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Expert Parenting And Baby Support Services In UK

Sarah Norris’ love of babies began from a very early age. The youngest daughter of five children
with four older brothers, her mother fostered many new-born babies and Sarah got to be ‘mummy’s
little helper. After leaving school, Sarah trained as a Nursery nurse and then worked as a Nanny,
combining the two to finally enrol with an agency to be a Maternity Nurse.
Sarah Norris has spent nearly twenty five years supporting families with new or young babies aged
from newborn to six months. Living in their family home from a couple days to up to a few months,
Sarah provide Baby Support Services to mothers by giving them time to recover from the birth,
often helping with feeds and establishing a routine. Being a Parenting Expert UK Sarah also
assists parents on how they wish to care for their baby and offers advice on different parenting
methods/styles that will suit them and their circumstances best.

“I help parents read their baby’s personality so they can meet the child’s needs quickly and easily
using the appropriate techniques at the appropriate times. I also teach them how to wind and
swaddle properly, how to cope with colic, reflux, sleep problems, illnesses, travel, buying and using
equipment as well as methods for integrating their baby with siblings and pets,” she says.
Sarah Norris’ work has taken her all around the world, including working with celebrity parents
such as Sienna Miller and the Guiness family, but when she’s not surrounded by babies she can be
found in her little cottage in the Cheshire countryside writing, catching up on lost sleep, gardening,
playing with her cats or tending to her beautiful Friesian horse.

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