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1. 淘气 tao4 qi4 —> naughty
2. 惹麻烦 re3 ma2 fan2 —> cause trouble and frustration
3. 两肋插刀 liang3 lei4 cha1 dao1 —> stand up for others
4. 口头禅 kou3 tou2 chan2 —> often said phrase
5. 小事一桩 xiao3 shi4 yi4 zhuang4 —> it’s no problem
6. 人缘 ren2 yuan2 —> popularity
7. 直率 zhi2 shuai4 —> straightforward
8. 争辩 zheng1 bian4 —> argue
9. 推荐 tui1 jian4 —> advertise, recommend

1. 瞬间 shun4 jian1 —> suddenly
2. 兴致勃勃 xing4 zhi4 bo2 bo2 —> excited
3. 粘上 zhan1 shang4 —> stick onto
4. 黏糊糊 nian2 hu1 hu1 —> sticky
5. 蛋液 dan4 ye4 —> liquid inside the egg
6. 狼狈 lang2 bei4 —> embarrassed
7. 讥讽 ji1 feng3 —> argue
8. 口吻 kou3 wen2 —> tone of voice
9. 赌气 du4 qi4 —> angry
10. 叫嚷 jiao4 rang3 —> shout
11. 荧光笔 ying2 guang1 bi3 —> highlighter
12. 拉扯 la1 che3 —> pull on / fight for
13. 手足无措 shou4 zu2 wu2 cuo4 —> not knowing what to do

1. 审案 shen3 an4 —> trial
2. 律师 lv4 shi1 —> lawyer
3. 振振有词 zhen4 zhen4 you3 ci2 —> explain oneself without a valid reaspn
4. 心虚 xin1 xu1 —> feel guilty
5. 判决 pan4 jue2 —> verdict
6. 泄了气 xie4 le qi4 —> shrink into oneself / deflate

1. 皱纹 zhou4 wen2 —> wrinkles
2. 哄堂大笑 hong3 tang2 da4 xiao4 —> laughter from everyone
3. 金属 jin1 shu4 —> metal
4. 绰号 chuo4 hao4 —> nickname
5. 离谱 li2 pu3 —> abnormal
6. 叛逆 pan4 ni4 —> rebellious
7. 发誓 fa1 shi4 —> vow
8. 只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针 —> with enough training, anything is possible

1. 葡萄 pu2 tao2 —> grapes
2. 象征 xiang4 zheng1 —> symbolise
3. 风俗 feng1 su2 —> custom
4. 辞旧迎新 ci2 jiu4 ying2 xin1 —> throw away the old and embrace the new
5. 瓶瓶罐罐 ping2 ping2 guan4 guan4 —> bottles
6. 诸事大吉 zhu2 shi4 da4 ji2 —> good luck and fortune in everything
7. 厄运 e4 yun4 —> bad luck
8. 兆头 zhao1 tou2 —> omen / sign
9. 遥远 yao4 yuan3 —> very far away
10. 恭敬 gong1 jing4 —> respect
11. 亲戚 qin1 qi4 —> relatives and close ones

1. 贼 zei4 —> thief
2. 圣诞 sheng4 dan4 —> christmas
3. 洋葱 yang2 cong1 —> onion
4. 出嫁 chu1 jia4 —> marry off to
5. 视讯 shi4 xun4 —> video call
6. 酷 ku4 —> cool
7. 承诺 cheng2 nuo4 —> promise (verb)
8. 剃光 ti4 guang4 —> shave clean off
9. 围炉 wei2 lu2 —> gather around the stove
10. 香菇 xiang1 gu1 —> mushroom
11. 美味佳肴 mei3 wei4 jia4 yao4 —> delicious good
12. 叽叽喳喳 ji1 ji1 zha1 zha1 —> noisily
13. 悦耳 yue4 er3 —> pleasing to the ear

1. 剁肉 duo4 rou4 —> slice meat
2. 馅料 xian4 liao4 —> dumpling stuffing
3. 红枣 hong2 zao3 —> red date
4. 儿媳女 er2 xi2 nv3 —> daughter in law
5. 莫名其妙 mo4 ming2 qi2 miao4 —> mysterious, miraculous
6. 偷龙转凤 tou1 long2 zhuan3 feng4 —> to change sneakily and dishonestly

1. 天涯海角 tian1 ya2 hai3 jiao3 —> all corners of the world
2. 分割 fen1 ge2 —> cut apart
3. 木柴 mu4 chai2 —> firewood
4. 木炭 mu4 tan4 —> charcoal
5. 嚼不动 jiao2 bu4 dong4 —> too much to chew
6. 溢出 yi4 chu1 —> overflow
7. 杯盏 bei2 zhan4 —> olden term for cup

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