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Get To Know More About Motor Control

Reina Rosana F.

Primary School Education Study Program

Indonesian Education university
1. Introduction
Humans have periods to learn and improve their growth and development.
Human abilities certainly need to be sharpened regularly to increase their
intelligence. One way to develop human intelligence abilities is to hone motor
skills from an early age.
Motor control is an important aspect of human function that allows the
coordination of body movements to achieve certain goals. A deep
understanding of motor control is key in various scientific disciplines, such as
neuroscience, biomechanics, rehabilitation, as well as the development of
robotic technology and artificial intelligence. Research aimed at delving deeper
into motor control will make a significant contribution to increasing our
understanding of the human nervous system and its application in various
practical contexts.
The human motor control system involves complex interactions between
various neural components, including the brain, spinal cord, and sensory
systems that detect information about position, speed, and force of movement.
This control process takes place in real time and allows adaptation to
environmental changes and different movement goals.
Motor skills are a very important requirement in carrying out daily life.
Motor skills are a very good ability to help every human being carry out daily
activities. If humans have poor motor skills, this will hinder other abilities such
as social skills and the ability to carry out daily activities. To anticipate these
motor disorders, it is necessary to control and carry out routine checks to
determine motor development (Fikriyah, 2021).
Motor skills are the beginning of the emergence of the ability to move. Motor
development has a very essential role in aspects of human growth and
development. Motor skills are an indicator of human growth and development
because these movements are able to support the movement of the other five
senses (Maya & Sriandila, 2021).
One indicator that supports success in motor development is the type of
movement that basically produces physical control, muscle management
strength and biomechanics. With these indicators, it is hoped that it will be able
to foster motor development and also higher quality personal intelligence
UNICEF states that there are 3 million children or around 27.5% of children
worldwide who experience motor problems. The reason for this problem is that
the mother's level of knowledge is still very minimal regarding the basics of
motor development.
Based on data obtained in 2023 at the Keruak Community Health Center, it
was found that there were 50 mothers who had good basic knowledge of motor
skills. Meanwhile, there were 2 mothers with less knowledge. These results
show that mothers in Indonesia are now starting to be sensitive to the basic
motor development that every individual must have (Rosidi et al, 2023).

2. Motor Control Concept

Motor control has a very important role in human physiological
development, facilitating coordinated human movements in everyday life. To
understand the meaning of the development of motor control more deeply, it
needs to be supported by an understanding of neuroscience, biomechanics and
robotics (Schmidt et al, 2018).
Motor control has a major influence on a process where the central nervous
system controls and coordinates with muscle contractions to carry out the
required movements. Motor control refers to a very complex interaction
between feedback, sensory, neural processes and motor commands (Latash &
Zatsiorsky, 2015).
Motor control theory is based on optimal control theory and is consistent
with using attention models in other domains which have been supported by
learning and perception theories. This theory was then connected to motor
control, stating that this theory had been tested through experiments throwing
arrows. Experiments show that the presence of an external FOA can improve
performance in terms of agility at the angle of the throwing joint. The most
important thing from this research is that external FOA is able to strengthen the
correlation between joints during movement using it periodically (Lobse et, al
Motor control is defined as a set of internal processes connected with training
to the experience of acquiring a skill which will produce more effective and
permanent changes (Cuerda et, al, 2015).

3. Closed-Loop Control
A. Definition
Closed control is a system of providing continuous feedback, where sensory
information is used as a regulator to adjust all ongoing movements. Closed
control takes place dynamically and always updates motor requests using
external and internal sign language (Glat & Ljung, 2018).
Closed control is state control that lasts for some time within the system
itself. Feedback plays an important role in controlling closed systems. Example:
When a person is about to fall forward, sensory stimulation of the muscles and
vestibular organs in the ear sends signals to the structures of the central nervous
system to return the body and head to an upright position.
Closed-loop motor control, also known as feedback control or proportional
control system, is a system that uses feedback information from the results of a
movement to modify the movement performed. In the context of human motor
control, this means that neural sensors send information back to the central
nervous system (brain and spinal cord) about the current position, speed, and
strength of the movement. This information is used to regulate muscle activity
to more precisely achieve athletic goals.
Closed-loop motor control involves a continuous feedback cycle. Sensory
input is received, interpreted by the central nervous system, and used to produce
appropriate motor output. This process is repeated as long as the behavior is
running, allowing the behavior to adapt in real time to changes in environmental
and physical conditions.
B. Characteristics
The following are some of the characteristics of closed motor control:
1. Feedback
This system relies on sensory feedback from the results of the
movements being carried out. Sensory information about position,
speed, and force of movement is sent back to the central nervous system
for modification of ongoing movement.
2. Adaptability
Closed motor control can adjust movements in real-time based on
changes in the environment or physical conditions. This allows for rapid
adjustments in response to changing situations.
3. Precision
This system tends to produce more precise and accurate movements
because it can correct and correct movements based on the sensory
feedback received.
4. Automatic regulations
Control processes in closed systems are often automatic and do not
require a high level of conscious awareness. Muscle activity and
movement adjustments occur naturally in response to the sensory
information received.
5. Stability
Closed motor control tends to provide stability in movement. This is
especially important in activities such as maintaining balance, where
quick adjustments can prevent falls or injury.
6. The need for adequate sensory
To function effectively, closed motor control requires an adequate
sensory system to detect information about position, movement, and
force. These sensors may include the eyes, ears, skin, and
7. Smooth movement
The movements produced in closed motor control often feel more
natural and fluid because of the adaptations that occur based on
continuous sensory feedback.
8. Complexity
Although the basic processes can be automatic, closed motor control can
involve very complex movements, including coordination between
different muscle groups and complex movement sequences.
C. Example
There are 10 examples of motor control movements which include:
1. Maintain body balance.
2. Direct your eyes to a moving object.
3. Tapping the keyboard while typing.
4. Grab the object correctly.
5. Direct equipment during operation.
6. Adjust your body position when driving.
7. Speak and regulate voice.
8. Catching the ball during a sports game.
9. Maintain stability when walking on uneven terrain.
10. Adjust the interference strength.

4. Open-Loop Control
A. Definition
Contrary to closed-loop control, open-loop control lacks real-time feedback
mechanisms, relying solely on predetermined motor commands to execute
movements. Once initiated, the movement proceeds without adjustment based
on sensory input, making it less adaptable to environmental changes.
Open motor control is a type of motor control in which movements are
executed without any feedback or continuous correction of the results of the
movement being performed. In this system, pre-programmed motor commands
are carried out without taking into account environmental changes or conditions
that occur during the execution of the movement.
The key distinctions between closed-loop and open-loop control systems lie
in their reliance on real-time feedback, adaptability to changes, and execution
precision. While closed-loop control ensures greater accuracy and flexibility in
response to environmental fluctuations, open-loop control excels in executing
preprogrammed movements with efficiency and speed.
B. Characteristic
The following are the basic characteristics of closed motor control, namely:
1. Preprogrammed
Movements are pre-programmed based on previous experience or
learned movement patterns. There are no changes in the executed moves
during the execution process.
2. Don’t have real-time feedback
No sensory information is used to correct or adjust the movement being
performed. This means that there is no feedback that influences the
course of the movement.
3. Unflexible
Because there is no ability to adapt movements based on changing
situations or changes in the environment, overt motor control tends to
lack flexibility across contexts.
4. Fast and efficient
Although less flexible, overt motor control is often considered efficient
in execution because movements are executed without delays caused by
feedback or correction.
5. Advanced programming
Overt motor control often involves a high level of programming and
complexity in planning and executing movements with precision. This is
often found in applications such as industrial robotics or autonomous
C. Example
The following are 10 examples of overt motor control movements:
1. Use of CNC cutting tools.
2. Cutting operations with a laser cutting machine.
3. Video games.
4. Rocket launch.
5. Autonomous vehicles.
6. Robotic programming: Arm in automated factories.
7. Airplane autopilot.
8. Automatic packaging machine operation.
9. Movement in the production of electronic machines.
10. Movement in CGI animation.

5. Conclusions
Humans will always grow every day. Humans need a lot of food to support
their development. One of the developments that is really needed is motor
movement. Motor movements are very important for human life processes
because motor movements can help all the sensors in our body continue to
develop. To control motor movements, it is necessary to have motor controls
that regulate every movement made by humans. Motor control is the essence of
life to continue to hone the sensory intelligence in every human body.

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