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_ Speaking Quy 2.2023 by ORIGINAL EXAMS- VERSION 2 PART 1 Bag Do you like bags? Oh yeah. I'm crazy about bags. Everyone even laughs at me and says that | live beyond my means, but when I see the bag _like, _ can't control myself and I'm ready to spend half of my salary on such an item, What type of bags do you like? Frankly speaking, it doesn't matter what bag to carry as long as it's roomy. Oh no, | guess there is the type | like, and this is a backpack as it leaves my hands free. Do you have different bags for different occasions? I wish | had, but I've got just one bag which is suitable for the evening out, sportswear and a casual look. I've had it for three or four years now, but it looks like a new one. Do you usually carry a bag when you go out? Yeah | almost never leave home without a bag, and it's not about convenience as you might have thought.It's all about style. A classy bag is a wonderful accessory that makes my look complete. What do you put in your bag? There are always quite a few things, regardless of the size of the bag. There is, of course, my purse, some documents such as my passport or driver's license. And not only this. | always have some makeup with me as | always put it on either on my way to ‘work or when | arrive at the office. Also, there's my phone, a charger, usually a small bottle of water... What else... some keys, credit cards, to name but a few When you are buying a bag, what factors do you consider? Group: ORIGINAL EXAMS- Dl! DOAN DE THI IELTS 2023 Oh, you know, this list is endless. | try to understand how often I'm planning to use it in the first place. For example, if 'm choosing a bag for special occasions, | can choose the one made of delicate materials as | will obviously use it minimally and with great care. Bags for everyday use have to be durable, especially if | know I'll stay a lot, outdoors. Of course, the price, design and colour of a bag. matter too. wil - Animals What's your favourite wild animal? Oh, my most favourite wild animal is an elephant the biggest and one of the most, unique- looking animals with a long nose or trunk, large, floppy ears, and wide thick legs. llike this animal because elephants are very social and extremely intelligent species. What is more, unlike most other animals, they can recognize themselves in mirrors, which is a sign of greater self-awareness. And, one more reason why I like them is just because they are very cute. Have you ever seen wild animals? Well, plenty of times, actually. | saw them at the zoo and in different national parks. Last month, for example, my friends and I visited a famous zoo in our city and saw many different wild animals there. The ones | fell in love with were a tiger, an elephant and a Giraffe. Do you like watching animals in the zoo? I would even say | adore it as it's a chance for me to observe wildlife | may otherwise never See. It's also a perfect break from the hustle and bustle of the city as watching animals is a way to spend time in peace and silence, which helps me collect my thoughts and recharge batteries. Group: ORIGINAL EXAMS- Dl! DOAN DE THI IELTS 2023 Rain Do you prefer rainy days or sunny days? Well, | really like sunny days because they are warm and bright, which pushes me to spend time outdoors walking. in the park or along the embankment, having a picnic in the countryside, riding a bicycle or relaxing in a hammock under trees. One more reason why | like sunny days is because soaking up the sun gives me a lot of energy and optimism and, as a result, makes me feel happier. What do you do on rainy days? Well, as rainy days make me feel sluggish and lazy, all | do is stay in bed all day long or indulge in a massage and spa treatment. | can also get immersed in a good book or watch some romantic movies, surf the net or just relax doing nothing. What do you usually do when it starts to rain and you are outside? Oh, | really hate getting soaked to the skin, that’s Why, if, God forbid, | am outside when it starts raining and don't have an umbrella with me, | either take a taxi and go straight to the place | need or run as fast as | Gan to the nearest shelter and stay there until it stops raining. Do you think rain is good? | am sure it is as it waters plants, trees and farmers’ crops, naturally keeping lawns and flower-beds looking)nice and green and providing people with food. What is more, it freshens the air and cools off hot days lowering the temperature. Do you think rain is good? | wouldn't say it always is, as too much rain can cause flash floods, destroy crops and make rivers overflow so that homes get flooded or swept away completely. What is more, rain can negatively influence people's moods and make them feel miserable and unwilling to do anything, Group: ORIGINAL EXAMS- Dl! DOAN DE THI IELTS 2023 How does rain affect your country? | think the right amount of rain brings much-needed relief to farmers ‘cause it leads to an increase in crop yields and, as a result, boosts the income of all the people engaged in agriculture. But if to consider acid rain, the picture won't be that rosy ‘cause it poses a threat to the country's forests, acquatic life, crops, buildings and even cultural artifacts such as statues and monuments. Is there any part in your country where it doesn't rain much? Definitely there is. | guess that the place that receives the least amount of rainfall in the west of India is the desert state of Rajasthan. But in far north India it hardly ever rains in the Ladakh region. Have you ever had to change your plans because of the rain? Well, (guess ‘yes’ but | can't recall it right now. | think it happened once or twice in my entire life when | intended to spend time outside but just couldn't because of heavy rain. Teacher. would you like to be a teacher? | would! It's a very rewarding _ profession cause only teachers can make a difference changing somebody's life positively. I's also a profession that lets people live with a deep sense of purpose giving and receiving unconditional love and by doing so positively impact the future of our world. + No, never. It's a very hard and stressful job. It takes a lot of energy and patience Moreover, teachers in my country don't earn much money. Do you think you could be a teacher? Group: ORIGINAL EXAMS- Dl! DOAN DE THI IELTS 2023 | would like to think that yes, ‘cause | love to teach, | am good at motivating others, | have great organisational skills, | am patient, flexible and creative. So, definitely more yes than no! + | guess no. | am not confident enough for being a teacher. ‘What is more, have difficulties with adaptability, hate explaining something to others more than once and get tired of kids rather fast. So, definitely no! did you have a favourite teacher? Yeah, | did. My most favourite teacher taught me Geography. Thanks to her | fell in love with travelling and explored a fair bit of countries. She was very professional and passionate about teaching and working with children, she was also very engaging and held the attention of students in all discussions. She inspired me a lot and that's the main reason why | loved and still love her. Unfortunately, | don't. My school teachers aren't enthusiastic about teaching that's why it's hard for them to inspire us or engage Us in learning activities. They don't challenge us, don't care about our results, don't encourage us to always work at our best level. On. the one hand, it makes me really Upset, but on the other hand it helps me develop self motivation skills, which is not that bad. How did this teacher help you Well, except for fostering my love of travelling, she made me believe that | was special and mattered, that | could achieve and become anything | wanted. It was really important for me in my teenage years. She also taught me not to be afraid to make mistakes as they provide valuable learning opportunities and remain true to myself in any life situation. Group: ORIGINAL EXAMS- Dl! DOAN DE THI IELTS 2023 Concentration 1 Is it difficult for you to stay focused on something? Well, it depends. | find it rather difficult to stay focused on something when | am hungry or washed out, or when | am overwhelmed with tasks to complete. It's also hard for me to focus when there are a lot of distractions around such as noise and constant interruptions of my phone or colleagues. But in all other cases, | manage to stay focused for as long as | need, especially when | do an important task and have no right to make a mistake. But, of course, no matter how important some task is, it's difficult to maintain focus for very long periods of time. What do you do to improve concentration? Oh, what I do is tune out background distractions, first of all, and try to take frequent short breaks. Also, | exercise my body, | mean | do yoga and go to the gym, and exercise my mind, practising myself at crosswords, for example... Well, and | sometimes eat so-called concentration-boosting foods such as walnuts, avocado and chocolate. When is it hard to concentrate? | always feel difficult to concentrate when | am hungry or washed out, or when | am overwhelmed with tasks to complete. At such moments my brain just gives in and makes me do at least something to change the situation for the better. I's also hard for me to focus when there are a lot of distractions around such as noise and constant interruptions of my phone or colleagues. In what situations do you need to concentrate? Well, | usually need to concentrate when I'm surrounded by a big number of distractions but have no right to make a mistake or in any other situation when | need to be accurate. Oh, and also in the situation when I'm very tired Group: ORIGINAL EXAMS- Dl! DOAN DE THI IELTS 2023 Is it easy for you to do two things simultaneously? Oh, no way. The reason is it stresses me out and makes me less efficient. I'd even say that moving back and forth between two tasks actually wastes my productivity. It also makes me more prone to mistakes, which lowers my ability to manage tasks effectively. So, no, it's not easy for me at all Friends Are friends important to you? Of course, they are. They are always present by my side caring for me without expectations and assurances. They accept and love me for who | am. What is more, we always have fun together. | often joke saying that if we found ourselves on a desert istand, we wouldn't get bored, | really love them and can't imagine my life without communication with them What do you and your friends do together? Oh, lots of stuff. We often go to questrooms, cinemas, live sporting events and restaurants to have a pleasant experience together. We also like to have fun in amusement parks riding roller -coasters and laughing a lot. In spring and summer we often have picnics or outdoor parties enjoying barbecue and backyard games. Atweekends we sometimes exercise together going. either on a bike ride or for a swim. Oh, | nearly forgot to mention that we also enjoy singing karaoke both at home and in some karaoke clubs. Do you have many friends? Oh yes, I do! | have a great many of friends. The more friends | have, the happier | am. Friends enrich my life involving me in different activities and encouraging to take up new hobbies. | can't imagine my life without them. Group: ORIGINAL EXAMS- Dl! DOAN DE THI IELTS 2023 Do you prefer one friend or many friends? Many, for sure. The more friends we have, the happier we are, because friends enrich our life giving good advice,. help, new insights, involving us in different activities, encouraging us to take up new hobbies. If we have many friends, we can always find someone to hang around with, someone to join a fitness club with and even someone to discover other countries with. Moreover, when times are hard we will never be alone and always get necessary care and support. What kind of people do you like to have as friends? Well, | ike to make friends with considerate and encouraging. people who will support, me when times are hard. It's also important for me to choose friends among trustworthy people to be sure | can always rely on them and tell them all my secrets. That's it! + What kind of friend do you want to meet in the future? Oh, | dream to make friends with a caring and supportive person whom we will be on the same wavelength with. | also Want this friend to be always there for me, support me no matter what and never judge me. Do your friends think that you are a good friend? I hope yes. | am trustworthy., caring and supportive. | am always there for my friends. They know that they can rely. on me when times are hard, and that | will not deliberately. hurt theit feelings. So, | guess they consider me to be a good friend. Do you prefer to spend time with friends or alone? Well, it depends! When | am exhausted, | always opt for spending time alone in order to recover from the stresses of daily living and revitalize my mind and body. | also like to stay on my own when | need to engage in deep thought, improve concentration and increase productivity Group: ORIGINAL EXAMS- Dl! DOAN DE THI IELTS 2023 But | definitely give my preference to spending time with friends when | want to have fun, laugh, experience something new together with them. Spending time with close friends always boosts my happiness and increases my sense of belonging and purpose, which | value a lot. Do you like to spend time with friends? Oh yeah! A lot!!! | really like to have fun, laugh and experience something new together with my friends. Spending time with them always boosts my happiness and increases my sense of belonging and purpose, which | value a lot! Languages What foreign languages have you studied? Well, | tried to study quite a few languages, for example, English, German and even Japanese but, unfortunately, English is the only foreign language which I've managed to master so far. Why did you choose to study that language? Oh, | chose English because it is the most commonly used language among foreign language speakers. Also, it was obvious that speaking it well would allow me to pass IELTS, move abroad and be more employable in any. country in the world. How did you learn that language? Well, | attended English language classes, leamt lots of words and set phrases, listened to podeasts and spoke it live with natives. | didn't do that much work while leaning other foreign languages, though. | just occasionally watched my favourite TV series dubbed in these languages and used different language apps. How long have you been learning that language? Group: ORIGINAL EXAMS- Dl! DOAN DE THI IELTS 2023 I can safely say that | have been learning English since my. childhood, so that's for around 20 years for sure. | am not learning either German or Japanese now but | think | studied both of them for about a year. Would you say it's a difficult language to learn? | wouldn't say English is really hard to leam, though its spelling and grammar were notoriously difficult for me when | only started learning this language. As far as German and Japanese are concerned, they were difficult enough for me ‘cause | had neithera teacher to explain some rules nor enough time to devote to studying. Languages What foreign languages have you studied? Well, | tried to study quite a few languages, for example, English, German and even Japanese but, unfortunately, English is the only foreign language which I've managed to master so far. Why did you choose to study that language? Oh, | chose English because it is the most commonly used language among foreign language speakers. Also, it was obvious that speaking it well would allow me to pass IELTS, move abroad and be more employable in any. country in the world. How did you learn that language? Well, | attended English language classes, learnt lots of words and set phrases, listened to podcasts and spoke it live with natives. | didn't do that much work while learning other foreign languages, though. | just occasionally watched my favourite TV series dubbed in these languages and used different language apps. How long have you been learning that language? I can safely say that | have been leaning English since my. childhood, so that's for around 20 years for sure. | am not leaming either German or Japanese now but | think | studied both of them for about a year. Group: ORIGINAL EXAMS- Dl! DOAN DE THI IELTS 2023 Would you say it's a difficult language to learn? | wouldn't say English is really hard to lear, though its spelling and grammar were notoriously difficult for me when | only started learning this language. As far as German and Japanese are concerned, they were difficult enough for me ‘cause | had neither a teacher to explain some rules nor enough time to devote to studying Ice- creams Do you like ice-cream? Yes, | absolutely love ice cream. It's my favourite dessert. And it's the best refreshment on a hot summer day. | like many different flavours: chocolate ice cream, green tea ice cream, and strawberry ice cream. But my favourite one is vanilla ice cream. It goes with just about everything, It goes well with all sorts of syrups, nuts or candies. You can add whatever topping you want, and it will still taste delicious. Do you like ice-cream? Yes, | absolutely love ice cream. There's nothing more refreshing on a hot summer day than a scoop of ice cream topped with fresh fruits, nuts, or chocolate sauce. | enjoy trying new flavors and combinations like mint chocolate chip or cookie dough. And its taste reminds me of my carefree childhood days. Do you like ice-cream? No, ice-cream is not my thing. its texture is too heavy and rich for my taste, and I don't, have much of a sweet tooth. Plus, _try to eat healthy and watch my sugar intake, so ice cream isn't something | would typically choose to eat. That being said, | understand why others enjoy it and can appreciate the variety of flavors and options available. Group: ORIGINAL EXAMS- Dl! DOAN DE THI IELTS 2023 ing things Can you fix things? Yes, | can fix some things. | have experience repairing. minor issues with my car, such as changing the oil or replacing the brake pads. However, for more complex issues or repairs involving safety hazards, | prefer to seek the help of a professional. Can you fix things? Yes, | can. | enjoy learning how to repair various items and systems, and have had experience fixing everything from bicycles to computers. | find it to be a rewarding and useful skill to have. Can you fix things? No, | can't. prefer to leave repairs to the professionals. as I do not have the necessary knowledge or experience to fix most items myself. HoweVer, | think it would be a useful skill to learn. Just in case. Can you fix things? No, I can't. | have never had the need or opportunity to learn how to fix things myself. However, | am open to learning and would be willing to take on the challenge of fixing something if the need arose. What things can you fix? Well, can fix clogged drains by using a plunger or drain snake to remove the obstruction, for example. It's a skill that I've developed over the years and it comes in handy when | have a clogged sink or toilet. | find it satisfying to be able to fix a problem without having to call a plumber. What things can you fix? Oh, I'm good at fixing computer problems by. troubleshooting common issues such as slow internet connection or a virus/malware. | often use online forums and tech support Group: ORIGINAL EXAMS- Dl! DOAN DE THI IELTS 2023 services to find solutions to the problem. I's a skill that I've developed over time and it has saved me a lot of time and money. What things can you fix? Well, | have experience fixing loose doorknobs by tightening the screws that hold them in place. | also know how to replace stripped or missing screws with new ones. I's a simple and quick fix that can prevent further damage to the door and ensure its, safety. What things can you fix? Oh, I can fix leaky faucets by replacing worn washers or 0 -rings, for instance. It's a common household problem that | can easily tackle with the right tools and a little know-how. It's a small task, but it can save a significant amount of water over time and lower utility bills week What's your favourite day of the week? Oh, if | had to pick a favorite day of the week, no doubt it would be Friday. You know, there's just something about the vibe on Fridays that makes me feel so good. Everyone's in a better mood ‘cause Fridays are usually alittle more relaxed than the rest of the workweek, And the main reason why | love Fridays is that it's the start of the weekend. Please describe your typical daily routine Oh, | usually wake up at around 6 am, wash my face,. brush my teeth, drink a glass of lemon water and go for a run. | normally run for about 1 hour, then get back home, have a shower, _get dressed, do my hair and put on make-up. Then | prepare and have my breakfast, and go to work. At the office | usually work on a current project, have a couple of meetings and discuss some work issues with my colleagues. After office Group: ORIGINAL EXAMS- Dl! DOAN DE THI IELTS 2023 hours | have a short walk back home, make and have my dinner, unwind a bit either watching TV or surfing the net, have a soothing bath and go to bed. That's what my typical day is like. What do you usually do at this time of day? Well, at this time | normally have my extra classes or, if | am lucky enough, a walk in the park with my friends, What do you do on weekends? Well, it largely depends on whether I'm tired or not. If | had a hard working week, | usually sleep in and then stay. in bed for half a day doing absolutely nothing or at least nothing that involves much brainwork. Then | may either read a book or surf the Net. If | don't feel like a squeezed lemon, | like meeting friends. We usually either walk in the park or go to the cafe to drink coffee and chat Do you like weekends? To tell the truth, | don't like weekends because | realise that this is the only time when | can do all my household chores such as cooking or cleaning. This is because on work days I cannot make myself do it. But, of course, sometimes | dedicate time to my hobbies, visit my parents who live out of town or go to a beauty salon. Group: ORIGINAL EXAMS- Dl! DOAN DE THI IELTS 2023 Ambitions Do you think you are an ambitious person? Definitely. I'm always looking for ways to challenge myself and grow, both in my personal life and career. I've got some big goals I'm working towards, and I'm willing to put in the effort and push myself out of my comfort zone to make them happen. + Do you think you are an ambitious person? Definitely. I've got big dreams for my life, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make them true. And I'm always seeking out new opportunities to learn andidevelop new skills. Are you an ambitious person? No, I'm not. | don't feel the need to constantly set goals and strive for success. I'm happy with a simpler, more relaxed lifestyle. Are you an ambitious person? No. | don't feel the need to constantly compare myself to others or measure my success by traditional standards. I'm more interested in being true to myself and living a fulfilling life on my own terms. Health What kinds of exercises do you do? Well, | mainly do aerobic exercises such as running or swimming in order to improve my cardiovascular fitness and increase endurance, and pilates or yoga exercises to improve my flexibility, build muscle strength and perfect my posture, + What kinds of exercises are popular in your country? Oh, | think aerobic, strength and stretching exercises top the list of most popular sport trainings in my country. | think it's because altogether they help people bum fat,. build muscles, improve flexibility and perfect heart and lung health Group: ORIGINAL EXAMS- Dl! DOAN DE THI IELTS 2023 What sports do you e? Oh, | am really fond of playing tennis as it is one of the most dynamic sports requiring my total involvement. It encourages interaction, communication and just plain fun and is a great stress reliever which makes it even more loveable. What sports do people in your country like to play? Oh, I would say all kinds of ball games. People in my country are fond of football because it has simple rules, can be played just with a ball almost anywhere, is very. entertaining to watch and play and very short which makes viewers actively involved in the game from the beginning to the end. There are also a lot of basketball and volleyball fans. Dreams What was your dream when you were a chil 1? One of my childhood dreams was to have superpowers. | think | wanted this because it would make me feel special and different from everyone else. For example, | used to imagine myseff being invisible and sneaking around undetected. | wanted to be able to fly like a superhero and lift anything | wanted. | wished | had the power to teleport anywhere in the world instantly. Also, | dreamed of running super fast like The Flash. ‘And | fantasized about shooting energy blasts from my hands and being able to defeat any villain that came my way. Are you the kind of person who sticks to dreams? Definitely. If set my mind to something, | won't give up until | achieve it. | always remember the reason why I started pursuing my dreams. | remind myself of the progress I've made so far and the challenges I've already overcome, and that motivates me to keep going even when it gets tough. Group: ORIGINAL EXAMS- Dl! DOAN DE THI IELTS 2023 Days off What do you do when you have days off? ‘When I have days off, ike to spend time with my family. We might go for a hike or have a picnic in the park, or we might stay at home and play games or watch movies together. It's a great way to bond and create memories. What do you do when you have days off? llike to use my days off to pursue my hobbies. Lenjoy. painting, so! might spend the day working on a new canvas or attending a workshop to learn new techniques. It's a great way to express myself creatively and learn something new. When was the last time you had a few days off? The last time | had a few days off was during the Christmas holidays. | took a break from work to spend time with my family and enjoy the festive season. We had a lovely time decorating the house, cooking delicious meals, and exchanging gifts. It was a much-needed break from the stresses of work, and I came back feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. + When was the last time you had a few days off? Well, took a few days off last month to go on a hiking trip with some friends. We explored a nearby mountain range, and the views were absolutely stunning. It was challenging but also invigorating to be out in nature and away from the city. We camped ‘ovemight, and sitting around the campfire sharing stories and roasting marshmallows ‘was a highlight of the trip. | returned to work feeling recharged and ready to tackle new challenges. Group: ORIGINAL EXAMS- Dl! DOAN DE THI IELTS 2023 Part 2: Topic 1: time you spent with a child Describe an occasion when you spent time with a child You should say: who the child was, what you did together why you did it when you did it how you felt Part 3 for this cud ard is ‘Bringing up children” To tell the truth, I'm not someone who enjoys spending time with children, but sometimes I have to babysit as many of my friends already have kids, and I can't say ‘no’ when they ask me for help. Last year, there was one occasion that | remember vividly because it was a nightmarish experience: One morning, while | was still in bed, my friend called me and asked me to look after her 3-year-old daughter. Her babysitter told her inthe moming that she couldn't come for some reason, and my friend realized she wouldn't be able to find another one at such short notice. Moreover, none of my friend's relatives were available to help out. | was about to say 'no’. but she told me | was her last hope because there was nobody else she could entrust her child to. At first, everything was fine because I managed to keep the child occupied for a while. We played hide-and-seek in the apartment, watched cartoons, built towers out of blocks with a competition to see who could build the highest tower), and read fairy tales together. After a few hours, | started to feel like a slave because she demanded constant attention and refused to play on her own At some point, | ran out of ideas for what to do with the child, and she started crying. | felt terrible because | didn't know how to calm her down. Each hour felt like an eternity, and | couldn't wait for my friend to come back home. | was so exhausted that | barely had enough left to drag myself to bed. Group: ORIGINAL EXAMS- Dl! DOAN DE THI IELTS 2023 Topic 2: Getting lost Describe an occasion when you got lost You should say: where it was what happened how you felt how you found your way,paft 3 is ‘Getting lost’ Once _got lost during the walking tour of Z City. Several years ago spent my summer vacation in X. We lived in Y city and almost every day had one-day bus trips to different places, One day we went to Z city, and had a walking tour of the city. At first, everything was ok But at some point, the guide started walking faster, and suddenly | realized | had lagged behind the rest of the group. To my regret, my phone had died, so | could neither call the guide or use Google Maps. Then | decided to ask some passers-by for directions, but they were tourists,. just like me. They just shrugged their shoulders and apologized for not being able to help me. After that ! decided to retrace my way, but it appeared to be more difficult than it seemed as there were many winding and narrow streets which looked exactly the same. So Lended up walking round in circles. | had no idea how to get back to the bus. ‘When | understood that | wouldn't be able to show up at the meeting point on time, _grabbed a taxi and ask driver to take me to the meeting point Group: ORIGINAL EXAMS- Dl! DOAN DE THI IELTS 2023 Topic 3: piece of clothing Describe a piece of clothing you wear most often You should say: what it looks like how often you wear it and how you got it why you like wearing it, Part 3 for this cue card is ‘Clothes’ Oh, a piece of clothes which | wear day and day out is a pair of jeans which my husband gave me on my birthday. some years ago. Itis an amazing pair of skinny jeans, the ones you have to fight some to put on, but the torment is forgotten as soon as you see yourself in the mirror. These are dark wash blue jeans with sanding. One might think there was nothing special about them as they are stripped of all details which could justify their really high price. | mean there are neither zippers nor welts. But | like them a lot as they elongate the line of my legs and feel like a second skin. They are perfect because | can. match them with anything, be it formal, casual, street style or even corporate, Oh, and there's a crazy story behind them, which I'l never ever forget. Once | saw them in a shop window of a high-street shop and immediately fell for them. However, didn't dare to go and try them on because everyone knows this shop is for people with deep pockets. Several days later my husband and I were passing by this shop window. He noticed the way | looked at the jeans and asked me whether | wanted to pop in and try them on. | tried to pretend not to be in the mood for shopping, but he insisted and we entered the shop. | looked at the price tag, understood they cost a fortune and made my husband quickly leave the shop. However, | couldn't help thinking about these jeans. One day | realised that | had to buy them no matter what. Well, | borrowed 500 euros from my friend and couldn't wait to purchase them. Much to my disappointment, when I came to the shop, | was told that the jeans had been sold a few days before. | was upset, but | had to put up with this fact somehow. Group: ORIGINAL EXAMS- Dl! DOAN DE THI IELTS 2023 Gradually | stopped thinking about them. Several weeks later, on my birthday | found a gift box near my bed. Guess what was inside! Those jeans! It was my husband who bought them and prepared a surprise which definitely was a success. The only thing that makes me upset is that | realise that one day they will wear out and I'll have to stop wearing them. Topic 4: incorrect information Describe an occasion when you got incorrect information You should say: what information it as where you got it how vou found out it was incorrect + what happened after you found it out part 3 for this cue caf is ‘Information’ I've got a long-standing love-hate relationship with taxi services. Sometimes everything goes super smoothly, and sometimes I become a victim of human error. My last experience was absolutely unbearable. | called up the taxi company and booked a taxi. A few minutes later | received a call from a taxi dispatcher, and she said my taxi had arrived. | was really surprised as | didn't expect it to arrive so fast. Therefore | asked the dispatcher if she was sure of it. And she said she was. So | had no choice but to take my 20-kilo suitcase and go downstairs. ‘AS | expected, there was no taxi near my house. But | decided to wait a little because | thought the driver called the dispatcher a few minutes before he was going to arrive. To save time, you know. The situation didn't change. Itwas almost midnight. So it was dark and scary. | understood that if | got attacked, | would have to leave my suitcase with lots of valuable things and run away. But | wasn't Group: ORIGINAL EXAMS- Dl! DOAN DE THI IELTS 2023 thrilled about such a scenario. And | called the dispatcher again, described the problem and asked her to contact my driver or give the driver's phone number so that | could contact him myself. Much to my surprise, the taxi dispatcher ignored my request and asked me to look around again. We had a strange conversation for about 10 more minutes. | just grew angrier. When I lost my temper and started shouting at her, she said she would double check the details. She said that she'd looked at the wrong thing and given the wrong information to me. What's terrible is that she didn’t even apologise for having kept me outside for about 15 minutes at night. It appeared that my taxi was on the way and was supposed to arrive 10 minutes later Thank God, | didn't miss my train, but the mood wa spoilt. So | decided to leave negative feedback on t company's website and forget about this situation. Topic 5: place to visit in the future Describe a place away from your home you want to visit in the future You should say: where this place is ‘who you would like to go with what you would do there why you want to visit this place Part 3 fonthis cue card is ‘Travelling’ For as long as I can remember, the place that has been on my travel wishlist is Bora Bora. Its pristine beaches, turquoise waters, and stunning overwater bungalows seem like something out of a dream. Every time | see a picture of this paradise, | can't help Group: ORIGINAL EXAMS- Dl! DOAN DE THI IELTS 2023 but imagine myself lounging on the beach, sipping a cold drink, and forgetting all my worries. | dream of visiting this idyllic place with my wife. We've been married for several years now, and | think it would be the perfect getaway for the two of us. We both lead busy lives, and it would be great to have a few days to relax and unwind together. | can picture us strolling hand in hand along the shoreline, listening to the sound of the waves crashing against the sand. We could sample delicious seafood dishes, go snorkeling, and maybe even try our hand at diving, I've always been fascinated by the underwater world, and | know Bora Bora has some of the clearest waters in the world. One of the things that | find particularly appealing about Bora Bora is its sense of seclusion. It feels like a place where we could truly escape and reconnect with each other. Whether we choose to relax on the beach or explore all the cool spots on the island, I'm sure we'll make some unforgettable memories. ‘Sample 2: The place I've been dreaming of for several years now is Bora Bora. Every time | see the pictures showing its perfect white-sandy beaches, emerald waters, and overwater bungalows, | can't help but sigh and say to myself, “Ah, Bora Bora’. I dream of having a wedding ceremony there. | believe this is the most romantic spot in the world and a dream place to say ‘I do’ | know that such a trip could cost a fortune, so there will probably be only two of us there: my significant other and me. But | sincerely hope we will be able to invite all our relatives and friends to share this special moment. First, I'd like to spend several days doing nothing but relaxing both mentally and physically, It would be great if we explored the island, tasted delicious seafood dishes, sunbathed, and tried snorkeling until | got pruney skin. We would definitely try to learn how to dive. The place that has been on my travel wishlist for years now is Bora Bora. It's this amazing island with white sandy beaches, crystal clear waters, and those sweet Group: ORIGINAL EXAMS- Dl! DOAN DE THI IELTS 2023 overwater bungalows. Actually, the other day | came across a reel on Instagram that showed off some of the most beautiful places in the world that don't even feel real. And Bora Bora was on that list. Ever since then, | can't stop thinking about it. It's often thought of as a romantic destination, but | think it has something to offer for everyone. So I'm sure it is perfect for a trip with my friends. We could check out all the. natural spots, go swimming in some crazy clear lagoons, and even try out some wild stuff like jet skiing or parasailing. And if we want to just chill and relax, Bora Bora has got tons of options for that too. The beaches there are amazing, with white sand and crystal clear water. We could spend our days just swimming and relaxing. We could lounge on the beach, sip some cold drinks, and just soak up the sun. It's one the best spots to get some peace and quiet away from the city. Topic 6: njoyable experience in your childhood Describe an enjoyable experience in your childhood You should say: when and where it happened who you were with what you did how you felt about it Part 3 - ‘Memory ‘The most enjoyable experience | had in my childhood was learning to ride a bike with my father and going on a day trip together. | remember it like it was yesterday. It happened when | was about eight years old, during the summer break from school. My father was always an avid cyclist, and he wanted me to share his passion. He spent several afternoons patiently teaching me how to ride a bike in our neighbourhood. Finally, | got the hang of it, and my dad was very proud of me. To celebrate, he planned a special day trip for the two of us. We woke up early and set, off on our adventure. We cycled through the countryside, taking in the beautiful scenery, Group: ORIGINAL EXAMS- Dl! DOAN DE THI IELTS 2023 and enjoying the fresh air. We talked about all sorts of things, and my dad taught me about nature and the environment. We stopped at a park where we had a picnic lunch. My dad had packed sandwiches and fruit, and we enjoyed them together while sitting on the grass. It was a beautiful day, and | felt so happy to be spending it with my dad. After lunch, we cycled further into the countryside, stopping at different points of interest along the we dad encouraged me to keep going, and | felt proud myself for cycling such a long distance. Finally, we reached our destination, a beautiful lake surrounded h mountains. We took a break there and soaked in the beautiful scenery. ‘As we cycled back home, | felt happy and content. It was an unforgettable day, and | will always cherish the memories of that trip with my dad. | think what made it so enjoyable was the fact that we were doing something we both loved, and we got to spend quality time together. It was a bonding experience, and it brought us closer together. sample 2: One of my favorite childhood memories is going to my great-grandfather's, anniversary celebration. | was only about 4 or 5 years old, so | don't remember all the details, but it was a really special day."To be honest, | think a lot of what | remember might be a product of my imagination. Every time | recall this event, | see memories flooding across my mind like a kaleidoscope of pictures. But regardless of what's real and what's not, | know it was a really amazing day. We all went to my great-grandparents’ house in the village, and it was just amazing There was so much food on the tables, and the guests were all having a great time. Some of them were even dancing. The best part was when it got dark and the fireworks started. had never seen fireworks before, so it was just magical. | remember feeling like it was a dream come true. Thinking back on it, | think what made it so special was that it was the first time my parents took me to a big family celebration like that. | felt so grown up staying up late Group: ORIGINAL EXAMS- Dl! DOAN DE THI IELTS 2023 and being a part of something so exciting. All in all it was a really unforgettable day, and even though I V really young at the time, | still think about it and smile Topic 7: game Describe a game you played in your childhood You should say: what the game was who you played it with when and where you played it, how you played it how you felt about the game. part 3 for this cue card - ‘Games’ Asa child, there was nothing | enjoyed more than playing Monopoly. My siblings and | would beg my parents to break out the board game on rainy afternoons, and we'd spend hours rolling the dice and buying up properties. | was always the one who was the most strategic, carefully calculating my moves and trying to outmaneuver my opponents, One of the things | loved most about Monopoly was the feeling of excitement | got when landed on a property | wanted to buy. My heart would race as | counted out my money, praying that | had enough to make the purchase. And when | finally got my hands on a prime piece of real estate, I'd do a little victory dance around the board. Looking back, | realize that playing Monopoly taught me a lot of valuable skills that have served me well in my adult life. It helped me learn about money management, for one thing. I had to budget my cash carefully and make smart investments if | wanted to come out ahead. It also taught me how to think ahead and plan for the future, as | had to anticipate what my opponents were going to do and come up with a counter strategy. As | grew older, my love of Monopoly never waned. I'd stil play with my siblings when | was home from college, and we'd have marathon sessions that lasted for hours. It was such a fun and nostalgicically comforting way to spend an afterioon. Group: ORIGINAL EXAMS- Dl! DOAN DE THI IELTS 2023 Even now, as an adult, | still love playing Monopoly. It's one of those games that never gets old, and I'm always up for a round if anyone is game. As a child, there was nothing | enjoyed more than a game of charades. This is a word guessing game in which players should think up a charade, a secret word, for a volunteer from the opposite team. Then this player has to act out the word to communicate its meaning to the other members of the team. And, of course, whoever guesses the most words wins the game. My friends and | used to play Charades a lot. The game was our first choice when we had to stay indoors if it was raining. Also, I'm sure our birthday parties wouldn't h-been so exciting if it hadn't been for it. Needless to this was our favourite way to pass time during the k between lessons and after school. We used to gather at someone's place and play for hours. Iremember that, at first, we didn't have to be really inventive to make challenging tasks for each other. In fact, any word would do the job. We laughed a lot as it was real fun seeing a person going mental to explain the word. The more we played, the more sophisticated our charades became. We started choosing abstract notions which were difficult to explain. For instance, something like etemity or justice was like a death ‘sentence for those who had to act out the words, but it was a whole different story for the rest of us. We were splitting our sides laughing, while those poor things were struggling to show the word. Also, we deliberately tried to think up the word which would make a person look weird and perform strange gestures. I guess | was always the one who was the most enthusiastic about acting out the clues, whether it was pretending to be an animal, a famous person, or a movie title. There's no denying that | played charades for the sheer joy of it and to bond with my friends. But | can't help admitting that | also relished the chance to show off my clever side. As an avid reader, | was often able to guess the words faster than anyone else, which made everyone want me on their team. It was a nice ego boost to be honest Group: ORIGINAL EXAMS- Dl! DOAN DE THI IELTS 2023 Topic 8: New shop Describe a new shop that opened in your city You should say: where it is what it sells whether you think it will be successful what people go there Part 3 for this cue card isShops’ In my city shops spring up like mushrooms, but almost all of them aren't even worth talking about because of their poor range of goods, poor service and exorbitant prices. The only one that made shopping much easier for me is a hypermarket that opened several months ago, There is one more big-box store in my city, where | used fo do shopping, but it is situated on the other end of the city, and it took me too much time to get there and back. This one is also located on the outskirts of the'city, but it’s much closer to my home, which is really convenient and saves a lot of my time. Like all hypermarkets, it sells a lot of different types of goods from toothpaste to household appliances and provides consumers with all the goods they require, under one roof. What I particularly like is that it has a huge variety of products that I just haven't seen anywhere else. At the same time, whatever | find there is going to be affordable. recently got a T-shirt for $2 where | would have paid more than $5 elsewhere. | also have big savings on products that | buy in bulk, for example, bottled water, kitchen paper, washing powder and many other things like these. Also, product categories are well organised so that | can find different items I'm looking for in one location. What's more, they keep complementary. products in proximity so I don't have to go around the shop several times. Oh, | nearly forgot, i's open round the clock, so | can go there after work on week. days, thus, I don't have to make time for shopping at weekends. Instead, | spend more Group: ORIGINAL EXAMS- Dl! DOAN DE THI IELTS 2023 time with friends and family. I'm really happy that now I can do shopping much fast spend much less money than before. Topic 9: invention Describe an invention You should say: what it is, how you use it how it changed the world how popular it is how difficult it is to use it part 3 - ‘Inventions, inventors: To my mind, the greatest thing since sliced bread is a smartphone. Without exaggeration, | think that smartphones have revolutionized humanity. They allow us to do amazing things and interact with the world in ways we never thought were possible. They can/be used for making and receiving calls, texting friends,. family and colleagues, _getting and sharing news on social networks sites, checking email messages and even doing online banking. We also use them to take photos and keep track of calendar events. For example, in the past, | used to depend too much on my home PC for doing tasks like checking mails and browsing the web. Now that I have a smartphone, I no longer have to rush to a computer to edit a document or check my email. So, first ofall, this invention has made our lives much easier providing us with an easy and fast way of communication, enabling to do various tasks all at the same time and freeing us from the constraints of space. The second change brought by smartphones is that they have replaced many devices such as e book readers, MP3 players, or cameras. If you want, you can use them for listening to music or watching. a film. Also, there are apps for practically everything They are quick to install and easy to use. Thus, having smartphone makes waiting not as boring as in the past Group: ORIGINAL EXAMS- Dl! DOAN DE THI IELTS 2023 So 'm more than sure its difficult to overestimate popularity of smartphones as wherever you go, you see people that are literally glued to their devices. Now we just can't imagine our lives without these devices. For instance, | use mine all the time | am awake. | feel really weird if my phone isn't within close proximity to me. | feel cut off from the world if the battery goes flat, and | don't have an opportunity to recharge it immediately. To tell the truth, | kind go into convulsions when | can't keep up with my Facebook feed for some time. What is more, we are so dependent on our smartphones that some of us even use them while driving even though everybody. realises that they risk taking someone's life and ruining their own. I've read that currently there are more than one billion smartphone users in the world. That's so impressive @ figure. And this means that smartphones are more popular than computers. All these examples prove that the smartphone is by far the most significant invention ever. Topic 10: car journey Describe a car journey you had You should say: where you went what you did there Who you went there with + how you felt about the journey partis, Public transport, driving a car’ I've always been a serial traveller, but | used to buy package tours from reputable tour operators only. So | was taken care of from start to finish. However, last summer, | became obsessed with the idea of taking a road trip. | wanted to make the most of my holiday time, so | wanted to have a multi-destination trip. Of course, | didn’t wanted to Group: ORIGINAL EXAMS- Dl! DOAN DE THI IELTS 2023 travel alone. So | invited 2 of my friends to join me. | was excited and scared at the same time. First of all, we created a trip itinerary based on our preferences and budget. Then we rented a van, took our luggage, tents, sleeping bags, food and water and hit the road. Itwas a really enjoyable journey. We enjoyed the scenery. along the way. There were stretches of long winding. hairpins, sections with many switchbacks, great coastal roads, mountain tunnels, spectacular bridges, and some of the most breathtaking mountain passes. Itwas an adventurous joumey as well. Once we had to deviate from the route because the road was washed away by floods. As a result, we found a nice secluded beach where we decided to stay for a few days. It was a spontaneous decision. And it was worth it. Also, we saw ancient castles and fortresses. We visited a vineyard and tasted wine. Itwas both romantic and adventurous. And one of the most important things is that it was a very comfortable journey as we stopped whenever and wherever we wanted, we could move as fast or as slowly aS welwanted. And more importantly, we could take nearly as much luggage as we needed. sample 2: Last summer | had to go on a business trip to another city as | had a meeting with a potential customer. The meeting was scheduled 2 p.m. The city was just 300 kilometres away from here, so | decided to go there by car. | hit the road in the morning. Unfortunately, | didn't bother to check weather updates, which caused me a lot of trouble later. So the first hour was ok. Then I noticed that storm clouds started rolling in. | hoped the storm would pass, so | could continue my trip, but it was not the case. The clouds ‘quickly turned into ominous black ones, and a few minutes later lightning started flickering fiercely. | counted no less than 10 cloud to ground strikes. And such time they lit up the area the ear-splitting thunder followed up in a split second. Group: ORIGINAL EXAMS- Dl! DOAN DE THI IELTS 2023 Then | saw a couple of heavy raindrops hit my windscreen. Within seconds, it turned into heavy rain which was coming in such buckets that | couldn't see anything but a wall of water. | could see neither a car in front of me nor behind. It was hard to keep the vehicle under control because of violent gusts of wind attacking my car. | should say it was by far the fiercest storm I had ever been in, Thad to stop on the side of the road and tum on my emergency flashers, hoping that it wouldn't result into rear-end collision. The storm subsided as fast as it moved in, but the roads in the field of view were washed out. | decided to return home ‘cause if | had continued moving, | would have got stuck in the middle of nowhere and my friends would never have rescued me. So | contacted the potential customer, apologized and asked to resch the meeting for the next week. Topic 11: Book Describe a book you've read many times You should say: what the book is and what it is about why you read it how you feel about it Part 3 for this cue cafd i8Books’ The book that I've read many times, and the one I'm going to read from time to time is The Richest Man in Babylon by George Clason. Some time ago when | was in very. serious debt, my friend passed me the book and said 'Read it. It will change your life’. And it did. Group: ORIGINAL EXAMS- Dl! DOAN DE THI IELTS 2023 This book takes the form of stories from Babylonian citizens each covering an aspect of personal finance. And this format of presenting the rules of managing money. makes them easy to comprehend for a layman like me. The book offers simple yet indispensable tips on money management which were applied by Babylonians and which still hold true today. One of the biggest things this book teaches is that no matter how small or big your income is, you should keep 10% of it, Another useful piece of advice is that you should save at least 10% of your paycheck. And it's very important to do so before you pay your bills and expenses. Doing so, you're telling yourself that your future is the most important thing to you, not the cable company. Also, it says that you should control your expenses and avoid spending more than you earn. | understand that there is nothing groundbreaking in these tips, but usually it's really difficult to follow even these simple rules. | think the book is absolutely fantastic as it really changed the way | view finances. And |'m going to read it again in the near future as | need a reminder to keep following a new routine and not to let bad habits rule my life again. Also, every time | read it, | realisé'l have missed some really important points because there is too much information to remember at a time. One last thing, ! to remind myself that fortune doesn't depend on la luck, but wise investment of my earnings. Topic 12: popular person Describe a popular person You should say: + who this person is what this person is like why this person is popular how this person influences the public Part 3 - ‘Popularity’ Group: ORIGINAL EXAMS- Dl! DOAN DE THI IELTS 2023 One of the most popular people in the world now is Rihanna. She's a world-renowned artist, fashion icon, and philanthropist. First and foremost, she's known as a singer. Her music career began almost 20 years ago and since that moment she's released many hit songs and albums. She's won numerous awards for her music, including 9 Grammy Awards. Recently she retumed to the stage, after a 6-year break from music, to perform at the Super Bow! Halftime Show. I was really happy about it. ‘And rumour has it that next year she's going on tour across the globe to support her upcoming album. By the way, I've heard that she earns around 100 million dollars per concert tour. That's insane. She is not only one of the world's top-earning and popular singers, but also a successful entrepreneur. She's the founder of Fenty Beauty and Savage X Fenty, two successful fashion and beauty brands that have been praised for their wide range of shades and sizes, something that was previously lacking in the industry. Overall, Rihanna is a multi-talented artist and businesswoman who has made a significant impact in the music, fashion, and philanthropy worlds. She's a role model for millions of fans. She inspires people to pursue their passions and make a difference in the world, Her success has shown that hard work, talent, and determination can take you anywhere you want to go. ‘Sample 2: One of the many popular people in my country is X (put someone's name here, for example, Bea Alonzo, a Philipino social media influencer). She's a Philipino actress, Instagram influencer, vlogger, and lifestyle blogger. Bea makes videos and writes about her own life, experiences, interests, or daily activities, for example, there's content about subjects like parenting, cooking, fitness, beauty, college life, home decoration and everything else in between. You know, there are millions of lifestyle bloggers all over the world, so it's almost impossible to create content somebody else hasn't shared yet, but she’s really popular. ‘And | think that it is being authentic that helps her stand out from the crowd. Now many bloggers show only carefully curated, beautifully it and perfectly filtered moments and Group: ORIGINAL EXAMS- Dl! DOAN DE THI IELTS 2023 think that this will help them connect with followers, but | think this strategy doesn't work. And she doesn't use it. She managed to find her ‘blend’ of content. It's obvious that she enjoys blogging. I'm sure this helps her keep her social media presence real. And this content resonates with many people. For example, in her opinion, sometimes it's okay to post without a filter, or even post about challenges and struggles. | really appreciate that. ‘And | am honestly impressed by her ability to create a personal brand, build an audience and develop influence, open up to strangers, and stay popular for so long given the fact that a niche of lifestyle blogging is over-saturated nowadays. I'm sure it's because she has never tried to be just like other successful lifestyle bloggers. That's why | enjoy reading her posts and watching her videos on YouTube. ‘Sample 3: One of the many popular people in my country is Marina Mogiko. She is a YouTuber with 2 or 3 million subscribers, Instagram influencer and entrepreneur. Her YouTube channel is dedicated to learning English. And, actually, this is how | found her several years ago One day I was looking for an accent reduction course on YouTube. | watched one of her videos, then another one. They were really engaging. | just couldn't stop watching them. | found her personal account on Instagram and started following her. Her posts proved to\be even more interesting than her videos because she wrote a lot about her life in America, described her business strategies, shared her insights with the audience. So I've been following her on Instagram for a few years now. | still find her ideas interesting, so | never miss her posts, especially those that she writes after attending some events. I'm sure it is her ideas and beliefs have helped her achieve the results I'm dreaming about. So | try to some of these things to my life. Some of her ideas totally different from mine, thus, they made me look at things from a different perspective. Group: ORIGINAL EXAMS- Dl! DOAN DE THI IELTS 2023 For example, in one of her recent posts she said she started to say more noes than yeses. She said this helps her focus on what's really important to her although there are lots of people who say that we should seize every opportunity that we have. Another interesting idea of hers is not to try to improve more than 2 spheres of your life at a time. Otherwise, you risk spending the whole day digging deeper and deeper into all kinds of problems. As a result, you'll just have a low self-esteem and a bad mood. She also writes about difficulties she faces and what she does to overcome them. She writes about her achievements. It's inspiring. For example, sometimes she starts her post from "This is how I did something, for example, started my own business at the age of 21 how you can too’. Topic 13: Helpful person Describe someone you know who often helps others You should say: who this person is how you know this person how this person helps others + why you think this person is helpful Part 3 for this cue card is 'Helping others, volunteering’ The highest example of altruism | have personally encountered is my new friend Diana. once came across her post on Facebook, which was shared by one of my friends, and | decided to donate to some cause she was raising money for. This is how | found out about her volunteer Work. Diana doesn't belong to any organisations. She thinks each of us can and should take initiative to change what we feel is wrong in our society. We've met several times in person and she told me how it all began. Initially, she found posts of people asking for help, visited them in order to make sure they were not taking the money under false pretences and donated money, food or clothes. She helped many people in need, for example, families with many children, cancer patients and elderly people... all those who needed both physical and emotional support... But as her Group: ORIGINAL EXAMS- Dl! DOAN DE THI IELTS 2023 individual resources were limited, she decided to raise money and invite people to join her using Facebook. Looking at her, you would never say that she singlehandedly has raised a lot of money for many good causes, be it helping the poor or the disabled. And not only does she help people, but also makes attempts to protect the environment by organising community cleanups in different districts of the city. And | guess there is one more really important thing she does by spreading the information about the needy. She inspires people to do good and makes them pay attention to problems our society faces. Otherwise, many of us would ignore the difficulties of others, making tons of excuses such as a lack of time, problems at work and stuff like that. But when people see that she takes care of her husband and children, goes to work like all of us, they don't even dare to say that they would help if it weren't for something. | doff my cap to her because | consider her contribution invaluable. | wish there were more people like her, people who understand that it is we that form society, so it is we that need to contribute towards its betterment. |'m sure that by far the most helpful person ever is my colleague and friend Ann. You know, there are many people who aré’ready to help you out when they don't have to go beyond and above. But Ann is always willing to give you a helping hand whenever you ask her for it, even when she's up to ears in work or even if she feels tired. First of all, she's really great at problem-solving. So she is the first person my colleagues and | rush to when we have some dilemma. Somehow she manages to come up with brilliant solutions to all problems we discuss. Secondly, she can negotiate till the cows come home. For this reason, we often ask her to speak with difficult customers or suppliers who don't want to find a compromise. ‘Also, when someone is ill or when someone's on a business trip, she covers for this person. If it weren't for Ann, for example, anytime I had to miss a couple days in the office, whether it be for personal reasons, a vacation, or an illness, | would get stressed ‘out as | would worry about the emails I'm missing, the meetings | had to cancel, and | would think about the hours upon hours it would take me to get caught up. Ann picks my Group: ORIGINAL EXAMS- Dl! DOAN DE THI IELTS 2023 workload and helps me avoid this vicious cycle by stepping in to lend a helping hand when and where she can. Sometimes, when I'm away, | ask her to feed my pets,. water my flowers and keep an eye on my flat. She helps me out in any difficult situation | face. She always seems to be on the lookout for an opportunity to help out. | know about her selfless nature and | try not to abuse her kindness Topic 14: ideal house or apartment Describe an ideal house or apartment where you want to live You should say: what kind of accommodation it will be where it will be if it will be big or small what it will look like part 3 ‘Living in the city, accommodation Well, if you'd asked me to describe my dream house a few weeks ago, | would have had no answer. But just several days ago | came across a video on YouTube that showed an unbelievably cool rectangular modern house with a grass backyard and an in-ground Pool. When | saw it, my jaw dropped to the floor. | realized that this is the house of my dreams. So, now | know that the house I'm dreaming of is a straight-lined white house made of concrete, steel and glass or a rectangular cottage with a black glass facade. possibly with multiple decks. Actually, it doesn't really matter whether it will be white or black. | just want it to be an ultra modern geometric building, without a traditional roof, you got the idea, It goes without saying that the interior of the house should match its exterior. | think it will be a 2 storey house with a wide open floor plan, high ceilings, a flying staircase and big floor-to-ceiling windows that let a lot of natural light in. I'd like it to be either in Group: ORIGINAL EXAMS- Dl! DOAN DE THI IELTS 2023 minimalist style or with some characteristics of a loft style such as massive oak planks, concrete walls, marble panels and some elements made of natural stone glass and steel. What's more, there will definitely be remote control heating, lighting, and sound systems, floor heating and cooling, automatic blinds. Oh, and I nearly forgot one of the most important things... There will be a surrounding sound system all through the house. It will definitely be a big house as a small one won't include all the rooms and elements of design that | want to have. | mean tall ceilings, lots of windows, spacious foyers, huge staircases, three or four garages, a kitchen and a dining room, a sun room, walk-in closets and 2 or 3 bedrooms complete with whirlpool tubs and separate showers, laundry rooms, media rooms and a home office. And | think the best place for such a fantastic house would be in the heart of London or New York, for example. Topic 15: adventure that you would like Describe an adventure that you would like to take in the future You should say: what the adventure is where you want to go who you want to go with why it is interesting for you Part 3 fortthis cue card is ‘Adventures’ I've always been a serial traveller, but I've only bought package tours from reputable tour operators and I've never travelled by car. Recently I've been obsessed with an idea of making a tour around the continent. To me, this sounds really adventurous and Group: ORIGINAL EXAMS- Dl! DOAN DE THI IELTS 2023 exciting. So, when an opportunity turns up, I'll start packing my suitcases right away and prepare for hitting the road. In my opinion, it should last for about a month or two as, otherwise, | won't manage to visit many places. However, | don't want to think of any time limits. You know, if | get this inner feeling that my curiosity is filled up with enough impressions and knowledge, I'll go back home to share my new experience with my family and friends. | believe a car trip is best for me as I'd like to get off the beaten track and travel to some unknown spots. Just imagine how independent I'll become. | will stop whenever and wherever | want, for example, if | see an amazing sight or just want to'stretch my legs or buy something, Also, I'll take nearly as much luggage as | want. Maybe | won't be able to take my entire wardrobe with me, any case I'll take much more than I've taken so far. more important benefit is that Ill be able to buy as Marry souvenirs as I want, even fragile ones, and won't have worry about breaking them As I've said before, | would try to avoid popular tourist holiday destinations, such as X and Y, but drive through the countryside, getting acquainted with local people and traditions. | truly believe that only by observing other people's way of life can we understand their culture. Without any doubt, this trip is worth doing as it will not only provide me with possibilities to broaden my horizons but also charge me with positive emotions for man ahead. n Topic 16: Describe an important decision that you once made portant deci You should say: ‘what the decision was how you made your decision what the results of the decision were Group: ORIGINAL EXAMS- Dl! DOAN DE THI IELTS 2023 why it was difficult to make part 3 - 'Making decisions’ ‘A few years ago, | was working as an accountant for a large corporation. At first, | was excited about the job, but after a few months, | started feeling like | was stuck in a rut. | was doing the same tasks every day, and there were no opportunities for me to grow professionally or be promoted within the company, | tried talking to my supervisor about my concerns, but he didn't seem to take them seriously. He told me that I was doing a great job and that | should just keep doing what I was doing. But that didn't satisfy me. | felt ike | was wasting my potential and my career was at a standstill | started looking for other job opportunities, but it was a difficult process. The job market in my field was competitive, and most of the available positions required several years of experience that | didn't have. However, | didn't give up. ! continued to search and apply for jobs, and eventually, | received an offer from a smaller company. Even though the new job had a lower salary than my previous position, it offered me the opportunity to t more responsibility and grow professionally. | knew was a risk to leave a stable job for a new opportunity, but | decided to take the chance. Quitting my old job was a difficult decision, and | was nervous about the future. But looking back, | know it was the right decision. The new company has given me the chance to lear new skills and take on more challenging projects. | feel more fulfilled in my career now and am excited about the opportunities for growth that lie ahead. Topic 17: expensive gift Describe an expensive gift you want to give someone when you save a lot of money You should say: what the gift is Group: ORIGINAL EXAMS- Dl! DOAN DE THI IELTS 2023 who you will give the gift to how long it will take to save the money why you'd like to give the gift to this person part 3 - ‘Money’ The gift I'm saving for now is a diamond ring that | plan to give to my girlfriend for her upcoming birthday. It's not until several months from now, but I know this is the perfect gift for her, and | want to make sure I can afford it. remember the day we were walking through the city, and we stopped by a jewelry store. My girlfriend pointed to a beautiful diamond ring in the window and said, 'If| ever get engaged, this is the kind of ring | want’, | made a mental note of the design and decided that one day, I would buy her a ring just like it But when I saw the price tag, | realized it was going to be a lot more expensive than | thought. | didn't want to settle for a cheap imitation, so | decided to start saving right away. | divided the total cost by 10, the number of months until her birthday, and set aside a portion of my paycheck each month, It's not always easy to stick to my budget, but | know it will be worth it when I see the look on her face when she opens the gift. | want to make her happy and show how much | care about her. | want this ring to be a : of our love and commitment to each other. | know that money can't buy love, but | hope that an expensive gift will help demonstrate the depth of my feelings for her Topic 18: water sports Describe a water sports you want to try in the future You should say: what the sport is whether it will be easy or difficult what you would have to do for it why you want to do it Group: ORIGINAL EXAMS- Dl! DOAN DE THI IELTS 2023

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