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You don't travel with much luggage if you tour a Mangusta. Innit funny how the rarity of a survivor
makes it seem pretty cool after all. In fact, I have a bit of sex wee trickling down my leg just now
even looking at the photos. Rust! Though not usually as arty as this, more the kind that makes your
car fall to bits. And worthy of respect since we know from firsthand experience it's as fast as a single
turbo FD on the street! Eat. sleep. rotary? Damn right, except if you work on the railway you can
pretty much forget about the middle one, eh Dave. This is the sort of wear that only comes from
being over fifty years old.whilst the outside was immaculate, I love that the owner left little original
touches like the cracked instrument glass to continue the identity of the car over post-restoration
Now, I've got this often-stated anti Bimmer thing goign on, but that doesn't mean I'm totally blind to
the charms of certain specimens from the stable of the blue and white propeller. If you don't like
deTomasos then I suggest you pop off and put the kettle on for a few minutes, have a nice cup of tea
(and by the way, there's something seriously wrong with you). Seriously, these things are genuine
bucket list stuff I don't know if there was a problem, but the rider shut off around the eighth marker
and still ran an eight-second pass. Don't get upset if I missed your car, I can't get everything in. Only
a shame back then Suzuki were more surprised than anyone when they fluked building a good bike,
imagine what they'd have been like with a chassis to match the lump. Unless there were a lot of
people there like Major Tom, but I always thought he was a one-off. Looked like fun but jury is still
out on street cred. Anyway, even the circling buzzards took a look at what was rolling onto stage
next and wisely did one, presumably to find a nice sheltered place to hunch up with their wings over
their ears. Second loudest noise of the day award (second only to Fireforce) went to the frankly
insane Top Fuel bike demo. Ran consistent 5.9 second runs too, so it's not exactly just for show, is it.
I'm used to windburn and overcast skies, lol Alongside the DKW was another German legend of
utilitarian transportation. You really would not want to get your fingers anywhere near the headlight
retractor mechanism on this beast while it was operating. Natch Stumbled across a proper-old school
front-mounted dragster being prepped in the pits area. Don't be upset if I'm cheeky or blase about
your pride and joy, it's not intentional and if you've put every waking minute and free florin into it,
you don't care what some random off the internetz' opinion is, right. Well, in as much as it has a
steering wheel modelled on a rocketship, but leaving that aside it's quite restrained As I'd suspected,
the wide-arch Mustang looked just as at home in the Show 'n' Shine as it did on the dragstrip. They
got better later, lol I love the hood-mounted tacho thing that Yank cars used to do. To the best of my
memory I've never seen one before. Even the mirror adjustors have little billet BMW logos on them.
The tailwind meant the jetcar was pretty much making its own weather and I don't care if you're five
years old or fifty, if you're not giggling like a child at the sight of a jet engine on wheels that ca shoot
out twenty foot flames, then you're not really living, you're just taking up room. Always good for
impressive-looking pics I have to admit, I was pleasantly surprised by the mix of cars at this show.
Yep, rather like an automotive Hannibal Lector wearing someone else's face as a disguise, it's an
MX5 wearing a recently-skinned Mini Clubman. Perhaps as you'd expect the little tiny wheels meant
it got off the line like a cat shot from an ion cannon, but lagged a bit towards the end of the strip.
And no, all the black lines on the tarmac didn't come from the anyway. You'd have to fancy the
Mustang over the Anglia, though. On the subject of proper drag tools, it's nice to see good old
fashioned oil-boiling Suzuki blunderbusses are still a mainstay.
Still, fair play to the guy for clearly pressing on when he rides Now. rods. Have I ever mentioned
how rubbish I am at identifying hotrods before. There we were standing around chatting when a
couple of dudes turn up, one on a Raleigh Chopper and asked if we had a spare stand pass because
they were stuck out in the public carpark. But as we've already established, I'm easily amused. Well
done us. Especially when you consider how many of our cars are normally broken, or scattered in
parts containers across several continents and seaways. Or both. Slight hint of offset fail on the front,
but that's a lot of arch to fill. It's gorgeous Think these might be Rotas, but we won't hold that
against them, they certainly sit mighty fine. And worthy of respect since we know from firsthand
experience it's as fast as a single turbo FD on the street! Eat. sleep. rotary? Damn right, except if you
work on the railway you can pretty much forget about the middle one, eh Dave. Mmmm, minilites,
makes me want to see what my own car looks like on 'em. Rust! Though not usually as arty as this,
more the kind that makes your car fall to bits. No surprise that the interior had the same manic level
of prep. Towards the back of the strip the serious drag boys were unloading their vehicles and
prepping and generally doing all the unfathomable pedantic things that are apparently essential to
drag racing. By now the faithful Pod rubber tractor had done its work and the track was open again,
so we mooched back over to watch some dragging. Honestly, I know I always bang on about it, but
if you've never been to the Main Event and seen proper Top Fuel bikes and dragsters run, do it. Hide
ads with VIP. Ads suck, but they help pay the bills. I've absolutely no idea if this was even half-way
to being cool back in the day, I'm guessing not. Even the mirror adjustors have little billet BMW
logos on them. And another Ford seemingly inappropriate to its surroundings yet capable of a
surprising turn of speed A nice old Triumph 2k being forced to behave in a most ungentlemanly
manner and BossaNova in its natural environment, doing what it does best No matter how many
times I go to the Pod, I never get tired of taking photos of drag launches. Opels and Vaux offerings
tended to pass me by for some reason so I'm a bit off my comfort zone. Thanks to Nik, JoJo and
Norton for company and conversation. This didn't affect how quickly it got off the line. But even the
more-average-than-most ones don't generally come with twin turbo cheeky little Tial wategates
poking out of the wheel arches behind the skinny drag hoops.or have side-exit drag pipes, tubbed
rears and a parachute, for that matter Holy cow, that's a lot of engine. Looks to be a bit of a tool (no,
not that kind) Evil glare on it, that's for sure. An early Pontiac GTO again, a startlingly mundane
dash treatment with strip speedo and few original instruments. This thing looks even more a
preposterous mix of purposeful, hunched aggression and jolly playful cuteness on the strip than it
does in the paddock There was quite a tailwind up the track which surprised a few people who put
on a fine burnout show and then found themselves having to wait out their own smokescreen
Madame le Jo insisted I take this one, because if there's a sort of car she likes even better than Capris
it's one that looks like a baked bean. I think they may be colour-coded in order of insanity, from the
relatively humble rear-engined Hahhhhnda yellow one to this blue Toyota to the v8 spaceframed
front-engined red and apocalypse orange ones. Ran consistent 5.9 second runs too, so it's not exactly
just for show, is it. I have a suspicion that under all that plywood, chicken wire, fibreglass and pug is
a Bimmer sharknose four-door. Hand crafted in San Diego and the Bay Area. Loading. Albania.
There were loads of them clipped to Beetle snouts like little odd Victorian pince-nez. To the best of
my memory I've never seen one before.
Before we reached it there was the matter of one of these; A pretty rare thing, a 1958-ish DKW
Service van. Moving on from Wolfsburg's finest, how about something Oriental. Probably one of the
rarest cars in the ground, bizarre but true. To be fair, they probably need video to convey that they
actually are quite funky in their own way. Sorry. I suck again Saw this Trumpet Vitesse at the
Gathering, pressing on up the climb. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Modern
stock BMW? Wha?) as you'd perhaps expect, lol. On that note we went for a wander, partly to see if
any of the other Exile crew had turned up, partly because all the discussion of buzzard dietary habits
had made us peckish for a dogburger, and partly. I think it's like invasion of the bodysnatchers, soon
I'll be assimilated into the alien race just like everyone else and not care anymore that Rotas have
taken over the world. Not sure if they work sooooo well with the stock mounts, but I love the
mirrors themselves We all like a nice bubble-arched MkI Escrot, don't we. Honestly, I don't think
there's a superlative you could apply that wouldn't be utterly deserved The old boy who did the work
was disarmingly humble about it, but when he showed me through the folder of build photos you
could see why. On this occasion the first sight was of a whole row of Beetle noses the first of which
belonged to this rather excellent Beetle rod in fetching Murder Black Not sure how it gets away
without even cycle wings on the but it's all the better for it, looks hard as Ray Winstone's pool ball.
Only an German can produce this level of OCD attention to detail, lol Beautifully Spartan interior
has nothing it doesn't need and even doesn't have a few things it does need. Hide ads with VIP. If
you like Homework, check out. I have a suspicion that under all that plywood, chicken wire,
fibreglass and pug is a Bimmer sharknose four-door. Sucks being me. Maybe next year. Taz Racing
never fail to entertain with the range of insanity they manage to pack into the diminutive Fiat 126.
Anyway, even the circling buzzards took a look at what was rolling onto stage next and wisely did
one, presumably to find a nice sheltered place to hunch up with their wings over their ears. Probably
even they'd turn their beak up at a Santa Pod dogburger though. The ramps it stood on are artworks
in their own right, not just the neatly radiussed cutouts for the tyres, but they even have little billet-
mounted BMW logos in each and every one. Then you start to notice little things like the engine's
not a transverse mount. However, there was an old Fordson just like the one I used to battle with
back at agricultural college and this thing which I had to take some pics of, not just because of its
brilliantly-shaped smokestack and Lego tractor profile..but also because it boasted the best emblem
and livery I've seen on just about any vehicle, let alone a tractor. Looks to be a bit of a tool (no, not
that kind) Evil glare on it, that's for sure. Sadly, I managed to utterly screw up all the pics of the
engine bay, so you'll have to wait till I get round to uploading the video to YouTube for that. And
another Ford seemingly inappropriate to its surroundings yet capable of a surprising turn of speed A
nice old Triumph 2k being forced to behave in a most ungentlemanly manner and BossaNova in its
natural environment, doing what it does best No matter how many times I go to the Pod, I never get
tired of taking photos of drag launches. There must be bits of at least that many types of car in here.
Can't pass up a chance to take photos of weirdy wobbly worlds reflected in hubcaps. Good trick that
I'm sure as many pages of internet drone have been written about patina and whether faux patination
is class or arse, so I won't delve too deeply into it here. Finally, since I'm intrinsically lazy this will be
shamefully cut'n'pasted onto at least four forums, so apologies if certain in-jokes or references don't
translate very well. Anyway, there are always new cars turning up to look at so it's worth walking
around a couple of times. I don't know if buzzards actually do eat chips but they're scavengy little
sods, I imagine they do. Later increased to an insane three cylinders and 20 ish horsepowers Not
convinced that you would see too much schnell from that performance package Did I mention that it
was hot.

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