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Extra material for reading.

Easy Networking Tips for the Networking Haters

by Amantha Imber
Whether you are attending events in the real world or confined to the virtual
realm, networking doesn’t have to be scary or hard. There are a few simple
strategies you can use to get better at it.
The Awkward Person’s Guide to Networking
by Alyssa F. Westring
Networking is often transactional and this type interaction is unnatural for most
— but especially for those of us who feel awkward or shy to begin with. How
can you reconcile the fact that you should be networking with your equally
strong desire to avoid the discomfort of it all? Try this.
What to Say When You’re Reaching Out to Someone on LinkedIn
by Kristi DePaul
The point of LinkedIn is to help you make connections. But it doesn’t happen
magically, you need to put a little work in first. Once you do, you might end up
making a connection that could land you a job.
What’s the Point of LinkedIn, Anyway? [Video]
by Christine Lui
It’s the least fun social platform, but the most important for your career. Here’s
how to make LinkedIn work for you.
How to Network With Powerful People
by Michael C. Wenderoth
How do you get the attention of powerful people you want to connect with, but
are the least likely to respond?
How to Organize a Networking Dinner
by Dorie Clark
Where should you hold a networking event? Who pays for it? How can you
avoid awkward silences? Here are four key logistical points to ensure your
gathering is a success.

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