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Ejercicio con Tapones, Daniel Krumland

I hear the wind. And seagulls squawking nearby. The waves of the ocean crashing every so often.
And kids playing 30 or so meters away, down by where the water meets the sand. Further in the
background there is tra c, the low constant hum of cars and automobiles moving, and every so
often there’s a noise that sticks out, a car honk, an engine revving. If I listen very closely there are
glimpses of conversations from the people on the walkway further away from the water, between
the beach and the green space further inland. People laughing and exclaiming to each other as
they stroll by the beach. The wind blows again, and there’s also the sound of sand getting blown
into things, into my legs and torso, just tiny little noises, almost imperceptible. And the sound of
trash, paper, getting blown across the beach.

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