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September 22, 2023




The work environment plays a crucial role in determining employees job performance
numerous studies have been conducted to understand the effect of work on employees
productivity , job satisfaction and overall performance .research suggests that a positive work
environment fosters a higher levels of job satisfaction among employee . A study by
(Genzorová, 2017) found that a supportive work environment characterized by good relationship
with colleagues and supervisors, positively influenced employee’s job satisfaction. This, in turn
led to increased motivation and commitment to their work, ultimately enhancing their job
performance .also the literature suggest that a positive work environment, characterized by
supportive relationship, a well – designed physical environment, a positive organizational
culture, and opportunities for growth and development can significantly influence employee’s
job performance. Organizations should prioritize creating and maintaining such work
environment to promote employees satisfaction, motivation and ultimately job performance.


3.1 Work environment

The work environment is the space that we create within which people come together to perform
their work and achieve outcomes. It is a place where people experience what working together is
all about ( Donley, 2021).
3.2 Safe / Conducive Work Environment
Work environment which is positive yields remarkable and noticeable results motivating and
engaging employees in their work leads in increased level of satisfaction and decrease in
retention in an organization, creating a healthy and happy work environment free of stress and
negativity (Genzorová, 2017).Work environment which is healthy encourages employees to
share their thoughts and ideas at work, allowing them to participate organization’s meeting
discussions for the success of organizational goals and helps it to grow (Hermina, 2019).
Positivity in workplace increases motivation and dedication towards job enhancing productivity
level and reduces absenteeism, which also reduces employees’ compensation on medical claims
and health related issues (Kum, 2014

3.3 Destructive Working Environment

A toxic environment at work can be characterized as stressful working conditions, restricted
information flow, unclear work task, inflexible work situations, lack of communication with
supervisor and amongst coworkers, misunderstanding amongst colleagues and upper level of
management, all these gaps and issues may create real objective and message of an organization
to get defamed and workers may get unclear messages which may create insufficient
understanding or even be incorrect in worst situations (Ali, 2016)
3.4 Employees Performance
(Nur Shifaa Athirah Saidi1, 2019) describes performance level of employees simply as the
doings of the individual with the assigned responsibilities. The management of performance
refers to the activities carried out by the upper management in improving the performances of
individual employees, to achieve organizational goals collectively including individual work and
group works of an organization (Genzorová, 2017).
(Franklin Dang Kum, 2014) stated an action or actions of employees doing in carrying out work
in achieving objectives of organization. The performance is a series and combination of traits,
abilities, and skills that employees have for execution in the appropriate time and where it is
required for achieving goals in time with desired outcomes (Mathew, 2015).

Employees’ performance is a leading factor for achieving business success (Utin Nina Hermina1,

3.5 Working Environment Factors that Affect Employees Performance

In workplace of an organization job performance can be disturbed by a lot of different factors
that can be destruction for the employees and the company. It is an open truth for a company to
be successful and well established in the current drastic change of the world economy; it needs a
high performing labor (D.W, 2015).
1. The physical working environmentThe physical setting of an organization plays a
great role in the success of employees’ productivity and influence their behavior in a
numerous way. It is vital to employees’ performance, satisfaction, social relation and health
(Badayai, 2012)
2. Workload As Hart and Staveland (1988) mentioned workload it is the perceived
relationship between the amount of mental processing capability or resources and the
amount required by the task
3. Reward The administration of reward in an organization is the design, execution and
troubleshooting of reward procedures that are targeted towards the enhancement of the
performance of the organization (Pearce, Bangura, & Kanu, 2019).
4. Training Researchers found that training activities not only develop employees and
develop their abilities and skills but also influence their work-place behaviors like increase
employee job satisfaction and their commitment to employer (Amir , Rana , & Asma ,
5. Supervisor Support According to Namatovu(2018) supervisor support is can be
defined as employees’ views concerning the degree to which their supervisors value their
contributions and care about their well-being. Supervisor support is also known as
supervisor’s consideration, and as such, it refers to the degree to the degree of support
supervisor’s give to their employees or subordinates by recognizing their effort and
contributions. Supervisor support much important for the satisfaction of employee (S.
Baloyi, 2014).

3.6 Research Gap

In the review of the literature, theoretical and empirical studies like, Genzorová,( 2017 ),
Hermina, (2019) , Kum, (2014) , Franklin Dang Kum, (2014 ) , have been addressed especially
on how working environment relate and affect employee performance . Several studies on work
environment and employee performance were done in several sectors including banks, Industry
Park and education sector. For example, Awoke Tesfu (2019) investigated the Effects Of
Working Environment On Employee Performance In Bole Lemi Industrial Park ; Momina
Abamecha (2020) Conducted A Study On The Effect Of Working Environment On Employee
Performance In Commercial Bank Of Ethiopia, Jimma District Office And Jimma Town
Branches However, none of the above studies was done in the cable factory sector in Ethiopia
the area lacked empirical evidence to examine the impact of working environment on job
performance of employee on cable factory hence this study seeks to fill this gap and provide
future research direction for scholars in the area. Therefore from the above explanations, this
study aims to determine the impact of working environment on job performance of employees’
at UF cable factory in shager city Gelan Guda sub city .

This research will open more meaningful concerns thus paving way for future research as the
study are being conducted in the anticipation of it .The finding will help research to have
insightful knowledge of the two variables namely working environment and the employee’
performance at work and their relationship with each other. The researcher will be able to get
more possible outcomes and therefore opportunities to them for researching on the broad topic.
For the organizations, this study will help them to review and reevaluate their working
conditions revising them accordingly in the best possible way to meet the needs and satisfaction
of their employees at workplace and to meet the organizational goals. .


5.1 Research Design

Explanatory research design is selected because it has the advantage of understanding a

particular problem in depth by providing more information about the topic. Also, this design
provides the researcher can predict the cause, or make a hypothesis, behind a phenomenon and
predict future occurrence

. The research is to find out the Impact of work environment on employees Performance The
research is carried out with specific objectives. Thus explanatory research method is the one to
be employed. The explanatory research tries to analyze and justify the reason behind the
occurrence of particular phenomenon or association between the variables. It aims to explain
why a relationship, association, or interdependence exists.

5.2 Research approach

In order to achieve study objective, the researcher will undertake quantitative research approach
to analyze data collected from UF cable factory employee by using close ended questionnaire

5.3 Target population

The target population of this study will included deputy manager, chief executive
manager ,operational manager ,technical manager ,production manager , human resources
manager , quality manager ,head of departments, supervisors and operators. The total
population size at UF cable factory is 150 employees.

5.4 Sample size

In this study, a sample of 109 respondents of employees will used by answering

questionnaires for the purpose of getting the findings of the study. A sample of 109
respondents will select out of 150 employees because they considered representing and
having vital information for the study by virtue of their positions.

5.5 Sampling technique

Sampling is a process used in statistical analysis in which a predetermined number of

observations are taken from a larger population (Tuovila, 2020).The sample of this research was
taken from the employees of Uf cable factory in Shager city Gelan Guda sub city which are
found at the Head Quarter office. The type of sampling technique used in this research is a
probability sampling from which a simple random sampling is incorporated. From all
departments available in the organization, the sample was taken randomly to include and
represent the population which is free from any favoritism. When determining the sample size,
the level of precision or error level, the confidence or risk level and the degree of variability in
the population is considered.
The formula used to calculate the sample size is as follows.

Where n = sample size,

N = Population size,

e= the desired level of precision

The sample size calculated for the confidence level of 95% using the formula: confidence level
of 95% means that e =1-0.95=0.05
UF cable factory have employees of 150 . These employee functions in different departments
and for this research purpose, a simple random sampling is applied.
As mentioned above, this is how the sample size is determined.
Given Population size (N) = 150
Confidence level (e) = 0.05

n = 150

1+ 150 (0.5 * 0.5)

n= 109

Sample size (n) = 109


There are several journals and articles that discussed on work environment and job
performance and also there are thesis conducted on related topics from different university,
electronic library, website and quarterly, semiannual and annual report of the study area.


- There is a research gap conducted on the study area or cable factory.

- This study intends to address whether work environment has significant impact on job
performance or not
- To show the impact of work environment on productivity, quality of work, quality of
output and in achieving the goal of the organization.

. Donley, J. (2021). The Impact of Work Environment on Job Satisfaction
. Dessler, G. (2005).Human Resource Management. 10th ed. England: Pearson/Prentice.
. Ali, S. A. (2016, February). The importance of Supervisor Support for Employees’ Affective
Commitment: An analysis of Job satisfaction .International Journal of Scientific and Research
Publications, 6(2), 5.

. Amir , R., Rana , N. I., & Asma , I. (2013). Employees’ Belief Regarding Training Benefits and
Organizational Commitment: A Case in Banking Sector of Pakistan. Middle-East Journal of
Scientific Research 16 (3), 310-318.
. Badayai, A. A. (2012).A Theoretical Framework and Analytical Discussion on Uncongenial
Physical Workplace Environment and Job Performance among Workers in Industrial Sectors.
Social and Behavioral Sciences 42, 486 – 495.
Genzorová, T. (2017). Employee Benefits as One of Factors of Work Motivation.

. Kum, R. C. (2014). The Impact of Training and Development on Employee. Singapore:

Singaporean Journal of Business Economics, and management studies.

. Mathew, C. (2015). Impact of Work Environment on Performance of Employees in

Manufacturing Sector in India:.International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR).

. Utin Nina Hermina, S. Y. (2019).The Model of Employee Performance.International Review of

Management and Marketing, 5.
. Pearce, S. M., Bangura, A., & Kanu, J. M. (2019).The Impact of Financial and Non-Financial
Rewards on Employee Motivation: Case Study NRA Sierra Leone. International Journal of
Research in Business Studies and Management, 32-41.
. S. Baloyi, C. C. van W. & K.-Y. C. (2014). THE ROLE OF SUPERVISOR SUPPORT IN
. Namatovu, P. (2018). Supervisory support and Performance of Employees: A case of Clerke
Group Limited,Uganda (Doctoral dissertation, Uganda Management Institute).
. Tuovila, A. (2020, May 29).Sampling.

.Utin Nina Hermina, S. Y. (2019). The Model of Employee Performance. International Review
of Management and Marketing,

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