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Lonnle Wallace

Mrs Mcklnsey
Lngllsh 102
22 november 2010
AnnoLaLed 8lbllography
"Reporting Procedures Child Abuse and Neglect." Roman Catholic Diocese of Lafayette, Louisiana. Web.
This article points out what is really consider child abuse and neglect. t explains the legal
definition of child abuse. The legal definition of child abuse is the lnvolvemenL of Lhe chlld ln any
sexual acL wlLh a parenL or any oLher person or Lhe aldlng or LoleraLlon by Lhe parenL or Lhe
careLaker of Lhe chlld's sexual lnvolvemenL wlLh any oLher person or of Lhe chlld's lnvolvemenL
ln pornographlc dlsplays or any oLher lnvolvemenL of a chlld ln sexual acLlvlLy consLlLuLlng a
crlme under Lhe laws of Lhls sLaLe 1hls arLlcle also explalns numbers of Lhlngs LhaL ls noL
consldered chlld abuse lL also explalns Lhe procedure on how Lo reporL chlld abuse or neglecL
1he arLlcle also glves crlLerla for accepLance of a reporL of a suspecL LhaL's been abuse Cne
crlLerlon ls Lhe chlld musL be under Lhe age of 18 1hls source was very useful because lL
provided important and useful information.
"Laws regarding Child Sexual Abuse." ikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 10 Nov. 2010.
This article is basically points out the laws for child sexual abuse. The article breaks down what
the CRC is. The CRC is the United Nations Convention on the rights of the Child, which is an
international treaty that legally obliges states to protect children's rights. t explains how different
articles of the CRC have different powers to protect children from sexual abuse. t also talks
about how cases have set the laws in Louisiana like in the U.S. Supreme Court case Kansa vs.
Hendricks the court ruled that a predatory sex offender cane civilly committed upon release from
prison. The article also talks about Megan's Law, which requires law enforcement to release all
information about sex offenders. ts also talked about other laws and acts that help bring about
the laws in Louisiana
Martin, By Patrick. "Obama Attacks US Supreme Court Decision barring Death Penalty for Child Rape."
orld Socialist eb Site. Web. 5 Nov. 2010. <
This article points how Obama attacks the US Supreme Court Decision on barring death penalty
for child rape. The article basically explains the reasons why a person should get the death
penalty for child rape. n the article Obama stated " have said repeatedly that think that the
death penalty should be applied in very narrow circumstances for the most egregious of crimes.
think that the rape of a small child, 6 or 8 years old, is a heinous crime"
"Wikipedia:Kennedy v. Louisiana." Global arming Art. Web. 12 Nov. 2010.
This article was about a Supreme Court case. Kennedy was a man from New Orleans, Louisiana
who was sentenced to death after convicted of raping his stepdaughter who was at the time eight-
years-old. The article stated that the rap was uncommonly brutal and invasive emergency surgery
was required to repair her injuries. Kennedy refused to plead guilty, and kept saying that the
brutal sexual assault was committed by two neighborhood boys. n this case the court believe that
the death penalty was not too harsh for the brutal crime he has committed
"Questions and Answers about Child Abuse." Web. 2 Nov. 2010. <>.
The article Questions and Answers about Child Abuse give answers to frequently asked
questions about child abuses. Some are the question are the following:
What is child abuse?
When would you consider sexual activity between two children abuse?
How common is sexual abuse among children of different ages?
s there any way to prevent child abuse?
All of the questions and answer giving in this article or very useful when trying to know what
exactly is child abuse and how to prevent it from happening.
"Understanding and Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect." American Psychological Association (APA).
Web. 10 Dec. 2010. <>.
This article points out what is child abuse and how to prevent it. t explains what is the Child
Abuse and Prevention Treatment Act(CAPTA). t is define as any recent act or failure to act on
the part of a parent or caretaker, which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm,
sexual abuse, or exploitation, or an act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious
harm. t talks about some factors that place a child at risk of abuse or neglect, such as low elf-
esteem, poor impulse control, depression, and anxiety or antisocial behavior.

Baikness to Light. <www.uaiknesslight.oig>.

Neddermeyer, Dorothy M. "Sexual Child Abuse - Something Can Be Done." E:ineArticles. Web. 15
Nov. 2010.

Sexual Abuse. Web. 15 Nov. 2010.

"Child Abuse Research and Statistics." Sexual Abuse. Web. 11 Nov. 2010. http://www.prevent-abuse-

Department of Children & Family Services , State of Louisiana. Web. 10 Nov. 2010.

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