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Journal Article Title: Subtitle

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Hatta Arya Widyadhana,1

Universitas Jendral Soedirman, Indonesia

Author Name,2
University Affiliation, Country


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INTRODUCTION (Main Heading is capitalized and highlighted, size - 12 pt)

In both academic and professional spheres, deadlines wield considerable influence, shaping the
pathways of students and professionals alike. At their core, deadlines serve as an ever-present
directive, signaling that tasks must be completed within predefined timeframes (Jennifer Lottito,
2024). Kate Eby (2019) further underscores the pivotal role of realistic timing in goal-setting,
asserting that deadlines not only propel action but also provide a structured path to success.
Deadlines may occasionally evoke stress, but their pervasive presence is deemed necessary,
catalyzing productivity. The issue surrounding deadlines for students has garnered significant
attention in the realm of higher education. The main challenge revolves around the extent to
which the strict deadlines for assignments or exams can exert considerable pressure on the
mental well-being of students. This complexity is further compounded by the need to strike a
balance between academic tasks, social responsibilities, and maintaining students' mental health.
Despite their positive intent as drivers of productivity, overly stringent approaches to deadlines
can induce stress, and fatigue, and have detrimental effects on the quality of students' learning
experiences. For this reason, the game entitled Looking Up I See Only a Ceiling provides the
meaning of deadline through several symbols provided by the developer.

Looking Up I See Only a Ceiling (2023) by Silver978 which is available on the paid Steam
platform tells a story of revolving around a medical student grappling with the daily demands of
academic tasks, diligently striving to meet deadlines. As players, our pivotal role lies in
navigating these myriad deadlines to alleviate the student's stress and safeguard their mental
health amidst the challenges posed by in-game threats. Silver978, the developer, skillfully
incorporates symbolic representations of deadlines throughout the game. These symbols take the
Corresponding Author: First Name Last Name, Work Postal Address/Physical Address, Department, Affiliated Organization,
City, State, Postal Code, Country. email: (size – 9 pt)
form of clock-shaped Monsters, calendars marked with red and black ink on specific dates, and
numerous identical books titled Anatomy of the Human Body. These metaphoric representations
encapsulate the pressures and expectations associated with academic deadlines. Delving into the
profound meaning of these symbolic representations necessitates an exploration of semiotic

Semiotic theory is an expansive and varied field encompassing the examination of various types
of signs communicated through diverse channels and media. It rummages in socially organized
and evolutionarily generated sign systems, exploring the conditions of signification or semiosis,
which refers to the processes of deriving meaning from signs (Prior, n.d.). In this context, the
views of Charles Sanders Peirce, a philosopher, and semiotician, become relevant and posits that
every thought and action is a sign, emphasizing the interconnectedness of symbols with human
cognition and interpretation and the trichotomy of the sign—signifier, object, and interpretant—
defines the relationship between the symbol, its meaning, and its impact on individuals(Afisi,
n.d.) This research adopts a theoretical approach grounded in Charles Sanders Peirce's semiotic
framework to meticulously dissect the symbolic elements of deadlines within Looking Up I See
Only a Ceiling Peirce's rich perspective on signs and interpretative processes guides our analysis
of clock-shaped Monsters, calendars with red circles, and books on human anatomy as signs with
representamens, objects, and interpretants.

The previous research study titled The Influence of Myths and Symbols on Games' Plot focused
on symbols formed due to mythological narratives in a game. The mythological symbols in the
document refer to representations of human beings and human life at various levels. Myths have
a similar basic structure and reveal the hero's journey as a personal path. These symbols are used
in mythology to convey profound messages about life, personal growth, and human struggle in
facing various obstacles and challenges (Toth et al., n.d.). Myths guide people through human
growth, and identification with these symbols can be applied to various cultural works. That
research, not only did it provide an analysis of mythological symbols in God Of War, but it also
mentioned the objects used in each fantasy game. Games that are usually fantasy-themed
symbolize mythology if not religious. God Of War is one of them that draws from various
ancient mythologies. In contrast, in this research conducting represents events that commonly
occur in real life, not representing symbols from myths, making it relate to activity real life and
imbued with meaning about real-life symbols represented through different symbols in the game
titled Looking Up I See Only a Ceiling. Therefore, this research will delve into the symbolic
representations present in that game, focusing on events that commonly occur in real life that are
deadline rather than drawing from mythological narratives. By examining how these symbols
reflect and relate to real-life experiences, this study aims to provide insights into the
psychological and emotional dynamics associated with deadline pressures in academic settings.
Through a meticulous analysis of the symbols employed in the game, including clock-shaped
Monsters, calendars marked with red, and books titled Human Anatomy, to seek to elucidate the
profound meanings and implications of these representations.

The approach to this research used qualitative methods, specifically, Qualitative research
involved an investigative approach centered on distinct methodological traditions, aimed to
understand social or human issues (Khan, 2014). In this process, researchers constructed a
comprehensive analysis of the shape of the font, item informant details, and in-game
environment. That's why this method was used to analyze further the symbol of the
deadline in Looking Up I See Only a Ceiling, which also had meaning according to the
context and details, such as the environment in the game. To strengthen the results of the
analysis references such as articles, journals, Steam ( game software to be installed), books,
and social media were also used. There were several methods that I used to analyze the
symbols deadline on the game which I did sequentially: Downloading the game on Steam,
Playing while recording it, Understanding the story, and Viewing and understanding the
recording that I made.

In the research process, the first step involved using qualitative methods to analyze a
video game. This game was downloaded via the Steam platform, which was a place that
provided various types of games. After downloading, research was carried out through the
experience of playing while recording to document each stage of the game. Also, if I
wanted to observe again, I didn't need to play the game again; just the recording I made
was enough for analysis. During the play session, research focused on understanding the
content of the text, the shape of the font, the main character's reactions to the game, and
observation of the character's environment. This process involved an in-depth
understanding of the storyline, with research including searching for items that could be
used as clues. After completing the game, I immediately created a storyline based on the
playing experience to analyze it more deeply. Along with that, research focused on the
deadline symbols contained in the game. With three symbols and varying meanings, the
research focused on understanding the representation of these symbols and their impact in
the context of the game. To avoid delays that might occur from replaying, the study
utilized recordings of playing sessions as data. The recording was used to analyze deadline
symbols based on semiotic theory, especially the semantic theory of Charles Sanders

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Table 1. Title of the Table (size - 11pt)

Column Title Column Title Column Title

Row Title
Row Title

Source: Data Adapted from Author’s Surname year of publication (size - 10pt)

Figure 1: The Caption of the Figure in Title Case

Source: Surname Year (size – 10 pt)

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1. Anxiety of Deadlines: Clock-shaped Monster

Gambar 1

Typically, the term "clock" refers to a device used to measure and display time, usually in hours,
minutes, and seconds. Clocks are essential tools in managing time, scheduling tasks, and tracking
daily activities. There are three main types of clocks commonly used: Digital, Analog, and
Digital, Analog, and Hybrid clocks are commonly encountered types, each distinguished by its
design or display, yet sharing the same functionality. Digital clocks present time in digital
numeric format on LED (Light Emitting Diode) or LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) screens. The
advantage of digital clocks is their ease of time reading, as time is displayed in clear and easily
readable numeric format. Additionally, digital clocks may feature supplementary functions such
as alarms, calendars, calculators, and even advanced functionalities like heart rate monitors or
blood pressure monitors in smartwatches. Examples of digital clock usage include wall clocks in
offices or schools, everyday wristwatches, alarm clocks at home, and digital clocks integrated
into various electronic devices such as computers, smartphones, or household appliances. Digital
clocks come in various shapes and designs, ranging from simple to more sophisticated and
stylish, catering to users' needs and preferences.
In addition to digital clocks displaying time in digital numeric format, there are also analog
clocks that utilize hands or pointers pointing to numbers printed on the clock dial. Analog clocks
possess aesthetic appeal and unique design elegance, often exuding a traditional and classic
impression that is considered elegant. Although it may require slightly more effort to read time
compared to digital clocks, many people appreciate the authenticity and visual beauty offered by
analog clocks. On the other hand, there are hybrid clocks that combine digital and analog
features. Hybrid clocks typically feature a primary digital display for presenting time in easily
readable numeric format but are also equipped with analog hands as supplementary elements,
imparting a traditional aesthetic touch. Examples of hybrid clock usage can be found in
smartwatches, which are increasingly popular nowadays, where the main digital display is
combined with analog hands as additional design elements, creating multifunctional and stylish
devices. Due to the three distinct yet functionally similar types of clocks, they can be placed in
different models such as wristwatches, wall clocks, and standing clocks.
Wristwatches, wall clocks, and standing clocks represent three distinct types of timekeeping
devices that, despite sharing the same function, exhibit different placements. Wristwatches,
characterized by their minimalist design and ease of use on the wrist, allow users to carry the
timepiece wherever they go conveniently. By glancing at their wrist, people can quickly
ascertain the current time. Conversely, wall clocks boast larger dimensions compared to
wristwatches, are mounted on walls, and feature large numerals and hands. Typically, wall
clocks serve to enhance the interior aesthetics of a room and facilitate clear time reading for
occupants. Lastly, standing clocks are larger compared to the former two models. Due to their
substantial dimensions, standing clocks are commonly positioned in open spaces such as city
centers or town squares to be visible to a larger audience. Although all three types serve the same
function of time indication, their differing placements offer respective advantages in daily usage.
However, another object from Looking Up I See Only a Ceiling is Monster.
Monsters are a type of fictional creature often depicted as entities that evoke fear or strangeness,
characterized by unusual physical features such as large size, peculiar shapes, or other eerie
attributes. They commonly appear in myths, folklore, or fantasy literature as antagonistic figures
or threats to the main characters. Additionally, monsters are frequently employed as
representations of internal or external conflicts faced by characters in stories, reflecting human
fears or tensions towards the unknown or uncontrollable aspects of life.
However, In the realm of real-life folklore and mythology, various cultures have their
interpretations of monstrous beings, often rooted in local legends, beliefs, and historical events.
For instance, in Japanese folklore, the Yokai are supernatural creatures that encompass a wide
range of entities, from mischievous spirits to terrifying monsters. Examples include the Kappa, a
water-dwelling creature with a penchant for mischief, and the Yuki-onna, a spectral figure
associated with snowstorms. Similarly, in European folklore, creatures like the werewolf and
vampire have long been ingrained in popular culture, representing primal fears and the darker
aspects of human nature. These real-world monsters serve as embodiments of cultural anxieties,
societal taboos, and the mysteries of the natural world, reflecting humanity's ongoing fascination
with the unknown and the macabre This fascination extends to contemporary mediums such as
games, as exemplified by Looking Up I See Only a Ceiling.
In the game titled Looking Up I See Only a Ceiling, there is a monster depicted in the form of a
clock with distinctive characteristics. The monster is oversized, surpassing the average height of
a human, and possesses two prominent eyeballs. Furthermore, the clock model used by this
monster is a classic clock from bygone eras, typically characterized by a small circular shape that
is easily portable. However, in the context of this game, the classic clock is transformed into a
large-sized version. The type of clock utilized by this monster is an analog clock, which also
features a large size consistent with the monster's characteristics. The color of this monster is
designed to be dark black, even darker than the room not illuminated brightly by the lamps in the
game environment. To comprehend the symbolism of this creature, semiotic theory is required,
wherein the theory of Charles Sanders Peirce, employing triadic sign relations, is utilized to
facilitate the analysis of the symbol.
In applying Charles Sanders Peirce's semiotic theory to analyze the game Looking Up I See Only
a Ceiling, the first step involves identifying the signifier, object, and interpretant associated with
the symbol of the clock-shaped monster. The signifier in this game is the visualization of a
terrifying monster with a peculiar form, yet appearing as a clock. This monster possesses
oversized hands that enable it to capture the main character in the game. The object represented
by this symbol is the concept of time, urgency, and pressure associated with deadlines. The clock
monster reflects the intimidating concept of time and instills fear in the main character. The
interpretant in this context is the mental and emotional reaction elicited by the main character
when facing the clock monster. The main character experiences deep fear and anxiety upon
encountering the monster, reflecting the burden of deadlines and time pressure. Peirce's triadic
sign relations reinforce the understanding of the main character's mental and emotional state in
this game. The clock-shaped monster becomes a symbol of the fear of time and intimidating
deadlines, ultimately causing the main character to feel trapped and unable to confront this
challenge. Awareness of the fear of deadlines prompts her to attempt to escape, but ultimately
she realizes, she cannot evade their predetermined fate.
In everyday life, deadlines often serve as a source of anxiety for many individuals. Many
students or colleges experience high levels of stress due to the pressure of tasks that must be
completed within the specified deadlines. The heavy burden of deadlines often makes some
students feel trapped and prone to experiencing mental disturbances, even to the point of
contemplating suicide. Facing deadlines can be daunting for students, especially if there is no
effort to manage them effectively. However, a prudent approach is to manage tasks gradually,
allowing for the achievement of targets within the specified deadlines without causing excessive
In the game Looking Up I See Only a Ceiling, the symbol of the clock-shaped monster represents
the fear of time and deadlines. The main character in the game faces significant challenges in
overcoming this monster, reflecting her internal conflict regarding time and deadline pressures.
By successfully defeating the monster in the good ending, it can be interpreted that the character
has managed to overcome her fear of deadlines by taking appropriate steps and effectively
managing her tasks, even in difficult conditions such as being in Limbo. This illustrates the
message that with good time management and the right approach, we can face and overcome the
fear of deadlines.
2. Crucial Importance of Deadlines: Calendars marked with red and balck ink

In daily life, calendars are commonly used to mark time with dates, days, months, and years.
Their functions include aiding in time management and scheduling activities, whether they be
appointments, meetings, or other important events. Additionally, calendars serve as references
for specific occasions such as holidays, birthdays, or religious celebrations, assisting people in
planning their activities. By utilizing calendars, individuals can effectively plan long-term
projects, vacations, or trips. Moreover, calendars play a role in recording history by noting
significant dates in the development of events or activities. In social or professional contexts,
calendars enable the synchronization and coordination of schedules among individuals or groups,
such as in business meetings or family events. There are several types of calendars used
worldwide, each with its own functions. The Gregorian calendar, the most commonly used, helps
organize time in units of years, months, and days for planning and scheduling purposes. Lunar
calendars, following the cycle of the full moon, are useful in determining timing for cultural and
religious celebrations as well as astrological practices. The Hijri calendar, used in Islam, assists
in determining timing for religious practices and significant celebrations. Liturgical calendars,
used in Christianity, guide religious rites and celebrate religious events such as Christmas and
Easter. Each type of calendar plays a vital role in organizing time and celebrating religious or
cultural events in various contexts around the world. Additionally, calendars come in different
models, including digital and paper formats.
Digital and paper calendars, while serving the same fundamental purpose of timekeeping, have
slightly different functionalities and usage contexts. Digital calendars represent the electronic
version of conventional calendars, accessible through devices such as smartphones, tablets, or
computers. These digital models offer additional features not found in paper calendars, including
event reminders, notifications, the ability to store notes or attachments, and synchronization with
various platforms or devices. Moreover, they are often customizable to user preferences, such as
color schemes, styles, or special markers for specific events. On the other hand, paper calendars
consist of physical pages printed with dates and months. They are favored for their user-friendly
nature, simplicity, and independence from technology. However, they lack the advanced features
of digital calendars and often require annual replacement. Another unique aspect of paper
calendars is the ability to customize them with special themes, such as family photos, displayed
in a visible location for others to see. While both types serve the same function, digital calendars
are typically used for personal organization, whereas paper calendars are more commonly used
in public spaces. Hence, the markers used in each model may vary in type.
The markers used in calendars vary between digital and paper models. Digital calendars do not
require the use of pens or writing tools; instead, markers are applied by clicking on a symbol and
selecting a reminder sound to denote the significance of a date. Conversely, paper calendars
necessitate writing tools such as pens or markers for marking purposes. The markers on paper
calendars are often made prominently to facilitate the identification of important dates. The ink
used for marking on paper calendars comes in various colors, commonly black, red, or others.
Although these colors may not hold intrinsic meaning in daily activities, what is marked by these
indicators becomes significant in the context of the calendar. In the analysis of symbols, the
differentiation of marker colors, particularly red and black, on calendars in a game like Looking
Up I See Only a Ceiling, indicates aspects that influence the investigation of symbolic meanings
within the game.

The color red is one of the hues in the color spectrum characterized by its dominant, striking, and
bright features. Visually, red is the color with the shortest wavelength visible to the human eye.
Psychologically, red is often associated with strong emotions such as anger, courage, and love.
Additionally, red frequently carries specific cultural connotations that vary across different
societies. For instance, in Western culture, red is often linked to positive symbolism like bravery
or success, but it can also represent danger or warning. In many Asian cultures, red symbolizes
luck, happiness, and life, and it is often used in celebrations and traditional ceremonies. In
practical usage, the color red is often employed to attract attention, create dramatic effects, or
denote the importance of information.

On the other hand, black is one of the colors in the light spectrum that does not reflect light at
certain frequencies, thus appearing dark. Psychologically, black is often associated with concepts
such as sadness, silence, and power. Black is also frequently identified with strength, elegance,
and courage. In design contexts, black is often used to emphasize formality, strength, or mystery.
Practically, black is commonly used in design to provide a strong contrast with other colors or to
create an elegant and modern impression. For example, in graphic design, black text is often used
to provide clarity and readability on a bright-colored background. In the game Looking Up I See
Only a Ceiling, these colors are applied to different parts of the calendar, and to understand
further, Charles Peirce's theory is necessary to determine the meaning of the calendar symbol in
the game.

In the context of the game, the calendar symbol, marked with red and black color indicators,
exhibits same signifier for each of its instances, which is color. These indicators act as signifiers
representing a concept or object, in this case, the calendar. The object of this symbol is the
calendar itself, visually represented within the game. Furthermore, the interpretant of this
symbol is determined by the game's context, with the main character serving as the focus of
interpretation. Thus, the main character acts as the interpretant of the calendar symbol.
According to Pierce's triad, signifier, object, and interpretant are crucial components in
understanding the meaning of a symbol. The meaning of the calendar symbol marked with red
and black colors in this game context then depends on its relationship with the main character
and how it influences the storyline or gaming experience.

In the storyline of the game Looking Up I See Only a Ceiling, the main character leads a
monotonous daily routine not out of laziness, but driven by the necessity to meet a deadline set
by the main character. The day begins with waking up, heading to the dining area for breakfast,
and then rushing to the bathroom. Instead of idly waiting, the character takes the opportunity to
read a book before starting her bathing routine. This dedication underscores her pursuit of a goal,
although the player remains unaware of its nature. While the assumption may be an impending
exam, the storyline suggests that these daily activities span not just weeks, but months. This is
highlighted when the protagonist enters Limbo, an intermediate dimension between life and
death, where she encounter numerous cluttered calendars in every room. Although unclear on the
specific dates marked in red on these calendars, the main character is disturbed by their presence,
indicative of the significance of calendars as symbols. This disturbance prompts the main
character to question the significance of the calendars in the room. Subsequently, she encounters
a man dressed in all black holding a paper calendar marked with black. Upon completion of the
game, it is revealed that this man represents an alternate version of the main character with
contrasting traits. This adds depth to the symbolism of the calendars, suggesting unfulfilled
desires in the real world may manifest in the dream realm. In this context, the calendars
appearing in Limbo, a realm between life and death, bear resemblance to the symbolism of

In the journey of the main character in the storyline of the game Looking Up I See Only a
Ceiling, the use of calendars with red and black markings becomes a significant representation in
analyzing her mental and emotional changes. From the perspective of Charles Sanders Peirce's
semiotic triadic theory, the color markings on the calendar serve as signs that capture the main
character's attention, with the calendar object itself as the physical entity and the main character
as its interpreter. The red color mark symbolizes the importance of a date or event, while the
black color mark reflects more serious or weighty matters. Meanwhile, from a psychological
standpoint, the presence of cluttered calendars in the Limbo can be interpreted as a reflection of
the conflicts or uncertainties faced by the main character in real life. Furthermore, the calendars
marked with red and black have different meanings; the red markings signify tasks that the main
character is passionate about, such as anatomy studies, as evidenced by the presence of numerous
anatomy books in the room where the calendars were found. On the other hand, the black
markings symbolize the pressure experienced by the main character, indicating tasks that she is
not particularly fond of, thereby causing deep stress. This explains why different months, like
June and July, have different colored markings. Additionally, the encounter with her black-clad
counterpart carrying a black calendar reflects darker aspects of her persona and represents hidden
aspirations and fears.

3. Goal of Deadlines: Books titled Anatomy of the Human Body

In general, a book is a communication medium used to convey information, knowledge, stories,

or specific viewpoints to readers. Books can take the form of written works, both fiction and
non-fiction, covering various genres such as literature, science, history, philosophy, and more.
The primary function of a book is to serve as a means of transmitting and preserving ideas,
thoughts, experiences, and human discoveries from one generation to the next. Additionally,
books can serve as sources of learning, entertainment, reflection, and inspiration for readers.
There are two main types of books commonly used for everyday purposes: digital and print.

Digital books, evolving alongside technological advancements, offer advantages in accessibility

and convenience. With digital books, readers can easily access various information through
electronic devices such as tablets, smartphones, or computers. Additionally, digital books allow
readers to store large collections without the need for physical storage space. However, their
main drawback lies in their dependence on technology, requiring readers to have internet access
and suitable devices. On the other hand, print books offer a rich sensory experience, involving
the physical touch of pages, the smell of paper, and a unique visual experience. Moreover, print
books allow readers to emotionally connect with the works they read, providing a deeper and
more tangible reading experience. However, print book's drawbacks lie in their size and weight,
making them less practical for carrying or storage, and they also make quick information
searches difficult.

In the game Looking Up I See Only a Ceiling, scattered throughout the room are books all
bearing the same titled Anatomy of the Human Body. These books share a uniform thickness,
estimated to be between 700 to 1000 pages in print form. This discovery occurs in a room also
containing calendars marked with red-colored indicators, creating a significant correlation
between two symbols. To further understand the meaning and symbolic relationship between
these books and the calendars, that can apply the theory of semiotics by Charles Sanders Peirce.

In Charles Sanders Peirce's semiotic theory, Triadic is one of the methods used to analyze the
meaning of the anatomy books. The signifier in this symbol is the location of the anatomy books,
which correlates with the symbol of the calendars. Additionally, the books being in different
locations without any calendars further supports their significance. The object in this symbol is
the physical form of the anatomy books, while the interpreter refers to the main character's
reaction to encountering this symbol.

In the early stages of the game, the main character wakes up from her morning sleep before
having breakfast. She rushes to her study area to check if she has properly prepared for her
studies the night before by examining the bookmarks in the books she read. In her study area,
there are books about human anatomy, as well as posters depicting the human skeletal structure.
Even her entertainment books, such as comics, have themes related to human anatomy,
indicating her strong interest in the subject. The main reason behind her obsession with human
anatomy is the upcoming exam on the topic, indicating that she is a student or colleges.
However, the impending exam does not stress her out because she is deeply passionate about the
subject, evident from her collection of anatomy books, including those for leisure reading. Even
before taking a shower, she spends time reading these books in her room and often writes about
what she reads. The setting then shifts to the Limbo, where there is a room filled with scattered
books bearing the same title, "Human Anatomy," located alongside the calendars marked with
red ink, a prior analysis indicating the importance of the deadline symbolized by the red marks.
The presence of these books symbolizes the significance of achieving the set targets while
exploring the depth of the main character's interest in the subject.

This is a template to write research paper therefore conclusion section is mandatory. You are
required to give review the main part of research paper and use of research word. Please provide
your conclusion between 150 to 350 words.
References are most important part of research paper therefore each citation must be right and
complete. You are requested to list down your references using the following format given as

American Psychological Association. (1972). Ethical standards of psychologists. Washington, DC:

American Psychological Association.
Anderson, C. A., Gentile, D. A., & Buckley, K. E. (2007). Violent video game effects on children and
adolescents: Theory, research and public policy.
Beck, C. A. J., & Sales, B. D. (2001). Family mediation: Facts, myths, and future prospects (pp. 100-
102). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
11 pt Bernstein, T. M. (1965). The careful writer: A modern guide to English usage (2nd ed.). New York, NY:
Bjork, R. A. (1989). Retrieval inhibition as an adaptive mechanism in human memory. In H. L. Roediger
III, & F. I. M. Craik (Eds.), Varieties of memory & consciousness (pp. 309-330). Hillsdale, NJ:
Cress, C. M. (2009). Curricular strategies for student success and engaged learning [PowerPoint slides].
Retrieved from /Christine
Driedger, S. D. (1998, April 20). After divorce. Maclean’s, 111(16), 38-43.
Gibbs, J. T., & Huang, L. N. (Eds.). (1991). Children of color: Psychological interventions with minority
youth. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
You may provide appendices to give accuracy of your study. If your manuscript has only one
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