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GNWO PPS sos ncaes Exercise 27: Government, the State and Politics (1st series) 1 Time and effort would be better spent supporting our current system, ensuring that MPs are __ ___to represent their constituents, and their constituents are to hold them to account for doing so. 2 Their complaints prompted a reminder to electoral officers that _ papers need to be completely unfolded before being given to voters. 3 The ____ forecasts that within two years it can raise £1 billion for an investment in the new pension scheme. 4 Athird ofthe Cabinet did not believe that Ed Miliband could win the election, Labour frontbenchers revealed. 5 The president's last day in __was January 20, 2009. 6 He believes the _ __ are going to win, leaving Labour traling so badly that the election is seen on all sides as having given only the Conservative party any right to govern, 7 The House of will stay in Republican hands. And the Senate? Well, the Republicans only need to win a handful of seats to become the majority party here as well. 8 The ___said that the move was designed to ensure his department would be “No 1 in global diplomacy”. 9 The Law Society of Scotland says the Suicide Bills in direct contrast to the human rights that protects the right to life. 10 Civil wars in parts of the empire further weakened the — of Rome. 11 Emmeline Pankhurst bravely led the charge for women's nearly 100 years ago. 12 Thousands of voters were bombarded with e-mails, phone calls and text messages yesterday as candidates from across the political spectrum fought for their support in the final hours before polling day. 33 The Chancellor is expected to use his Budget-today to __ the grey vote by abolishing the tax on savings income for millions of people. 4 = __ do most of their work in Brussels and spend just a few days each month in Strasbourg. as Itwasa__ victory, showing what could be achieved by a well-organised election campaign. 16 Experience in provincial towns has shown that the linking up of local committees with the authorities forms the best basis of any general scheme. 17 The Lib Dems’ top priority is electoral reform: the introduction of __tepresentation, 18 The Conservative MP for the City of Chester is a and not a member of the government. 19 The minister could not convince public sector workers in a Conservative seat to vote Tory and in the end he had to concede defeat. 20 At the climate conference more than 10,000 _ are holding talks on switching the world to renewable energy. Choose from: : ‘municipal MEPs (Members of European empowered Representatives ballot marginal Parliament) woo momentous Proportional suffrage delegates Foreign Secretary _backbencher Treasury legislation Tories Shadow floating rule office WORDS IN PROGRESS Exercise 28: Government, the State and Politics (and series) 1 Inthe speech that the Queen delivered today she has announced eleven _ ee _ for the next legislative session, including the major task of pension reform, 2 Enterin aS he had done regularly for 20 years w/ a B writing books about prime ministers, he was still alittle intimidated. 3) The _ would get only one seat if the general election were held tomorrow, according to a well-respected pollster. | 4 Former British Empire territories lke India, Pakistan and Australia are three of the fifty-three members | ofthe (of Nations). 5 The stricter guidelines, initially announced in june last year, were meant to be __ at the start ofthe year, but we are now told that the revised policy has been a “complex process” and that a postponement is appropriate. 6 The Chancellor of the Exchequer always holds his red box in the air outside 11 Downing Street before heading off to the House of Commons to present his financial plans 7 Whereas sales abroad have plummeted, —_______ demand remained relatively buoyant with UK high street sales growing at 5.6 %. 8 Migrants should be made to divulge any criminal record before being granted a visa to enter Brita the ___has proposed. 9 The MP said that she had tried toprovetoher_____——_ that she does what she says. 10 Police across the country have been tryingto__— dissent and silence bloggers, civil rights lawyers and other activists. 11 Edward Vill succeeded his father, George V, in January 1936, but in December he _ to marry Wallis Simpson, an American divorcée, a2, The Obama _ __announced that it would re-establish diplomatic relations and ions on engagement with Cuba, 33, With control of the US —at stake, the latest polls showed that Republicans had ‘edged ahead of Democrats in a number of crucial states, 14 The Knesset, Israel's parliament, votedto itself and agreed to hold elections ‘on March 37, 35 There has been a slow increase in female MPs each election since women were to stand for Parliament, but gender parity will probably not be achieved until 2170, 36 IF you would like to read long extracts from her maiden speech in the __ __, then this is definitely the book for you. Choose from: 5 implemented Liberal Democrats (Lib Dems) House of Commons administration Speaker Senate MPs (Members of Parliament) Home Office dissolve canvassing suppress Commonwealth | constituents totalitarian budget eligible 10 Downing Street abdicated bills domestic y 8 19 20 WORDS IN PROGRESS 3B are to be banned from claiming expenses for dinners, taxis before 1upm and TV licences immediately after the general election. A secret ballot for the Commons is just basic democracy. 1984 tells the story of Winston Smith and his attempt to rebel against the state in which he lives. in my parliamentary constituency in Derbyshire I've come to know the voters well when WORDS IN PROGRESS Exercise 29: Government, the State and Politics (3rd series) 1 An important milestone was reached on gth September 2015 when the Queen became the longest — British monarch, 2 The constituents voted on poll at last month's election was extremely disappointing: only 35% of the 1g day, the lowest ever. 3. Aides to Prince Charles say that he is ready to reshape the role ofthe __when he becomes king and make “heartfelt interventions” . 4 The spokesperson for their organisation said he intended the brochure to be sent to every councillor and —_ in the country. 5. Great Britain has no written constitution; its legal system is based on old customs and court decisions; this is called 6 People expect new __ ata general election; a party that wants to run the country for the next five years must surely have some fresh ideas, 7 Since he was elected in 2013 Pope Francis has made headlines by ______ Vatican luxury and pomp. 8 Some MPs have reacted with anger to a decision to sell off the House of _ silver because it costs too much to polish. 9 We feel that compulsory ___would make people feel rather more interested in politics. 10 David Cameron agreed to take part in a single televised debate with other party leaders at the start of the election campaign. 11 If we wish to amend the constitution, all motions put forward must be carried by a of more than two thirds. 22. The Swiss national __ has been variously described as a cross between a boring hymn and a weather report that no one ever remembers. 33. The mayor of Verona has infuriated animal rights campaigners by passing a__ that allows citizens to shoot wolves on sight. 14 King John mismanaged his country’s laws and customs and misgoverned his 35 To the north of the Midlands — has always reigned, even in the party’s darkest years; to the south, the Tories dominate. 36 If/when Prince Charles his mother, will Camilla become Queen? 17 Inthe run-up to the elections the prime minister cleverly postponed the of unpopular measures, 38 What is the difference between Magna Carta and the Human Rights ? 19. Voters in _ with fewer migrants are the most likely to think immigration is culturally bad for the country. 20. To Sue and her parents graduation day was an event of great —_ Choose fror # constituencies turnout succeeds subjects implementation general reigning voting anthem Labour policies Act renouncing alderman majority moment ‘common law decree monarchy Commons WORDS IN PROGRESS 35, Exercise 30: Government, the State and Politics (4th series) 1 The resignation of Henry Vintage as MP for Chester over a__ -for-questions scandal gave his opponents the chance to perform on a bigger stage. 2 The generals were waiting for a break in the weather that would allow the _ to launch D-Day, the invasion of Nazi-occupied France. 3 We are sending their representatives a agenda for the meeting, asking them to add any issues they would like to discuss. 4 The RSPCA i 5 Apolitically inexperienced Labour candidate has announced he will in favour of, circuses. for Parliament against the popular Tory candi 6 The revision of the Dutch written in 1848 instituted a system of parliamentary democracy. 7 Upto6onew could be appointed to the House of Lords. 8 —Commodus was a Roman who renamed every month of the year after himself. 9 Positive discrimination legislation to recruit more police officers from backgrounds has been ruled out by the Home Secretary. 10 Broadcasters’ behaviour over the debates leads me to believe they suddenly have grossly inflated and misguided ideas of their own importance. nu The ____ enjoyed a substantial lead over Labour as the party believed to be best for Britain. 12 Politicians should ignore our opinion and not underestimate what they can achieve without continuously changing tack, 33 Controversial letters by the Prince of Wales to government ministers will finally be released after the Court ruled today that the attorney-general was not entitled to veto their publication. ag The er led to know that a coherent defence and security strategy will be part of the new government's manifesto. 15 The prime minister was engulfed in a new cabinet battle with the Home Secretary last night as Downing Street was accused of a dirty tricks to block her senior aides from becoming MPs. 16 Voters had their pictures taken on __ ina mayoral election by people who told them to smile for one of the candidates, 17 Was New York Gulian’s policy of zero-tolerance as a means of law enforcement successfull 18 Arefusal to toe the Soviet Union's ideological line, compounded by a controversial interview with The Times, led to the withdrawal of his citizenship and a period in abroad 19. This organisation ought to be aware that it has no legal authority to direct or the admissions policies of any university. 20 In those days people who prayed to a different god were and persecuted. Choose from: : constitution exile boycotting. minority polls oppressed cash electorate campaign Supreme run election emperor mayor Peers . polling day provisional Allies Conservatives modify Exerc 10 a 2 B 4 5 WORDS IN PROGRESS 31: Government, the State and Politics (5th series) The minister has reshuffled his Cabinet for the second time this year in an attempt to boost flagging public support for his government. Three departments should be abolished during the next parliament so the government can balance the books, a report recommends. . | am not quite sure which ___he belonged to; the one sent to Vienna by the deposed official government or the rival representing the rebel administration in Tripol. The president had anticipated an easy victory when he elections two years ahead of schedule after amending the constitution to allow him to run for a third consecutive term, Diners are being exposed to a heightened risk of food poisoning because local. are failing to take action against restaurants with poor hygiene standards. Nigeria votes today in what is set to be the tightest and most important since the end of military rule 16 years ago. Labour is proposing an the Small Business Bill, which would threaten big businesses with fines of up to £10,000 if they failed to follow tougher late payment legislation, Being born at 24 weeks, weighing 900 grams, turned the he doctors said that it was inhumane to keep bringing me back, but, fortunately, my parents kept faith. against m (On April 23, 2014, millions of people celebrated Shakespeare's 450th birthday. It was followed by a vast of performances, academic conferences, exhibitions and documentaries, all in commemoration of the Bard. The me minister has warned ministers to clear a mounting backlog of government work amid fears that Whitehall is starting to grind to a halt before the general election. The Labour leader used Prime Minister's Questions to highlight the PM's failure to meet his promise that one third of his ministers would be fernale; the all-male bench clearly illustrated the point made. The Chancellor of the was forced to resign because he leaked details of his budget to a lobby correspondent before making his speech to the Commons. Do _ enjoy being depicted in political cartoons? The party leader should rule out a with any party after the election so that people know what they are voting for. The Home _ is now seeking to ban foreign graduates from staying on to work in the UK after their studies. Choose from: amendment front called odds proliferation authorities Cabinet Exchequer prime politicians coalition Secretary delegation Whitehall democracy = polling stations debate elections autarchic 16 y 8 19 20 WoRDs IN PROGRESS 37 Everywhere, people want Those who get it rejoice. Where it is absent or weak, rulers often insist that for their populations other things matter more. During the Khmer Rouge experiment in communism, 1.7 million people, out of a population of around 7 million, died from hunger, overwork, disease and executions. A few hours after closed the first results came in. Ifyou wish to stand for Parliament, you have to pay a __that is not returned if you are not elected. The ongoing, ___ about euthanasia and abortion has left the party divided. WORDS IN PROGRESS Exercise 70: Religion (ast series) 1 10 n 2 B 4 5 16 ” The ___, like the Bible, outlines a vision of Hell in which sinners are consumed by eternal fire. It is clear throughout the that such punishment is divine retribution. The Mask of Fu Manchu (1932) is a novel in which the Chinese master villain sought to raise the Muslim world ina against the British Empire by excavating the golden mask and sword of El Mokanna, the Veiled Prophet of Khorasan. One of India’s most prominent Hindu nationalists accused Mother Teresa of having had a “hidden agenda’ of mass to Christianity. High in the Burmese hills we were discussing Buddhist with our guide and we asked him what he thought he would be in his next life. Itis right for vicars or to tell their flock to make resolutions for the coming year, but isrtit also time for religious leaders to look in the mirror and say the same to themselves? Of the three virtues, love, hope and 1 is considered the most important in the Roman Catholic church. The story is about a beautiful girl who is forced to join a and become a nun in the eighteenth century, since her parents cannot afford a dowry. The name of Torquemada stands for all that is and narrow, despotic and cruel. Mecca is the holiest city of slam. It is the birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad, the city where the Text of Islam, the Koran, was first revealed. Under Emperor Diocletian's Great Persecution whole cities were wiped out, and even when all the embellishments are stripped away from stories about early Christian __, this period is still an appalling era of genocide and brutali A good Roman Catholic accepts the of the Holy Spirit without having any doubts about papal infalliblity. ‘The Epicureans concluded that the faculty of ___ depended on conquering the fear of death. Since long before John Calvin's formal doctrine of | » humans have discussed what control God exercises over the world. He considers the establishment of in his country the ultimate goal and is intolerant of all other religions. Fewer wear dog collars nowadays. In France all races and are supposed to integrate as citizens obedient to the “values of the Republic”. ‘A clergyman who led a huge downtown in Chicago has been appointed minister of the most important Presbyterian church in Scotland. Choose from: © serenity Sacred predestination parsons creeds pilgrimages artyrs reincarnation sermon convent had intolerant rabbis Koran parish theocracy conversions charity ‘congregation doctrine 8 19 20 woRDs In PROGRESS 83 ‘French map of 1648 shows the many routes of the most famous, and certainly oldest, of European ___: that to Santiago de Compostela in northwestern Spain, The church of St Peter and St Paul has towered over the timber-framed houses of Lavenham in Suffolk for nearly 500 years. Midway through his _____the vicar noticed a few members of his congregation dozing in their chairs. hg WORDS IN PROGRESS Exercise 71: Religion (2nd series) 10 2 8B “4 5 16 ” 8 a9 20 The other great » Judaism and Islam, reject all attempts to image the invisible God, and some varieties of Protestantism have followed suit. You are kindly requested to take off your shoes before you enter the _ The book's protagonist, Prometheus, isa Titan; a member of the race of who, in Greek myth, were usurped by Zeus and his Olympian gods. Mecca is the spiritual magnet that draws around two million __ to its heart every year. The is usually imagined as a comical fellow with a leering smile above a pointy beard, horns and clad in red long johns. There are only five fundamental obligations in Islam: faith in a merciful God whose messenger was the Muhammad, fasting during Ramadan, alms-giving, prayers and pilgrimage to Mecca. __ is the moveent that supports the maintenance and preservation of the state of Israel as a Jewish homeland. ‘She was one of the last surviving members of the Beguines, a religious movement for _ lay women founded in the 12th century. He has long been a monk ina Tibetan in Nepal. The Russian Christmas falls on January 7. George's at St James's Palace was his first televised outing in public since his birth, and the young Prince was on best behaviour. Ireland's hospital consultants are failing to practise what they _ anew study reveals that they smoke and drink more than their European peers and exercise less than the general public, The Viking _ destroyed the monastery and killed all the monks. After he had written a book on western law, he began his research into _ —, Islamic religious law. Catholic priests should deny absolution to peoplewho to abusing children, an expert on the sacrament has suggested. The Pope used his Easter address to _for an end to violence all over the world. One of the twelve betrayed Jesus. I consider him an because he does not adhere to the true religion. The Dalai Lama, the exiled leader of Tibet, is due to address an audience at the town hall on Friday. The law dictated that be tortured and burnt at the stake. Choose from: | heretics deities monotheisms Orthodox heathens baptism mosque prophet pious confess pilgrims monastery | disciples spiritual preach infidel devil sharia pray Zionism Wwonos IN pRocRESS 85 Exercise 72: Religion (3rd series) 1 Girolamo Savonarola, a prophesying Dominican friar who preached against corruption in the papacy, was burnt at the __ in Florence in 1498. 2 The Divine Comedy is Dante’s own personal journey, from __ where he eventually encounters Satan himself, to Purgatory, where he is cleansed of kis sins, to Paradise, where divinity is finally explained. 3. There are many like ourselves, a rabbi and a , who believe that the command to “love your neighbour as yourself” can only happen if you know and understand your neighbour, including neighbours of different faiths, rather than being segregated from them. 4 The Church of England has angered senior members by rewriting the ceremony so parents no longer promise to "repent sins” and “reject the devil” 5 The issue was the clerics intervention in a debate between my father and mother about whether | should go to a Catholic or a non- school. 6 The ___ emphasised the need for us to be law-abiding citizens as that is what Islam required of us. He reminded us that it is forbidden by Sharia to engage-in illegal activities. 7 An ____ isa person who does not believe in God. 8 She entered the convent in 1402, took her vows as a nun three years later and became in gio. 9 Baruch Spinoza began his Theologico-Political Treatise by remarking on the good fortune of his fellow Jews to be living in the Dutch republic, where freedom of judgement and _was granted, 10 The sixteenth-century John Calvin, perhaps unjustly famed for dourness and in the Protestant world. an elitist doctrine of predestination, is enjoying a huge reviv 22 Onsex and marriage our current still a Cathi 12 _On25 December Christians affirm their that God became flesh 33. One of Scotland's religious leaders has supported a society, arguing that it is healthy and should be embraced by churches as a positive challenge. 14 One of the great set pieces in religious history the story of the golden calf as an in the Book of Exodus. 35 Margaret Atwood’s dystopian novel of a biblical __ ___ police state in 2ust-century America, The Handmaid's Tale, is a modern classic, taught in schools all over the world. 16 Italian bishops have led a candlelit procession through disease-ridden olive groves in Puglia, seeking. ee intervention to save the country's olive oil output from devastating bacteria that science has so far failed to defeat. ay Nine Shaolin walked in, wearing bright orange robes. 18 Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, and Christianity are the five major world religions. 19 One of the most notorious courtiers of Henry Vill rose tohis_________—___position simply because he always let the king win at jousting 20 religion, and the idols that go with it, is a world view that might constitute a serious option for an intelligent person. Choose from: faith lofty fundamentalist polytheistic monks imam atheist divine prioress reformer denominational worship idol vicar stake secular Hell christening. WORDS IN PROGRESS Exercise 73: Religion (qth series) 2 In Catholicism people go to Hell if they commit terrible sins and do not repent; the others undergo purification in ____ before they are allowed to enter Heaven. 2 Burning at the stake was the punishment prescribed by statute for 3. We are told that Jesus sits and eats with tax collectors and__ *_, provoking sharp criticism from the Pharisees. 4 The Victorians, with all their moral certainty and a dose of puritan _, were happy to endorse the concept of the deserving and the undeserving poor. 5 Arequirement that aspiring young clergy should have “experience” has reduced to just two the number of Church of Scotland who are under the age of 30. 6 Clergy of all agree that something should be done about child abuse, 7 John McGahern was an Irish » an unbeliever who regarded the church as “an ancient, ruthless, autocratic organisation”. 8 The bishop spoke with missionary and warmth to his flock last week. 9. IF you wish to get the true story behind the Easter egg, you should look to the __ origins as they are a celebration of Eostre, the goddess who was believed to lay eggs and is sometimes depicted with a rabbit head 10 The new Pope is far more than his predecessors. 31 Churches, mosques and are houses of worship. 12, The Church of England is relying on an increasing number of women priests as numbers of male decline, even though women are still excluded from the highest office of the episcopate. 33 The first ‘On their ill-planned mission to reassert Western Christendom’s authority in the Holy Land, Catholic dragged on for years in the closing stretch of the sith century, soldiers dropped like flies on the march through Anatolia 14 The writers of the four are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. 5 —______Jews are ultra-orthodox, 26 With wine tastings and open-garden events of our church raised the money they needed to put a new roof on their medieval church. y after mass were commanded by Popes for various reasons, such as the defence of the temporal goods of the Papal States against secular aggression. 18 He never doubted the of infallibility. 19 My next-door neighbour from Catholi sm to Buddhism last month, 20. He remained calm and when everybody else lost their temper. Choose from: = Gospels clergy dogma synagogues serene converted zeal progressive pagan heresy agnostic Persuasions parishioners piety prayers sinners ministers crusade Hasidic Purgatory

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