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- Yarns: Gazzal Jeans (58% cotton, 42% polyacrylic 170m/50g), Yarn and Colors Must-Have (100% cotton 125m/50g) and YarnArt IDEAL (100% cotton 170m/50g): - Scraps of yarn in different colors for embroidery (you may want to use embroidery thread) ~ B1/2mm crochet hook; ~ Sewing needle; ~ Yarn needle: ~ Pins; - Stitch markers; ~ Fiberfill for stuffing; - Black glass or safety eyes 2 mm. Skill level: ** MR - magic ring; ch - chain; st - stitch; sc - single crochet; inc - increase; dec - decrease; slst - slip stitch; bobble st- bobble stitch; de - double crochet; FLO - front loops ont BLO - back loops onl [n] - number of stitches in round. Size: approx. 13 cm tall when made with the indicated yarns. Start in teal blue. 1:4 scina MR [4] inc, 3 sc [5] 3: inc, 4 sc [6] 4-#; (4 rounds) sc in all 6 st [6] $8: inc, 5 sc [7] 9-12: (4 rounds) sc in all 7 st [7] 13: inc, 6 sc [8] 7: (4 rounds) sc in all 8 st [8] inc, 7 sc [9] 49-22: (4 rounds) sc in all 9 st [9] @3: 2 inc, 6 sc, inc [12] @4: sc in all 12 st [12] 25: 4 inc, 6 sc, 2 inc [18] 26: (sc, inc) x 4, 6 sc, (sc, inc) x 2 [24] @: sc in all 24 st [24] @8: 12 sc, (sc, inc) x 3, 6 sc [27] 29-30: sc in all 27 st [27| 31: 12 sc, (2 sc, inc) x 3, 6 sc [20] 32-33: sc in all 30 st [30] 34: 2 sc, (inc, 4 sc) x 5, inc, 2 sc [36] 35: (2 sc, ine) x 12 [48] 36: sc in all 48 st [48] 37: (3 sc, inc) x 12 [60] 38: sc in all 6O st [60] 39: (4 sc, inc) x 12 [72] 40: sc in all 72 st [72] 41; FLO, (2 sc, inc) x 24 [96] 42: sc in all 96 st [96] 43: (2 sc, inc) x 32 [128] 44-65: sc in all 128 st [128] Slst in next st. Fasten off and weave in the yarn ends (picture 1). Go back to round 40 and pull up a loop of emerald yarn in the first leftover back loop (picture 2) and start crocheting bottom of the cap. 1; BLO, sc in all 72 st [72] 2:5 sc, (dec, 10 sc) x 5, dec, 5 sc [66] 3:(9 sc, dec) x 6 [60] 4:4 sc, (dec, 8 sc) x 5, dec, 4 sc [54] 5: (7 sc, dec) x 6 [48] 6: (2 sc, dec) x 12 [36] Stuff the cap firmly with fiberfill (don't stuff rounds 1-20) and continue stuffing as you go. Before you make the last rounds, make sure the toy is stuffed tightly and evenly, with no palpable lumps and holes inside. 7: (sc, dec) x 12 [24] 8: BLO, sc, (dec, 2 sc) x 5, dec, sc [18] 9: (sc, dec) x 6 [12] 10: 6 dec [6] Fasten off leaving a tail about 10 cm long and cut the yarn. Using a tapestry needle, weave the yarn tail through the front loops of the six stitches and pull tight to close. Weave in the yarn end. Start with crocheting the frill on the stem of the mushroom. Go back to round 7 of the bottom of the cap (picture 3) and pull up a loop of coral yarn in the first leftover front loop. 1: FLO, sc in all 24 st [24] 2: FLO, 24 inc [48] 3: (Sc, inc) x 24 [72] SIst in next st. Fasten off and weave in the yarn ends (picture 4). Go back to round 1 of the frill and pull up a loop of off-white yarn in the first leftover back loop (picture 5) and start crocheting stem. 1: BLO sc in all 24 st [24] 2:(7 sc, ine) x 3 [27] 3: sc in all 27 st [27] 4:(8 sc, inc) x 3 [30] 5: sc in all 30 st [30] 6: (9 sc, inc) x 3 [33] 7: sc in all 33 st [33] $:(10 se, inc) x 3 [36] 9: sc in all 36 st [36] Stuff the stem with fiberfill and continue stuffing as you go. 10: (6 sc, inc) x 6 [42] Mi: sc in all 42 st [42] Insert the safety eyes between rounds 8 and 9, with an interspace of approx. 8 stitches. Sewing pins can come in handy to map out the position of the eyes first. 12: (5 sc, dec) x 6 [36] 13: 2 sc, (dec, 4 sc) x 5, dec, 2 sc [30] 14: (3 sc, dec) x 6 [24] 15: (sc, dec) x 8 [16] 16: 8 dec [8] Fasten off leaving a tail about 10 cm long and cut the yarn. Using a tapestry needle, weave the yarn tail through the front loops of the eight stitches and pull tight to close. Weave in the yarn end (picture 6). 1: 6 sc in a MR [6] Finish with invisible join and weave in the yarn ends. Start in teal blue. The leg doesn’t need to be stuffed. 1:6 sc ina MR [6] 2-3: (2 rounds) sc in all 6 st [6] Note: bobble st as mentioned in the next round is the cluster of 4 double crochet stitches worked into one stitch and joined together at the top. 4; bobble st, 5 sc [6] 5-6: (2 rounds) sc in all 6 st [6] Change to off-white yarn Cut the teal blue yarn. 7-8: (2 rounds) sc in all 6 st [6] Slst in next st. Fasten off, leaving a long tail for sewing. In off-white. 1: Ch 6, start in third ch from hook, de+sc in next ch, 3 slst [5] Fasten off, leaving a long tail for sewing. ~ Roll up the top of the cap and secure it in the proper position using a single strand of teal blue yarn. - Pin the legs symmetrically to the sides of the stem, approx. between rounds 10-13, and sew them on. - Pin the arms symmetrically to the sides of the stem, approx. between. rounds 7-9, and sew them on (picture 7). - Pin all spots to the top of the cap and sew them on. As these parts are very small, it’s highly recommended to use a thread or a single strand of coral and off-white yarns for sewing. ~ Use scraps of coral yarn to embroider straight stitches and off-white yarn for French knots on the cap. - Embroider the mouth using navy blue yarn. - Embroider cheek blushes under the eyes using pink yarn.

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