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47. Which one provides direct and solid evidence in favour of organic evolution through ages? 1) Atavism 2) Paleontology/fossils 3) Vestigial organs 4) Galapagos island fauna 48. Match the column I with column II and choose the correct 0] Column ~ Column — II i, Potato and sweet potato ii, Tendril and thorn A) Homologous organs B) Analogous organs C) Adaptive radiation _| ifi, Fossils D) Paleontological evidence 1) Acii, B-i, C-ili, D-iv 2) A-ii, B-i, C-iv, D-iii 3) A-i, B-ii, C-ili, D-iv 4) A-i, Bil, C-iv, D-iii iv. Australian marsupials Adaptive radiation and biological evolution 49, The dinosaurs that was about 20 feet in height and had huge fearsome dagger like teeth 1) Stegosaurs 3) Tyrannosaurus 50. Which was the biggest land dinosaur? 2) Triceratops 2) Brachiosaurus 4) Triceratops 1) Protoceratops 3) Tyrannosaurus rex 4) Iehthyosaurus 51. Darwin’s finches occur in 1) Australia 2) Galapagos island 3) Siberia 4) Malay Archipelago 32, Darwin’s finches show 1) Adaptive radiation 2) Parallel evolution 3) Homology 4) Artificial selection 53. Match the column I with column II and choose the correct option. Column -1 Column ~ 11 ‘A. Branching descent _ | i) Ichthyosaurus ii) Tyrannosaurus B. Saltation C. Fish like reptiles iii) Darwin D. Biggest Dinosaur _| iv) Hugo de Vries 1) A-iii, Beiv, C-i, D-ii 2) A-iii, B-iv, C-ii, D-i 3) A-iv, B-iii, C-i, D-ii 4) A-iv, Beiii, C-ii, D-i 54. Match the column I with column II and choose the correct option. Column -1 Column - Il A, Jawless fish evolved i, 320 mya B. Invertebrates were formed | ii. 350 mya C, Sea weeds existed ili, 65 mya D. Dinosaurs disappeared _ iv. 500 mya , B-ii, C-i, D. 2) Aili, Beii, C-i, D-iv 3) A-i, B-iv, C-ii, D-iii 4) A-ii, B-iv, C-i, D-iii and II and choose the 26. Match columns correct option. | Coun Column - 11 A) Oparin pce B) Haldane 1) England ©)SL Miller TID) Russia 1) A-IIL, Cl 2) B41, CI 3) B-L, Cl 4) AIH, B-II 27. Statement - I : Louis Pasteur demonstrated that life comes only from pre-existing life, Statement - II : S.L. Miller observed that lectric discharge in a flask containing CH, Hz, NHs and water vapours at 800°C formed amino acids. 1) Both Statements I and II are correct 2) Statement I is correct and Statement II is incorrect, 3) Statement II is incorrect and Statement Il is correct 4) Both Statements I and IL are incorrect 28, Which one of the following scientist’s name is correctly matched with the theory put forth by him? 1) De Vries - Natural selection 2) Mendel - Theory of Pangenesis 3) Weismann - Theory of continuity of germplasm 4) Pasteur - Inheritance of acquired characters 29. Dinosaurs dominated the world in which of the following geological eras? 1) Cenozoic 2) Jurassic 3) Mesozoic 4) Devonian jes gave hi 30 oe ani evolution while working on 1) Pisum sativum 2) Drosophila melanogaster 3) Oenothera lamarckiana 4) Althea rosea ; 31. Transitional form petween Annelida and Arthropoda is 1) Peripatus 3) Pheretima 32, Seymouria is a transi 1) Reptiles and birds 2) Reptiles and mammals 3) Fishes and amphibians 4) Amphibians and reptiles 33. The term ‘mutation’ was coined by 1) Hugo de Vries 2) Darwin 3) Bateson 4) T.H. Morgan 34, Natural selection by modern synthesis or Neo Darwinism was explained by 1) R.A. Fisher 2) Sewall Wright 3) Emst Mayr 4) All 2) Periplaneta 4) Protopterus tional form between Evidences of evolution : 35. Which is not a vestigial organ in man? 1) Wisdom teeth 3) Fossa ovalis 2) Muscles of pinna 4) Teum 36. Which of the following describes correctly the homologous structures? 1) Organs with anatomical similarities, but performing different functions 2) Organs with anatomical dissimilarities, but performing different functions 3) Organs that have no function now, but had important function in ancestors 4) Organs appearing only in embryonic stage and disappearing later in the adult eer ES S—_.-—_— LEVEL -1 d theories of evolu Origin of lif of species’ was written by 1) Wallace 2) Lamarck 3) Darwin 4) De Vries 2, The word ‘organic evolution’ was coined by 1) Darwin 2) Dhobzhansky 3) Herbert spencer 4) Lamarck 3. Resistant spores together with cosmic dust might have reached the earth accidentally from other planets of universe according to 1) Theory of Abiogenesis 2) Theory of Biogenesis 3) Cosmozoic theory 4) Theory of Catastrophism ‘Theory of spontaneous generation is also called 1) Theory of Abiogenesis, 2) Theory of Biogenesis 3) Theory of Catastrophism 4) Theory of Panspermia . Theory of abiogenesis was believed by 1) Aristotle 2) Thales and Plato 3) Von Helmont 4) All these ;. By swan-neck flask experiment, theory of Biogenesis was confirmed by 1) Louis Pasteur 2) Spallanzani 4) All of these . The primitive ocean is described as the hot dilute soup or prebiotic soup by 1) Al Oparin 2) Miller 3) Haldane 4) Urey 3) Francesco Redi A book on Man’s place in Nature was published by 1) Charles Darwin 2) T.H-Huxley 3) Raymond Dart 4) Mary Leakey 9, Which one of following amino acids was not found to be synthesized in Miller’s experiment? 1) Glycine 2) Aspartic acid 3) Glutamic acid 4) Alanine 10. Theory of continuity of germplasm was propounded by 1) Mendel 2) Lamarck 3) Weismann 4) Haeckel 11. Organisms have a tendency towards increase in size during their evolution, is 1) Hull’s Rule 2) Cope’s Rule 3) Both (1) and (2) 4) Allen’s Rule 12, Experimental proof that some simple molecules like H:, NH3, CH, and HO gave rise to amino acids during origin of life was provided by 1) Lamarck 2) Darwin 3) Stanley Miller 4) Pasteur 13. The theory of spontaneous generation stated that 1) life originated from living forms only 2) life originated from both living and non- living 3) life originated from non-living things in a spontaneous manner 4) life originated spontaneously, neither from living nor from the non-living . De-Vries called single step large mutation as 1) Random mutation 2) Directionless mutation 3) Saltation 4) Inheritable mutation 1S. Fish with stout and strong fins could move on land and go back to water. This was about 1) 320 mya 2) 350 mya 3) 65 mya 4) 500 mya 16. Sudden and heritable change in a character of an organism is 1) Selection 2) Heterosis 3) Inbreeding 4) Mutation 17. In postulating the theory of evolution by natural selection, Darwin was greatly influenced by 1) Mutation theory of Hugo de Vries 2) Lamarek’s theory of acquired characters 3) Malthus idea of population control 4) Environmental factors 18. Oparin-Haldane’s view on the origin of life was first experimentally proved by 1) Malthus 2) Plato 3) Louis Pasteur 19. Select the key concept of Darwinian theory of evolution 1) Homology 2) Branching descent 3) Natural selection 4) Both (2) and (3) 4) Stanley Miller 20. Hugo de Vries worked on the plant 1) Garden Pea/Pisum sativum 2) Sweat Pea / Lathyrus adoratus 3) Primula sinensis: 4) Evening Primrose 21. Theory of inheritance of acquired characters was given by 1) Wallace 2) Lamarck 3) Darwin 4) de Vries 22, ‘Hugo de Vries’ contribution is 1) Theory of Natural selection 2) Theory of Mutation 3) Law of Dominance 4) Law of Segregation 23. The use and disuse principle of evolution or theory of “inheritance of acquired characters” was proposed by 1) Hugo de Vries 2) Lamarck 3) Weismann 4) Darwin 24. Theory of abiogenesis or spontaneous generation was finally disapproved by 1) Louis Pasteur 2) ALL. Oparin 3) AR. Wallace 4) Sidney Fox 25. Match the columns. Column ~1 Column - IT 1) Darwin A) Use and disuse theory 11) Lamarck B) Origin of species TI) Hugo de Vries | C) Origin of life TV) Oparin D) Mutation theory 1) LB, I-A, III-D, IV-C 2) I-A, II-B, III-C, IV-D 3) LB, II-C, III-D, IV-A 4) LD, II-A, II-B, IV-C ism of evolution SS. Maintenance of genetic equi known as 1) Gause principle 2) Bergman law 3) Glogger principle 4) Hardy-Weinberg principle 56. Transfer of genes from one gene pool to another is 1) Genetic drift 2) Gene flow 3) Speciation 4) Mutation 57. (p +4)’ = p* + 2pq + q? = 1 represents an equation used in 1) Population genetics 2) Mendelian genetics 3) Biometrics 4) Molecular genetics 58. Galapagos islands were visited by 1) Wallace 2) Darwin 3) Lamarck 4) de Vries 59, Hardy-Weinberg principle explains 1) Genetic drift 2) Genetic equilibrium 3) Genetic incompatibility 4) Genetic load Origin and evolution of man 60. Origin of life occurred in 1) Precambrian 2) Coenozoie 3) Palaeozoic 4) Mesozoic 61. Correct sequence of stages in evolution of modern man/homo sapiens sapiens is 1) Australopithecus, Neanderthal Man, Cro- Magnon Man, Homo erectus, Modern Man 2) Australopithecus, Homo erectus, ‘Neanderthal Man, Cro-Magnon Man, Modern Man 3) Neanderthal Man, Australopithecus, Cro- Magnon Man, Homo erectus, Modern Man 4) Homo erectus, Australopithecus, ‘Neanderthal Man, Cro-Magnon Man, Modern Man 62, Identify the following : 1) a~skull of baby chimpanzee, b ~ skull of adult chimpanzee, c — skull of adult human 2) a—skull of adult chimpanzee, b — skull of adult human, ¢ — skull of baby chimpanzee 3) a~skull of adult human, b ~ skull of baby chimpanzee, ¢ ~ skull of adult chimpanzee, 4) a—skull of adult chimpanzee, b - skull of baby chimpanzee, c — skull of adult human, . Evolutionary history of an organism is known as 1) Phylogeny 2) Ancestry 3) Palaeontology 4) Ontogeny 38. Which one of the following is not a vestigial Part in human? 1) coceyx 2) finger nails 3) third molar of each side in each jaw 4) segmental muscles of abdomen 39. The eye of Octopus and eye of cat show different patterns of structure, yet they Perform similar function. This is an example of 1) Homologous organs that have evolved due to divergent evolution 2) Analogous organs that have evolved due to convergent evolution 3) Analogous organs that have evolved due to divergent evolution 4) Homologous organs that have evolved due to convergent evolution. 40. Which one of the following options gives one correct example each of convergent evolution and divergent evolution? Convergent | Divergent evolution evolution 1) Eyes of octopus _ | Bones of forelimbs and mammals of vertebrates Seed Wings of butterflies Bougainvillea and s | and birds tendrils of cucurbita 3) Bones of Wings of butterfly forelimbs of and birds vertebrates 4) Thoms of Eyes of octopus and Bougainvillea and : mammals tendrils of cucurbita 41. Peripatus is a connecting link between 1) Ctenophora and Platyhelminthes 2) Mollusca and Echinodermata 3) Annelida and Arthropoda 4) Coelenterata and Porifera 42. Thorns of Bougainvillea and tendrils of Cucurbita are examples of 1) Analogous organs 2) Homologous organs 3) Vestigial organs 4) Retrogressive evolution 43. Wings of butterfly and bird show evolution called 1) Divergent 2) Convergent 3) Atavism 4) Parallel 44, Homologous organs have 1) Dissimilar origin but similar functions 2) Dissimilar origin but similar functions 3) Similar origin with similar or dissimilar functions 4) Similar origin with dissimilar functions 45, Study of the fossils comes under 1) Organic evolution _2) Palaeogeography 3) Palaeontology 4) Herpetology 46, Potato and sweet potato have edible parts which are 1) Homologous 2) Analogous 3) Atavistic 4) Two species parts of the same genus SS ili a a

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