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QB Penseum Method Parameters and Arguments In Java, method parameters and arguments are used to pass information into a method. Method Parameters * Parameters are defined inside the parentheses of a method. * They act as placeholders for the values that will be passed into the method when itis called. * Parameters allow us to reuse the same method with different values. Example: public void sayHi(String name) { system.out.printIn("Hi, " + name + "!"); } In this example, name is the parameter of the sayHi method. It represents the value that will be passed into the method. Method Arguments * Arguments are the actual values that are passed into a method when it is called * They are provided inside the parentheses when calling the method. Example: public static void main(string[] args) { sayHi("Alex") 5 } In this example, "Alex" is the argument that is passed into the sayHi method when itis called. It will be assigned to the name parameter inside the method. Using Parameters and Arguments * By using parameters and arguments, we can make our methods more flexible and reusable. * We can pass different values to the same method by changing the arguments when calling the method. Example: public void saySomething(String message) { system. out.print1n(message) ; public static void main(string[] args) { saySomething("Hello!"); // prints "Hello!" saySomething("Goodbye!"); // prints "Goodbye!" t In this example, the saySomething method takes a message parameter. By changing the argument when calling the method, we can print different messages. Remember: * Parameters are defined in the method declaration. * Arguments are provided when calling the method. # Study Notes - Method Parameters and Arguments In Java, we can pass values into methods using parameters and arguments. Method Parameters * Parameters are variables that are declared in the method signature. * They define the type and name of the values that the method expects to receive. * Parameters are enclosed in parentheses after the method name. * They act as placeholders for the values that will be passed into the method when itis called. Exampl public void saySomething(String s) { // method code } Method Arguments * Arguments are the actual values that are passed into a method when it is called. * They are provided in the method call and match the type and order of the parameters in the method signature. * Arguments are enclosed in parentheses after the method name. Example: saySomething("Hello"); // “Hello” is the argument passed to the method Multiple Parameters * Methods can have multiple parameters of different types. * Each parameter is separated by a comma in the method signature. * When calling a method with multiple parameters, the arguments must be provided in the same order as the parameters. Example: public void printInfo(String name, int age) { /1 method code printInfo("John", 25); // "John" is the name argument, 25 is the age argument By using parameters and arguments, we can make our methods more flexible and reusable. We can pass different values to the same method and perform different actions based on those values. # Method Parameters In programming, method parameters are variables that are passed into a method when it is called. They allow us to provide specific values to the method so that it can perform its task accurately. ‘Syntax To use method parameters, we need to follow a specific syntax: * The method definition should include the parameter types and names, separated by commas. * When calling the method, we pass the values for the parameters, also separated by commas For example, let's consider a method called printInfo that takes two parameters: a name (string) and an age (integer). We can call this method by providing the values for the parameters like this: printInfo(“Alex", 23) Benefits of Method Parameters: Method parameters are incredibly useful because they allow us to: * Pass different values to the same method, enabling us to reuse code. * Keep our code clean, simple, and organized. * Make our code more flexible and adaptable. ‘Number of Parameters In most cases, methods have anywhere from zero to ten parameters. However, it is possible to have any number of parameters using a special technique. But for the majority of situations, listing out the parameters is sufficient. Returning Values Methods can also return values. By specifying a return type (e.g., int, string, etc.) in the method definition, we can use the return keyword to send a value back to the calling code. For example, let's consider a method called add that takes two integer parameters (x and y) and returns their sum. We can call this method and store the result in a variable like this: int result = add(4, 5) Example public class Main { public static void main(string[] args) { int result1 = add(2, 4); int racult9 = add/25\+ System.out.print1n(result1); // Output: 6 System.out.print1n(result2); // Output: 8 public static int add(int x, int y) { return x + y3 } In the example above, we have a method called add that takes two integer parameters (x and y). It returns the sum of the two numbers. In the main method, we call the add method twice # Study Notes: Method Parameters and Arguments In programming, methods are blocks of code that perform specific tasks. They can take inputs, called parameters, and produce outputs. When defining a method, the parameters are listed in the parentheses, separated by commas. When calling or using the method, the inputs provided are called arguments. Here are some key points to remember: Parameters: * Parameters are the placeholders or variables that are defined in the method declaration. * They specify the type and name of the values that the method expects to receive. * Parameters are used to pass data into the method for processing. * They help make methods more flexible and reusable. Arguments: * Arguments are the actual values or expressions that are passed into a method when it is called * They correspond to the parameters defined in the method declaration. * Arguments can be variables, literals, or expressions. * They provide the necessary data for the method to perform its task. Example: // Method definition with parameters public void greet(String name, int age) { System.out.printIn("Hello, " + name +"! You are + age +" years old // Method call with arguments greet("Alice", 25); In the example above, the method greet has two parameters: name of type String and age of type int. When the method is called with the arguments "Alice" and 25, the values are passed into the method and used to display a personalized greeting. Remember, parameters are defined in the method declaration, while arguments are the actual values passed into the method when it is called

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