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iss! ASI! ail aly The last 10 Nights of Ramadan planner IG:chamscoda Scanned with CamScanner wabarakatuhu ~ Assalamualaikum it se I hope you all are in the best state of your health I made this pdf so that I’m the last moment we don’t have to rush and avoid wasting time as ever second is precious, It has all important reminders, Hadith, adhkar , and authentic duas(from Quran and Hisnul * Muslim) Please forgive me for some typing errors if you find any! ay Allah accept it from us! Scanned with CamScanner Excellence of Lailat-ul Qadr "Indeed, We sent it li.e., the Qur'an] down during the Night of Decree. And what can make you know what is the Night of Decree? The Night of Decree is better than a thousand months. The angels and the Spirit [i-e., Gabriel] descend therein by permission of their Lord for every matter. Peace it is until emergence of dawn. {Al Qadr 1- 5] Narrated Abu Hurairah RA: Allah's Messenger (pbuh) said, "Whoever establishes the prayers on the night of Qadr out of sincere faith and hoping to attain Allah's rewards (not to show off) then all his past sins will be forgiven." {Al Bukhari} "Aishah RA reported: I asked: "O Messenger of Allah! If I realize Lailat-ul-Qadr (Night of Decree), what should I supplicate in it?" He ( replied, "You should supplicate: Scanned with CamScanner is better than a 1,000 MONTHS Scanned with CamScanner Worshipping ALLAH on LAYEATUIZ OADK TAKE ADVANTAGE OF EVERY SECOND! Scanned with CamScanner JUST 1 SECOND IS MORE THAN HOURS OF WORSHIP! ¢ DON'T WASTE TIME GOSSIP, WATCH TV YOUTUBE REGRET MISSING OUT ¢DO ISTIGHFAR . DHIKR QUR'AN RECITATION NONSTOP DUAS ISHA & FAJR IN MASJID Scanned with CamScanner we e * IBADAH CHECK CATS = aad Peo N Reads PRAY TARAWEEH, FOLLOWED BY TAHJJUD AND WITR PRAYER AND THEN PRAY FAJR IN JAMA’AH. 2 wemncore ¢ RECITE QURAN INCREASE RECITATION OF QURAN. READ THE TRANSLATION, LISTEN TO TAFSEER AND REFLECT ON THE MEANING OF EVERY VERSE. = IG: CHAMSCODA See SIT ALONE IN A QUITE SPOT AT HOME AND DO LOTS OF DHIKR.REFLECT AND SEEK FORGIVENESS FROM ALLAH (SWT). 4 WeRNCOTE —_ Scanned with CamScanner IG: CHAMSCODA CREATE YOUR BEST DUAS LIST AND ALSO RECITE A LOT OF “ALLAHUMMA INNAKA "AFUWWUN TUHIBBUL ‘AFWA FA'FU ‘ANNEE”. DONT'T FORGET TO MAKE DUA FOR ALL. Lwenicore Pierce reheat GIVE SADAGA EVERY NIGHT DURING LAST TEN NIGHTS, MEMORIZE SURAHS, LISTEN TO ISLAMIC LECTURES OR LEARN ABOUT SEERAH OF PROPHET. ole) a NSY eS ABSTAIN FROM IDLE TALK,GET OFF SOCIAL MEDIA, DONT PLAY VIDEO GAMES OR WATCH TV OR FALL ASLEEP. A weRCOre Scanned with CamScanner . THE WOMAN IN HER . yMENSES CAN SIT IN-HER -MUSALLA (PRAYER AREA ~ WITHOUT PRAYING, SHE Reminder Scanned with CamScanner Eee IG: CHAMSCODA LAYLATUL QADR - WORSHIP PLAN TO MAXIMISE THE LAST 10 NIGHTS OF RAMADAN >>>>> Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala (glorified and exalted be He) says in the Qur'an: The Night of Decree is better than a thousand months. The angels and the Spirit descend therein by permission of their Lord for every matter. Peace it is until the emergence of dawn. [Qur'an: 97:3-5] The blessed Laylatul Qadr can be found in any of the last 10 nights of Ramadan, which are the most blessed nights of the year. As such, we should increase our worship and devotion during this period. Aisha radyAllahu 'anha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported: With the start of the last ten days of Ramadan, the Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him used to tighten his waist belt (i.e. work harder and used to pray the whole night, and used to keep his family awake for the prayers. [Bukhari] Abu Hurayrah radyAllahu 'anhu (may Allah be pleased with him) relates that the Prophet sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "Whoever stands (in the voluntary night prayer of) Ramadan out of faith and in the hope of reward, his previous sins will be forgiven. And whoever spends the night of Lailat Al-Qadr in prayer out of faith and in the hope of reward, his previous sins will be forgiven." [Sunan an-Nasa'il Subhan Allah! Such immense rewards are to be gained during these blessed 10 nights. How can we afford to miss out on them? Who is to say that we will live to see the next Ramadan? We MUST make the best of these 10 nights. If we cannot manage all of the 10 nights, then as many as we can manage, particularly on the odd-numbered nights: 21st, 25th, 27th and 29th. Scanned with CamScanner THERE IS A SAYING THAT A PERSON WHO FAILS TO PLAN, PLANS TO FAIL. SO | HAVE CREATED A WORSHIP PLAN THAT WE CAN USE TO MAXIMISE THESE BLESSED 10 NIGHTS OF RAMADAN. BUT FIRS THERE ARE A FEW POINTS TO, CONSIDER: IG: CHAMSCODA Scanned with CamScanner te) eee ONS) B Say THE WORSHIP on ee blessed night is to remain in Itikaf, which both men and women can do. If it is not possible for one to remain in I'tikaf for the whole of the 10 days and nights, then one should try to remain in I'tikaf for as many days and nights possible. It is also possible to make intenti Nawafil I'tikaf each and eae PAS ee RO one enters the masjid to rewards for the time spent in the ‘Try to worship the whole of the 10 nights or as many days you can manage as that is the best way to catch the unimaginable and incomprehensible rewards of Laylatul Qadr. Each and every good deed from Maghrib until Fajr on Laylatul Qadr is rewarded a minimum of at least 83 years’ of worship. Subhan Allah, that is FESPA SeGR ES) © longer than most of us wil Allahumma innaka ‘afuwwun, tuhibbul-'afwa, fa'fu ‘anni (o Allah, You are Most Forgivin; and You love forgiveness; so forgive me)." {At-Tirmidhi]. Scanned with CamScanner eee) eee ONS) B Say THE WORSHIP PLAN: ANY GOOD ACT SUCH AS CHARITY DURING LAYLATUL QADR IS REWARDED LIKE YOU HAVE DONE IT FOR OVE! 83 YEARS. AS YOU WILL BE STAYING UP UNTIL FAJR, THE MORE YOU EAT, THE HARDER IT WILL BE FOR YOU TO STAY UP AND THE LESS PRODUCTIVE YOU WILL BE! 6.HYDRATE WELL: KEEP SOME WATER WITH YOU AT ALL TIMES. THIS WILL HELP YOU STAY UP, FEEL ENERGISED AND REFRESHED AND HAVE A CLEARER “> Scanned with CamScanner TO 10) ae CONSIDER IN nls WORSHIP _ wy a pA) ga aE gaa 5 . MAKE ARRANGEMENTS TO CLEAR AS MANY OF YOUR PENDING TASKS AS.- POSSIBLE OR MAKE A -_ PLAN FOR TACKLING THEM LATER. THIS WAY, WE ARE FREE TO WORSHIP DUR THE 10 NIGHTS wight ee cue adc aeusas BEING DS ACI ED WORLDLY TASKS. ‘THE PROPHET SALLALLAHU ‘ALAYHI WA ‘SALLAM (PEACE AND BLESSINGS OF ALLAH BE UPON HIM) SAID: “NOTHING WILL BE HEAVIER ON THE DAY OF RESURRECTION IN THE SCALE OF THE BELIEVER THAN GOOD MANNERS. ALLAH HATES ONE WHO UTTERS FOUL OR COARSE LANGUAGE." [AT- TIRMIDHI], ‘SO WE MUST AIM TO BE THE BEST IN CA eats st WE MUST MAKE A FIRM INTENTION ‘THAT DURING THESE BLESSED 10 NIGHTS, WE WILL NOT TAKE PART IN IDLE TALK. WATCH TV, PLAY COMPUTER GAMES OR SPEND TIME ON THE SOCIAL MEDIA. ‘THERE ARE 355 DAYS IN THE YEAR FOR ALL THAT - IF YOU REALLY CANNOT RESIST. THIS IS JUST 10 — NIGHTS! THERE WILL BE INDEED UTTER LOSS AND REGRET Fi THOSE OF US WHO WASTE THI BLESSED 10 NIGHTS. Scanned with CamScanner 10. NO TIME WASTING ~~ et y ve IG: CHAMSCOD. A REMEMBER EVERY SECOND IS IMPORTANT | Scanned with CamScanner Break fast with dates and water © can you macine TH and pray Maghrib (men with rire eee congregation and women at —°URING LavLaruL cap? = SUBHAN ALLAH! home). Afterwards pray the 2 vou wit se rewaroen ' LIKE YOU HAVE PRAYED raka'ahs of sunnah and as many ) qe Faro AND - VOLUNTARY PRAYERS nawafil (voluntary) prayers in sets, \C.UNTARY PRAYER of 2 raka'ahs as you can manage. 07:30 PM - 07:45 PM Eat light to have optimum) te tichteR your : : STOMACH, THE MORE energy for worship. Avoid | ‘worst you can PERFORM. THE MORE heavy and fried foods, as worsiir you PERFORM : THE MORE REWARD YOU they will make you WILL OBTAIN. IN SHA lethargic. ALLAH. © 07:45 PM -08:30 PM LOOKING YOUR BEST HAS A ' SIGNIFICANT IMPACT IN MAKING Get ready to pray Isha’ and _ You MorE PRODUCTIVE! THESE ARE + . THE NIGHTS OF MAXIMUM ly” Tataweeh. Make ghusul or wudus? co cnviryiso Look AND Pray 2 raka’ahs tahiyyatul wudu ) sMeLt coop To BE MORE after every wudu. Wear your best PRODUCTIVE] : clothes and put on attar, use a TIPS miswaak and comb your Wait, “1 « rte MassiD IF YOU ARE beard etc. NOT IN I'TIKAF. EACH AND EVERY ig STEP IS REWARDED LIKE YOU HAVE BEEN WALKING TO THE MASJID FOR OVER 83 YEARS! SUBHAN ALLAH! Scanned with CamScanner Learn surah with their translation so that you can attain khushu in your prayer 09:00 PM - 11:00 PM: TIP. Pray Isha' and Taraweeh. mA Sa s PRAYING TARAWEEH DURING Pray 2 raka’ahs of tahiyyatul LayLatut aapr WiLL BRING ‘i REWARDS OF OVER 83 YEARS _. masjid hoe FOR EACH AND EVERY LETTER arriving at the masjid and 4 | RECITED BY THE IMAM AND raka'ahs of sunnah (this is OROSTRATION (aAJDay: often neglected) before the 4 fard of Isha'. 11:00 PM - 11:30 PM: As soon as Tarawech is completed, prepare for worship until Fajr. Make fresh wudu or ghusl if you wish to. Drink water. If you are, THE LESS TIME WE WASTE, hungry, eat (light). Either stay at the masjid , THE MORE TIME WE HAVE ‘or go home immediately. Do not partake in , FOR WORSHIP. THE MORE any idle talk and go straight tothe spot ™ ‘TIME WE HAVE FOR where there will be no disturbances and > WORSHIP. THE MORE WE J begin worship immediately. There should be, CAN GAIN UNIMAGINABLE no procrastination during these blessed 10 , REWARDS DURING THESE nights. BLESSED 10 NIGHTS.E ji Scanned with CamScanner Recite the Qur'an, THE NOBLE QUR'AN WAS REVEALED DURING LAYLATUL contemplating and GADR. SO SURELY WE SHOULD SPEND THE LAST 10 NIGHTS OF pondering over the RAMADAN RECITING THE QUR'AN. EACH AND EVERY LETTER IS words of Allah NORMALLY REWARDED 10 GOOD DEEDS. DURING RAMADAN, THIS IS subhanahu wa ta'la INCREASED FURTHER BUT DURING LAYLATUL GADR EACH LETTER (glorified and exalted be wict se rewarve0 Like ONE HAS RECITED IT FOR OVER 83 YEARS. He). SUBHAN ALLAH! 1:30 AM - 2:00 AM Pray nafl salah, recite the Qur'an or engage in reciting the dua of Laylatul Qadr Dua as much as possible which completely wipes out sins. THE BEST NAWAFIL PRAYER IS 2:00 AM - 2:45 AM: ' = 8 raka'ahs of tahajjud ‘ALLOWS YOU TO GET CLOSER TO . . ALLAH SUBHANAHU WA TA’ALA prayer with long sajdas, — ccoririeo ano exatreo ene, rr CAN BE PRAYED AFTER ISHA’ UNTIL Teciting as many surahs as _ .ustserore Fae Besins. THE BEST : RECITATION OF THE GUR'AN IS DONE you know. Knowing DURING TAHAJJUD PRAYER. YOU beforehand th Ming — cvRaNasvoU HAVE MeMORISED IN ‘SY ee t pe 8 THE LONG PROSTRATIONS, BEG ALLAH SUBHANAHU WA TA ALA (GLORIFIED ofthe surahs that you will pssst to iti 1 FORGIVENESS AND MERCY AND be reciting will allow you ‘SURELY HE WILL NEVER TURN AWAY HIS SLAVES WHO BEG OF HIM DURING to attain khushu. THIS PRAYER Scanned with CamScanner Eat suhoor slightly earlier so ame Aven PREPARE SUHOOR DURING you Can spend the last 30° tHE Day AND STORE IT IN THE minutes in dua. The FRIDGE AS NOTHING SHOULD : a GET IN THE WAY OF OUR J dua just before Fajr is the best Pworsvup DURING THESE q and most accepted dua, and | BLESSED NIGHTS. PREPARING +. ) Hi SUHOOR BEFOREHAND & any dua on Laylatul Qadr is | caves us wit MORE TIME accepted without a doubt, In TO WORSHIP. sha Allah. % 3:00 AM UNTIL FAJR BEGINS: Devote the last 30 minutes in dua. Beg and cry unto Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala (glorified and exalted be He). Praise and glorify Him by using His beautiful names, asking for His mercy and forgiveness and for our parents, families and ourselves. MAKE A DUA LIST AND BE SURE TO COVER \’ EVERYTHING YOU CAN > THINK OF SO THAT ijn YOUR MIND DOES NOT Fi ’ GO BLANK WHEN JG Ask for anything that your heart MAKING DUAS ON desires. Include duas for the ' THESE BLESSED {# Ummah. Surely Allah subhanahu wa NIGHTS.EL ta’ala (glorified and exalted be He) : will accept each and every sincere dua during these blessed 10 nights, especially on Laylatul Qadr! Scanned with CamScanner Pa =P DUA FOR LAILAT-UL- / QADR (NIGHT OF DECREE) revs reece «gis oly agi Cerner se: ALLAHUMMA INNAKA i 3 ‘AFUWWUN, TUHIBBUL- ‘AFWA, FA'FU ‘ANNI O ALLAH, YOU ARE MOST Qs FORGIVING, AND YOU a) , LOVE FORGIVENESS; SO ~ i \ FORGIVE ME [AT-TIRMIDHI]. é Fr , A se 4 Scanned with CamScanner HEALTH ILLNESS AND aula! Quacall 9 gelasull oY 9 IN THE NAME OF ALLAH, WITH WHOSE NAME NOTHING ON THE EARTH OR IN THE HEAVENS CAN CAUSE HARM, HE IS THE ALL-HEARING, THE ALL-KNOWING (3 TIMES) Gaal Aa5i Calg jul (pitas pool VERILY, DISTRESS HAS SEIZED ME, AND YOU ARE THE MOST MERCIFUL OF ALL THOSE WHO SHOW MERCY. calbally crgratla sa yall (0 chy 961 oil agll play! foaeng 0 ALLAH! | SEEK REFUGE IN YOU FROM LEUCODERMA, INSANITY, LEPROSY AND EVIL DISEASES Scanned with CamScanner Protection from jinn evil eye, black magic , ees NONE HAS THE RIGHT TO BE WORSHIPPED BUT ALLAH ALONE, WHO HAS NO PARTNER. HIS IS THE DOMINION AND HIS IS THE PRAISE, AND HE IS ABLE TO DO ALL THINGS . | SEEK PROTECTION FOR YOU IN THE PERFECT WORDS OF ALLAH FROM EVERY DEVIL AND EVERY BEAST , AND FROM EVERY ENVIOUS BLAMEWORTHY EYE. web B AIT pd Lit pail a BN ol lp Aula! Qrauull 9 9 ¢Lauull IN THE NAME OF ALLAH, WITH WHOSE NAME NOTHING ON THE EARTH OR IN THE HEAVENS CAN CAUSE HARM, HE IS THE ALL-HEARING, THE ALL- KNOWING Scanned with CamScanner Protection agaist enemy pga cole Giycaily Gals) G89 (pie Gale & 31 j ey : OUR LORD! POUR FORTH ON US PATIENCE, SET OUR FEET FIRM AND MAKE US VICTORIOUS OVER THE DISBELIEVING PEOPLE. [2:250] Geely Gotadt S885 OUR LORD! FORGIVE US OUR SINS AND OUR TRANSGRESSIONS (IN KEEPING OUR DUTIES TO YOU), ESTABLISH OUR FEET FIRMLY, AND GIVE US VICTORY OVER THE DISBELIEVING FOLK. [3:147] OUR LORD! MAKE US NOT A TRIAL FOR THE FOLK WHO ARE ZALIMUN (POLYTHEISTS AND WRONG- DOING) (I.E. DO NOT MAKE THEM OVERPOWER US). AND SAVE US BY YOUR MERCY FROM THE DISBELIEVING FOLK. [10:85-86] Vay Care Gye Cal focang Way chil Go Gi OUR LORD! BESTOW ON US MERCY FROM YOURSELF, AND. FACILITATE FOR US OUR AFFAIR IN THE RIGHT WAY [18:10] Scanned with CamScanner Dua for wellness in family & property 0 ALLAH | ASK YOU PARDON AND WELLNESS IN THIS LIFE AND IN THE HEREAFTER, O ALLAH | ASK YOU PARDON AND WELLNESS IN MY RELIGION, LIFE, FAMILY AND PROPERTY, O ALLAH HIDE MY MISTAKES AND MAKE MY FEARS PEACEFUL. 0 ALLAH PROTECT WHAT IS BETWEEN MY HANDS, WHAT IS BEHIND ME, WHAT IS ON MY RIGHT AND WHAT IS ON MY LEFT, WHAT IS ABOVE ME, AND I SEEK PROTECTION IN YOUR MAGNIFICENCE THAT | AM CONSUMED BY WHAT IS UNDERNEATH ME. Scanned with CamScanner Dua for knowledge, provision and good deeds Lad Lae GLU) gos! ag yale Wat 9 Lise 1a}, 9 O ALLAH! | ASK YOU FOR KNOWLEDGE THAT IS OF BENEFIT, A GOOD PROVISION AND DEEDS THAT WILL BE ACCEPTED. Asking Allah for good deeds 0 ALLAAH, | ASK YOU TO GRANT ME THE PERFORMANCE OF GOOD DEEDS, ABANDONMENT OF BAD ONES, AND LOVE OF THE POOR; AND (| ASK YOU) THAT YOU FORGIVE ME AND HAVE MERCY UPON ME; AND IF YOU INTEND TO TRY A PEOPLE, CAUSE ME TO DIE WITHOUT BEING TESTED; AND | ASK YOU FOR YOUR LOVE, AND THE LOVE OF THOSE WHO LOVE YOU, AND THE LOVE OF ACTIONS WHICH DRAW ME CLOSER TO YOUR LOVE. Scanned with CamScanner Dua for increase and blessing in wealth and offspring pls 9 «gallo 9 «ple SASi ALI eile Jbig ptihs! Las ol lat Guucig clic lb ole wbatly O ALLAH, INCREASE MY WEALTH AND OFFSPRING, AND BLESS ME IN WHAT YOU HAVE GIVEN ME [1] [AND DIRECT MY LIFE TO YOUR OBEDIENCE AND RECTIFY MY ACTIONS] AND FORGIVE MY SINS [2] Scanned with CamScanner QURANIC DUAS FOR OFFSPRING SdLall ale pall O MY LORD! MAKE ME ONE WHO PERFORMS AS- SALAT (IQAMAT-AS-SALAT), AND (ALSO) FROM MY OFFSPRING, OUR LORD! AND ACCEPT MY INVOCATION. [14:40] OUR LORD! BESTOW ON US FROM OUR WIVES AND OUR OFFSPRING WHO WILL BE THE COMFORT OF OUR EYES, AND MAKE US LEADERS FOR THE MUTTAQUN (PIOUS). [25:74] Eeyeronneryes Ter fov) MY LORD, GRANT ME FROM YOURSELF A GOOD OFFSPRING. INDEED, YOU ARE THE HEARER OF SUPPLICATION. MY LORD, DO NOT LEAVE ME ALONE [WITH NO HEIR], WHILE YOU ARE THE BEST OF INHERITORS. Goalie Go od ca ORD, GRANT ME [A CHILD] FROM AMONG THE RIGHTEOUS. Scanned with CamScanner Duas for parents Colt gp Gabel ailolg ol ie) Gy O OUR LORD! COVER (US) WITH THY FORGIVENESS - ME, MY PARENTS, AND (ALL) BELIEVERS, ON THE DAY THAT THE RECKONING WILL BE ESTABLISHED}. [14:41] QURAN 27:19: SO HE [SULAIMAN (SOLOMON)] SMILED, AMUSED AT HER SPEECH AND SAID, (SUPPLICATED TO a asos ps uae MY LORD! INSPIRE AND BESTOW UPON ME THE POWER AND ABILITY THAT | MAY BE GRATEFUL FOR YOUR FAVOURS WHICH YOU HAVE BESTOWED ON ME AND ON MY PARENTS, AND THAT I MAY DO RIGHTEOUS GOOD DEEDS THAT WILL PLEASE YOU, AND ADMIT ME BY YOUR MERCY AMONG YOUR RIGHTEOUS SLAVES. fpaduce pilin Las Lagat G) MY LORD, HAVE MERCY UPON THEM AS THEY BROUG! ME UP [WHEN | WAS] SMALL. MY LORD! FORGIVE ME, MY PARENTS, AND WHOEVER ENTERS MY HOUSE IN FAITH, AND ALL BELIEVING MEN AND WOMEN Scanned with CamScanner Asking Allah for good deeds, and no tests 0 ALLAAH, | ASK YOU TO GRANT ME THE PERFORMANCE OF GOOD DEEDS, ABANDONMENT OF BAD ONES, AND LOVE OF THE POOR; AND (| ASK YOU) THAT YOU FORGIVE ME AND HAVE MERCY UPON ME; AND IF YOU INTEND TO TRY A PEOPLE, CAUSE ME TO DIE WITHOUT BEING TESTED; AND | ASK YOU FOR YOUR LOVE, AND THE LOVE OF THOSE WHO LOVE YOU, AND THE LOVE OF ACTIONS WHICH DRAW ME CLOSER TO YOUR LOVE. Scanned with CamScanner Supplications for provision / wealth Ig dole Ge LISans piss! agli 0 ALLAH, SUFFICE ME WITH WHAT YOU HAVE ALLOWED INSTEAD OF WHAT YOU HAVE FORBIDDEN , AND MAKE ME INDEPENDENT OF ALL OTHERS BESIDES YOU. [1]. Sally Jes 5 Jia O ALLAH , | SEEK REFUGE IN YOU FROM GRIEF AND SADNESS, FROM WEAKNESS AND FROM LAZINESS, FROM MISERLINESS AND FROM COWARDICE, FROM | BEING OVERCOME BY DEBT AND FROM BEING OVERPOWERED BY MEN (I.E. OTHER PEOPLE).[2] O ALLAAH! | ASK YOU FOR GUIDANCE, PIETY, SAFETY AND WELL-BEING, AND CONTENTMENT AND SUFFICIENCY PNG pL pO «pS O8519 pl SAE! ag O ALLAH! FORGIVE ME, HAVE MERCY ON ME, GUIDE ME, GUARD ME AGAINST HARM AND PROVIDE ME WITH SUSTENANCE AND SALVATION O ALLAH, INCREASE MY WEALTH AND OFFSPRING, AND. BLESS ME IN WHAT YOU HAVE GIVEN ME [1] [AND DIRECT MY LIFE TO YOUR OBEDIENCE AND RECTIFY MY ACTIONS] AND FORGIVE MY SINS [2] Scanned with CamScanner Duas for knowledge 0 ALLAH! I ASK YOU FOR KNOWLEDGE THAT IS OF BENEFIT, A GOOD PROVISION AND DEEDS THAT WILL BE ACCEPTED. O ALLAAH BENEFIT ME WITH WHAT YOU HAVE TAUGHT ME, AND TEACH ME THAT WHICH WILL BENEFIT ME, AND GRANT ME KNOWLEDGE WHICH WILL BENEFIT ME. SOR EE ae O ALLAH, BENEFIT ME WITH WHAT YOU HAVE TAUGHT ME, AND TEACH ME THAT WHICH BENEFIT ME, AND INCREASE ME IN KNOWLEDGE. Laks ay Gy MY LORD, INCREASE MY KNOWLEDGE Scanned with CamScanner ASKING FOR EASE WHEN FACING ANY HARDSHIP - GRIEF/ STRESS/ TROUBLE FROM ENEMIES OUR LORD! PUNISH US NOT IF WE FORGET OR FALL INTO ERROR, OUR LORD! LAY NOT ON US A BURDEN LIKE THAT WHICH YOU DID LAY ON THOSE BEFORE US (JEWS AND CHRISTIANS); OUR LORD! PUT NOT ON US A BURDEN GREATER THAN WE HAVE STRENGTH TO BEAR. PARDON US AND GRANT US FORGIVENESS. HAVE MERCY ON US. YOU ARE OUR MAULA (PATRON, SUPPOR-TER AND PROTECTOR, ETC.) AND GIVE US VICTORY OVER THE DISBELIEVING PEOPLE. [2:286] Scanned with CamScanner Dua for mercy and ease from hardship/stress/ grief/trouble 1a) Gal Gye Our Lord! Bestow on us mercy from Yourself, and facilitate for us our affair in the right way [18:10] Scanned with CamScanner Dua of Yunus As al ha oi Yay Call (yo Cais THERE IS NONE WORTHY OF WORSHIP BUT YOU, GLORY IS TO YOU. SURELY, | WAS AMONG THE WRONGDOERS. FORGIVENESS AND REPENTANCE oJ REL ST Ya 93 BR Wg Las Lab gud al pif agli! aso 98! Shi cil apiaaylg aie (yo 5 die O ALLAH! | HAVE CONSIDERABLY WRONGED MYSELF. THERE IS. NONE TO FORGIVE THE SINS BUT YOU. SO GRANT ME PARDON AND HAVE MERCY ON ME. YOU ARE THE MOST FORGIVING, THE MOST COMPASSIONATE allcagil 9 al adil | SEEK ALLAH'S FORGIVENESS AND REPENT TO HIM cole Gadglly gidially Stanly olpiél pall O ALLAH, FORGIVE ME, AVE MERCY UPON ME AND JOIN ME WITH THE LOFTY CONPANIONS, sane 8 Lag sya] od ol wal 9 olny ohed oJ S81 aglll Vaglll sais ollS Js9 5069 oily volts 54> ol pit! alll I cgokey ale] Cai Lag «Silet Lag Cay paul Log capi Lag Gioad Le Had opus JS ole Calg (5 Gall Cail asda! O ALLAH! FORGIVE MY ERRORS, IGNORANCE AND IMMODERATION IN MY AFFAIRS. YOU ARE BETTER AWARE OF MY FAULTS THAN MYSELF. 0 ALLAH! FORGIVE MY FAULTS WHICH | COMMITTED IN SERIOUSNESS OR IN FUN DELIBERATELY OR INADVERTENTLY. 0 ALLAH! GRANT ME PARDON FOR THOSE SINS WHICH | COMMITTED. IN THE PAST AND | MAY COMMIT IN FUTURE, WHICH | COMMITTED IN PRIVACY OR IN PUBLIC AND ALL THOSE SINS OF WHICH YOU ARE BETTER AWARE THAN ME. YOU ALONE CAN SEND ‘WHOMEVER YOU WILL TO JANNAH, AND YOU ALONE CAN SEND WHOMEVER YOU WILL TO HELL-FIRE AND YOU ARE OMNIPOTENT cracald lig Casi ally cS 93 chile g «ket ag «cabesl ol alll sii Css Lag yea Lag cay Si Lag cand Lo ol MEL cceaSLa Lull g SONYA Y GS5all cog ada! O ALLAH! TO YOU | SUBMIT, IN YOU | AFFIRM MY FAITH, IN YOU | REPOSE MY TRUST, TO YOU I TURN IN REPENTANCE AND WITH YOUR HELP | CONTEND MY ADVERSARIES AND FROM YOU | SEEK JUDGEMENT. 0 ALLAH! GRANT ME FORGIVENESS FOR THE FAULTS WHICH | MADE IN PAST AND THOSE ONES | MAY COMMIT IN THE FUTURE, THOSE WHICH | COMMITTED SECRETLY OR OPENLY. YOU ALONE SEND WHOMEVER YOU WILL TO JANNAH. AND YOU ALONE SEND WHOMEVER YOU WILL TO HELL-FIRE. THERE IS NONE WORTHY OF WORSHIP EXCEPT YOU Scanned with CamScanner FORGIVENESS AND REPENTANCE sai og gay a ‘| SEEK ALLAAH’S FORGIVENESS, BESIDES WHOM, NONE HAS THE RIGHT TO BE WORSHIPPED EXCEPT HE, THE EVER LIVING, THE SELF-SUBSISTING AND SUPPORTER OF ALL, AND | TURN TO HIM IN REPENTANCE.’ Ge Gags Gaaay Gl 5885 al Gg GS Gale Oy Cal OUR LORD! WE HAVE WRONGED OURSELVES. IF YOU FORGIVE US NOT, AND BESTOW NOT UPON US YOUR MERCY, WE SHALL CERTAINLY BE OF THE LOSERS. [7:23] fea O ALLAH, YOU ARE MY LORD, THERE IS NO GOD BUT YOU. YOU HAVE CREATED ME AND | AM YOUR SLAVE. AND | AM KEEPING MY PROMISE AND COVENANT TO YOU AS MUCH AS | CAN. | SEEK REFUGE WITH YOU FROM THE EVIL OF WHAT | DO. | ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR BLESSING AND | ACKNOWLEDGE MY SIN, SO FORGIVE ME, FOR THERE IS NONE WHO CAN FORGIVE SIN EXCEPT YOU). Scanned with CamScanner FORGIVENESS AND REPENTANCE palsy: colin lg ga clfLCal of ag lll US (ys Has llg cai! JS (0 Hades lide JUall (ys SLI Bball j9Allg oo 0 ALLAH! | BEG YOU FOR THAT WHICH INCITES YOUR MERCY AND THE MEANS OF YOUR FORGIVENESS, SAFETY FROM EVERY SIN, THE BENEFIT FROM EVERY GOOD DEED, SUCCESS IN ATTAINING JANNAH AND DELIVERANCE FROM FIRE) sds pigs Cabell Sallolo ol Sab! Gy Slat 0 OUR LORD! COVER (US) WITH THY FORGIVENESS - ME, MY PARENTS, AND (ALL) BELIEVERS, ON THE DAY THAT THE RECKONING WILL BE ESTABLISHED!. [14:41] Scanned with CamScanner BROTHER AND SISTERS ALL OVER THE WORLD Scannet d with CamScanner Kt Ke Ke Kt Ke Ke Ks Ks KH waa c& DUAS FOR UMMAH 1. O You, whose mercy is a refuge for all those In dire need who flee to You to lose their woes, 2. O master of reprieve, whose pardon is so near, You answer all in need; they know that You do hear! 3. We beg for Your relief, redeemer of the weak; You are enough for us, both humbled and so meek. 4. No strength can ever match Your awesome majesty,No might can ever breach Your just authority. 5. The kings all bow like us to Your great sovereignty, You choose whom to abase or raise decisively. 6. Calamities we face are only stopped by You; It’s in Your Hands: they are dissolved within Your view. 7. For solace in these states, we turn to You alone,Complaining that we cannot make it on our own. 8. Be merciful with us—You know our frailty.O You whose mercy falls like rain unceasingly, 9. Please look upon us now in all our misery,Our state as souls oppressed displayed so openly: 10. Our numbers are reduced, our former wealth effaced,Our once exalted rank and high repute abased; Scanned with CamScanner DUAS FOR UMMAH IG: CHAMSCODA. 1. O You, whose mercy is a refuge for all those In dire need who flee to You to lose their woes, 2. O master of reprieve, whose pardon is so near, You answer all in need; they know that You do hear! 3. We beg for Your relief, redeemer of the weak; You are enough for us, both humbled and so meek. 4. No strength can ever match Your awesome majesty,No might can ever breach Your just authority. Kt Ke KH KH ¥ 5. The kings all bow like us to Your great sovereignty, You choose whom to abase or raise decisively. <& 6. Calamities we face are only stopped by You; It’s in Your Hands: they are dissolved within Your view. 7. For solace in these states, we turn to You alone,Complaining that we cannot make it on our own. Kt cK “« ) 8. Be merciful with us—You know our frailty.O You YW whose mercy falls like rain unceasingly, v g. Please look upon us now in all our misery,Our state Vv as souls oppressed displayed so openly: 10. Our numbers are reduced, our former wealth y effaced,Our once exalted rank and high repute abased; Wy Scanned with CamScanner Kt Ke Ke Ks Ke Ke Ks Ks KH « m . DUAS FOR UMMAH IG: CHAMSCODA. 1. They think us without strength, and deem us without power,Our numbers in their eyes seem easy to devour. 12. O You whose mighty kingdom never becomes less, We hope to take asylum in divine largesse; 13. Haven of the helpless, upon You we depend;Helper of the hapless, we trust in Your godsend! 14. You are the one we call: relieve our heavy loads, Repel our life’s travails, abolish what corrodes! 15. Your protection only, Your providence that’s true, The door is Yours alone that everything comes through. 16. You are the only one whose bounteous door we seek,Most generous of givers, O Lord, You are unique. 17. You bring us to the path should we all go astray And overlook our slips when we lose our way; 18. All created things You hold in Your embrace, With mercy and with light, the compass of Your grace. 19. Nothing in existence is able to compare With just how base we are in mortality’s affair. 20. O infinite in beauty, whose endless good befalls The creatures You have made, so answer all our calls! Scanned with CamScanner Kt Ke KH Ks KH KWH KH « x, ~ DUA FOR UMMAH IG: chamscoda 21. You alone save drowning souls, so gracious with our states,Rescuing the doomed, relieving our dire straits: 22. Constriction is increasing, there is no cure in sight,So hasten to our needs, respond to set them right! 23. Our hands are raised to You, our palms are open wide: We seek sincerely endless grace You do provide. 24. Be gentle with our souls in all You have decreed,Bestow on us what pleases You in what we need. 25. Replace our state of hardship with Your gentle ease,And guide us with Your power’s prevailing breeze, 26. And place our status over those who took our lands,Constrain their evil now, and tightly bind their hands; 27. Overcome our foes with Your subduing might, Unravel all their hopes, and force them to take flight; 28. Deter their evil aims, and dash their unjust plan;Repel them from our gates, and mystify each man. 29. Be swift in justice, Lord, in this our anxious hour,For they cannot remove an atom of Your power. 30. O Lord, by holding on to Your most gracious rope, We bind it to our faith, and knot it to our hope Scanned with CamScanner Kt Ke KH Ks KH KWH KH « x, ~ DUA FOR UMMAH 1G: chamscoda 21. You alone save drowning souls, so gracious with our states,Rescuing the doomed, relieving our dire straits: 22. Constriction is increasing, there is no cure in sight,So hasten to our needs, respond to set them right! 23. Our hands are raised to You, our palms are open wide: We seek sincerely endless grace You do provide. 24. Be gentle with our souls in all You have decreed,Bestow on us what pleases You in what we need. 25. Replace our state of hardship with Your gentle ease,And guide us with Your power’s prevailing breeze, 26. And place our status over those who took our lands,Constrain their evil now, and tightly bind their hands; 27. Overcome our foes with Your subduing might, Unravel all their hopes, and force them to take flight; 28. Deter their evil aims, and dash their unjust plan;Repel them from our gates, and mystify each man. 29. Be swift in justice, Lord, in this our anxious hour,For they cannot remove an atom of Your power. 30. O Lord, by holding on to Your most gracious rope, We bind it to our faith, and knot it to our hope Scanned with CamScanner Kt Ke Kt Ks KH KWH KH Hs a DUA FOR UMMAH 1G: chamscoda 31. So stand for us today, don’t counter what we try, Forsake us not, O Lord, the blinking of an eye. 32. We’re powerless to stop this onslaught of their force, Or strategize to benefit our country’s course. 33. We seek no good except what flows from Your wide door And yearn for grace that comes from Your unending more. 34. All thoughts within our hearts will find serenity Through God who fashions all by only saying: “Be!” 35. O Lord, by You alone, we will achieve our end,By You, through You, Your means to You—our only friend. 36. Sustainer of us all, O towering support,Our Lord who grants us all defense within His fort, 37. Secure our hearts within Your glorious defense, In restless journeys far or in our residence; 38. Protect our herds, preserve our crops, increase our gains,And give and bless our commerce with approving rains; 39. Fill our land with good prosperity,Release our citizens from dire poverty; 40. Establish righteous rule while granting noble station, With high respect and dignity in every nation; Scanned with CamScanner DUA FOR UMMAH 1G: chamscoda 41. Hide its natural strength in guarded secret trust,And veil its protection in a graceful, gracious mist. 542. Accept this prayer, O Lord: with nothing but Your grace,Remove all just deserts and show us mercy’s face; 43. By the rank of all the light from this Your Noble Face And sacred estimation of Your vast dominion’s space, 44. By the elevated rank of “There is no god but God” And Your beloved chosen one who lived in purity, awed, 45. By the rank of every prophet, who ever called on You,By the rank of every saint, who ever sought from You, 46. By the rank of humanity’s blesséd Pole and Pillars too,All solitary saints and inspired wordsr from You, 47. By the rank of those select and pious overseers,Chosen spiritual substitutes for those departing here, 48. By the rank of faithful devotees who live in dignity, Who praise their God in gratitude for His decree, Kt Ke KH KH HH KH HO 49. By the rank of everyone You raise to noble ¥ heights, Among those You conceal or those You bring to light, <& 50. By the rank of every sign in Your Book’s » revelation And the greatest name concealed in \V veiled occultation, Scanned with CamScanner Ke Ke Kt Kt Ks KH KH KH “« H, — DUA FOR UMMAH IG: chamscoda Ya'Allah, I pray for oppressed people everywhere. The injustices I see among the people of the world toward one another, and at times, find even in myself, rise from our failure to appreciate and recognize our fellowship. Grant peace and security to those who are poor, sick, or disabled, and those who suffer the ravages of war and the natural disasters of earth. Grant us the wisdom to deal honestly and uprightly with people of all races and cultures. Help us to overcome the prejudices we harbor within ourselves. Help me to realize the equality of all people in their rights to life, freedom, and happiness in this world and in the next. May I do my part to recognize and serve ‘You in my brothers and sisters. Amiin. Scanned with CamScanner Kt Ke Ke Kt Ks KH KH KH HO! “« m < DUA FOR UMMAH IG: chamscoda Each tear has been counted and those who are the oppressors will feel the pain of each tear in their own heart. And this judgment is merciful as well as just. For the oppressor will be given time to repent of his sin, but if he does not throw himself into the mercy of Allah, his just punishment will be severe, according to his fault. Do not let up on your prayers! Pray for the oppressed, but also for the oppressor. The oppressed will be rewarded and comforted in ways unimagined, but Allah takes no delight in an unrepentant heart that chooses judgment over mercy. Be agents of His mercy and pray unceasingly. O my Allah, forgive us our sins. Save us from the fires of hell. Lead all souls to Jannah, especially those most in need of your mercy. Allah, be with the oppressed and grant Peace to all those suffering Amiin Scanned with CamScanner «ee Se Gt Ge Ge Ge KH Lt Lt Ke DUA FOR UMMAH 1G: chamscoda You really do get one life, live it well and do your very best to do good for not only you but everyone around you. No one knows what's waiting on the other side until our time comes to meet our creator. That is when your real tests will begin, so if you need to ask for forgiveness, do that and start from the first step again? Just too many deaths and it really does make you think. Every soul that the angels have taken this week, may they get to heaven safely? Let's all send out loving prayers for loved ones who they have left behind? Ameen Scanned with CamScanner Kt Ke KH Ks KH KWH KH Hs x DUA FOR UMMAH 1G: chamscoda Oh Allah, I thank You for this day. I thank You for my being able to see and to hear this morning. I’m blessed because You are a forgiving Allah and an understanding Allah. You have done so much for me and your Ummah and You keep on blessing us. Forgive us this day for everything we have done, said or thought that was not pleasing to you... Task now for Your forgiveness. Please keep us safe from all danger and harm especially the whispers of Shaytaan. Help us to start this day with a new attitude and plenty of gratitude. Let us make the best of each and every day. To clear our minds so that we can hear from You. Please broaden our minds that we can accept all things. Let us not whine and whimper over things we have no control over. It’s the best response when we're pushed beyond our limits. Continue to use us to do what You will, Oh Allah!!! Continue to bless us, so that we may be a blessing to others. Keep us strong so that we may help the weak... Keep us uplifted so that we may have words of encouragement for others. I make dua for those that are lost and can’t find their way. I make dua for those that are misjudged and misunderstood. I make dua for those who don’t know You.. I make dua for those that don’t believe. But I thank You that I believe. I believe that O’Allah You change people and O’Allah You change things. I make dua for Imaan, Noor, Peace, Love, Joy, Health, Happiness and Wealth to enter the homes and the hearts of the Ummah so that all their needs are met. I make dua that every eye that reads this knows there is no problem, circumstance or situation greater than our Rabb. Every battle is in Your hands for You to fight. O’Allah accept this humble dua of mine. Aameen Thuma Aameen. Scanned with CamScanner May ALLAH record your name amongst those who will be forgiven. May ALLAH grant you the strength to fulfil your obligations to the best of your ability and confirm your entrance into "JANNAH" May ALLAH answer eCostrM CBr everretecm roe Poet tamcoltm nee bre 6 for, from the dreams of your heart to the prayers on your lips, to every expectation & aspiration you have!- IG: CHAMSCODA# Ameen May Allah swt bring this Ummah together, guide us to the truth and make us stand for justice for all mankind. May Allah guide those Bid voetcoe oem R Teco nca ome ORAL BIS have blessed with guidance,protect us from the evil of the people of evil and the ; shaitan,and bless us with Noor from his Noor. May Allah guide us this day and make us remember him always.May Allah make us start our day with good and end our day with good, and may Allah provide for us from his sustenance... Ameen Ya Rab Ya Allah.. O Allah, on this day, multiply for us its blessings, and ease our path towards its bounties, do not deprive us of the acceptance of its good deeds, O the Guide towards the aCe Tmeat tee mewa Cn Tit O Allah, on this day, awaken me with the blessings of its early mornings, Illuminate my ectaea Tet entd stan ecoRo me ee moon part of my body follow its effects, by Your light, O the illuminator of the hearts of those NA iOm ere aeaeneti tee O Allah, on this day, grant me compatibility — with the good, keep me away from evil, lead . 7 me along the path of righteousness guide me by Your mercy, to the permanent abode.. yates More duas 1. Ya Allah, grant me Ultimate Success - safety from the Fire and entry into Jannatul Firdaus. 2. Ya Allah, make me and my family of those companions of the Right, who receive the book of deeds in our right hands. 3. Ya Allah, grant me a blessed death. Let me utter the shahada before I die. Grant me the intercession of Prophet Muhammad pbuh. 4. Ya Allah, grant me the companionship of Prophet Muhammad pbuh his family and the Sahabah's in Jannatul Firdaus. 5. Ya Allah, save my non-Muslim friends / family from the Fire. Guide them to Islam. 6. Ya Allah, reunite me in Jannatul Firdaus with those whom I love for Your sake alone. 7. Ya Rabb, perfect my Deen and my Worship. ce He ee Ke Le << Ke Se Le << Scanned with CamScanner More duas 8. Ya Allah, accept my good deeds and increase me in reward and Your Mercy. Wipe away my sins and pardon me completely. Shower your Mercy upon me and save me from disgrace on the Day of Reckoning. ¥ 9. Ya Allah, when I die, let my soul and VW my record of Deeds be with the Illiyeen. 10. Ya Allah, grant me, my parents, family and children guidance, steadfastness and increased Imaan. u. Ya Allah, make me of the few You love, You Pardon and You shade on a Day when there is no shade but from Your Majestic Arsh (Throne). 12. Oh my Lord, increase me in Yakeen and Tawakkul in you. Let there be no doubt in my belief in Your Oneness, Your Majesty and Power. 13. Ya Allah, increase me in my love for You and Your Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). 14. Ya Allah, forgive me and increase me in Your Blessings and Provisions.

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