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Kobir Teaching Center

Some important rules of Right Form of Verbs

Right Form of verbs: ক োন sentence-এর verb বো verb গুল োর সঠি রুপ (form) ঠ হলব, তো
কে রু স (rules) বো ঠনয়লের েোধ্যলে জোনো েোয়, কস ঠনয়েগুল োল ই সোধ্োরণভোলব right form of verbs বল ।
Right Form of Verbs সঠি ভোলব ইংলরঠজ বো য ক খো ও ব োর জনয খুবই গুরুত্বপূ ণণ। এতদ্ব্যতীত, আেোলের
স্কু ল লজর ইংলরঠজ পরীক্ষোয় ক োন বোল যর এ ঠি verb-ক bracket-এর েলধ্য করলখ verb-ঠির সঠি
রুপ ঠ হলব, তো bracket উঠিলয় ঠেলয় verb–এর সঠি রুপসহ পূ ণণ বো য ঠ খলত ব ো হয়। এ োরলনই
বোল য verb-এর সঠি বযবহোলরর ঠনয়েগুল ো জোনো খুবই জরুরী। এরই আল োল ঠনলে Right Form of
Verbs ঠবষলয় গুরুত্বপূ ণণ লয় ঠি রু স, েো সোধ্োরনত: পরীক্ষোয় আলস, তো ঠনলয় আল োচনো রো হল ো। উলেখয,
Right Form of Verbs-ক ভো ভোলব জোনোর জনয verb সম্পঠ ণত (verb related) প্রোয় স grammatical
rules গুল ো জোনলত হয়।
Rule 01: Sentence ঠির subject েঠে 3rd person singular number হয় এবং sentence ঠি েঠে present
indefinite tense এ থোল তোহল verb এর কেলষ s বো es েু ক্ত হলব।
Keya opens the windows every day.
The boy plays football.
Rule 02: েঠে বো যঠির (universal truth) ঠচরন্তন সতয, (habitual fact) অভযোসগত োজ বো ঐঠতহোঠস
সতয প্র োে লর তোহল ওই বো যঠি present indefinite tense হলব।
The sun rises in the East.
He ascends the throne at an early age.
Rule 03: ক োন sentence এর verb তোর subject এর number ও person অনু েোয়ী বযবহৃত হয়। অর্াৎ,

subject singular হল verb singular হলব, subject plural হল verb plural হলব।
The colour of his eyes is blue.
The players in the field are strong.
Rule 04: ক োন verb এর আলগ mind, worth, past, cannot help, would you mind, with a view to,
look forward to, with an eye to, get used to, become used to এবং preposition থো ল verb এর
সোলথ ing েু ক্ত রলত হয়।
I went to the library with a view to reading there.
He never thought of going to the park.
Rule 05: To be, being এবং having এর পলর েূ verb এর past participle হয়।
He ran away having taken the money.
The principal desired the notice to be hung again.

Rule 06: Conjunction এর আলগর অংলে অথণোৎ, main clause এর verb ঠি past tense এর হল এবং
পলরর অংলে next এর পলর ক োন সেলয়র (next day, next week, next month, next year ইতযোঠে) উলেখ
থো ল তো Future expectation in the past বুঝোলত should বো would হলব।
He said that he would go home the next day.
Rule 07: While এর ঠি পলরই কে verb থোল তোর সোলথ ing েু ক্ত রলত হয়। ঠ ন্তু while এর পলর
subject থো ল while এর অংেঠি past continuous tense হয়।
While walking in the garden, he was bitten by a snake.
While she was coming, I was sleeping.
Rule 08: সোধ্োরণত as though/ as if এর পলরর অংে past indefinite হয়। আবোর প্রথে অংে past
indefinite tense হল পরবতণী অংে past perfect হয়।
He speaks as though he knew everything.
She proceeded as though I had not spoken.
Rule 09: It is high time, it is time, wish, fancy ইতযোঠে থো ল পরবতণী অংলে past indefinite tense
I fancy I turned pale.
It is high time he changed his bad habits.
I wish I sang a song.
Rule 11: Every, each, one of থো ল verb singular হয়।
One of the boys was absent yesterday.
Everybody loves flowers.
Rule 12: ক োন sentence েঠে here/ there দ্ব্োরো শুরু হয় এবং এর পর েঠে singular number থোল তোহল
here/ there এর পলর singular verb বলস, আর plural number থো ল here/ there এর পলর plural verb
There is a high school in our village.
There are two high schools in our village.
Rule 13: Lest েু ক্ত sentence এ lest এর পলর কে subject থোল তোর পলর should/ might বলস।
He ran fast lest he should miss the train.
Rule 14: ক োন োজ পূ লবণ শুরু হলয় এখন পেণন্ত চ লে কবোঝোল verb এর present perfect continuous
tense হয়।
I have been reading for three hours.
It has been raining since morning.
Rule 15: Am, is, are, was, were ইতযোঠে be verb এর পর passive voice এর কক্ষলে verb এর past
participle হয়।
The book was stolen from my table.

Rule 16: Modal verb (can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would) এর পর েূ verb এর
base form হলব।
You may come tomorrow.
I can do the work.
One should take care of one's health.
Rule 17: বতণেোলন চ লে এেন ক োন োজ কবোঝোলত verb এর present continuous tense হয়। এলক্ষলে
বতণেোন সেলয়র (now, right now, at this moment, currently, at this time, at this very moment,
today ইতযোঠে) উলেখ থোল ।
She is working with him right now.
They are watching TV at this moment.
Rule 18: কেসব sentence এ be verb থোল নো, তোলেরল negative বো interrogative রলত হল tense ও
subject অনু েোয়ী do, does বো did বযবহোর রলত হয়।
The boy does not smoke.
Did he come to my room yesterday?
Rule 19: ক োন sentence এ েঠে always, regularly, sometimes, often, generally, daily, everyday,
occasionally, usually, normally ইতযোঠে থোল তলব sentence ঠি present indefinite tense হয়।
He always disturbs the class.
A good boy prepares his lesson regularly.
Rule 20: ক োন Sentence এ েঠে have, has, had বো having থোল তোহল verb এর past participle
form হয়।
He has done the work.
Having done the job, I returned from the office.
Rule 21: ক োন sentence এ just, just now, already, even, lately, recently, so far, yet ইতযোঠে থো ল
present perfect tense হয়।
She has already come out of the cabin.
I have seen him recently.
Have you ever been to Dhaka?
Rule 22: অতীত ঠনলেণে েব্দ বো phrase (yesterday, ago, long, since, last night বো last + time words
ইতযোঠে) থো ল sentence ঠি past tense এ হলব।
He left home last night.
I came home yesterday.
I saw you long ago.
Rule 23: Sentence এর শুরুলত would that থো ল subject এর পলর could বলস এবং প্রেত্ত verb এর
base form বলস, োরণ তো োল্পঠন ঘিনো প্র োে লর।
Would that I could go to college?

Rule 24: Had better, had rather, would better, would rather, let, must, need, dare ইতযোঠের পর
প্রেত্ত verb এর বলস form হয় এবং verb এর আলগ to থো ল to উলি েোয়।
My team had better win tonight.
Rule 25: এ , দেঘণয, পঠরেোণ বো স্থোন কবোঝোল subject কেখলত plural হল ও verb singular হয়।
Fifty miles is a long way.
Rule 26: ক োন simple sentence এ principal verb এর পর েঠে আলর ঠি verb থোল তোহল পরবতণী
verb এর সোলথ ing েু ক্ত রলত হয়, অথবো verb ঠির আলগ to বসোলত হয়।

ঠবিঃ দ্রিঃ উলেেয (purpose) কবোঝোলত verb এর আলগ to বসোলত হয়।

I saw him going.
I came here to meet him.
Rule 27: Since এর প্রথে অংে past indefinite হল পলরর অংে past perfect রলত হয়।
It was many years since they had first met.
It was long since I had seen her last.
Rule 28: Since এর প্রথে অংে present indefinite/ present perfect tense হল পলরর অংে past
indefinite tense এ হয়।
Present indefinite+ since+ past indefinite.
Present perfect+ since+ past indefinite.
It is many years since I came to Gopalganj.
Many years have passed since his father died.
Rule 29: No sooner had…than, scarcely had…. when, hardly had… before থো ল had েু ক্ত অংেঠি
past perfect tense এবং পরবতণী অংেঠি past indefinite tense এ হলব।
No sooner had he seen the police than he ran away.
Exercise: A
Rewrite the following sentences using the right forms of verbs.
1. Health should be (take) care of.
2. I am looking forward to (hear) from you.
3. The number of boys (be) smaller than usual.
4. The mother and daughter (be) walking.
5. None of the question (be) easy.
6. Each boy and each girl (be) meritorious.
7. Ill news (run) fast.
8. Would you mind (sing) a song.
9. I went to market with a view to (buy) a book.
10. He (pay) a visit to our school every now and then.
Exercise: B
Fill in the blanks with right forms of verb:
1. It was warm, so I ______ off my coat. (take)
2. The film wasn't very good. I ______ it very much. (enjoy)
3. I knew Sarah was very busy, so I ______ her. (disturb)
4. I was very tired, so I ______ to bed early. (go)
5. The bed was very uncomfortable. I ______ very well. (sleep)

6. Sue wasn't hungry, so she ______ anything. (eat)
7. We went to Kate's house but she ______ at home. (be)
8. It was a funny situation but nobody ______. (laugh)
9. The window was open and a bird ______ into the room. (fly)
10. The hotel wasn't very expensive. It ______ very much. (cost)
11. I was in a hurry, so I ______ time to phone you. (have)
12. It was hard work carrying the bags. They ______ very heavy. (be)
Exercise: C
Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs given in the brackets:
1. The boys ………(play) in the field now.
2. He ……… (go) to school regularly.
3. I ……. (buy) a new car recently.
4. Flowers ……. (look) beautiful.
5. A basket is ………. (make) of bamboo.
6. I have not ………… (forget) them.
7. She …………… (bring) an umbrella every day.
8. He ………… (live) here for the last five years.
9. Neither his sister nor his brothers ………… (approve) his decision.
10. Fifty miles ……. (be) a long distance.
Exercise: D
Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs given in the brackets:
Mamun was born in a little farm village in the East. He was happy even though he (a) …….
(live) a harsh life cultivating his field. One day he (b) ……… (wake up) by a heavy storm.
When the storm (c) ……. (let up) he (d) ……… (saw) that his plantation (e) ……… (destroy).
He (f) ……. (feel) despondent and (g) ……… (decide) that he could no longer live on the far.
He (h) ……… (have) to move somewhere else. He (i) ………. (leave) the farm and (j)
………(come) to a city. The hustle and bustle of the city (k) ………. (frighten) him a lot, but
he ……. (l) (not want) to go back to his farm.

Answer Key
Exercise A:
1. taken; 2. hearing; 3. is; 4. were/are; 5. is; 6. is; 7. runs; 8. singing; 9. buying; 10. pays.
Exercise B:
1. too; 2. didn’t enjoy; 3. didn’t disturb; 4. went; 5. didn’t sleep; 6. didn’t eat; 7. wasn’t; 8.
laughed; 9. flew; 10. didn’t cost; 11. didn’t have; 12. were.
Exercise C:
1. are playing; 2. goes; 3. have bought; 4. look; 5. made; 6. forgot; 7. brings; 8. has been living;
9. approves;10. is.
Exercise D:
a. lived; b. woke up; c. let up; d. saw; e. was destroyed; f. felt; g. decided; h. had; i. left; j. came;
k. frightened; l. didn’t want.

Prepared By
Kobir Hossain
Dept. of Finance & Banking,
BSMRSTU, Gopalganj.
Mobile No: +8801637-414945

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