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The Theme of the story:

The writer of the story conveys that there comes a time in a man’s life when it is required for him
to lift from petty considerations of race, nationality and act in human consideration.

Dr. Sadao being patriotic Japanese hates Americans as his enemies. One day a prisoner of war
appears at the shore near Dr. Sadao’s house wounded and Dr. Sadao and his wife Hana move
over their feelings of hatred towards him and they treat him until he is capable of taking care of
himself. Not only they treat him but dr. Sadao also helps him escape. He arranges all the things
that are required for him to escape. By this humble and kind act, the theme of the story stands
clear that humanity should rise above all.

Through the story, the writer also shows the impact of war on the life of normal people and she
does so by presenting an American wounded soldier who has to face the fury of the weather and
the hostility of the Japanese people.
Memories of Childhood depicts the life of two women Zitkala-Sa and
Bama. It deals with the problems faced by both of them in their
respective lives.
Both the writers suffered oppression, class distinction, racial criticism
and social exploitation.
During their childhood, they faced problems and got agitated very easily.
Zitkala-Sa faced racial discrimination. She had reacted strongly but
could not bring about any change.
Even Bama faced the problem of casteism. She strongly criticised the
dogma of untouchability and inequality prevalent in society.

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