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Network Design for the New Building

Cover page

About Games for Learning Company/Background

Extract from the scenario

Table of contents

1 Introduction (On a new page)

2 Purpose of the document

3 Planning the Network and Documenting the Design

(Give a brief description of the heading above)

a) What needs to be addressed and accomplished

b) Expectations and how they will be managed

The company expects the following things for their network:

e.g The network should be up and running 24/7hours a day
c) Architecture phase

This part looks at technology and topology choices for the network but besides the physical
components of a network such as routers, hubs, etc, you need to determine the
relationships among the functions of the network such as;

Addressing/ routing - applies MAC or IP addresses for devices

- establishes connectivity within and between networks

Addressing: subnetting, super netting, dynamic vs private addressing,

VLANs, IP v4 versus v6, NAT

Routing: CIDR, mobile IP, multicast, and various routing protocols (BGP,
RIP, etc.), establish routing policies

Network management - decides how the network will be monitored and managed by who

Performance- how network performance will be established and managed

Security- How do you protect system resources and data from theft, damage, DoS, and
unauthorized access? VPN, encryption, firewalls, routing filters, NAT, Threat analysis,
physical vs app security
d) How the network will be designed and implemented
This phase will describe the actual layout of the network, how the devices are going to be
connected, topology that will to be implemented.

The star topology will be implemented on this network because each node will be connected
to a switch. With star topology if it happens that one computer device fails, the network will
not be disrupted. It offers great performance and it’s reliable.

These devices that will be installed in the process of building the network:

e.g Servers- servers are to be put in the server room. They are the main component
of this network infrastructure. All the computer devices would request information
and other resources from the server.

 State the purpose and design of each room

Explain the purpose and design of each room. Systems that must be present in each room and
network devices to be installed in each room

4. Requirements Analysis

(Give a brief description of the heading above)

User, Application and Device requirements.

(for each of the requirements address the points stated on the marking rubric as your guide)

User requirements (before listing, give a brief description of these requirements)

User requirements is made up of set of requirements that is collected or derived from user
input and represent what is wanted by users to successfully complete their tasks on the

User requirements are often qualitative- timeliness, reliability, security, supportability, future
growth etc

These are requirements that are required for the user to successfully accomplish their tasks.

Application requirements (before listing, give a brief description of these requirements)

More technical than user requirements and look at; What types of apps are we using? And are
classified as;

Mission-critical-meet RMA REQUIREMENTS E.g Windows server 2012 software (Require

guaranteed reliability, maintainability, availability
Rate-critical –meet capacity requirements (What capacity is needed?)

Applications that require a predicatble, bounded or high degree of capacity

Online learning application that will allow students to interact as the class is conducted and this
should be able to support voice, video and data transfer at the same time e.g teleconferencing.
So they require limits or thresholds or sustained capacities

Real-time and/or interactive- meet delay requirements (What delay time is acceptable?

e.g,. video streaming software,

Email software is not realtime

Device requirements (before listing, give a brief description of these requirements)

 Generic computing devices include normal PCs, Macs, laptops, handheld computers,

 Servers include all flavors of server – file, print, app/computation, and backup

 Specialized devices include extreme servers (supercomputers, massively parallel servers),

data collection systems (POS terminals), industry-specific devices, networked devices
(cameras, tools), stoplights, ATMs, etc.
Requirements document

(Produce a requirements document showing the results of requirements gathered and analysed based on
the scenario given.)

Produce a Requirements Specification document.

(See Sample below) *Make sure you address the points stated on the rubric as a guide add a column for
the prices of the devices and software’s to be used

Requirements Specification Document

*Status (core, fundamental, future)

*Priority (high, medium, critical)

5. Assumptions made and motivation

You are expected to make your own assumptions (must be documented) regarding network
specifications and details not given in the scenario.

Provide detail documentation of the assumptions made.

6. Conclusion.

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