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Develop a detailed lesson sample plan based on John chapter 1 which should comprise A.

Lesson plan
sheet B. Lesson structure NB. Your lesson plan and structure should be appropriate to your context:
individual churches.

A. Lesson Plan Sheet

Title: Exploring John Chapter 1: The Word Made Flesh

Target Audience: Adult Bible Study Group
Date: [Insert Date]
Time: [Insert Time]
Duration: 60 minutes
Facilitator: [Insert Facilitator's Name]
Materials Needed: Bibles, notebooks, pens, whiteboard/markers

B. Lesson Structure

1. Opening (5 minutes)

• Welcome and Introduction: Greet participants warmly and introduce the topic.
• Opening Prayer: Begin with a prayer to invite God's presence into the session.

2. Icebreaker Activity (10 minutes)

• "Word Association": Write the word "Word" on the whiteboard and ask participants
to share any words or phrases that come to mind when they think about the word.
Discuss briefly.

3. Introduction to John Chapter 1 (10 minutes)

• Provide context: Briefly discuss the authorship, audience, and purpose of the Gospel
of John.
• Read John 1:1-5 aloud: Encourage participants to follow along in their Bibles.
• Discuss key themes: Ask participants to identify any key themes or phrases that stand
out to them in these verses.

4. Exploration of Verses 1-5 (15 minutes)

• Break down the verses: Divide participants into small groups and assign each group
one verse to analyze.
• Group Discussion: Each group presents their findings, discussing the significance of
their assigned verse in relation to the overall passage.
5. The Word Became Flesh (15 minutes)

• Read John 1:14 aloud: Reflect on the significance of the Word becoming flesh.
• Facilitated Discussion: Explore questions such as: What does it mean for Jesus to be
the Word made flesh? How does this impact our understanding of God and our
relationship with Him?

6. Application and Reflection (5 minutes)

• Personal Reflection: Encourage participants to take a moment to reflect on how the

truths discussed in John 1:1-5 and 1:14 apply to their own lives.
• Closing Prayer: Conclude with a prayer, thanking God for His Word and asking for
His guidance in applying it to our lives.

7. Conclusion (5 minutes)

• Recap: Summarize the key points discussed during the session.

• Invitation: Invite participants to continue studying John chapter 1 on their own and to
join future sessions for further exploration.

8. Follow-Up (Ongoing)

• Encourage participants to read John chapter 1 in their own time and reflect on its
• Provide resources: Recommend books, articles, or study guides for further study on
the Gospel of John.

This lesson plan aims to engage participants in a deep exploration of John chapter 1,
leading to a greater understanding of the significance of Jesus as the Word made flesh
and its implications for our faith and lives.

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