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Harsh,Yohann,Ilin,Jai,jayatra and yuvraj

Dear Adolf,

My friend, my companion, my brother It has been a long time since our last meeting. As
young patriots we were naive to the ways of the world but now I am a successful writer and
your name reaches the heavens. Our nation that we once grew up in is being viewed as
outcasts to most of the world due to our controversial political activities. These decisions will
have consequences, perhaps at a higher scale than one could imagine, please keep this in
mind, as a friend i would hate to see you suffer.

As a friend rather than as your follower, I would like to counsel you to cease the deeds that
you are doing. I believe that the daily actions you take will ultimately bring about our demise
because other powerful nations are trying to stop you. You can exert power, but it will be
ineffective against the combined might of the USA, UK and USSR. Just think about what will
happen in the future! The backlash we will face from the world and most importantly the
backlash we will face from our own, the backlash that will affect more than any mere piece of
Adolf, I implore you to stop your massacre of the Jewish people. You have killed 5 million
jews! The level of pain they have experienced by your hands is inhuman. Concentration
camps, gas chambers, and mass shootings have led to only suffering and pain. Your pompous
expansion into the rest of Europe had led to a cataclysmic downfall in Germany. We have been
defeated on nearly every front. Your greed has led to economic distraught and the allies
closing in from every side. You blame the Jews for the loss of the Great War and because of
that you have made people in Germany hate Jews. Why make them suffer? At the end we are
all human. If this continues, we will surely give way for the allies to trample over our once
great nation.

My old friend, this is my final salutation. Whatever your decision to continue or to stop this is
my advice to you but whatever you decide i will always be beside you no matter what. Stop
this act so that the great Germany can live in serenity instead of solace. I do feel extremely
proud to be a companion of a leader who will be known throughout this and every era to
come. Hope to hear back from you soon.

Yours lovingly, Kubizek

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