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KIET Group of Institutions

CT Examination (2023-2024) ODD Semester

Department: Computer Science Course: B.Tech

Year: III Semester: V
Subject Name: OOSD Subject Code: KCS 054
Duration: 2 Hrs Max. Marks: 60
Note: Attempt all the questions of each section
Section-A (2X10=20)
Q. 1 Competitive
Exam# CO BL/ KC*
a What is class? 1 2/C
b Expand terms (i) OOSD (ii) UML 1 2/C
c What is the object? How many objects can be created of a class? AKTU 15-16 1 2/C
d Who are the stake holders use case diagrams? 2 2/C
e Difference between synchronous & asynchronous Messages 2 2/P
f Write in object-oriented principles with suitable examples. 2 2/C
g What is information hiding? AKTU 21-22 2 2/C
h Explain the importance modelling 1 2/C
i Write down advantages of Object-Oriented Language over Procedural
1 2/C
j What is the difference between Multilevel and Multiple Inheritance? 1 2/C
Section-B (5X4=20)
Explain the conceptual model of UML. AKTU 21-22
Q. 2 OR 1 2/C
Describe Object Oriented Analysis. How it affects the software development.
Explain the principles of object-oriented system design in detail.
Q. 3 Considering “Student” as a class, Construct the attributes and methods, 1 3/P
Implement the principles of OOSD with respect to Student management
Draw the sequence diagram for a sales person wants to know the stock in his
Q. 4 OR 2 3/P
Write in detail about Class and Object and How these terms are related to
real world programming with suitable examples.
Draw an collaboration diagram for Pizza order management (only login and
first time order)
Q. 5 OR 2 3/P
Draw an collaboration diagram of return a book from Library (Assume user
already has login class diagram)
Section-C (10X2=20)
Considering “Student” as a class, Construct the attributes and methods,
Implement the principles of OOSD with respect to Student management
Construct a Class & Object diagram for following case study:-
Q. 6 2 3/P
A bank has many branches. In each zone, one branch is designated as
the zonal head office that supervises the other branches in that zone.
Each branch can have multiple accounts and loans. An account may be
either a savings account or a current account. A customer may open
both a savings account and a current account. However, a customer
● CO -Course Outcome generally refer to traits, knowledge, skill set that a student attains after completing the course successfully.
● Bloom’s Level (BL) - Bloom’s taxonomy framework is planning and designing of assessment of student’s learning.
● *Knowledge Categories (KCs): F-Factual, C-Conceptual, P-Procedural, M-Metacognitive
● #Reference to Competitive Exams (GATE, GPAT, CAT, GRE, TOFEL, NET, etc. )
Roll No. ___________________
must not have more than one savings account or current account. A
customer may also procure loans from the bank.

Draw sequence diagram of Hospital Management System, neat and clean with
all notations marked (consider only patient admission).
Q. 7 OR 2 3/P
Draw Sequence diagram of Order Management System, neat and clean with
all notations marked.

● CO -Course Outcome generally refer to traits, knowledge, skill set that a student attains after completing the course successfully.
● Bloom’s Level (BL) - Bloom’s taxonomy framework is planning and designing of assessment of student’s learning.
● *Knowledge Categories (KCs): F-Factual, C-Conceptual, P-Procedural, M-Metacognitive
● #Reference to Competitive Exams (GATE, GPAT, CAT, GRE, TOFEL, NET, etc. )

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