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UNDERSTAND SOLAR PANELS TYPES, SPECIFICATIONS, COMPANIES, PRICES Aim: Understanding solar panels involves knowing their types, specifications, companies that manufacture them, and the factors that influence their prices. Types of Solar Panels: Mono crystalline Solar Panels Polycrystalline Solar Panels Thin-Film Solar Panels Bifacial Solar Panels Specifications of Solar Panels: Efficiency Wattage Temperature Coefficient Dimensions Frame Material Warranty Solar lrradiance Modute Charge Controle _ = ae <) [Lexa Theory ‘Types of Solar Panels: Monocrystalline Solar Panels: ‘+ These panels are made from a single crystal structure, making them highly efficient and space-efficient. They are known for their sleek black appearance. Polycrystalline Solar Panel ‘© Polycrystalline panels are made from multiple crystal structures, which makes them less efficient than monocrystalline panels but more affordable. Thin-Film Solar Panels: ‘© Thin-film panels use layers of semiconductor materials and are less efficient but cheaper and flexible. They can be used in various applications, including building integrated photovoltaics. Bifacial Solar Panels: ‘+ These panels can capture sunlight from both the front and rear sides, potentially increasing energy production. Spetifications of Solar Panel Efficiency: ‘© This refers to the percentage of sunlight that a solar panel can convert into 'y. Higher efficiency panels are generally more expensive. * Itindicates the maximum power output of the panel in watts (W). Common wattages range from 250W to 400W or more. Temperature Coefficient: © This measures how well the panel performs at high temperatures. Lower ‘temperature coefficients are better. Dimensions: ‘The physical size of the panel can affect installation and space requirements. Frame Material: ‘© Solar panels have aluminum frames that provide durability and protection. Warranty ‘© Typically, panels come with warranties ranging from 10 to 25 years Solar Panel Companies: Several companies manufacture solar panels, with varying levels of reputation and product quality. Some well-known manufacturers include: # Tesla (formerly Solar City) + First Solar + Sun Power + Tata Power Solar. * LG Solar + Adani Solar. © Panasonic + Servotech Power Systems Ltd. © Canadian Solar © Waaree Energies Ltd. * Trina Solar © Vikram Solar. #Jinko Solar + Goldi Solar. * Hanwha Q Cells ‘ Saatvik Green Energy Pvt. Ltd. Solar Panel Prices: The price of solar panels can vary widely depending on factors such as panel type, brand, location, and installation costs. As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, here are some approximate price ranges: Monocrystalline Solar Panels: ‘+ Price Range: Approximately 25/- to 40/- per watt (or 250/- to 400/- per 1OW panel). Higher efficiency mono crystalline panels tend to be at the upper end of this price range. Polycrystalline Solar Panels: © Price Range: Roughly 20/- to 35/- per watt (or 200/- to 350/- per 100W panel). Polycrystalline panels are generally more affordable than mono crystalline panels. ‘Thin-Film Solar Panels: ‘+ Price Range: Typically 18/- to 30/- per watt (or 180/- to 300/- per 100W panel). Thin-film panels are known for their cost-effectiveness. Result:

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