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4th Grade • Secondary School

Expressing desires and future plans

Secondary School • 4th Grade

Expressing Desires and Future Plans
(Expresar deseos y planes futuros)

Posible situación en la que se puede utilizar lo aprendido:

Es el último día de clases y/o trabajo y te dispones a tomar unas merecidas vacaciones. Un amigo de habla inglesa
que vive en el extranjero te envía un mensaje de voz, preguntando por tus planes para ese periodo de descanso.
Para responderle, deberás saber cómo informar sobre tus deseos y planes en el futuro.

Introduction to the Unit

Welcome to this new unit! This time, you will work with vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension and writing
related to expressing desires and future plans. In this sense, the focus will be on important life events. You will have
an opportunity to assess your knowledge before and after you complete this unit. Before starting with the exercises,
use the flashcards on page 12 to learn this unit’s vocabulary. You can also access
to study this unit’s vocabulary and expressions. We hope you enjoy this learning experience!

Introducción a la Unidad
¡Bienvenido/a a esta nueva unidad! Esta vez, aprenderás sobre vocabulario, gramática, lectura y escritura relativas
a expresar deseos y planes futuros. En ese sentido, se hará énfasis en el tema de eventos importantes en la vida.
Además, podrás evaluar tus conocimientos antes y después de completar la unidad. Antes de hacer los ejercicios,
utiliza las tarjetas que se incluyen en la página 12, para aprender el vocabulario de esta unidad. También puedes
ingresar al sitio para practicar el vocabulario y expresiones de esta unidad.
¡Esperamos que disfrutes esta experiencia de aprendizaje!

Initial Self-Assessment
Complete the following table with an emoji based on your current knowledge.
(Completa la siguiente tabla con un emoticón, de acuerdo con tus conocimientos actuales.)


I can write sentences using vocabulary for major life events, like getting
married, graduating, having children, renting an apartment, etc.)
(Puedo escribir oraciones usando vocabulario para eventos importantes de la
vida, como getting married, graduating, having children, renting an apartment,

I can express suggestion, possibility, and a future desire using the words
should, could, and would.
(Puedo expresar sugerencias, posibilidad y un deseo futuro, usando las palabras
should, could, and would.)

I can answer questions to demonstrate specific understanding of a video

blog or written transcript about attending university.
(Puedo responder preguntas para demostrar comprensión de un video blog o
una transcripción escrita sobre ir a la Universidad.)

4th Grade • Secondary School
Expressing desires and future plans

Learning New Vocabulary!

Exercise #1
Match/connect each word or phrases on the left with a definition on the right of the word’s meaning:
(Conecta con una línea cada palabra o frase de la columna de la izquierda con su definición correspondiente de la columna
de la derecha:)

get married to pay every month to live in someone else’s building

graduate to change the place where you live

have children to travel to new places

rent an apartment to finish school and receive a diploma

buy a house to start a family and make babies

move to a new town to give someone money to receive your own home

open a business to promise to love someone forever

see the world to begin a new company

Exercise #2
Read each sentence and decide if the underlined word or phrase is the best fit for the sentence. If the
underlined word or phrase makes sense, put a next to it. If the sentence does not make sense, write
one of the words or phrases from the box below that matches the meaning of the sentence:
(Lee cada oración y decide si la palabra o frase subrayada es la adecuada para la oración. Si la frase o palabra subrayada
tiene sentido, pon una marca de verificación al lado. Si la oración no tiene sentido, escribe una de las palabras o frases
que están en el siguiente cuadro, que consideres más adecuadas.)

get married – graduate – have children – rent an apartment

buy a house – move to a new town – open a business – see the world

a) You have great ideas, and I know how to work with money. Let’s rent an apartment and make money!

b) I am so excited to finish high school and get married so that I can study Archaeology in University.

c) Juan Pablo is saving all his money and not going on vacation so that he has enough to buy a house.

d) I am scared to have children. I don’t know what to do with a baby. What if it cries?

e) Before I start a family, I want to travel and see the world.

4th Grade • Secondary School
Expressing desires and future plans

f) Robert and Tina are very in love, and I think they will open a business soon.

g) I only need one bedroom in the city during the week, so I think I will try and graduate.

h) I really want to move to a new town so that I can meet new people and feel more independent.

Exercise #3
Read the following conversation between a grandson and a grandpa. Underline the words or phrases
from the box each time you find them in the conversation below:
(Lee la siguiente conversación entre un nieto y un abuelo. Subraya las palabras o frases del cuadro cuando las encuentres
en la conversación.)

get married – graduate – have children – rent an apartment

buy a house – move to a new town – open a business – see the world

Benito: Hi Grandpa! Mom told me you would be here.

Benito’s Grandpa: Hello there, young Benito! Of course I am here. I could never miss seeing my favorite son
graduate from high school.

Benito: Aww, thanks Grandpa! It’s crazy. I can’t believe high-school is already over.

Benito’s Grandpa: Life sure does go fast! Soon, Benito, you will get married, have children, and buy a house of
your own just like this one!

Benito: Grandpa I’m only 17! I still want to see the world, travel, and explore.

Benito’s Grandpa: Well you can start a family and see the world, young man. Why not move to a new town to
find love? None of the women there knew you when you were a chubby boy.

Benito: Not funny, Grandpa. Is that how you met Gran?

Benito’s Grandpa: Me, no! I didn’t want to get married. I wanted to get rich! I moved to the big city to open a

Benito: You, start a business in the city? But you have lived on a farm with Gran forever.
What happened?

Benito’s Grandpa: My very first customer was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. I closed the shop
early to take her to lunch, and the rest, as they say, is history my boy.

Exercise #4
Now, you can try using the words and phrases in Exercise #3 in a conversation. Find someone you
know who speaks English. This can be a classmate, family member, or friend. Tell them you want to
interview them about their future plans. Ask questions and find out the things this person does and
does not want to do. Write what you learn in the space below:
(Ahora, puedes tratar de usar las palabras y frases de la conversación del Ejercicio #3. Busca a alguien que conozcas que
hable inglés, puede ser un compañero de clase, un familiar o un amigo. Dile que hacerle una entrevista sobre sus planes
futuros. Hazle preguntas y averigua las cosas que esa persona quiere y no quiere hacer. Escribe lo que averiguaste en el
siguiente espacio.)

4th Grade • Secondary School
Expressing desires and future plans

Tip: If you cannot find someone to practice speaking with, you can write a conversation between two people in
your notebook. Remember, speaking is a skill, and you need to practice speaking to be a good speaker.
(Sugerencia: Si no puedes encontrar a alguien para conversa en inglés, puedes escribir en tu cuaderno una conversación
entre dos personas. Recuerda que hablar en inglés es una habilidad que necesitas practicar para ser un buen hablante.)

The name of the person I interviewed:_______________________________________

What they want to do in the future: _______________________________________________________________


What they don’t want to do in the future: __________________________________________________________


Practicing Grammar!
Exercise #1
Read all three pairs of statements and inside thoughts and notice how should, could, and would are
different. Then, think of other actions that could complete the phrases.
(A continuación, en la derecha hay tres afirmaciones que una persona dice. En la izquierda está lo que la persona está
pensando sobre lo comunicado por ella. Lee los tres pares de afirmaciones y pensamientos, y analiza el significado de
should, could, y would. Luego, completa las líneas en blanco con otras acciones que sean pertinentes.)

She Says... She Thinks...

1. I should go to the doctor. 1. I need to go to the doctor.

Going to the doctor is the
I should _________________. correct thing to do.

2. I could eat dinner at 6. 2. It is possible for me to eat

dinner at 6. I don’t have a
I could ______________. strong opinion.

3. I would backpack across 3. If given the opportunity,

South America. I would do this. This is
something I desire.
I would _____________.

4th Grade • Secondary School
Expressing desires and future plans

Could is a modal verb that works

Should is a modal verb that Would is a modal verb that
together with another verb
works together with another works together with another
(action word) to give it a more
verb (action word) to give it verb (action word) to give it
specific meaning.
a more specific meaning. a more specific meaning.
Could is used to express
Should is used to give make a Would is used to state a
possibility. It is more neutral, and
suggestion or state an opinion. preference or future desire.
does not carry an opinion.
He should marry her. I would buy a red car.
I could live in the city.
Should can be used in a question Would can be used in a question
Could can be used in a question
to ask for an opinion. to ask someone their preference.
to make a polite request.
What should we do? Which color would you like?
Could you pass the butter?

Exercise #2
Read each sentence, and decide if the sentence is a suggestion, a possibility, or a future desire. Circle
the correct answer.
(Lee cada oración y decide si expresa una sugerencia, una posibilidad o un deseo futuro. Encierra en un círculo
la respuesta correcta.)

Tip: If you are having trouble deciding, check the three boxes in the previous exercise for definitions of could,
should, and would.
(Sugerencia: Si tienes dificultad para decidir, revisa los tres cuadros del Ejercicio #1 en los cuales están los usos de could,
should, and would.)

a) I could have one or two children, but not three.

suggestion possibility future desire

b) You should get a new phone. The one you have is so old it can barely make a call.
suggestion possibility future desire

c) If I had lots of money, I would travel all over south-east Asia.

suggestion possibility future desire

Exercise #3
Think about your plans for this weekend. In the first column, write down all the things that are possible
for your weekend plans. These are things you “could” do.
(Piensa sobre tus planes para este fin de semana. En la primera columna, escribe todas las cosas que son posibles para
tu fin de semana. Éstas son las cosas que podrías hacer.)

In the second column, write down the things you “should” do. Think about other people suggest you to
do. Often times, ‘should’ expresses social pressure on what others think you should do.
(En la segunda columna, escribe las cosas que “deberías” hacer. Piensa sobre lo que otras personas te sugieren hacer. Es
común que “should” exprese presión social sobre lo que otras personas piensan que tú “deberías” hacer)

4th Grade • Secondary School
Expressing desires and future plans

In the third column, write down your own preferences. If you had no responsibilities this weekend,
and were completely free, what would you do? What are your preferences?
(En la tercera columna, escribe preferencias personales. Si no tuvieras responsabilidades en este fin de semana, y
tuvieras todo el tiempo libre, ¿qué harías? ¿Cuáles son tus preferencias? )

I could... I should... I would...

(What is possible?) (What do others want you to do?) (What do you want to do?)

Reading Practice: 3 Tips for University Success

Exercise #1
Do you know the word “advice”? What are 2-3 situations in which you want advice?
(¿Sabes el significado de la palabra “advice”? ¿Cuáles son 2-3 situaciones en las cuales quieres uno?)



What are 2-3 situations in which you do NOT want advice?

(¿Cuáles son 2-3 situaciones en las cuales no quieres “advice”?)



Advice - noun - A recommendation regarding a decision, from one person to another.

Defined by:

4th Grade • Secondary School
Expressing desires and future plans

Exercise #2
What are some things you have considered doing after high-school? Make a bullet point list of all the
things you could see yourself doing.
(¿Cuáles son algunas cosas que has considerado hacer después de terminar secundaria? Haz una lista de todas las cosas
que podrías verte a ti mismo haciendo.)

• •

• •

• •

Read the following text and complete the exercises below.

(Lee el siguiente texto y completa los ejercicios que se presentan debajo)

(You can find the audio file for this reading here:

3 Tips for University Success: Advice from a Recent Graduate

Hey everyone, Maggie here with another vlog. Today, I want to talk to all the students out there getting
ready to graduate high school about my three tips for preparing for university.

My first piece of advice is that you should study something you enjoy. Think about what you are good
at, and then talk to your counselors and professors about what you can study that suits your personal abilities.
I’m terrible at science, but I always loved exercise. I talked to my counselor, and she told me I should take a
physiology class. Now, I’m planning on becoming a physical therapist.

My second piece of advice is about where to live. Living on your own and being independent can be
really exciting, but moving to a new town can also be really scary. I think you should rent an apartment with
friends or classmates. You can save money by sharing an apartment, plus, it’s so nice to have a group of friends
to explore a new city!

My third and last piece of advice: slow down and be present! It is so easy to overthink the future and
forget to enjoy your present. Life can feel crazy right now with everything about to change. People talk about
buying a house or a car and I feel like I’m behind them in the race of life. But then I remember that this life is
my blessing, and my chance to chase my dreams, so I’m taking my own advice! Before I start my career, I’m
going to see the world.

Well, congratulations to everyone about to graduate, I’m super proud of you, and I hope to see you
out there adventuring. That does it for today’s vlog. Like and subscribe below to help the channel, and until
new time. You be you!

4th Grade • Secondary School
Expressing desires and future plans

Exercise #3
Read the text and answer the following questions:
(Lee el texto y responde las siguientes preguntas:)

A) Who is the main audience of her video? Who is she talking to?
a) Moms & Dads b) Graduating Students c) Her Friends

B) What is the main topic for the video?

a) Buying a House b) Choosing the Best University c) Preparing for University

Exercise #4
Read the text and write Maggie’s three main pieces of advice:
(Lee el texto y escribe los tres principales consejos de Maggie.)

Maggie’s first piece of advice: ___________________________________________________________________________

Maggie’s second piece of advice: ________________________________________________________________________

Maggie’s third piece of advice: __________________________________________________________________________

Exercise #5
Read the text and fill in the blanks below with the correct information from the text:
(Lee el texto y completa las líneas en blanco con la información correcta:)

1) If you don’t know what to study, you can talk to your ________________________ or ________________________.

2) Renting an apartment with friends is great because _____________________________________________________


3) Before Maggie starts her career, she is going to ________________________________________________________.

Exercise #6
Imagine that the principal of your school asks the students in your grade to write an inspirational
letter to students who are just beginning secondary school. Write 3-4 pieces of advice about what
students should do, or what you would do differently.
(Imagina que el director de tu escuela pide a los estudiantes de tu clase escribir una carta de inspiración para los
estudiantes que están iniciado secundaria. Piensa en 3-4 consejos sobre qué deben hacer los estudiantes, o qué ustedes
harían de forma diferente.)

• •

• •

4th Grade • Secondary School
Expressing desires and future plans

Final Self-Assessment

Complete the following table with an emoji based on your current knowledge.


I can write sentences using vocabulary for major life events, like getting
married, graduating, having children, renting an apartment, etc.)
(Puedo escribir oraciones usando vocabulario para eventos importantes de la
vida, como getting married, graduating, having children, renting an apartment,

I can express suggestion, possibility, and a future desire using the words
should, could, and would.
(Puedo expresar sugerencias, posibilidad y un deseo futuro, usando las palabras
should, could, and would.)

I can answer questions to demonstrate specific understanding of a video

blog or written transcript about attending university.
(Puedo responder preguntas para demostrar comprensión de un video blog o
una transcripción escrita sobre ir a la Universidad.)

Learning Portfolio

Imagine there is a competition with a travel agency for a job with their company. They are requesting
submissions of the most amazing 5-day vacation plan imaginable. Choose one dream destination you want
to travel to, then brainstorm a list of things you want to do and places you want to visit on your trip. When
you have enough ideas, use the chart below to outline your travel plan.

(Imagina que hay una competencia en una ciudad turística cercana a donde vives. Una compañía de viajes ha ofrecido
un empleo a un/a joven creativo/a que pueda diseñar el mejor volante de viaje para el área. Diseña un volante de una
página para un destino turístico que conozcas bien. Piensa sobre las posibles opciones que hay para los turistas, así como
cuáles son tus recomendaciones específicas. ¡Siéntete libre de ser creativo!)

4th Grade • Secondary School
Expressing desires and future plans


Trip Information: Day 1 Day 2


Date of travel:

Methods of Transportation:

Other general info:

Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

4th Grade • Secondary School
Expressing desires and future plans

Unit Flashcards

You can use the following flashcards in different ways:

(Puedes utilizar las siguientes tarjetas de vocabulario de diferentes formas:)

To test your memory: cut the cards and fold the words. Then, check if you remember them.
(Para poner a prueba tu memoria: Recorta las tarjetas y dobla hacia atrás las palabras. Entonces, verifica si las

To play a matching game: cut the cards and the names. Then, match the correct ones.
(Para un juego de correspondencia: Recorta cada tarjeta por la línea punteada. Luego, empareja cada figura con
su nombre)

To play a memory game: cut the cards with pictures and the cards with the names. Put them face-
down, and turn around 1 picture card and 1 name card at a time. If they match, you get a point!
(Para un juego de memoria: Recorta cada tarjeta. Coloca boca abajo, en dos grupos separados, las ilustraciones y
los nombres, y voltea una de cada grupo al mismo tiempo. Si hay correspondencia entre la ilustración y el nombre,
ganas un punto.)

To practice online: go to the Internet and access to study this

(Para practicar en línea: En el Internet, entra al enlace para estudiar este

4th Grade • Secondary School
Expressing desires and future plans






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