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1. Eggplant: A purple or dark-colored vegetable with a smooth skin.

2. Garlic: A pungent bulb used as a seasoning in cooking.
3. Ginger: A root with a spicy flavor often used in Asian cuisine.
4. Powder: Fine particles resulting from grinding or crushing.
5. Premises: The land and buildings of a particular place or location.


1. I feel like artificial intelligence to will be the next big thing in the world.
2. Some people still find the idea of requesting a doggy bag to be old-fashioned.
3. I need to rinse the cabbage thoroughly before using it in the salad.
4. The packaging of the product was so appealing that I couldn't help but feel
intrigued, although I later started to lose interest.
5. Can you chop some onions while I heat up the oil to fry the potatoes?
6. He's never been willing to compromise on his principles, and his artistic creations
always come back in style, gaining appreciation over the years
7. Traditional paper maps are on the way out as digital navigation apps become more
8. The beer takes several weeks to ferment before it's ready to be bottled
9. The children found an abandoned pet in the dumpster and took it to a shelter.
10. handbags will never go out of style

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