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Elections in India

In every democracy, elections take place regularly. In the globe, there are more than 100 nations
where elections occur to select members of the people. The system by which citizens at regular
intervals may select their representatives and switch them when they want is termed as election.
Elections are a standardized process by which citizens cast votes and elect members to different
government positions. Elections are the foundation of a democracy, wherein the adult population
of a nation elects the people’s representatives.

An election is a formal collective decision-making process in which the population of a country

chooses one or more people to occupy public office.

An election is a system in which voters elect their representatives on a regular basis and can
replace them at any time. Elections are a way of using ballots to elect representatives to various
government positions. The core of democracy is an election. Elections must be held to elect
representatives. Through their representatives, people rule in most democracies. Elections help
determine whether or not the public approves of their leaders. Voters have a variety of choices in
an election, ranging as

 They have a say in the legislation that affects them.

 They have the ability to choose who forms the government and makes major decisions.
 They can choose which political party’s policies will have an impact on the government
and legislative process.

Why do we need elections?

Election is important for the following reason:

Choice of leadership: By participating in elections, every citizen can choose their leader by
casting a vote in favour of the politician or the political party for that matter.

Change of leadership: As the citizens are the ultimate authority in any democracy, they can
voice their opinion if they do not like the testaments of the existing government. They can
change the government by choosing their following votes very carefully and giving a thought to
the political party before giving them their vote.

Political participation: As a responsible citizen of the country, if one feels there is an issue not
being addressed by most or all of the political parties or some modifications needs to be made in
their solution, they can always participate in that discussion either by raising their opinions to the
governing bodies or by forming political parties themselves to bring about a reform.

Self-corrective system: Due to the regularity present in the Indian election system, it acts as a
kind of check on the work of the political parties, restating the fact that if the party is not
efficient enough in their work, they will not form the government subsequently. Therefore
political parties have a regular performance of working well to get votes from the public.

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