15%, 30,5 Mio), turn around the biz CP (growth 13%,
$19,7 Mio), Malindo (Gr 23%, 5 Mio) and Non CP & Non Malindo (Growth 17%, 5,7 Mio).
Thrive to strive the biz in Poultry Biz by enhancing and expanding the market with one
purpose "One health" and "Sustainability". Win win Solution drive innovative portfolio in
Comprehensive program in Feed: Correlink, Hemicell, Monteban and Farm: Vaccine
(Salmonella, Thymovac, 431), Bioprotection (Agita) + AB (Maxus, Baytril).

§Productivity : Improve EBITDA, Filtered SGI product to make it happen, achieve OPEX
targets through efficiency & Productivity

2. Innovate (Launch readiness & optimization and FA Sustainability)

§New product Launch & Geo Exp: Capturing differentiator and analyze brand strategy with
marketing and RA to determine product launch

§Robust Innovation: Value differentiator with its readiness in market segmentation. Value
product experience in selected cus-tomers. Develop around 3 projects per account owner
(related with Bioprotection, Vaccine, ATC, & NH Correlink+Narasin).

§SAM/B2B Capabilities: Customer centric (selected customers), value customers and serve
it balance with its quality and its hospitality by improving capability in leadership SAM, 4Dx,
Insight color, and continue SMT meeting.

3. Own (nurturing culture, improve engagement, and robust people )

§Engagement of People: Robust team, giving proper development plan passionately, one
solid ID team to deal with challenge.

§Culture as differentiator: Do it right, mindset to growth, create ambience environment, and

grow the talent with integrity.

§Customer Priority: Sustainability biz, Optimize SFE in quality and frequency, and utilize it as
sophisticated tool to differentiate with others.

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