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The 1960 S

A decade of extreme change
Young people started questioning
the world they lived in
L Became aware of human
rights and began to protest
against what they saw as

Human Rights The rights you
have simply because youre

civil society ordinary people

people without power
civil Disobedience disobeying
laws people think are unjust
Protest people go out and
make their opinions heard
Well known movements
The student movement student
led movement about male
students fighting in the
Womens Liberation Movement
wanted equality control of
their bodies acess to safe

campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

get rid of nuclear weapons
Anti Vietnam war campaigns people
believed it was a waste of
money and life

Civil Rights Movement give african

americans the to vote
mostly non violent protests
1900 s timeline

1960 South Africa becomes a

republic and leaves Commonweal t
tconnection t
no All ex British
to monarchy colonies
Sharpuill massacre non violent
protest against Dom Pas
police broke fire

1961 Berlin Wall was constructed

to stop people leaving
communist Berlin

1962 Peter Fechter was killed

trying to escape over the
Berlin wall

1963 Betty Friedman released

a book The Feminine Mystique
L interviewed women and asked
if they
happy with their
most said no
Martin Luther King Jnr makes
I have a dream speech
IF Kennedy assassinated
1964 Nelson Mandela sentenced
to life in prison for treason

1965 Malcolm X assassinated

Los Angeles Riots
Opperation Rolling Thunder
begins in Vietnam

1967 First heart transplant performed

Black Panther Party formed
L protect African Americans
from police brutality
Statins daughter goes to
USA and doesnt want to
return home

1968 Martin Luther King assassinated

Massive student protests

1969 Steve Biko Founded Black

Conscious Movement and asks
people to be proud of
being black

March on Washington aimed to draw

attention to challenges faced by
African Americans
Peace Movement start of the
hippie lifestyle
Woodstock music festival 2 ppl
died 2 ppl were born

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