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Figures of speech

Alliteration Simile Metaphor Consonance Onomatopoeia

Q.1 Analyze the provided sentences and identify the gure of speech used in each.
1. The idea was as refreshing as a cold lemonade on a scorching day.
2. He attacked the task like a bull charging at a red ag.
3. Books are the keys to the kingdom of knowledge.
4. My sister is an encyclopaedia of movie trivia.
5. She strutted around as vain as a peacock.
6. Green grasses grow.
7. Fly as thick as driving rain.
8. Painted stations whistle by.
9. Yellow as honey, red as wine.
10. Tell me, what is the present hour?A green and owery spray.
11. Her rivers silver-pale.
12. Her trembling lakes like foamless seas.
13. I chatter over stony ways.
14. And what is the future, happy one?A sea beneath a cloudless sun.
15. And pleased with what he gets.
16. I babble on the pebbles.
17. The test was a walk in the park.

Q.2. Write 2 rhyming words for the following words:

1. Child - _________________________________
2. Gain - _________________________________
3. Bear - _________________________________
4. Heart - _________________________________
5. Know - _________________________________
6. Slate - ___________________________________
7. Stream - _________________________________
8. Road - ___________________________________
9. Battle - ___________________________________
10. Dance - ___________________________________
Q.3. Match the synonyms
a. Joyful
1. Relax
2. Clean b. Rest
3. Old c. aged
4. Happy d. wealthy
5. Cure e. Neat
6. Beautiful f. false
7. Rich g. Heal
8. Wrong h. Pretty

Q.4. Write down the Antonyms

1.) Fast
2.) Dark
3.) Create
4.) Attract
5.) Genuine
6.) Wet
7.) Left
8.) Down
9.) All
10.) Tall
11.) Di cult
12.) Strong

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