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6th Primary Going to review and expressions

01. How do you say “obtener una beca” in English?

a) Get a scholarship
b) Get a degree
c) Travel abroad
d) Apply to the university
e) Get married

02. How do you “el próximo año” in English?

a) Last year
b) Next year
c) Next week
d) Next month
e) Weekend

03. Luis is going to Study_______________.

a) married
b) laws
c) children
d) get a scholarship
e) have a visa

04. Are you going to finish your primary studies?

a) Yes, He is
b) Yes, She is
c) Yes, I am
d) No, He isn`t
e) Yes, They are

05. Pasado mañana.

a) The day before yesterday
b) Yesterday morning
c) The day after tomorrow
d) Tomorrow morning
e) Tomorrow
1st High School: Going to and future expressions

01. They ______ _________ (not study) English.

a) Are go
b) Are going to study
c) Aren`t going to study
d) Is going to study
e) Are going to studying

02. Pasado mañana.

a) The day before yesterday

b) Yesterday morning
c) The day after tomorrow
d) Tomorrow morning
e) Tomorrow

03. We ___ __________ ___ ____ (play) soccer tomorrow afternoon.

a) Go play soccer
b) Play soccer
c) Are going to play
d) Is going to play
e) Are playing

04. Esta noche.

a) Today
b) This night
c) Yesterday
d) tonight
e) Midnight

02. Yo voy a estudiar inglés el proximo año

a) I am going to study English.
b) I am not going to study English next year
c) I am going to study English last year
d) I am going study English this year
e) I am going to study English next year
2nd High school Will and going to and expressions

01. How do you say “con nieve” in English?

a) Cloudy
b) Sunny
c) Rainy
d) Frozen
e) snowy

02. Ella trabajará en el 2030

a) She is going to work in 2030
b) She will work in 2030
c) She is working in 2030
d) She won´t work in 2030
e) She works in 2030

03. How do you say “esta noche” en English?

a) This night
b) Tonight
c) Midnight
d) Night
e) All night

04. Are They going to apply to the university next year?

a) Yes, I am
b) No, I am not
c) A and B
d) Yes, He is
e) No, We aren`t

05. Siempre te amaré mi amor.

a) I won`t always love you dear
b) I will always love you my love
c) I will always love you
d) I am going to love you my love
e) none
3rd High School 2nd C overview

1. If you ________ a bike you wouldn't cycle to school.

a) Don`t have
b) Didn`t have
c) Not have
d) Weren`t have
e) none

02. What would you do if you ________ invisible?

a) Will become
a) would become
b) Become
c) Were become
d) Became

03. How do you say “ sangrar” in English?

a) Blad
b) Bleed
c) Bled
d) Blid
e) Blood

04. Cortar

a) cat
b) cut
c) cutter
d) cot
e) Cuts

05. The past simple of be:

a) Am, is, are

b) Was were
c) Bean
d) Been
e) none
4th High school Second conditional Review

01. What would you do if it ________ on your wedding day?

a) rained
b) will rain
c) would rain
d) is raining
e) none

02. If she came, I _____ call you

a) Will
b) Would
c) Would have
d) call
e) won`t

03. "IfI won a million dollars, I would buy my own airplane." Which conditional
is this?
a) Zero
b) First
c) Second
d) third
e) mixed conditional

04. The past participle of “break” is:

a) Breaking
b) Broklin
c) Broke
d) Broken
e) Broly

01. The past simple of “forget” is:

a) Forgetting
b) Forget
c) Forgot
d) Forgets
e) None

Second conditional Review

01. What would you __________ if you won the lottery?
a) do
b) did
c) was doing
d) was do
e) won

02. She wouldn't be nervous if she ________ her homework.

a) Would do
b) did
c) does
d) do
e) done

03. If my grandfather ________ alive, he ________ __ 110 years old.

a) Were/was
b) Would be/ were
c) Was /will be
d) Were / would be
e) Is/ is

04. The past participle of Write:

a) Write
b) Wrote
c) Written
d) Writing
e) Writting

05. The past participle of do:

a) Does
b) did
c) Done
d) doing
e) Do

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