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revue neurologique 173 (2017) 461–472

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Neuropsychology of traumatic brain injury: An

expert overview

P. Azouvi a,*,b, A. Arnould a,b, E. Dromer a,b, C. Vallat-Azouvi b,c,d

Service de médecine physique et de réadaptation, hôpital Raymond-Poincaré, AP–HP, 104, boulevard
Raymond-Poincaré, 92380 Garches, France
HANDIReSP EA 4047, université de Versailles Saint-Quentin, 78423 Montigny-Le-Bretonneux, France
Laboratoire de psychopathologie et neuropsychologie, EA 2027, université Paris-8-Saint-Denis, 2, rue de la Liberté,
93526 Saint-Denis, France
Antenne UEROS- UGECAMIDF, hôpital Raymond-Poincaré, 104, boulevard Raymond-Poincaré, 92380 Garches,

info article abstract

Article history: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a serious healthcare problem, and this report is a selective
Received 6 March 2017 review of recent findings on the epidemiology, pathophysiology and neuropsychological
Accepted 13 July 2017 impairments following TBI. Patients who survive moderate-to-severe TBI frequently suffer
Available online 26 August 2017 from a wide range of cognitive deficits and behavioral changes due to diffuse axonal injury.
These deficits include slowed information-processing and impaired long-term memory,
Keywords: attention, working memory, executive function, social cognition and self-awareness. Men-
Traumatic brain injury: Cognition tal fatigue is frequently also associated and can exacerbate the consequences of neuropsy-
Executive function chological deficits. Personality and behavioral changes can include combinations of
Memory impulsivity and apathy. Even mild TBI raises specific problems: while most patients recover
within a few weeks or months, a minority of patients may suffer from long-lasting
symptoms (post-concussion syndrome). The pathophysiology of such persistent problems
remains a subject of debate, but seems to be due to both injury-related and non-injury-
related factors.
# 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) has been defined as ‘‘an alteration disability, 58 (40%) with moderate disability and 40 (28%) with
in brain function or other evidence of brain pathology caused good recovery, according to the Glasgow Outcome Scale.
by an external force’’ [1]. It represents a major health problem, Overall, although 79% were independent in terms of simple
and is a leading cause of death and disability throughout the daily living activities, 40–50% needed help for outdoor or
world. Individuals who survive TBI may suffer lifelong organizational activities. Only a minority (36%) declared having
disability, mostly due to cognitive disorders and behavioral any professional activity.
and personality changes. In one prospective longitudinal The present review summarizes recent research regarding
study of an inception cohort [2,3], at 4 years after severe TBI epidemiological and neuroimaging findings in patients with
and out of 147 patients, 46 (32%) presented with severe TBI, and also focuses on the main cognitive and behavioral

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (P. Azouvi).
0035-3787/# 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
462 revue neurologique 173 (2017) 461–472

impairments that may arise in patients with moderate-to- enough for DAI, and remain poorly correlated with functional
severe TBI. The issue of mild TBI, which raises its own specific outcome and cognitive impairment [17]. However, recent
questions, is also briefly addressed. advances in neuroimaging have led to a better understanding
of the functional neuroanatomy of cognitive disorders
associated with TBI [18,19]. The use of positron emission
1. Epidemiology of TBI tomography (PET) in patients with severe TBI, but no detectable
macroscopic structural lesions, revealed that cognitive dis-
The main causes of TBI are road traffic accidents, falls, assault orders are significantly related to decreased glucose metabo-
and sports-related injuries. Typically, TBI predominantly lism at rest in prefrontal and cingulate areas [20].
affects young adult males (aged 15–25 years) after road traffic Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is a much more widely
accidents. However, two other peak incidences are found in available technique that permits detailed analyses of altera-
young infants and in elderly people, particularly after falls [4]. tions in white-matter pathway microstructure. Hulkower et al.
Roozenbeek et al. [5] recently outlined the changing epide- [21] showed that DTI is able to differentiate patients with TBI
miological pattern of TBI. They claimed that the median age of from controls even after mild TBI and regardless of the time
patients with TBI is increasing and that falls (which pre- interval since injury. Moreover, many studies have found
dominantly affect older individuals) are now the leading cause significant relationships between DTI measures and outcomes
of TBI, overtaking road traffic accidents. In a recent review, [22]. Abnormal DTI measures have been found in the corpus
Brazinova et al. [6] found wide variability across countries and callosum, cingulum bundle, corona radiata and internal capsule
regions for crude incidence rates of TBI (47.3–849 per 100,000 [21,23]. A few studies reported significant relationships between
population per year), mean age at injury (range: 26.7–44.5 DTI measures and cognitive outcomes [24,25], whereas func-
years) and gender ratio, although all studies reported greater tional MRI (fMRI) has been used to assess changes in brain
incidences in males (range: 55–80%). Also, lower socioecono- activation while performing cognitive tasks. For example,
mic status, preexisting psychiatric disorders and/or substance Perlstein et al. [26] found that deficits of working memory in
abuse have repeatedly been significantly associated with patients with moderate-to-severe TBI were related to altered
higher risks of sustaining TBI [7]. patterns of activation in working-memory-related brain
regions, including the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and Broca’s
area. Turner and Levine [27] found that, despite equivalent task
2. Severity of TBI performance on an executive working-memory task, patients
with TBI exhibited augmented functional recruitment in the
This factor is measured by the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) [8] or prefrontal cortex and posterior regions. Recent studies based on
by duration of post-traumatic amnesia (PTA). According to the resting-state fMRI found that TBI was associated with reduced
GCS, severe TBI corresponds to a score of 3–8, moderate TBI to connectivity in brain networks involved in attentional and
a score of 9–12 and mild TBI to a score of 13–15 [9]. However, executive functions [28–34]. In particular, alterations in the
PTA duration has proved to be a stronger predictor of outcome default mode network (DMN) appear to be a robust finding in
than the GCS [10,11]. In earlier classifications, TBI was defined the literature. The DMN is activated ‘at rest’ and shows reduced
as mild if the duration of PTA was < 1 h, moderate if between activation (deactivation) during attention-demanding tasks.
1–24 h and severe if between 1–7 days [12], whereas more Although there have been contradictory findings, modifications
recent classifications consider that mild TBI may be associated of functional connectivity within the DMN or between the DMN
with PTA for up to 24 h [13]. In any case, approximately 70–90% and other brain networks have been found post-TBI, and may
of TBI cases are considered mild, while 10–20% of cases are be linked to cognitive deficits [30,35].
moderate to severe [4].

4. TBI and long-term memory

3. Functional neuroanatomy of TBI
After emerging from coma, patients usually pass through a
TBI results in a combination of both focal and diffuse primary phase of global cognitive disturbance generally termed ‘post-
injuries, with secondary damage due to systemic complica- traumatic amnesia’ (PTA) [12]. At this stage, patients are
tions. Primary brain injury includes contusions, which mostly confused, disoriented in time and place, and unable to store or
involve basal and polar regions of the frontal and temporal retrieve new information; some degree of retrograde amnesia
lobes due to impact against skull protuberances, and diffuse is usually present as well. Recovery is usually gradual, and a
axonal injury (DAI) [14,15]. DAI is due to shear strain caused by consistent return of continuous memory indicates PTA
acceleration/deceleration forces that ultimately lead to dis- clearing. However, impaired memory frequently persists
connection and Wallerian degeneration. Secondary injuries afterwards. Problems with memory are the most frequent
are related to ischemia, brain swelling and other complex subjective complaints reported by TBI patients and their
mechanisms such as inflammation, and may in themselves relatives [2,36,37]. In a recent prospective inception cohort
have severe consequences [16]. study of 147 patients, Jourdan et al. [2] found, at 4 years post-
While traditional neuroimaging techniques such as injury, that memory failures were the most frequent
computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging complaints, reported by 67.5% of patients.
(MRI) are very useful for identification of life-threatening Anterograde long-term episodic memory has been among
intracranial injury at the acute stage, they are not sensitive the most extensively studied domains [38]. Patients with
revue neurologique 173 (2017) 461–472 463

severe TBI have poorer performances than controls in all types The n-back task offers an opportunity to assess the effects of
of verbal or visual memory tasks [39]. Zec et al. [40] found that parametric increases in working-memory load with no other
the mean index scores for the Wechsler Memory Scale– changes in task structure. In the task, subjects are presented at
Revised were < 1 SD of the norms for all long-term memory a string of stimuli (letters, digits, figures. . .) at a regular rate
indices at an average of 10 years post-injury. However, the and are required to decide whether the current stimulus
mechanisms underlying episodic memory deficits are still a matches something from n steps earlier in the series. Perlstein
matter of debate. Compared with healthy controls, patients et al. [26] found that patients with either moderate or severe
with TBI have slower learning rates and accelerated forgetting TBI were impaired in terms of performance accuracy, but not
rates, inconsistent and disorganized learning, a reduced in speed of responding, except for the more demanding 2- and
ability to spontaneously use active or effortful semantic 3-back conditions. Asloun et al. [55] found a load-dependent
encoding, or visual imagery to improve encoding efficiency, deficit with a decrease in accuracy (% hits) in the 2-back
and a greater vulnerability to retroactive interference [40–44]. condition in patients with severe TBI.
Yet, they are able to benefit from memory aids such as Random generation has been used in a series of studies to
semantic cues or recognition [43]. Vanderploeg et al. [45] assess central executive aspects of working memory. This
evaluated the recovery of verbal memory processes up to 1 requires patients to spell out a sequence of items (letters or
year post-injury and found evidence of impaired consolidation numbers) as close as possible to a random series, an ability
mechanisms, as reflected by relatively more rapid forgetting, shown to depend on a limited-capacity response-selection
underlying memory impairment. Chiou et al. [46] compared mechanism similar to the central executive system. It was
two groups of patients, one with and one without learning found that, compared with controls, the ability to generate
deficits, and found, using logistic regression, that working- random series was impaired in patients with severe TBI and
memory capacity was the most significant predictor of that patients’ randomness indices deteriorated with the
learning ability after TBI. increasing rate of random generation [56–58].
Retrograde amnesia has been less extensively studied. A Vallat-Azouvi et al. [59] conducted a systematic study of
high prevalence of retrograde memory deficit has been reported different components of working memory in patients with
after TBI, encompassing the domains of both autobiographical severe chronic TBI, and found only marginally significant
memories and memories of public events as well as early impairment on forward and backward digit-span tasks. The
acquired basic and cultural knowledge [47]. Piolino et al. [48] main group differences were found with central executive
found that the ability to recall autobiographical episodes and tasks, such as the Brown-Peterson paradigm of short-term
spatiotemporal details is impaired in patients with chronic memory with interference, which requires the ability to
(lasting > 1 year) TBI and has no temporal gradient. Interestin- simultaneously store and process information in both verbal
gly, deficits involved not only the ability to recall memories, but and visual modalities.
also the ability to mentally travel back through subjective time Dobryakova et al. [60] used a novel paradigm, CapMan, to
to re-experience the past (‘autonoetic consciousness’) and to dissociate the capacity and manipulation subprocesses of
perceive oneself as a continuous entity across time (self- working memory. They found that healthy control partici-
perspective). These disorders were significantly correlated with pants performed significantly better than TBI participants
tests of executive function [48]. More recent studies by the same when manipulation demands were high, whereas there was
group [49,50] found that patients with TBI were impaired no significant group difference when capacity demands were
compared with controls in the retrieval of both semantic and high. This finding suggests that TBI mainly impairs the ability
episodic retrograde autobiographical memories, and a large to manipulate information within working memory rather
proportion of their deficits, particularly regarding retrieval of than working-memory capacity itself.
lifetime periods, general events and specific events, was Dunning et al. [61] recently performed a meta-analysis
mediated by executive deficits. Recent findings now suggest including 21 selected studies of working-memory impairment
that deficits in ability to remember the personal past are in survivors of moderate-to-severe TBI. Results showed that
associated with a reduced ability to imagine possible events in those with TBI had significant deficits in verbal short-term
the personal future [50,51]. memory and in both visuospatial and verbal working memory.
While little research has been carried out on prospective Effect sizes ranged from 0.37 to 0.69.
memory following TBI, all such studies found evidence of
deficits in both time- and event-based prospective memory
[52] that were related to impaired executive functions [53]. 6. TBI, speed of processing and attention
Mioni et al. [54] assessed time-based prospective memory after
TBI, and found that patients monitored themselves more Mental slowness and attentional disorders are, after memory
often, but less accurately, than did healthy controls at the failure, among the most frequent complaints in TBI survivors
target time, and their performances were related to executive and their close relatives. Jourdan et al. [2] found that such
functions. problems ranked among the five most frequent subjective
complaints reported by patients at 4 years post-injury: mental
slowness and concentration difficulties were reported by
5. TBI and working memory 56.7% of patients, and dual-task difficulties by 51.7%.
Slower information-processing is also among the more
Only a few studies have systematically addressed the various robust findings across all post-TBI neuropsychological studies
subcomponents of working memory in survivors of severe TBI. [62,63]. Mental slowness is significantly correlated with injury
464 revue neurologique 173 (2017) 461–472

severity and task complexity [62,63]. However, a number of

studies have reported that, while patients performed slower 7. TBI and mental fatigue
than controls, they did not make more errors, at least in self-
paced tasks where they were able to sacrifice speed to achieve Mental fatigue is a very frequent complaint post-TBI, reported
greater accuracy (speed–accuracy trade-off) [64]. by 30–70% of patients [83–86]. The presence of fatigue was
Attention is a multidimensional concept that, according to reported by 53.3% of a sample of 147 patients followed for 4
van Zomeren and Brouwer [65], can be subdivided into various years after severe TBI [2]. Bushnik et al. [84] found that self-
modules, such as phasic alertness, sustained attention, reported fatigue improved during the first year of TBI and then
focused attention and divided attention. Most neuropsycho- did not change significantly for up to 2 years afterwards.
logical studies agree that phasic alertness, as assessed by The mechanism(s) of fatigue after TBI continue to be
shortened reaction times when targets are preceded by a debated. It has been associated with depression, pain,
warning signal, is preserved after TBI [62,66]. In contrast, a disturbed sleep and neuroendocrine abnormalities [83,86].
deficit in sustained attention, as assessed by measuring the Van Zomeren et al. [87] argued that fatigue after TBI could be
stability of task performance over relatively long periods of due to the constant compensatory effort required to reach
time, is still being debated. Indeed, most studies found that adequate levels of performance in everyday life in the face of
patients’ performances did not decrease more than did the cognitive deficits and slower processing, known as the ‘coping
controls’ over time [62,67,68], although a few contradictory hypothesis’. Similarly, Azouvi et al. [57] found that TBI
results have suggested greater variability in performance of patients, compared with controls, reported higher levels of
continuous tasks requiring active processing of a rapid flow of subjective mental effort while completing a complex task of
information or inhibition of highly automatized responses divided attention, whereas in line with the coping hypothesis,
[66,69–71]. a number of studies have found significant relationships
As for focused attention, most experimental studies have between subjective mental fatigue and performance of tasks
failed to demonstrate any disproportionate distraction and of selective attention or vigilance [74,88–90]. However, an
sensitivity to interference beyond slower processing speed inverse relationship is also possible, as Sinclair et al. [70] noted
when using the Stroop task [62] or other experimental that self-reported fatigue has a global impact on attentional
paradigms based on response interference [67,72]. A meta- performance.
analysis by Ben David et al. [73] showed that, while Stroop
interference was significantly greater in TBI groups compared
with controls, the effect was strongly biased by mental 8. TBI and executive function
slowness and changes in sensory processing. Similar findings
have also been reported with selective-attention tasks Given the vulnerability of the frontal lobes and anterior brain
requiring participants to selectively pay attention to presented networks to TBI, it is not surprising that patients surviving
stimuli and to respond according to a set of rules [74–76], with severe TBI frequently exhibit executive-function deficits [91].
processing speed accountng for a significant part of the Loss of conceptualization and set-shifting ability have been
impaired performance. found using sorting tasks like the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test
Difficulties in dealing with two tasks at the same time is a (WCST) [92], which requires the ability to sort items according
frequent complaint of patients with TBI, and is also frequently to a given category, then to modify the sorting criteria when
reported by patients’ relatives and clinicians [2,36,77]. There the rule changes. A number of studies have found a larger
has been controversy in the literature as to whether divided number of perseverative errors after TBI, at least when using
attention deficits are related only to slowed information- the original, longer and more difficult version of the WCST [93],
processing or to additional impairments of executive control whereas a modified, easier version [94] appears to be less
(task switching, strategic allocation of resources. . .). A number sensitive except during early stages post-injury [79] or in older
of studies have found that, when slower processing was patients [95].
controlled for either experimentally or statistically, there was Planning has also been frequently studied using the
no residual impairment of divided attention [62,67,72,78,79]. Tower of London [96]. This task requires the subject to
However, mixed results have been reported, thereby suggest- rearrange the colored beads on three vertical rods to match a
ing a deficit of dual-task processing after severe TBI even after model using as few moves as possible. TBI patients
adjusting for slowed processing, at least in complex tasks performed this task as accurately as did the controls, albeit
performed under time constraints [56–58,80]. These appa- more slowly [62,79].
rently contradictory findings may be related to the nature of Mental flexibility is usually assessed by the Trail-Making
the task [81], as TBI patients did not differ from controls when Test [97], which requires patients to draw lines to connect
divided attention tasks could be performed relatively auto- consecutively numbered circles on one worksheet (part A),
matically, whereas they were impaired in tasks involving a and then to alternate between letters and numbers in another
substantial working-memory load [81]. (part B). A number of studies have found that, although
In summary, mental slowness is one of the most robust patients with TBI performed the task slower than controls,
findings following severe TBI and may account for a large part they were not significantly more affected by the more difficult
of attentional impairment [75,76]. The presence of specific (part B) condition compared with the easier (part A) condition,
impairment of attentional function (particularly divided suggesting no deficit of mental flexibility in addition to slowed
attention) beyond slowed processing may depend on the processing [72,79,98–101], although divergent results were
nature and complexity of the task [82]. reported by Periáñez et al. [102].
revue neurologique 173 (2017) 461–472 465

The generation of new information is assessed through

tasks of verbal or design fluency that require an ability to 9. Social cognition and TBI
generate, within a limited time, as many items pertaining to a
given category (such as animals, or words beginning with ‘F’). Social cognition is a complex construct referring to the ability
Patients with TBI usually generate fewer items per minute to understand the behavior of others and to react accordingly
and, in some cases, may even show a tendency to use in social situations. (A detailed review of social cognition and
repetitive or stereotyped response patterns [95,103,104]. TBI is presented in another part in this special issue.) Briefly,
However, Draper and Ponsford [101] surprisingly found that recent studies have shown that patients with TBI are impaired
the test did not significantly differentiate TBI patients from in various aspects of social cognition, including emotion
controls at 10 years post-injury. perception, assessed by the ability to recognize socially
Inhibition is a concept closely related to selective attention relevant information (facial expressions of emotion); unders-
and working memory. It may be assessed by the Stroop test tanding the internal state of other people (Theory of Mind);
[105], in which subjects are asked to name the ink color of color and empathy (for a review, see McDonald [119]). Nevertheless,
names under non-congruent conditions. Color-naming requi- the relationships between impaired social cognition and more
res inhibition of the strong automatic reading tendency. global cognitive deficits are still under debate. Spikman et al.
Earlier studies found that TBI patients performed this task [120] found no significant correlations between social and non-
slower than controls, but were no more distracted by the social cognition tests, and concluded that poor performances
interfering condition [62,67], whereas more recent studies on social cognition tests were not due to general cognitive
have reported significant effects of interference [106–108]. deficits. In a parallel study, the same researchers reported that
Other tasks requiring the ability to inhibit a strongly activated impaired recognition of sadness and anger was significantly
response that is no longer relevant have also proved sensitive correlated with behavioral problems and impaired self-
to TBI [101,109]. awareness [121]. In contrast, Milders et al. [122] found no
In fact, the sensitivity of traditional tests of executive significant correlation between impaired social cognition and
function has been questioned. Some patients who perform severity of behavioral problems.
within normal limits on paper-and-pencil tests may yet
show difficulties in adapting to complex situations of daily
life [110]. Such dissociation raises concerns as to the 10. Lack of awareness (anosognosia) and TBI
ecological validity of neuropsychological testing of executive
functions. To address this issue, several researchers pro- Lack of awareness of cognitive and behavioral disorders has
posed using tasks that are more similar in structure to the frequently been reported in TBI patients, especially after
open-ended situations encountered in daily life, such as severe TBI [123–126]. Lack of awareness is significantly related
going shopping, finding one’s way in natural surroundings, to poorer outcomes [127,128], probably due to less patient
preparing a meal and dealing with a complex multitasking engagement in the rehabilitation program. There is, however,
situation. Such tasks include the Multiple Errands Test [110], no consensus on how to measure anosognosia. Sherer et al.
Six Elements Test [110], Executive Function Route-Finding [129] showed that, according to the assessment method, the
Task [111,112], ecological cooking test [113,114] and frequency of patients with poor awareness varied from 76% to
Executive Secretarial Task [79,115]. Another approach relies 97%. Moreover, there may be different types of awareness, as
on questionnaires, which may be completed by either the suggested by Ownsworth et al. [130] who, using hierarchical
patient, or a close relative or therapist. The Dysexecutive cluster analysis, distinguished four types of awareness: poor
Questionnaire (DEX) comprises 20 questions, addressing a self-awareness; high defensiveness; high symptom-reporting;
range of problems commonly associated with dysexecutive and good self-awareness. The poor self-awareness and high
syndrome [116], which have proved to be nearly as symptom-reporting typologies had poorer outcomes than the
sensitive to brain injury as more formal neuropsychological other two.
tests [117]. In a longitudinal study of patients with severe TBI, The relationship between lack of awareness and executive
it was found that, 4 years post-injury, the DEX was function deficits has also been a matter of debate. Bogod et al.
significantly related to cognitive and mood disorders, and [131] found a significant and positive correlation between
also the ability to independently carry out elementary and anosognosia and deficits of inhibition and mental flexibility.
extended activities of daily living and to return to work, Likewise, Ciurli et al. [132] found that patients with poor self-
thereby suggesting good ecological validity. Recently, Azouvi awareness had more problems with some components of the
et al. [118] directly compared, in patients with TBI, the executive system. Significant relationships have also been
sensitivity of traditional tests of executive function with a found between lack of awareness and the ability to take into
new questionnaire, the Behavioural Dysexecutive Syndrome account the mental state of another person and to detect false
Inventory. Of the 54 patients for whom both behavioral and beliefs [133], and the ability to recognize facial expressions of
cognitive assessments were available, executive function anger and fear [121]. Other studies have suggested that lack of
deficits were found in 87%, of whom 49% had combined awareness could be related to difficulties in error monitoring
behavioral and cognitive disorders, 6.4% a pure cognitive [125]. Bivona et al. [134] found that a lack of self-awareness was
impairment and 45% a pure behavioral disorder. This significantly related to difficulty in assuming someone else’s
suggested normal cognition in contrast to the behavioral perspective. Morton and Barker [135] showed, using hierar-
modifications in everyday life reported by the closest chical regression, that severity of injury, intelligence quotient
relatives. (IQ), mood state, and executive and implicit functions all made
466 revue neurologique 173 (2017) 461–472

significant, unique contributions to selective aspects of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Committee [149], wherein mild
awareness. These results suggest that lack of awareness after TBI requires at least one of the following: loss of consciousness
TBI is a complex, multidimensional issue. for  30 min; initial GCS score of 13–15 after 30 min; PTA for
 24 h; any altered mental state at the time of accident; and/or
focal neurological deficit(s) that may or may not be transient.
11. Behavioral changes While the majority of cases fully recover within a few weeks or
months, it appears that a significant minority of patients may
Survivors of severe TBI frequently show dramatic personality experience long-lasting symptoms. Such patients, dubbed the
and behavioral changes, which can have major consequences ‘miserable minority’ [150,151], suffer from a range of sub-
on family, social and vocational reintegration, and on quality jective symptoms, including various combinations of somatic
of life [136,137]. Such changes may be related to lack of control complaints (headache, dizziness, fatigue. . .), cognitive
(disinhibition, impulsivity, irritability, aggressiveness) or lack complaints (attentional and memory failure), behavioral
of drive (apathy, reduced initiative, poor motivation). In a modifications (irritability, apathy. . .) and psychological trou-
study conducted 2 years after severe TBI, irritability was one of bles (anxiety, depression, sleep disorders. . .).
the most frequent problems (67%), with lack of initiative The diagnosis of post-concussion syndrome (PCS) requires
reported in 44% of cases and socially inappropriate behavior in the presence of at least three symptoms at either 1 or 3 months
26% [138]. Recently, Ciurli et al. [139] assessed 120 patients after injury, depending on the classification system used [152].
with severe TBI and found a wide range of neuropsychiatric However, these symptoms are not specific to TBI and may
symptoms, including apathy (42%), irritability (37%), dyspho- appear in other conditions, including non-injured patients and
ria/depressed mood (29%), disinhibition (28%), eating distur- injured patients without TBI [153]. Nevertheless, it appears
bances (27%) and agitation (24%). These personality changes that PCS is more frequent following mild TBI than after other
were also associated with a high subjective burden for the types of injuries, and around 15–20% of patients suffer from
patients’ relatives [140–142]. persistent PCS [154–156]. In a recent study of 1716 adults with
Recent studies have proposed new multidimensional mild TBI after motor-vehicle collisions, Hartvigsen et al. [157]
approaches to take into account the complexity of the found that, 6 weeks after the accident, 75% reported having
underlying psychological, cognitive, social, environmental and more than three symptoms and 30% had clinically significant
personal processes, and the dynamic nature of such problematic pain. Over time, the prevalence of symptoms and pain
behaviors [143–145]. Using cluster analysis, Arnould et al. [146] decreased, but were still commonly reported after 1 year.
identified four subgroups of patients: (i) those with high scores Dikmen et al. [155] followed 421 patients with mild TBI and
for all apathy dimensions (lack of interest, lack of initiative, found that these patients reported significantly more symp-
emotional blunting); (ii) those with low scores for all dimensions; toms than their trauma controls after both 1 month and 1 year,
(iii) those with isolated major emotional blunting; and (iv) those and about half of them reported three or more post-traumatic
with high scores only for lack of initiative and lack of interest. symptoms at 1 year post-injury. McMahon et al. [158], who
Rochat et al. [147] used the conceptual framework of reported on findings obtained from 375 mild TBI patients,
Whiteside and Lynam [148], which identifies four dimensions found that, at both 6 and 12 months after mild TBI, 82% were
of impulsivity: still reporting at least one PCS symptom. Furthermore, 44.5%
and 40.3% of them had significantly lower Satisfaction With
Life Scale scores at 6 and 12 months, respectively, and 22.4% of
 urgency (tendency to experience strong reactions often those available for follow-up 1 year after injury were still
under conditions of negative affect); below full functional status. They concluded that the term
 lack of premeditation (difficulty in thinking and reflecting on ‘mild’ is a misnomer for this patient population.
consequences before engaging in an act); The mechanisms underlying outcomes after mild TBI
 lack of perseverance (difficulty in remaining focused on a remain a subject of controversy. While abnormal CT findings
task that may be boring or difficult); are unusual in such patients, recent studies show that more
 sensation-seeking (tendency to enjoy and pursue exciting sophisticated imaging methods, such as DTI or fMRI, can
activities, and an openness for new experiences). detect abnormalities in a number of patients, although the
relationships between brain imaging and outcome are still
They found that urgency, lack of premeditation and lack of controversial (for a review, see Sharp and Ham [34]). In fact,
perseverance were all increased significantly after TBI, other non-injury-related factors also seem to have a major
whereas sensation-seeking decreased significantly, according influence on outcome, as several studies have shown that
to patients’ significant others. In addition, Rochat et al. [145] post-traumatic complaints can be influenced by psychological
found a significant positive correlation between urgency and factors like stress, anxiety, perception of illness, symptom
deficits of prepotent response inhibition in patients with TBI. expectations, litigation and/or premorbid psychiatric condi-
tions [159–161]. Indeed, several recent studies revealed that
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is frequently associated
12. Mild TBI with mild TBI, and there is now increasing evidence
suggesting that mild TBI can increase risk for PTSD and that
For this complex issue, there is as yet no consensus on how to persistent impairment after mild TBI is largely related to stress
define mild TBI; the most widely used definition comes from reactions (for a review, see Bryant [162]). In addition, in their
the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) recent systematic review, Silverberg et al. [163] could find no
revue neurologique 173 (2017) 461–472 467

multivariable prognostic model that adequately predicts [2] Jourdan C, Bayen E, Pradat-Diehl P, Ghout I, Darnoux E,
individual patient outcomes, although the more robust Azerad S, et al. A comprehensive picture of 4-year
outcome of severe brain injuries. Results from the Paris-
prognostic factors identified were pre-injury mental health
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