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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at


Archive Warnings:
Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con


코드네임 아나스타샤 - 보이시즌 | Codename Anastasia -
Boyseason (Webnovel)

Kwon Taekjoo/Zhenya

Zhenya (Codename Anastasia), Kwon Taekjoo

Additional Tags:
Angst, Russia, Spy - Freeform



Published: 2024-02-24 Words: 32,726 Chapters: 1/1
by Anonymous

vol 4 from ch 64 until ch 73 thats all i have

i will post it all in one chapter
and if noah ever translated the vol 5 i will try to post it
thank you noah our savior


dont report me this is not my work its just a translation of

a famous manhwa and this is its novel
keep in mind i didnt translate this and we should all thank
the translater
thank you
and enjoy
Ch64 - Checkmate (1) Vol4
Translated by Noah Suddenly,
his shoulder was grabbed. His body spun around involuntarily.
Coming face to face with him, he found himself breathless.
His eyes were frozen, like icy crystals. “Wait…!” Artificial
skin tore in his hands. There was no chance to resist. Even the
final bastion that concealed them vanished, leaving a sudden
feeling of vulnerability. His blue eyes twitched frantically. For
a moment of tense confrontation, he found himself dragged by
the collar, right up to his face. The height difference made his
shoes lift off the ground. The wind was knocked out of him,
and instinctively, he grasped Zhenya’s hand. It felt chilling,
hardly human. As their hands intertwined, Zhenya’s desperate
gaze returned to Kwon Taekjoo. It was sharp, almost cutting.
Slowly, Kwon Taekjoo’s eyes, which had captured the chilly
demeanor, shifted to the side. Beyond Zhenya’s shoulder, their
mother appeared. If he intervened now, the situation would
become uncontrollable. That was the last thing he wanted. He
forcefully pushed away Zhenya’s hand. With all his strength,
he shoved the man’s shoulder backward. Caught off guard, the
man stumbled backward silently, then twisted his head to glare
at Kwon Taek Joo. A thick welt rose on his smooth forehead.
He had come prepared. Sensing the danger, he was pushed
back forcefully. As his back slammed into the door, there was
a loud thud. The impact reverberated through his entire body.
In the trembling vision, he saw the man’s hand rising.
Reflexively, he tightly shut his eyes. There was hardly any
time to react. Anticipating excruciating pain, every cell in his
body tensed. Yet, even after a while, he felt nothing. But it
couldn’t be possible. (edited)
Slowly, he lifted his eyelids. The situation remained on the
brink, just as it was before he closed his eyes in a split-second
decision. Zhenya’s hand hovered as if she might strike Kwon
Taekjoo at any moment, and the hostile atmosphere showed no
sign of abating. The only change was the distortion in the
man’s face. Zhenya’s hand trembled as if hesitant. It seemed
the man, too, didn’t understand the situation, displaying a
considerable amount of confusion at his own contradictory
actions. Kwon Taekjoo also stared blankly at Zhenya. Various
emotions swept through his eyes: anger, enmity, bewilderment,
and resentment. Resentment? Kwon Taekjoo’s eyes widened
in realization. Then, Zhenya’s hand, which had been frozen,
suddenly lunged forward. “…!” This time, he turned his head,
fully expecting the pain to come. Yet, there was no pain. He
was simply pushed back again. Then, there was a thud as his
throat was grabbed. He tried to pry Zhenya’s hand off, but the
man didn’t budge. Frowning, he shot a glare at the man. At
such a short distance, their gazes clashed intensely. “Don’t
make me use my own hands to kill you.” He snarled, his
nostrils flaring. The threat sounded somewhat odd. But that
wasn’t all. Just as he thought the grip around his throat was
loosening, the man’s face suddenly drew closer. Even amidst
the tumultuous swirl of emotions in his eyes, there was a
strange heat. It didn’t bode well. Swiftly, he raised his hand
and pushed the man’s jaw away. “You bastard, get the hell
away!” With a hand blocking him, the man looked infuriated.
The silent clash between the force pushing and resisting was
palpable. Did the man forget where they were, and who was
lying on the bed?

“Damn it, let go of this! This isn’t the situation for you to be
doing this with me.” As he forcefully pushed him away, the
man smirked, raising the corner of his mouth. Then, he lightly
gestured towards the mother’s bed. “If you lie on top of her,
will it become such a situation?” “You crazy…!” He
exclaimed in shock before quickly lowering his voice. He
hurriedly checked on his mother. She still showed no signs of
movement. With a sense of relief, he softened his demeanor,
but the man suddenly dragged him into the bathroom attached
to the hospital room. A sense of foreboding washed over him.
Being trapped alone with him in there could lead to a violent
confrontation. However, the man forcefully pushed back
Kwon Taekjoo, who tried to resist. As he was pushed against
the wall, his back was pressed hard. The cold tiles pressed
against his chest, squeezing his lungs tightly. He struggled to
free his limbs from the man’s grasp, but the man’s restraint
and pressure only intensified. The man brazenly grabbed
Kwon Taekjoo’s waistband, pulling with brutal force, causing
his lower body to jerk backward. The buckle on his pants
couldn’t bear the strain and burst open. As a result, the flesh of
his lower back was fully exposed. The man, who had been
charging blindly, momentarily halted. A piercing gaze settled
heavily on his exposed flesh, as if scrutinizing the skin that
had been sliced with a laser. “…Well done.” He muttered
quietly. A chill ran down on his spine.

In the next moment, his belt was grabbed, adding to the

already strong grip, making it feel even more powerful than
before. He tried to resist somehow, but it was futile. As his
pants and underwear were pulled down, his buttocks were
fully exposed. Then, he heard the sound of the zipper being
pulled down from behind. The sense of impending doom that
had been building inside him was becoming tangible.
Desperately, he raised his arms, trying to push back with his
legs against the wall. But he couldn’t handle the man who was
clearly not in his right mind. He was just pushed back against
the wall, flattened. Being crushed between the wall and the
man felt like being wedged into the gears of a machine.
Despite his exhaustion, he mustered his remaining strength to
push the man away with his elbows, continuously pushing
against the man’s thigh, pressed tightly against him. They were
so tightly pressed together that not even a small sound could
escape. Without a word, their intense struggle continued.
Soon, his entire body was drenched in sweat. That’s when it
“…!” Suddenly, there was commotion outside the door. It
seemed that the detectives stationed throughout the hospital
had sensed something suspicious. Perhaps they had found their
colleagues collapsed in the emergency exit, or they were
preparing to infiltrate the room. If he were caught now, he
would be completely helpless to refute any of the charges
against him. The prosecutor’s office hadn’t seen the photos
yet, and the original evidence that could be used in his defense
was in Kwon Taekjoo’s possession. Furthermore, he was
suspected of collusion. It was despairing. Finally, there was a
cautious opening of the door. Yet, Jeonnya didn’t back down.
She briefly glanced outside the door before fixing her gaze on
Kwon Taekjoo once again. Countless thoughts raced through
his mind. It was now or never. No matter how optimistic he
tried to be about the outcome, the worst was inevitable.
Choose me.

Suddenly, a low murmur reached his ears. It could have been

mistaken for the urgency of the situation, but his heart thudded
in a completely different way than before. In this moment of
crisis, it felt like a lifeline was being thrown down. He reached
back to cover Zhenya’s hand, which was gripping his buttocks.
Zhenya simply looked down at their intertwined hands. There
was only one way to escape the current danger, and even that
might not work. But they had to try. He parted his lips,
releasing a plea. “…Please.” His voice was mixed with a sigh.
But there was no discernible response from Zhenya. Even the
hand that was gripping the wall tightened into a fist as he hung
on desperately. Please, just this once. Then, his body was
suddenly pulled back as his clenched fist was grabbed. His
despairing gaze locked onto Zhenya. Despite the inappropriate
situation, he couldn’t help but notice the creases on her
forehead and the busy flicker in her eyes, as if she were trying
to confirm the truth. “Don’t go changing your story later.
You’re the one who grabbed me.” There was an incongruent
sense of urgency in the man’s grip, tightening around his arm.
He looked into Zhenya’s eyes, silently urging her to respond.
“Answer me. You were the one clinging to me.” In the end,
there was no other choice. He nodded as if to say, “Think what
you want.” Then, the grip that felt like it might break his arm
finally loosened.

Slowly, the handle of the bathroom door lowered. It seemed as

though the detectives outside were peering in, anticipating an
intrusion. Zhenya firmly grasped the door handle and
smoothly pulled it inward without hesitation.

“Ah!” Without warning, the door burst open, causing the

detectives to lose their balance and tumble over. One of them
struck his back with the palm of his hand, while another was
kicked in the face and knocked unconscious. The last
detective, who had been aiming his gun frantically, had his
wrist forcefully twisted backward. With swift movements,
Zhenya subdued the three men and then turned to Kwon
Taekjoo. He hadn’t even finished pulling up his pants. With a
nod as if to say, “Let’s go,” Zhenya headed out of the
bathroom first. As he filled his pockets, he glanced back once.
Perhaps due to the recent commotion, Zhenya’s mother’s face
twitched slightly. She seemed on the verge of waking up. They
needed to disappear before that happened. Hastily retrieving
his Colt from his coat, Zhenya left the hospital room. “There
they are!” “To the east, the east wing!” As soon as they
reached the corridor, there was a commotion. Police officers
were rushing towards them from the opposite direction.
Zhenya kept his pace steady, smoothly drawing his Colt from
his embrace and cocking the trigger without hesitation. There
was no time to hesitate about what they were doing in the
hospital. With the sudden gunfire, the police officers
awkwardly took cover behind the wall.

Taking advantage of the distraction, they ran side by side

down the corridor. Without any discussion about what to do
next, they instinctively synchronized their breathing.
Whenever someone appeared in front of them, Zhenya,
brandishing his Colt, would be restrained by Kwon Taekjoo,
urging him to avoid physical confrontation and flee. Despite
grumbling under his breath, Zhenya complied quite gracefully.
It was strange to see him like this. He was the same guy who,
even when pretending to be a colleague, just stood by and
watched Kwon Taekjoo in a crisis. Yet here he was, helping
him without any hesitation. It was so unexpected that Kwon
Taekjoo’s heart continued to pound in confusion. How far had
they run? The lower floor became noisy with the arrival of
backup requested by the police officers. They couldn’t stay in
the hospital any longer. Not only were they becoming trapped
like cornered rats, but they were also causing harm to innocent
“Where did you park your car?” Zhenya gestured towards the
corner that was just ahead. As they turned the corner, they
found themselves facing off against the police once again.
Without hesitation, Zhenya threw a smoke grenade towards
the officers warning that they would shoot if they moved. As
the thick smoke billowed out, chaos ensued, providing them
with an opportunity to escape through the emergency exit in
the middle of the chaos. The urgent radio calls, people’s
voices, and the sound of footsteps mingled together, echoing
loudly throughout the staircase. They were being surrounded
from above, behind, and below, making it seem like there was
no way out but to push through. After taking a deep breath,
they leaped down the stairs. They soon encountered detectives
coming up from below. With a start, they leaped over the
detectives who were reaching for their guns. A heap of people
tumbled down the staircase, swept away by Kwon Taekjoo.
Following behind, Zhenya grabbed Kwon Taekjoo and lifted
him up, kicking away those who groaned and tried to retaliate,
breaking their will. They continued down the staircase, briefly
stopping in front of the emergency exit to assess the situation
before turning into the corridor. Soon, the sound of multiple
footsteps followed closely behind them. Their strides became
larger. It was when they turned the corner of the corridor, as if
being chased. Suddenly, a large window appeared, and the
view opened up unexpectedly. It was reinforced glass, like a
dead end in itself. They tried to turn back, but the SWAT team
that had been deployed blocked their path. “Stop!” “We’ll
shoot if you resist!” The rifles, already loaded, were aimed at
them simultaneously. Pushing through like before would only
result in being trapped. What to do? They hesitated, raising
their arms in surrender. Then, Zhenya subtly approached. Even
with his slight movement, the gun barrels all shifted

“Get him,” Zhenya whispered, just audible enough for Kwon

Taekjoo to hear. Surprised, Zhenya looked at him, and at that
moment, Kwon Taekjoo’s arm wrapped around Zhenya’s
waist. At the same time, whatever he had thrown stuck to the
front glass window. Both Kwon Taekjoo and the SWAT team,
who had been facing off, simultaneously followed the small
object with their gaze. What was that? They both looked
bewildered as if they had made some kind of agreement.
Cracks formed around the small adhesive, and suddenly, the
reinforced glass shattered radially. Then, led by Zhenya, they
darted through the broken window. As soon as they made
contact with it, glass shards shattered into pieces. Half-
embraced by Kwon Taekjoo, Zhenya was thrown into the air.
In the upside-down view, a fire hose hanging down was
visible. The SWAT team rushed to the window belatedly.
Meanwhile, the two of them were dangling from the fire hose,
swinging from a height of two floors. Without hesitation, they
jumped onto the grass below. Once the SWAT team confirmed
they were unharmed, they indiscriminately fired bullets.
Dodging the hail of bullets, they ran through the bushes. Soon,
they reached near the back door. Zhenya, who arrived first,
suddenly threw something. Upon catching it, it turned out to
be a motorcycle helmet. They felt dazed by the suddenness of
it. “Weren’t we supposed to ride in a car?”
“I never said anything about a car.” Kwon Taekjoo started the
engine abruptly. Quickly putting on the helmet, Zhenya got on
behind. “Damn it, we’re in for a wild ride today.” Grumbling
discontentedly, the motorcycle unexpectedly lurched forward.
Their bodies, still off balance, pressed tightly against Zhenya’s
back. The pursuing police officers hastily began shooting.
Dozens of bullets flew, but the motorcycle deftly avoided them
all, sliding flexibly through. They raced towards the back door.

However, there was no smooth sailing. Patrol cars waiting

outside the back door blocked the way. The motorcycle
speeding down the steep path was gradually gaining
momentum. Despite its enormous size, it stood no chance
against colliding with a sedan. Yet, hitting the brakes now
would only result in losing control of the speed already gained.
In a split-second decision, he gripped the handlebars.
Suddenly, the front wheel lifted, and the entire motorcycle
seemed to hover momentarily, suspended in mid-air. Even the
startled expression of the officer inside the patrol car was
visible. Eventually, with a thud, the motorcycle landed on the
roof of the patrol car. The emergency lights were smashed to
pieces as it pressed down, then descended to the ground,
thankfully still running smoothly. Maintaining speed, it
swerved onto the main road, hair and clothing tousled by the
rushing wind. Like a gymnast navigating between speeding
vehicles on the express lane, it slipped through. Any moment
now, it seemed inevitable that they would be thrown off onto
the road. Kwon taek joo clung tightly to his waist. Then, the
gaze of the man facing forward shifted down to Kwon
Taekjoo’s arm. The peace didn’t last long. Soon, sirens wailed
in the distance. Following the sound with their eyes, they saw
several police cars lined up on the opposite lane, with the
special forces vehicles that had been tailing them closing in
from behind.

Anxiously scanning back and forth, the motorcycle hugged

close to the side of a dump truck. Despite the imminent danger
of colliding with the chassis, it maintained its speed without
hesitation. As a result, even the police were unable to
approach too hastily. Before long, the exclusive road came to
an end, and a wide intersection appeared ahead. It was almost
time for the straight signal to turn green. Anticipating this, the
police cars approaching from the opposite side prepared to
block their path, while the special forces vehicles behind them
were set to cut off their escape route. From the point where the
exclusive road ended, the sidewalk was wide enough for the
motorcycle to pass.
However, the danger was far from over. Ignoring the signal to
turn left would risk a collision with other vehicles continuing
straight ahead. It was a desperate situation. Nevertheless,
Zhenya’s pursuit did not falter. Instead, he pushed the speed to
its maximum. He dashed recklessly through the cars waiting
for the green light, just as it turned green ahead. The cars at the
stop line accelerated simultaneously. At the same time,
Zhenya’s motorcycle shot out ahead, cutting across the path of
the cars going straight. To prevent toppling over due to
excessive turning force, he leaned the motorcycle. It felt like
any moment the road surface and his body would collide.
Closing his eyes tightly, he held Zhenya even tighter. The cars
intending to go straight slammed on their brakes, blaring their
horns sharply. In an instant, the center of the intersection
became a chaotic mess, leaving even the police unable to
react. Ignoring the commotion behind, they dashed through the
empty left-turn lane without hesitation. Even though the
moment of crisis had passed, he couldn’t release his grip on
Zhenya. His limbs felt numb. The sensation of his life being
squeezed out made his entire body tense up, sending shivers
down his spine. His fingertips even trembled slightly. Just as
he was catching his breath, a familiar sound came from above.
It was the sound of helicopter blades. A helicopter swooped in
from behind, quickly catching up to the motorcycle. And not
only that, but police cars also joined in one by one, blocking
off every entrance and exit they passed. “Stop. If you don’t
stop, we will shoot,” warned the pursuing police car. Ignoring
the warning and continuing to ride, the window was rolled
down without hesitation. It was a clear sign that shooting was
about to commence. Suddenly, Zhenya sharply turned the
handlebars to the left. As a result, the motorcycle began to
swerve back across the center line.

The cars coming from the opposite direction blare their horns
fiercely, almost deafening. It felt like eardrums would burst.
While the police cars hesitated, the road led to an overpass.
Even median barriers appeared above the center line. Now,
even if they wanted to cross over, it was an impossible
situation. But beneath the helicopter, there was no escaping
completely. Even if they managed to shake off one team,
another support team would soon arrive from another
direction. Would it be better to surrender? Anxiously, he
glanced at Zhenya. As if resigned to fate, he didn’t slow down
at all. It was simply a matter of holding on tight. Pressing his
forehead against Zhenya’s back, he tightened his grip on his
hand. He hoped for the best at that moment. As the speed
reached its peak, the motorcycle rushed towards the edge of
the fence. Closing his eyes, he anticipated the inevitable. All
that remained now was the dark abyss of the fall. With a loud
friction noise, the fence was torn apart. With nowhere to go,
the motorcycle and the two of them were pushed out of the
overpass. A sudden congestion occurred on the previously
smooth road. The helicopter made a sharp turn to survey the
situation below the overpass. Due to the smoke rising from the
accident scene, visibility was poor. It took a while to grasp the
situation. The debris of the motorcycle and the fence blocked
the road. Four lanes of cars were all trapped on the road.
However, no targets were visible no matter how much they
scanned the surroundings. Only more curious onlookers kept
gathering. There was no separate chaos.
Ch65 - Checkmate (2)
Translated by: Noah

He found his way into a deserted motel. He was completely

drained. At the moment of the fall from the overpass, he had
landed on a passing truck. Lucky for him, if not, he would
have been arrested in the end. That is, if he had managed to
survive unscathed. The sound of sirens still seemed to echo in
his ears.
The room was dilapidated. Unknown stains dotted the
wallpaper, and the corners of the furniture were worn down.
Even the bedsheet, which seemed relatively intact, showed
signs of age. Of course, even this seemed a refuge at this point.
He raised his hand and wiped his face. Weariness engulfed
him. He wanted nothing more than to lie down and do nothing.
But the situation had escalated to a point where his will alone
could not stop it. Now he had no choice but to see it through to
the end.
Exhaling a long breath, he turned his head. His eyes met
Zhenya’s. Zhenya was sitting at the table by the window. He
had expected to be interrogated as soon as they were alone, but
surprisingly, Kwon Taekjoo just looked at himself quietly. The
small room and Zhenya’s presence created a stark contrast.
Clearly, this wasn’t the kind of place where Zhenya belonged.
After staring at Zhenya for a while, he got up. Then he
rummaged through the drawers and wardrobe. Soon he found
a dusty first aid kit. Inside, there was a tube of ointment, a
discolored bandage, and some antiseptic. A sigh escaped his
lips. It wasn’t in the best condition, but it would have to do.
He picked them up and approached Zhenya.
He pushed the table back a little and sat on it. Zhenya just
watched Kwon Taekjoo silently. After a moment of meeting
his intense gaze, he pulled Zhenya’s arm towards himself.
There was quite a bit of bleeding on the upper left arm.
Whether it was from a bullet graze or a scrape against some
structure, he couldn’t tell. At first glance, it didn’t seem like a
bullet or shrapnel had lodged in it.
To start the treatment, he slowly unbuttoned Zhenya’s shirt.
Despite the seriousness of the situation, he couldn’t help but
feel a strange sensation as he undressed Zhenya. His fingertips
seemed to stiffen with unnecessary tension. It was because of
Zhenya’s persistent gaze.
As the shirt opened up, Zhenya’s large body was revealed. The
clothes had a way of concealing the body and maximizing the
imagination of a person. But Zhenya seemed to be the
opposite. It felt less suffocating to hide the body in the clothes.
He awkwardly cleared his throat and pushed the shirt behind
his shoulders. At that, Zhenya, who had been observing all
along, let out a faint chuckle. Even to him, the current
situation seemed quite subtle.
“What’s so funny?” he asked, examining the injured area.
“I don’t know. It’s just a bit funny,” Zhenya replied with a
slight smile. Even though the situation was serious, there was
a hint of amusement in his eyes.
He continued to inspect the injured area. The wound was quite
deep, to the point where stitching would be necessary.
“If you’re going to get hit, it would’ve been better if it hit your
head,” he muttered sarcastically as he poured the antiseptic
generously. The transparent liquid mixed with blood flowed
down in streams. Bubbles of red foam formed on the wound.
Despite the considerable sting, he didn’t let out a single groan.
His gaze remained as intense as ever.
Ignoring the fervent gaze, he found a hemostatic agent in the
first aid kit. At that moment, Zhenya, who had been quiet until
now, suddenly stood up. His shadow loomed over Kwon
Taekjoo’s face. Startled, he turned his head, and Zhenya’s face
drew closer. Soft lips brushed against Kwon Taekjoo’s cheek,
right below his jawline.
“What are you doing?” he frowned, pulling back. Zhenya paid
no attention and leaned in closer, gripping the table with both
hands. His lips, which had pressed lightly against Kwon
Taekjoo’s cheek, gradually moved upward. Left, right. A faint
friction echoed, sending shivers down his spine.
Feeling the uncomfortable sensation, he instinctively lowered
his head. His upper body also subtly retreated. Zhenya,
holding onto Kwon Taekjoo’s shoulders firmly, moved his lips
to the corner of his mouth, preventing any chance of escape.
Zhenya’s warm lips touched one corner of his mouth before
withdrawing. For a moment, their gazes met.
The next moment, Zhenya broke through his tense defenses
and roughly pressed his lips against his. There was nowhere to
retreat, and pushing against Zhenya’s shoulders was futile. As
Zhenya’s weight pressed down, Kwon Taekjoo’s body almost
instinctively laid flat on the table. Initially, their lips collided
blindly, but then heads tilted, deepening the kiss. Their lips fit
together seamlessly.
A sudden kiss caught Kwon Taekjoo off guard. He and Zhenya
had never kissed despite their frequent sexual encounters.
They strictly kept physical acts to themselves, with an
unspoken understanding that it was more than just physical
contact; it was an emotional connection. But now, they were
crossing lines they shouldn’t, and it left Kwon Taekjoo feeling
Zhenya, sensing Kwon Taekjoo’s confusion, covered his eyes
with his hand and continued to kiss him passionately. He
alternated between pressing their lips firmly together,
exploring with his tongue, and tasting the intense fervor
within. When Kwon Taekjoo resisted, Zhenya unexpectedly
bit down on his lower lip.
“Ah…!” Kwon Taekjoo grimaced, letting out a soft moan.
Taking advantage of the moment, Zhenya slid his tongue
inside, exploring the slick membranes. The contrasting
softness amidst Kwon Taekjoo’s seemingly firm body excited
him further.
Drenching Kwon Taekjoo’s invading tongue with saliva,
Zhenya tantalizingly teased the underside of his tongue with
the tip of his own. It felt as if the fragile barrier separating
them would break any moment. Soon, saliva pooled under
their tongues, filling their mouths with a warm, viscous
sensation that trickled down their chins.
Their warm breaths mingled, exchanging saliva as their lips
became moist with each touch, emitting audible suction
sounds. As they found moments to breathe, their lips separated
with a wet sound. Kwon Taekjoo’s bristly eyelashes tickled
Zhenya’s cheek and eyelids. Zhenya’s scent dominated Kwon
Taekjoo’s senses, overpowering his olfactory senses. His
stubborn grip on Kwon Taekjoo’s lips resembled that of a
crocodile tearing into its prey.
“Can’t… breathe…”
Gasping for air, Kwon Taekjoo twisted his head, prompting
Zhenya to turn it further, forcefully swallowing his struggling
lips. As their tongues tangled, Zhenya’s tongue, now feeble
and slick, coiled around Kwon Taek Joo, drawing out the
sweetness. Zhenya’s grip on Kwon Taekjoo’s upper lip was
Continuing to tease with his tongue, Zhenya occasionally
lingered, causing the table beneath them to shake precariously
under their combined weight. It was just a matter of
intertwining their lips and tongues, nothing more. It wasn’t
their first kiss, so why was Zhenya’s heart racing so intensely?
Despite not being able to breathe properly and feeling the
unusual assault, Kwon Taekjoo’s vision blurred.
Zhenya’s lips finally parted from Kwon Taekjoo’s when he
heard him coughing. As Kwon Taekjoo’s face turned red from
coughing fits, his pants were removed, leaving him bare
below. As a result, the table they had been leaning on tipped
The back of Kwon Taekjoo’s head throbbed, but before he
could process the pain, Zhenya pulled him closer. Once again,
their perspectives shifted as they tumbled onto the bed. The
worn-out mattress squeaked in protest.
Zhenya quickly pinned Kwon Taekjoo down, his movements
desperate and impatient, like a hungry animal. Kwon
Taekjoo’s throat tightened with a sense of foreboding as he
tried to grab Zhenya’s hand, but Zhenya tore off his shirt in a
flash. Suddenly, Kwon Taekjoo felt exposed as Zhenya
stripped off his last piece of clothing, causing his genitals to
spring forth.
The unfamiliar warmth of Kwon Taekjoo’s genitals caused
them to tremble. Zhenya pressed his lips against them, his
hand gently massaging. As he peeled back the skin, Kwon
Taekjoo’s knees involuntarily tensed. The sensation spread
through his lower body, pressing subtly against his waist.
Leisurely, Zhenya trailed his lips along Kwon Taekjoo’s chest
and chiseled abs. Then, suddenly, he lifted his head, locking
eyes with Kwon Taekjoo. As he applied pressure to the flesh
in his hand, Kwon Taekjoo furrowed his brows. Meeting his
gaze with an intense stare, Zhenya asked, “Why?”
“Why did you leave? Weren’t you the one clinging to me to
survive? You were the one who grabbed me first. So why?”
Another expression of resentment, utterly mismatched, filled
with pure desire, radiated from Kwon Taekjoo’s eyes as
Zhenya continued to press him.
“You wanted me. You were the one who initiated it,” Zhenya
“Ugh… What nonsense are you suddenly spouting?”
Frowning in response to the increasing pressure, Kwon
Taekjoo couldn’t comprehend what Zhenya was talking about.
The idea that he had wanted Zhenya first was completely
foreign to him. It was clear that Zhenya was delusional once
Ignoring Kwon Taekjoo’s objections, Zhenya continued to
squeeze and stroke his genitals relentlessly, without providing
any answers.
Without a response, Kwon Taekjoo reluctantly spread his
knees wider. He pushed Zhenya’s intrusive hands away onto
the bed. After closely examining his exposed genitals, Zhenya
opened his mouth and bit down abruptly.
“But…!” A groan escaped Kwon Taekjoo’s lips as his
sensitive flesh was surrounded by warm, moist mucosa. The
sensation of sharp teeth grazing against sensitive skin sent
shivers down his spine. Unlike his reluctant head movements,
his lower body pressed eagerly against Zhenya’s face, seeking
more intense pleasure.
“…Ah, ah.” Kwon Taekjoo moaned in response to the gentle
yet intense pressure on his genitals. The sensitive glans
stimulated against the soft palate, sending shivers throughout
his body. As Zhenya’s lips firmly gripped and teased his
engorged member, Kwon Taekjoo’s previously limp genitals
quickly became rigid and pulsated with heat.
Kwon Taekjoo’s thighs trembled as if they were engulfed in
flames. His lower abdomen jerked in sync with Zhenya’s head
movements, reacting too honestly to the stimulation. Despite
craving even deeper pleasure, he couldn’t let go of his
rationality and restrained his body.
Zhenya focused solely on the glans, sucking vigorously. The
unexpectedly strong suction caused Kwon Taekjoo’s knees to
twitch once again. Tension surged throughout his body. A wet,
smacking sound echoed from the tight seal. Pressing down on
the trembling thighs, Zhenya rapidly moved his head up and
“Ah, ugh… Th-that, feels… ah…”
Kwon Taekjoo gritted his teeth. The groans couldn’t be
suppressed. An infuriating sensation surged fiercely through
his body, mingling with the swirling frustration. With each
forceful suck on his glans by Zhenya, something coiled up
inside him seemed to be sucked out. His clenched fists
trembled white. Despite his efforts to resist, his buttocks kept
twitching involuntarily.
In the throes of intense pleasure, the sensations on his groin
suddenly vanished. The heat that had been building towards
climax abruptly dissipated. His breath, which had been
raggedly gasping from his throat, now diminished in vain.
Struggling to open his tightly shut eyes, Kwon Taekjoo finally
looked up. His erect member, throbbing painfully, was
displayed before him. Zhenya leisurely licked his lips coated
with his own saliva and looked at Kwon Taek Joo.
What was he planning to do? The unreleased lust throbbed
painfully through his entire pelvis. With a furrowed brow of
pain, he glared at her. He reached out and opened the drawer
beside the bed. Inside lay the single-use lubricant commonly
provided in motels. He tore open the foil packaging and
poured the transparent contents onto Kwon Taekjoo’s groin.
His body twitched at the cold sensation.
As Zhenya emptied the contents of the drawer onto Kwon
Taekjoo’s lower abdomen and groin, they became drenched.
The damp and slippery sensation was entirely unpleasant.
However, despite the discomfort, his erection showed no signs
of subsiding. On the contrary, it became even more rigid and
Looking down at Kwon Taek Joo, who was still groaning from
the relentless heat, Zhenya made a declaration.
“If you want it, you’ll have to do it yourself.”
What was he talking about? She hadn’t even instructed him,
yet he casually left him hanging after arousing him. Even if it
meant becoming a celibate monk, he couldn’t just do whatever
he wanted. He narrowed his eyes sharply and gritted his teeth.
However, despite his determination to remain rational, his
instinct-driven lower abdomen responded uncontrollably with
an unbearable throbbing. It seemed to rebel against his will.
Blood rushed entirely to his groin, making it impossible to
even breathe properly. He reached out to relieve himself, but
Zhenya didn’t allow it. He quickly grabbed both of his wrists,
preventing him from moving. Although he wanted to push him
away, his legs had long been trapped under him.
Kwon Taekjoo’s shoulders twitched irritably from being
bound. Even his abdomen, feeling like it might burst from the
pressure, convulsed involuntarily. Desperate to escape the
suffocating pain, he struggled to break free from Zhenya’s
grasp, but only ended up draining his strength. Thick veins
protruded from his forehead unnoticed. His sweat-soaked body
felt unbearably sticky.
Desperately trying to move his entire body, he suddenly felt a
strange sensation on the inside of his thigh. Something hard
and hot was roughly pressing against the relatively soft flesh.
As Zhenya continued to vigorously stimulate the area, it
became increasingly painful. Meanwhile, he stubbornly stared
at Kwon Taek Joo, showing no signs of retracting his demand
for him to take the initiative.
“Ugh… Ugh…”
Within moments, his fingers were probing his buttock bone.
Touching the slick ridge with repetitive strokes, tracing
intricate creases before teasingly scratching at the small hole.
Kwon Taekjoo’s toes curled white. Even his reddened neck
displayed prominent veins.
“Ah… Ugh….”
Zhenya’s fingers, previously dancing at the entrance, plunged
deeper into the hole. Yet they didn’t push fully inside; instead,
they teased the entrance, widening it ever so slightly. No
matter how long he waited, they didn’t reach where he desired.
It felt utterly frustrating, with the pressure building up
relentlessly, yet nothing was being released.
Zhenya’s demeanor didn’t seem much different. Their body
temperature, now in close proximity, noticeably rose. Their
breathing, becoming ragged and labored, echoed in
succession. Broad shoulders rose and fell heavily, and the
abdominal muscles contracted and relaxed incessantly. Even
they showed signs of impatience amidst the discomfort.
His penis kept slipping in the gel. Each time it happened,
Kwon Taekjoo jumped in surprise. The hole, now completely
soaked and pliable, eagerly sucked in his penis with even the
lightest touch. It was just the heat of the flesh touching it, yet
Kwon Taekjoo’s penis twitches violently. He kept teasing, as if
he was going to insert his penis, but he never did. It felt like
his blood was drying up.
Zhenya stared at Kwon Taek Joo with a piercing gaze. It
seemed like they were daring him to plead. His throat felt
uncomfortably warm. No, it wasn’t just because of that. It was
the thought of just doing it all of a sudden that was wearing his
patience thin.
It was then. Kwon Taekjoo’s lower abdomen is subtly pressed
down. It was a movement so slight that it couldn’t be noticed
at once. With each descent, his cheeks flushed, and Zhenya’s
penis met his. Each time the red tip touched the withdrawn
hole, a groan escaped him. Even his thighs trembled with
subtle pleasure. His dilated pupils became somewhat cloudy,
and his wet cheeks turned rosy. A smirk of satisfaction spread
across Zhenya’s lips as they watched the scene unfold.
For a while, Zhenya pretended to ignore Kwon Taekjoo. As a
result, Kwon Taekjoo’s movements became bolder. Not
content with just teasing his lower abdomen, he started
rotating his hips while teasing Zhenya’s penis against his own
buttock bone.
After licking his lower lip and glancing around, Zhenya subtly
withdrew his hips.
As Kwon Taekjoo hesitated in confusion, Zhenya brought his
penis back as if nothing had happened. The red tip once again
hovered over the inviting hole. Immediately after, Kwon
Taekjoo’s lower abdomen descended further, attempting to
insert itself. But once again, Zhenya withdrew, frustrating
Kwon Taekjoo’s efforts.
Kwon Taekjoo shook his head irritably. He was reaching his
limit. His hands were still bound, and his lower body squirmed
as if it would be better to just cut it off. His lungs felt
constricted from the inability to breathe properly. If he
endured any longer, he would explode.
“F*ck… Do something, you bastard!”
Unable to bear it any longer, Kwon Taekjoo burst out. His
entire face turned crimson with anger. A sinister grin spread
across Zhenya’s face. One after another, his penis fiercely
penetrated the simmering hole.
His entire penis was thrust in one go. As his abdomen quickly
filled up, Kwon Taekjoo clenched his jaw. His straightened
shoulders and puffed-up chest revealed his strong resistance.
Zhenya gently stroked his trembling waist as if comforting
him, holding onto his erect nipples. There were no crocodile
tears shed here.
Since the entrance was already loosened and his penis was
coated in gel, insertion wasn’t much of a challenge. However,
the tightly clenched inner walls posed a problem, squeezing
his penis relentlessly. As he pushed in, the hardened skin was
pushed back.
“Heh… It seems you’re really going all out.”
Even though it would have been understandable to withdraw if
it was too difficult, he persisted with a furrowed brow. After
enjoying the tight constriction for a while, he gradually thrust
his hips forward. The soft membrane, which had been teased
and pulled out, was suddenly thrust back in, expanding the
inner walls. As the internal organs were pushed up, the arousal
surged. He clenched his teeth to suppress it.
When he opened his eyes, his legs were spread wide, and the
movements of the man between them were clearly etched in
his mind. Yet, closing his eyes only made the sensation of the
penetrating organ inside him more vivid.
He buried his face in the pillow, fearing that otherwise,
unwanted moans would spill out uncontrollably. It was still a
violent and gruesome act, even if he tried to distract himself
with something else. However, it didn’t seem as painful as it
did now. Therefore, he couldn’t understand himself any better.
Enduring such intense pain like this.
It was no different from Pavlov’s dog. Having received
excessive stimulation continuously, he had naturally become
accustomed to it. Despite his efforts to deceive himself
through self-pleasure, he couldn’t deceive his body when
faced with desire. Every time Zhenya’s organ penetrated deep
into his abdomen, he involuntarily trembled. The sharp and
intense stimulation caused the reins to loosen without mercy.
Their different skins rubbed against each other incessantly.
Zhenya bit Kwon Taekjoo’s neck while repeating deep thrusts.
The thick organ of the man pushed out, leaving only the glans,
then plunged back in all at once. While ruthlessly rummaging
inside, it gently stimulated the membrane. It felt as if his
insides were being shaped by the man’s organ.
In a moment when he was beginning to get used to this,
Zhenya suddenly pressed down on Kwon Taekjoo’s shoulder.
Then, he firmly lifted his waist from below to above. The
curved glans stubbornly explored a corner of the membrane.
He involuntarily trembled all over. For a moment, it felt like
stars were bursting before his eyes. The intense sensation
originating from his abdomen did not dissipate quickly but
continued to roam inside his body. He looked at Zhenya with a
skeptical gaze, wondering why that ‘perhaps’ didn’t stray even
He instinctively pinned Kwon Taekjoo down with his body to
prevent him from escaping. Then, he vigorously stimulated the
same area as before, repeatedly and relentlessly.
“Hah, ugh, ah, agh…!”
He trembled violently, releasing screams akin to shrieks. The
tingling sensation surged instantly to his head, making it
impossible to regain his senses. His whole body was engulfed
in a suffocating pleasure, unable to move as if pinned to a
His organ stubbornly targeted the same spot, causing a
sensation that wouldn’t be out of place even if it were
punctured. His entire body boiled with a tingling heat, as if his
pupils were about to melt.
“Guh… ugh, huh, ahh!”
His fingertips trembled as if about to count the stars. His throat
felt dry from exhaling rapidly, and his head swam from
hyperventilation. Just then, he lowered his head, intertwining
their lips. Along with the hot breath, warm saliva flowed in.
He sucked on his tongue as if encountering an oasis in the
Mixing their tongues wildly, he pulled him closer. Their
sweaty bodies intertwined, trembling as one. The intense
stimuli from top and bottom gradually blurred his senses.
Suddenly, he lifted Kwon Taekjoo’s legs onto his shoulders.
Then, he kneeled down, moving faster and more vigorously.
The man’s rock-like glans pierced his prostate, causing it to
completely surrender and convulse. It felt like his groin was
about to burst.
As the climax approached, his whole body convulsed. Tension
stiffened in his thighs, while his abdomen quivered, sending
waves of heat through his fragile organ. His eyelids
intermittently closed and opened, until suddenly, his vision
turned white.
He roared like a beast, swelling his entire body. His hair stood
on end. Simultaneously, the pent-up desire inside him erupted
like a geyser. The thick semen splattered all over his abdomen.
“Ugh, hah… hah….”
His lips gasped for air, exhaling rough breaths. His sweat-
soaked chest and abdomen heaved heavily. A refreshing sense
of relief from the stifling sensation and a thick sense of
liberation rushed over him all at once. His entire body felt
sticky and slippery, uncomfortably so.
He tightly shut his trembling eyelids before opening them
again. Finally, his vision focused amidst the swaying. The
motel ceiling, which he hadn’t properly seen until now, came
into view. So that’s what the light fixture looked like. With this
realization, a sense of reality returned.
Or so he thought. What made Kwon Taekjoo feel even heavier
was the pressure on his lungs from the man still covering his
body. He tried to push him away, to no avail.
However, Kwon Taekjoo remained motionless. He didn’t
move aside, nor did he shift the organ he had inserted into
him. Something was off. He stared at him with a puzzled
What caught his attention was the dampness of the man’s
shoulder, moistened by waves. His hands were sticky with a
significant amount of blood. It had flowed from the unhealed
He pushed harder to push Zhenya away. His body slumped to
the side. His eyelids, closed tightly, seemed devoid of
consciousness. Sweat dripped profusely on his pale, lifeless
face. His labored breathing sounded frail. He shook him,
calling out, but there was no response. He even slapped his
cheek, but there was no reaction. It felt like shock from
excessive blood loss.
Despite the situation, the man’s member remained inside him.
He slowly withdrew his body. As the fully inserted flesh was
pulled out, a low moan escaped him. The once tight space
suddenly felt empty, sending shivers down his spine.
He descended slowly to the floor. The bedsheet was stained
with the man’s blood. He stepped back, lost in thought.
Indeed, it was an undeniably perplexing situation.
However, if he were to think rationally, it was actually to
Kwon Taekjoo’s advantage. He held onto him as the situation
became urgent, but if there had been another option, he
wouldn’t have done so. He didn’t want to get entangled with
him again. There was absolutely no intention of returning to
such a dysfunctional relationship.
The disaster, in the form of Zhenya, had lost consciousness. If
he were to run away now, he might be able to outmaneuver
him. While he was unconscious, he could go back to the
hospital, take his mother, and flee… Just thinking about it
made his heart race.
He finally made up his mind. He slowly put on his clothes
strewn on the floor, one by one. He felt sorry for Zhenya, but
for now, he had to think about his own survival. The sudden
intrusion by Zhenya was completely unexpected. He couldn’t
predict how this variable would disrupt his plans. Furthermore,
he had no desire to incriminate himself by collaborating with
Zhenya’s injury itself wasn’t that serious. It was merely due to
excessive bleeding from not being properly treated and
moving violently. So there was no need for Zhenya to become
more agitated just because he disappeared. Even in an
unmanned motel, there would still be a manager, so he would
be discovered before becoming a corpse. With that thought, he
let go of any guilt he felt.
It was just as he was about to turn around. Zhenya’s voice
came from behind him. Startled, he turned his head. Zhenya’s
eyes were still tightly closed. It seemed like he was muttering
in his unconscious state.
Thankfully, he could leave without any further worry. But his
feet seemed rooted to the ground, refusing to move. Perhaps
his sympathy and conscience were not as lacking as he
thought. Moreover, Zhenya wasn’t an innocent person, having
caused him endless trouble. Yet, seeing him get unnecessarily
involved and suffering injuries because of him made him feel
strangely uncomfortable.
He shook his head irritably. Such worthless emotions. He
couldn’t even imagine what would happen next. If he couldn’t
handle it, it was better to forget about it.
He walked briskly to the door. Grabbing the handle, he
stepped outside. Then, once again, a low murmur reached his
Somehow, he felt confident. Surely, the man hadn’t even
called his own mother so tenderly. That single unexpectedness
caused a strong ripple within Kwon Taekjoo.
His heart pounded wildly, seemingly out of control. Irritably,
he furrowed his brow. His disheveled hair added to the
frustration. An unexpected sense of guilt surged within his
shameless conscience. He just wanted to ignore it all and go,
but his legs refused to move.
Why should he feel guilt towards such a monstrous creature?
Despite repeatedly questioning himself, no satisfactory answer
He stood in front of the door for a while, indecisive. He
grasped and released the handle several times. Inside, his
reason and conscience fiercely clashed. The intense struggle
tangled his thoughts. In a fit of frustration, he banged his head
and shouted:
“For God’s sake, just turn around!”
He closed the door. Kwon Taekjoo was inside, not outside.
Yet, doubts continued to echo in his mind.
With trembling steps, he approached the table. There, he saw
the overturned first-aid kit. Pushing aside the scattered
medications, he found the powdered hemostatic agent.
Taking it in hand, he looked at the bed. Since he had already
made up his mind, it should have been better to deal with it
quickly, but he hesitated. Climbing onto it himself might result
in his feeble identity being uprooted. Vague as it was, there
seemed to be no other way to explain it.
However, hesitation didn’t last long. As Kwon Taekjoo’s
weight shifted, the mattress tilted to one side. Zhenya’s face,
glimpsed briefly, was drenched in sweat. His breath was
labored. With a low curse, Zhenya sprinkled the hemostatic
agent generously. Then, he applied gauze and firmly secured it
with a bandage.
Even after finishing his task, he remained in place. With
closed eyes, Zhenya seemed quite intact himself. Well, his face
had been handsome from the start. It was the unusual gaze and
physique that made that impression somewhat dim. There’s a
saying that good-looking things are good to eat. Who was the
fool who said that? He wanted to drag that idiot in front of this
guy and ask what happened.
Even in the darkness, his golden-tinged ivory hair faintly
glowed. Without realizing it, Kwon Taekjoo reached out his
hand. Then, abruptly, he stopped. He looked down at his hand
with surprise. Laughter burst out of him at the absurdity.
Crazy, really.
Now it seemed impossible to ignore. The reason Zhenya, who
should have been in Russia, came to Korea, and why he ended
up bleeding from a blind bullet, was none other than Kwon
Taekjoo himself.
“Don’t worry. ‘For now,’ I’m safe. Oh, this phone? I borrowed
someone else’s for a moment.”
A familiar voice sounded in his dim consciousness. He
reluctantly lifted his heavy eyelids. Through the gradually
widening field of vision, he saw Kwon Taekjoo’s back. It
seemed like he was on the phone with someone.
It seemed like his consciousness had been interrupted for quite
a while. He couldn’t remember why he was lying down like
this. He recalled the events of the previous night. He had
pushed Kwon Taekjoo to the limit, restraining his surging
desires while waiting for him to make the first move. When he
finally achieved what he wanted, it felt like every drop of
bodily fluid evaporated instantly.
But everything after that was blurry. Suddenly, he looked
down at the bandage on his shoulder. Since he hadn’t applied
it himself, it must have been Kwon Taekjoo’s handiwork.
Why didn’t he run away? If he had the will, he could have
easily escaped and still had plenty of time left. So why did
Kwon Taekjoo stay here?
Doubting whether what he saw was real, he reached out his
hand. His fingertips lightly brushed against Kwon Taekjoo’s
straight back. There was a fleeting moment of hesitation
before he glanced back. Their eyes met without a word. Kwon
Taekjoo continued his call in that state.
“Anyway, please take care of everything until the end. I’ll deal
with it later. Good work.”
He quickly ended the call, tossing the phone and saying he had
used it for a moment. Checking the call history, he noticed a
quite familiar number. It was Yoon Jongwoo’s phone number.
He turned on the TV on a whim to see what had been
The TV was airing the news. It seemed like they were re-
broadcasting the news from last night. The topic was none
other than the chase that took place in broad daylight in
downtown Seoul.
The content didn’t surprise Kwon Taekjoo. It included the
existing charges of impersonating a lawyer, attempted murder
of Lee Cheoljin, obstruction of justice and damage to public
property, and even added charges of injuring police officers
who were attempting to arrest him. It felt like the charges were
multiplying every time he woke up from a nap.
Given the extensive coverage, all investigators were likely to
be on high alert. If he went out recklessly, he would be caught
immediately. It hadn’t been confirmed yet whether the
evidence sent from the photo studio had reached Prosecutor
Seok. He had just asked Yoon Jongwoo to go to the photo
studio and remind Prosecutor Seok. But not doing it himself
made him anxious.
He had to hold out until Prosecutor Seok safely received the
photos and obtained the warrant. If, by any chance, the photos
vanished, he would have to personally deliver the originals he
As he pondered the complex countermeasures, he suddenly
heard a metallic noise. Turning his head, he saw Zhenya, who
had suddenly stood up, twisting his handcuffed wrists. Their
eyes met, showing discomfort at the unexpected encounter.
“This isn’t fun, is it?”
“If it’s fun, where’s the negotiation? I’m going to try
threatening you a bit now. If you agree to obey me, I’ll let you
“Let’s hear what you have to say.”
Ridiculous, he smirked. Kwon Taekjoo made it clear that there
was no room for negotiation.
“Just say you’ll do it. That’s the only way I’ll talk.”
“What ridiculous request do you have in mind?”
“It’s not a request, it’s a threat, kid.”
He furrowed his brow menacingly, but didn’t seem afraid at
all. Instead, he seemed to be mocking him subtly. It was a
calculated sneer.
“Taekjoo. Don’t you think offering a deal rather than
threatening me would be more beneficial? Think about the
He advised sternly. Although he was clearly smiling, the
feeling was far from comfortable. It seemed like the threat was
turning back on him. The way he was being treated had
changed, but he himself didn’t seem to have changed.
What if it’s a threat, what if it’s a proposition? The words were
essentially the same. He shrugged and explained somewhat
“It seems like the car is about to be scrapped unfairly, so I’m
thinking of arranging a traffic accident to see if that helps. I
need your help. So, will you assist me?”
“But that’s your personal problem. I have no right to
“If it’s a matter of right, then I do have one.”
Self-assuredly, he lifted his chin slightly, directing a gaze of
unwavering confidence towards Zhenya. Though Zhenya
queried an eyebrow as if questioning what he meant, he dared
to be certain. The fact that his life remained intact thus far was
evidence enough.
“You should show some respect to me.”
Zhenya’s brow furrowed unmistakably, but it was only for a
moment before he flashed a cool smile. It seemed he
understood the implication perfectly.
Taking advantage of the moment, he retrieved a memory card
and placed it in front of Zhenya.
“The reason I’m being pursued is there. I hope you’ll hand it
over to the prosecutor in charge of the case. It won’t be easy.
By now, the police are probably everywhere. There might even
be orders for my assassination. Despite how timid it may
seem, if you mess with their interests, the Republic of Korea
can get aggressive. That’s why I need your help even more. I’ll
divert attention, so please pass it along during that window.”
His plea carried a tone of sincerity. Zhenya’s expression was
reluctant. Kwon Taekjoo’s plan couldn’t even guarantee his
own safety. There seemed to be no other way, and he appealed
to Zhenya once again.
“It has to be the original, so you have to deliver it. No matter
how I think about it, in the current situation, that seems to be
the only way. I may not know about others, but if it’s you, the
monster, I can trust you. Please.”
The notion of trust was all there was left to say. Zhenya wasn’t
entirely unaware of Kwon Taekjoo’s situation or the
circumstances at play.
He obediently took the memory card in his hand. Then, he
shook it gently as he protested.
“Isn’t it customary to pay for the services of a mercenary?”
Kwon Taekjoo smirked as if he had anticipated Zhenya’s
“Whatever. If this ends smoothly, I might consider being
generous. It could be quite amusing to try and tame you.”
“Who’s taming who?”
Zhenya’s face contorted as if he had heard something absurd.
Kindly, he added an explanation.
“Regardless of where I go, they’ll come after me. Running
away is getting old. To give up on that nonsense, I’ll need to
be somewhat realistic and compromise. So, I’ll stick around
with you. It might not be pleasant right away, but I’ll make
you somewhat decent.”
For a moment, Zhenya’s expression went blank. It was as if he
had been struck on the back of the head.
Kwon Taekjoo’s blue eyes held nothing but him. Rarely did he
smile while looking at him, but he didn’t seem to be babbling
nonsense. Yet, it couldn’t be concluded that this was Kwon
Taekjoo’s true intention. Unless it was a last resort.
Leaning back, Zhenya flicked his finger towards Kwon
“Your credit is zero, so I’ll need collateral first.”
A heavenly salesman. He complied with the demand and got
onto the bed. The distance was close enough that reaching out
would bring them together. Zhenya, who had been quietly
observing Kwon Taekjoo, suddenly wrapped his arms around
his back. Then, their lips met somewhat roughly.
Zhenya’s forehead furrowed as he explored Kwon Taekjoo’s
lips. There was an inexplicable sense of tenderness. Despite
his eager movements, his upper lip hesitated before finally
releasing, showing a carefulness. Zhenya watched the
unfamiliar figure for a moment before closing his eyes and
letting himself be led by a strong force. As his heart raced
once again, there was no turning back once the die was cast.
Ch66 - Checkmate (3)
Translated by: Noah
A state of emergency was declared at NIS headquarters when
they found out that Kwon Taekjoo had snuck into the hospital.
This caused a big commotion, especially because the chase
was happening in the city center, where lots of media were
gathered. People got upset because despite all the chaos, Kwon
Taekjoo managed to disappear, even though the traffic was
jammed, and innocent people got hurt.
Things got even more hectic when Rhee Chuljin, who was
arrested for a serious crime and waiting for her trial, got
mysteriously poisoned. This made everyone even more
agitated. That’s why they’re so determined to catch Kwon
Taekjoo. Someone needs to be held responsible for all this
The situation was so serious that Lim, who was at the hospital
getting treatment, rushed to the headquarters. He hadn’t even
gone home since last night and was getting updates every
minute. But despite all the efforts, they couldn’t find Kwon
Taekjoo anywhere.
However, there was a bit of a silver lining. Thanks to a guy
named Psikh Bogdanov unexpectedly showing up, Kwon
Taekjoo got some help to escape. But this also made people
suspect that there was some kind of shady deal going on
between them. It’s possible that Kwon Taek-joo’s reputation
took a hit because of this.
Despite the chaos, everything went according to plan, except
for one thing. They just needed to get their hands on
something important to complete their goals. The only
problem? They’re running out of time.
Then there was a knock, and an employee entered the office.
He had been tasked with tracking Yoon Jong-woo’s cell phone
usage in real-time. The first deputy chief, who was present,
couldn’t conceal his nervousness and asked what had
“A moment ago, I traced a call on Yoon Jong-woo’s cell
phone,” the employee reported.
“Have you checked the sender?” the first deputy chief
“Yes, it was in the name of a Russian named Yevgeny
Vissarionovich Bogdanov,” the employee confirmed.
“Where’s the phone located?” the first deputy chief queried.
“It has been confirmed to be near Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi-do,”
the employee replied.
“Alright,” the first deputy chief clenched his fist, and Director
Lim also nodded politely. Now was the time to act. The
necessary ingredients were ready; they just needed to execute
the plan smoothly.
Awaiting further instructions, the employee politely informed
the staff, “Immediately send an official letter of cooperation to
the local police station. Have our elite agents also prepare.”
“How will you manage it?” someone asked.
“I’m in charge,” Lim asserted.
The employees looked puzzled. Typically, managers and
executives stay in the control room, providing instructions
rather than going out into the field. However, knowing that
Lim was a former agent, it made sense. Yet, they wanted to
ensure they heard correctly.
“Are you going alone?” another employee questioned.
“I’ll go. After all, he’s mine, so shouldn’t I also be the one to
capture him?” Lim replied determinedly.
“Then I’ll go too,” the first conductor who was listening piped
up. Wondering about the unusual situation, he agreed to
prepare as instructed.
“One more thing before that. Is Support Team Yoon Jong-woo
on duty?” Lim asked.
“No, he’s not,” came the response.
“Is he at home?”
“Yeah, he was seen leaving early this morning.”
Lim rubbed his lower jaw, deep in thought. Yoon Jong-woo
had disappeared shortly after being contacted by Kwon Taek-
joo. He must have received some instructions. Knowing Kwon
Taek-joo well from their time together, Lim was certain that
Yoon Jong-woo wouldn’t let things end smoothly if caught.
His visit to Rhee Chuljin before disappearing further troubled
Lim’s thoughts.
“Then find out where Yoon Jong-woo is and ensure his safety
until he reveals the truth,” Lim instructed.
“Alright,” the staff replied, politely bidding goodbye and
leaving. There was no further conversation between the two
until the staff member’s presence disappeared entirely.
“Now we have to bring this to an end,” Lim remarked.
“If this ends peacefully, it’s all thanks to you. I’ll never forget
it,” the first conductor expressed gratitude.
Lim chuckled silently at the initial public inspection. Shortly
after, he stood up and unlocked a drawer containing a
disassembled rifle. Quickly assembling it, he aimed the
finished rifle into the air. The eyes that looked through the
sights were determined.
“Are you sure you sent it yesterday?” Yoon Jong-woo asked,
holding the front door about to close, seeking confirmation
again. He had disrupted his sleep plans by showing up out of
nowhere. He had left only an emergency contact number at the
photo studio, yet he somehow knew his home address. With a
sigh, he pulled the front door open.
“Ah, yes! Because it’s nearing the holidays, he mentioned that
most of the photos would be sent out. Even though he said he
couldn’t leave them since they were photos entrusted to him?”
“Then sir, could you please tell me about the courier service
you use? Usually, deliveries arrive within a day, right?”
“I use the Chollima courier service. And the delivery date
should be confirmed directly with the courier, not me. Is that
“Let’s go now,” the photo studio owner said, pushing Yoon
Jong-u out. The front door slammed shut in front of his nose.
Jongwoo couldn’t even find out the invoice number. He
thought about ringing the doorbell once more because he
couldn’t stand it, but if he did, he feared the shop owner would
call the police. Jongwoo walked away without hesitation.
As he walked down the street, Jongwoo took out his phone.
There had been no further contact from Kwon Taek-joo.
Jongwoo had seen him on the news last night and was so
shocked that he couldn’t sleep, hence why he didn’t go to
work today. Now, if Kwon Taek-joo was really caught, Yoon
Jong-woo himself would become a suspect.
He sighed deeply. Now that it had come to this point, there
was nothing more he could do. He could only hope that
everything would work out.
Jongwoo searched online for the Chollima Courier. Without an
invoice number, he couldn’t track the delivery status. He had
no choice but to call the main number. After a while, he
connected with a courier agent.
“Yes, this is Chollima courier service.”
“I have a question. This is 1724 Seocho-dong. The package I
was supposed to receive yesterday didn’t arrive.”
“Do you have the invoice number?”
“No, unfortunately… The shipping company mentioned today
was a holiday, so they didn’t answer the phone. Will it be
difficult to find the sender and information?”
“Could you provide me with the sender and recipient
information?” he asked, this time reading out the details Kwon
Taek-joo had given him. “Thank you.”
“Customer, when I search, can I confirm that the package has
arrived in the destination area? We will provide you with the
responsible driver’s contact information. Can you try
contacting them?”
Jongwoo noted down the contact number provided to him
immediately. Kwon Taek-joo had emphasized that the photo
would serve as conclusive evidence. If that was true, it should
have been safely delivered to Prosecutor Seak before his
arrest. Due to the uncertainties of courier services, Jongwoo
couldn’t be certain about the exact arrival time or whether the
delivery would be successful, leaving him feeling anxious.
He attempted to contact the courier driver. After what felt like
an eternity, his signature ringtone echoed, raising his hopes.
However, all he received was a voicemail stating that the
driver couldn’t answer the phone.
“…It’s driving me crazy. Why won’t they pick it up?”
Jongwoo muttered to himself, his impatience growing. Perhaps
the driver was occupied with work and unable to answer, but
Jongwoo’s mind raced with negative possibilities. Concerns
about the package getting lost or stolen along the way lingered
in his thoughts.
He tried calling again, but once more, he was met with an
endless ringing tone. Wondering if there was an issue with his
phone, Jongwoo turned around, startled, as he heard his name
being called. Two men dressed in black suits stood before him.
Intuitively, he sensed that they were agents sent by Director
Lim from the headquarters.
As Jong-woo’s cell phone slipped from his hand and fell to the
ground, the notification chimed again, indicating that the
customer couldn’t be reached.
Meanwhile, after leaving the motel, Kwon Taek-joo ascended
to the rooftop of a shopping center. Surrounded by buildings of
similar height, the city below resembled a maze of narrow
alleys leading to the main roads. Sirens blared in the distance,
and plainclothes policemen began to emerge, likely tracing
Jong-woo’s cell phone records and investigating the area’s
base stations. From now on, Kwon Taek-joo had to act as bait,
drawing their attention away.
Kwon Taek-joo retrieved the Colt from his belt and aimed at
the investigation vehicle equipped with warning lights. Thanks
to the silencer, the gunshots went unheard, but the bullets
struck the vehicle’s hood, immediately drawing attention.
Nearby detectives took cover and scanned for the source of the
gunfire. Soon, one signaled toward the rooftop.
“He’s up there!”
Detectives and police officers scattered and rushed toward the
building where Kwon Taek-joo was positioned. He swiftly
ascended the stairs and reached the roof.
They all aimed their weapons at Kwon Taek-joo, who didn’t
hesitate to flee, pushing a chair aside. The police watched in
disbelief as he made a dash towards the fence. They warned
him to stop, but pulling the trigger prematurely risked causing
unintended harm. Kwon Taek-joo, sprinting at full speed,
seemed intent on jumping over the fence, perhaps aiming for a
fatal fall. Without hesitation, his body plummeted over the
However, to the astonishment of the officers, Kwon Taek-joo
wasn’t on the ground but in the adjacent building. He quickly
got up and ran, ensuring no one was injured. Despite the police
opening fire, both blank and live bullets missed him,
embedding themselves in the wall instead. Meanwhile, Kwon
Taek-joo traversed from rooftop to rooftop once again.
“He’s over there!”
Personnel on the ground spotted him and shouted, prompting a
police pursuit from all directions. A patrol car trailed behind,
broadcasting its location over the radio repeatedly.
Given the densely populated area with shops and residences,
police couldn’t recklessly fire, prioritizing citizen safety even
in pursuit of dangerous criminals. With media attention high
and public trust in authorities low, they had to be cautious.
Exploiting this, Kwon Taek-joo skillfully navigated the
settlement, evading capture.
As detectives closed in, Kwon Taek-joo leaped off a 3-meter-
high rock wall and dashed through a gap barely 15 cm wide,
evading capture effortlessly. His agility defied belief, earning
him the moniker “cheetah man.”
“Target spotted. Heading west, heading west.”
Kwon Taek-joo listened to the radio as he ran, suddenly
hearing the roar of an engine. A car screeched to a halt,
catching the attention of a detective. Although the driver’s
identity wasn’t discernible due to the speed, the sequence of
patrol cars following behind indicated it was Kwon Taek-joo.
Detectives hastily boarded the investigation vehicle. With a
support team ready for roadblocks, apprehending him was
only a matter of time now.
Ch66 - Checkmate (3)
Translated by: Noah
A state of emergency was declared at NIS headquarters when
they found out that Kwon Taekjoo had snuck into the hospital.
This caused a big commotion, especially because the chase
was happening in the city center, where lots of media were
gathered. People got upset because despite all the chaos, Kwon
Taekjoo managed to disappear, even though the traffic was
jammed, and innocent people got hurt.
Things got even more hectic when Rhee Chuljin, who was
arrested for a serious crime and waiting for her trial, got
mysteriously poisoned. This made everyone even more
agitated. That’s why they’re so determined to catch Kwon
Taekjoo. Someone needs to be held responsible for all this
The situation was so serious that Lim, who was at the hospital
getting treatment, rushed to the headquarters. He hadn’t even
gone home since last night and was getting updates every
minute. But despite all the efforts, they couldn’t find Kwon
Taekjoo anywhere.
However, there was a bit of a silver lining. Thanks to a guy
named Psikh Bogdanov unexpectedly showing up, Kwon
Taekjoo got some help to escape. But this also made people
suspect that there was some kind of shady deal going on
between them. It’s possible that Kwon Taek-joo’s reputation
took a hit because of this.
Despite the chaos, everything went according to plan, except
for one thing. They just needed to get their hands on
something important to complete their goals. The only
problem? They’re running out of time.
Then there was a knock, and an employee entered the office.
He had been tasked with tracking Yoon Jong-woo’s cell phone
usage in real-time. The first deputy chief, who was present,
couldn’t conceal his nervousness and asked what had
“A moment ago, I traced a call on Yoon Jong-woo’s cell
phone,” the employee reported.
“Have you checked the sender?” the first deputy chief
“Yes, it was in the name of a Russian named Yevgeny
Vissarionovich Bogdanov,” the employee confirmed.
“Where’s the phone located?” the first deputy chief queried.
“It has been confirmed to be near Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi-do,”
the employee replied.
“Alright,” the first deputy chief clenched his fist, and Director
Lim also nodded politely. Now was the time to act. The
necessary ingredients were ready; they just needed to execute
the plan smoothly.
Awaiting further instructions, the employee politely informed
the staff, “Immediately send an official letter of cooperation to
the local police station. Have our elite agents also prepare.”
“How will you manage it?” someone asked.
“I’m in charge,” Lim asserted.
The employees looked puzzled. Typically, managers and
executives stay in the control room, providing instructions
rather than going out into the field. However, knowing that
Lim was a former agent, it made sense. Yet, they wanted to
ensure they heard correctly.
“Are you going alone?” another employee questioned.
“I’ll go. After all, he’s mine, so shouldn’t I also be the one to
capture him?” Lim replied determinedly.
“Then I’ll go too,” the first conductor who was listening piped
up. Wondering about the unusual situation, he agreed to
prepare as instructed.
“One more thing before that. Is Support Team Yoon Jong-woo
on duty?” Lim asked.
“No, he’s not,” came the response.
“Is he at home?”
“Yeah, he was seen leaving early this morning.”
Lim rubbed his lower jaw, deep in thought. Yoon Jong-woo
had disappeared shortly after being contacted by Kwon Taek-
joo. He must have received some instructions. Knowing Kwon
Taek-joo well from their time together, Lim was certain that
Yoon Jong-woo wouldn’t let things end smoothly if caught.
His visit to Rhee Chuljin before disappearing further troubled
Lim’s thoughts.
“Then find out where Yoon Jong-woo is and ensure his safety
until he reveals the truth,” Lim instructed.
“Alright,” the staff replied, politely bidding goodbye and
leaving. There was no further conversation between the two
until the staff member’s presence disappeared entirely.
“Now we have to bring this to an end,” Lim remarked.
“If this ends peacefully, it’s all thanks to you. I’ll never forget
it,” the first conductor expressed gratitude.
Lim chuckled silently at the initial public inspection. Shortly
after, he stood up and unlocked a drawer containing a
disassembled rifle. Quickly assembling it, he aimed the
finished rifle into the air. The eyes that looked through the
sights were determined.
“Are you sure you sent it yesterday?” Yoon Jong-woo asked,
holding the front door about to close, seeking confirmation
again. He had disrupted his sleep plans by showing up out of
nowhere. He had left only an emergency contact number at the
photo studio, yet he somehow knew his home address. With a
sigh, he pulled the front door open.
“Ah, yes! Because it’s nearing the holidays, he mentioned that
most of the photos would be sent out. Even though he said he
couldn’t leave them since they were photos entrusted to him?”
“Then sir, could you please tell me about the courier service
you use? Usually, deliveries arrive within a day, right?”
“I use the Chollima courier service. And the delivery date
should be confirmed directly with the courier, not me. Is that
“Let’s go now,” the photo studio owner said, pushing Yoon
Jong-u out. The front door slammed shut in front of his nose.
Jongwoo couldn’t even find out the invoice number. He
thought about ringing the doorbell once more because he
couldn’t stand it, but if he did, he feared the shop owner would
call the police. Jongwoo walked away without hesitation.
As he walked down the street, Jongwoo took out his phone.
There had been no further contact from Kwon Taek-joo.
Jongwoo had seen him on the news last night and was so
shocked that he couldn’t sleep, hence why he didn’t go to
work today. Now, if Kwon Taek-joo was really caught, Yoon
Jong-woo himself would become a suspect.
He sighed deeply. Now that it had come to this point, there
was nothing more he could do. He could only hope that
everything would work out.
Jongwoo searched online for the Chollima Courier. Without an
invoice number, he couldn’t track the delivery status. He had
no choice but to call the main number. After a while, he
connected with a courier agent.
“Yes, this is Chollima courier service.”
“I have a question. This is 1724 Seocho-dong. The package I
was supposed to receive yesterday didn’t arrive.”
“Do you have the invoice number?”
“No, unfortunately… The shipping company mentioned today
was a holiday, so they didn’t answer the phone. Will it be
difficult to find the sender and information?”
“Could you provide me with the sender and recipient
information?” he asked, this time reading out the details Kwon
Taek-joo had given him. “Thank you.”
“Customer, when I search, can I confirm that the package has
arrived in the destination area? We will provide you with the
responsible driver’s contact information. Can you try
contacting them?”
Jongwoo noted down the contact number provided to him
immediately. Kwon Taek-joo had emphasized that the photo
would serve as conclusive evidence. If that was true, it should
have been safely delivered to Prosecutor Seak before his
arrest. Due to the uncertainties of courier services, Jongwoo
couldn’t be certain about the exact arrival time or whether the
delivery would be successful, leaving him feeling anxious.
He attempted to contact the courier driver. After what felt like
an eternity, his signature ringtone echoed, raising his hopes.
However, all he received was a voicemail stating that the
driver couldn’t answer the phone.
“…It’s driving me crazy. Why won’t they pick it up?”
Jongwoo muttered to himself, his impatience growing. Perhaps
the driver was occupied with work and unable to answer, but
Jongwoo’s mind raced with negative possibilities. Concerns
about the package getting lost or stolen along the way lingered
in his thoughts.
He tried calling again, but once more, he was met with an
endless ringing tone. Wondering if there was an issue with his
phone, Jongwoo turned around, startled, as he heard his name
being called. Two men dressed in black suits stood before him.
Intuitively, he sensed that they were agents sent by Director
Lim from the headquarters.
As Jong-woo’s cell phone slipped from his hand and fell to the
ground, the notification chimed again, indicating that the
customer couldn’t be reached.
Meanwhile, after leaving the motel, Kwon Taek-joo ascended
to the rooftop of a shopping center. Surrounded by buildings of
similar height, the city below resembled a maze of narrow
alleys leading to the main roads. Sirens blared in the distance,
and plainclothes policemen began to emerge, likely tracing
Jong-woo’s cell phone records and investigating the area’s
base stations. From now on, Kwon Taek-joo had to act as bait,
drawing their attention away.
Kwon Taek-joo retrieved the Colt from his belt and aimed at
the investigation vehicle equipped with warning lights. Thanks
to the silencer, the gunshots went unheard, but the bullets
struck the vehicle’s hood, immediately drawing attention.
Nearby detectives took cover and scanned for the source of the
gunfire. Soon, one signaled toward the rooftop.
“He’s up there!”
Detectives and police officers scattered and rushed toward the
building where Kwon Taek-joo was positioned. He swiftly
ascended the stairs and reached the roof.
They all aimed their weapons at Kwon Taek-joo, who didn’t
hesitate to flee, pushing a chair aside. The police watched in
disbelief as he made a dash towards the fence. They warned
him to stop, but pulling the trigger prematurely risked causing
unintended harm. Kwon Taek-joo, sprinting at full speed,
seemed intent on jumping over the fence, perhaps aiming for a
fatal fall. Without hesitation, his body plummeted over the
However, to the astonishment of the officers, Kwon Taek-joo
wasn’t on the ground but in the adjacent building. He quickly
got up and ran, ensuring no one was injured. Despite the police
opening fire, both blank and live bullets missed him,
embedding themselves in the wall instead. Meanwhile, Kwon
Taek-joo traversed from rooftop to rooftop once again.
“He’s over there!”
Personnel on the ground spotted him and shouted, prompting a
police pursuit from all directions. A patrol car trailed behind,
broadcasting its location over the radio repeatedly.
Given the densely populated area with shops and residences,
police couldn’t recklessly fire, prioritizing citizen safety even
in pursuit of dangerous criminals. With media attention high
and public trust in authorities low, they had to be cautious.
Exploiting this, Kwon Taek-joo skillfully navigated the
settlement, evading capture.
As detectives closed in, Kwon Taek-joo leaped off a 3-meter-
high rock wall and dashed through a gap barely 15 cm wide,
evading capture effortlessly. His agility defied belief, earning
him the moniker “cheetah man.”
“Target spotted. Heading west, heading west.”
Kwon Taek-joo listened to the radio as he ran, suddenly
hearing the roar of an engine. A car screeched to a halt,
catching the attention of a detective. Although the driver’s
identity wasn’t discernible due to the speed, the sequence of
patrol cars following behind indicated it was Kwon Taek-joo.
Detectives hastily boarded the investigation vehicle. With a
support team ready for roadblocks, apprehending him was
only a matter of time now.

Ch67 - Checkmate (4)

Translated by: Noah
In a quiet residential neighborhood, the sharp sirens of the
federal police pierced the air. Behind the wheel, Kwon
Taekjoo maneuvered his vehicle with unfettered control,
maintaining high speeds even on narrow streets.
How far had he gone? As the gate of a small residential
complex swung open, a man emerged, seemingly about to
dispose of garbage. Startled by the sudden commotion, he
turned just in time to see Kwon Taekjoo’s car hurtling towards
him, prompting him to scream in terror.
With a swift turn of the steering wheel, the car pressed tightly
against the adjacent wall, shattering its side mirror and
adhering completely to the wall surface. This fortunate
maneuver allowed the man to escape unharmed, barely
avoiding being crushed against the wall.
The patrol cars trailing behind hesitated, unable to avoid the
man in time, coming to a halt. As police officers rushed out to
escort the man to safety, Kwontekju smoothly navigated his
way out of the narrow alleyway.
Descending down a hill onto a main road, he was joined by
backup units waiting nearby. When patrol cars attempted to
block his path, Kwon Taekjoo boldly crossed the centerline,
resorting to reckless driving to evade pursuit. Fortunately, the
road had been cleared, with no other vehicles in sight.
Suddenly, the sound of helicopter blades filled the air. A
military chopper appeared overhead, with a sniper taking aim
from above. They were prepared to resort to lethal force for a
swift apprehension. Meanwhile, pursuit vehicles continued to
obstruct Kwon Taekjoo’s progress.
As one car attempted to ram Kwon Taekjoo’s vehicle from
behind, his car spun out in a tight circle, leaving thick skid
marks on the road surface. Despite the pursuers’ frantic
attempts to brake, a collision was inevitable. Even the
approaching investigation vehicles were forced to come to a
sudden stop.
In the end, reckless driving led to a series of accidents, with
multiple patrol cars colliding in pursuit of Kwon Taekjoo.
Between the tangled mess of vehicles, smoke billowed up,
obscuring any visibility of where Kwon Taekjoo might be
inside. As patrol cars arrived one after another, the area
became a veritable fortress of law enforcement vehicles,
surrounding the scene like a barricade, turning the area into a
graveyard of cars.
Soon, doors of the vehicles swung open, and armed police
officers emerged cautiously, taking cover behind open doors in
anticipation of potential gunfire. They observed the quiet
demeanor of Kwon Taekjoo’s vehicle, with only the muzzle of
a gun visible, alert and ready.
At that moment, a black sedan pulled up to the scene. Inside
were Director Im and Deputy Chief Kim. Stepping out of the
car, Director Lim identified himself to the police officers
attempting to block access. Afterward, he called for the person
in charge of the scene and was handed a megaphone.
“You’re completely surrounded. Drop your weapons and
surrender peacefully,” Director Lim’s voice resonated through
the previously silent street, amidst the blaring sirens. Yet, there
was still no movement from Kwon Taekjoo’s vehicle.
Onlookers, restricted from approaching, and bystanders from
nearby buildings watched the situation unfold, their phones
held up to capture the scene.
“Let me warn you again. Come out with your hands up, and
your life will be spared,” Director Lim issued a stern warning,
reminiscent of lines from a movie. Despite efforts by the
police to prevent it, bystanders continued to capture photos
and videos, which would inevitably spread across social
Then it happened. The driver’s side door of Kwon Taekjoo’s
car, which had remained closed all this time, suddenly swung
open. Finally revealing himself, the driver stepped onto the
hood of the vehicle, wearing a mask resembling that of a
character from a children’s story. Amidst the surprised gazes
of onlookers, Director Im was the only one who recognized
him as Kwontekju.
Amidst the tangled vehicles, Kwon Taekjoo slowly raised his
arms into the air. Detectives and police officers gathered at the
scene immediately aimed their firearms. Each of Kwon
Taekjoo’s cautious movements stirred the tension in the air.
Another moment of silence ensued. Everyone held their
breath, waiting for the instructions from Director Lim, who
held the megaphone. If they could just arrest Kwontekju,
everything would be over. However, Director Lim remained
silent, his eyes scanning the area, searching for someone.
Since Kwon Taekjoo’s exposure, there had been no reports of
anyone moving in with him. Even now, he was alone. Where
was Psikh Bogdanov? Wasn’t he supposed to be with him?
Could Kwon Taekjoo have escaped unscathed without
collaborating with him? It was perplexing. There was no way
to pinpoint the cause of the ominous feeling creeping up their
Amidst the unease, an unexpected scene unfolded. The
window of the sedan where Deputy Chief Kim sat slowly
rolled down, revealing the barrel of a rifle protruding from the
gap. With all eyes focused on Kwon Taekjoo, except for
Director Lim, no one noticed it.
Kwon Taekjoo might as well have been captured already.
What more could they do? He squinted at Deputy Chief Kim,
his brow furrowed. For a brief moment, their eyes met in the
air. Kwon Taekjoo shook his head, as if to say “stop.”
However, Deputy Chief Kim, under the stern resistance from
Director Lim, assessed the situation with one eye closed.
Any potential threats had to be eliminated in advance. Eternal
silence was guaranteed by one means alone.
“The dead keep their silence.”
Just as Kim Younghee and Lee Cheoljin had said. His index
finger, which had been poised on the trigger, finally squeezed
it shut. Then, flames erupted from the muzzle of his firearm.
Meanwhile, tension also gripped the Seoul Central District
Prosecutors’ Office. With the imminent arrest of a wanted
criminal who had repeatedly slipped through their fingers
despite the mobilization of significant law enforcement
resources, news of the arrest spread rapidly through
investigative networks, as well as through the media and social
media platforms. Given the case’s connection to the Public
Security Department within the jurisdiction, there was no
avoiding the heightened interest.
The situation was not unlike Prosecutor Seok’s usual cases. Of
course, it was beyond Prosecutor Seok’s authority to
apprehend Kwon Taekjoo and uncover his crimes. However, it
was essential to determine whether Kwon Taekjoo was truly
responsible for the assassination of Lee Cheoljin, and if so,
why it had to happen. Kwon Taekjoo claimed that the series of
incidents surrounding him were part of someone’s conspiracy.
Yet, evidence regarding this had not yet been presented.
Perhaps even Prosecutor Seok’s visit had been a theatrical
attempt to disrupt the investigation.
Lost in thought, Chief Kim approached, snapping me back to
“Yes, what’s the matter?”
“A package has arrived for you, Prosecutor.”
He handed me a silver package. Upon checking the invoice, it
was indeed addressed to me. The sender was listed as “Garam
Photo Studio.”
He had never received personal mail at the Prosecutor’s Office
before. Therefore, this package must have been sent
unilaterally by someone. Typically, requests, bribes, threats,
and the like were delivered in this manner, but occasionally, it
could also be clues sent by an anonymous informant.
“It seems to be photos, Prosecutor,” Chief Kim remarked,
prompting his curiosity about the contents. Perhaps due to the
timing, Kwon Taekjoo came to mind involuntarily. He
hesitated, then opened the package.
Inside were hundreds of photos. He absentmindedly reached to
pull some out, causing some to spill onto the floor. Chief Kim
quickly picked them up, then exclaimed softly. He froze as He
looked at the photo in my hand. Most of them featured Lee
He immediately turned the phone to Prosecutor Seok to show
him. The search results unmistakably confirmed that the
person in the photo was none other than Cha Moonseok, the
Deputy Director of the National Intelligence Service.
Before anyone could react, a gunshot shattered the brief
silence. At the same time, Kwontekju, who had been raising
his arms, fell backward. The police officers who had been
aiming at him were thrown into confusion by the unexpected
gunshot. Several missed shots flew into the sky. Amidst the
chaos, Director Im and Deputy Director Cha exchanged
uneasy glances.
Soon, the sound of helicopter blades could be heard. A
helicopter approached from above. Although it seemed like a
belated support helicopter had arrived, its appearance was
quite different from the others. Its sleek design and unusually
thick and long landing skids were distinctive.
All eyes turned to the sky. The helicopter’s approach caused
hair and clothes to flutter wildly. It was difficult to keep one’s
eyes open. The helicopter continued to descend. Despite the
reduced rotation of the propellers, it didn’t seem like it was
attempting to land. However, if it wasn’t going to land, it was
flying dangerously close to the ground.
A helicopter, indistinguishable as friend or foe, suddenly
released a large amount of gas. It was dense tear gas. Even in
broad daylight, visibility was instantly obscured. It was
impossible to see even an inch ahead.
Amidst the chaos, the sound of the helicopter blades
continued. No, it was even closer than before. Deputy Chief
Kim, who was inside the car, glanced around uneasily.
Strangely, it felt like the helicopter was hovering directly
above him. The vibrations from the rotating propellers shook
the car. Through the open window, smoke and strong winds
rushed in. Could it be more than just a feeling?
He clenched his rifle tightly in sweaty hands. The next
moment, the sedan violently lurched from side to side. The
sharp sound of metal grated against the ears. Peering out of the
window in alarm, he saw speeding projectiles through the
smoke. Soon, one of them pierced through the window and
struck the car. With a violent bang, glass shards scattered onto
the seats. The entire process seemed to unfold in slow motion,
but in reality, it happened in just a few seconds.
The projectile that came dangerously close to Deputy Chief
Kim’s nose was the helicopter’s landing skid. Whether it was
specially made from titanium or not, it didn’t even scratch
from the previous collision. The skid, barely missing Deputy
Chief Kim, slammed into the ceiling. As a result, the
helicopter and the car collided relentlessly, creating sparks.
The intention behind it was completely unclear. Unless it was
a joint suicide, there was no way to understand it.
Gradually, the vehicle, which had been swaying only from side
to side, began to bounce up and down. At times, it seemed to
rise slightly into the air. Finally, Deputy Chief Kim realized
what was happening to him. He tried to get out of the car in a
hurry, but the door wouldn’t open because it was bent. In the
meantime, the helicopter slowly gained altitude. The sedan,
pinned by the landing skid, also clumsily rose up.
He screamed as he lowered the window. The button to open it
didn’t respond. He tried to smash it with the rifle, but the
slightest movement caused the vehicle to sway heavily. The
skid lodged in the ceiling slipped with a grinding sound.
If it came off, there would be no way to avoid a crash.
Realizing his predicament, his body stiffened. He couldn’t
even breathe properly.
As the smoke gradually cleared, the police officers couldn’t
take any action. They could only watch helplessly as the
helicopter flew off into the distance. Any attempt to shoot
would have put the hostage vehicle at risk. For the same
reason, the nearby police helicopter hovering in the air didn’t
attempt an attack. They simply followed the mysterious
helicopter at a safe distance.
Surprisingly, the pursuit didn’t last long. The reason was that
the helicopter suddenly landed in the parking lot of the Seoul
Central District Prosecutors’ Office. Startled, the security
guards rushed out with bewildered expressions. The
helicopter, after shaking off the car pinned by the landing skid,
took off again and landed completely next to it.
Prosecutor Seok happened to be leaving the prosecutor’s office
with the investigators. Upon seeing the helicopter land in the
parking lot, he stopped in his tracks. Other staff members also
crowded around the windows to witness the unexpected scene.
The security guards hesitated, unsure of how to deal with the
helicopter and the sedan.
Soon, the helicopter’s door opened. And out stepped none
other than Zhenya. The sudden appearance of the Russian man
caused even more confusion among the onlookers. Zhenya
walked towards the sedan while everyone watched. Then, as if
tearing open a crumpled door, he pulled out the dazed Deputy
Chief. Confirming his identity, Prosecutor Seok approached
Zhenya pushed the still dazed Deputy Chief towards him. He
also handed him the memory card that Kwontekju had asked
to be delivered. As soon as Prosecutor Seok received the item,
he recognized what it was.
With that, Zhenya finished his business and headed back to the
helicopter. Despite the security guards raising their guns in
protest, he boarded the cockpit without hesitation. Prosecutor
Seok intervened to prevent a physical confrontation. In no
time, the helicopter rose back into the air, creating a gust of
wind. By the time the wind subsided, it had quickly
disappeared into the distance, shrinking until it was barely
Prosecutor Seok calmly informed the still-dazed Deputy Chief.
“Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office, Public Safety
Division 1, Prosecutor Seok Jae-hee speaking. We are urgently
arresting Mr. Cha Moon-seok on charges of violating national
security laws. You have the right to appoint a lawyer, exercise
your right to remain silent, and any statement you make from
now on may be used against you in court.”
Zhenya’s helicopter landed on a certain skyscraper. The door
opened, and Zhenya and Kwontekju got out one after the
other. Leaning against the railing, they enjoyed the wind
blowing from all directions. Although it was rough and
uncomfortable in some places, it wasn’t anywhere particularly
When Deputy Chief Kim unexpectedly fired shots, he
reflexively twisted his body and narrowly avoided them.
Following Director Lim’s gaze, he saw the barrel aimed at him
from behind. Although his ankles were grazed as he fell under
the car, he was lucky to avoid a gunshot wound.
Right after that, Zhenya appeared flying the helicopter and
lowered a rope ladder amidst the smoke. When questioned
about the assigned task, he made some incomprehensible
remarks about going to do it from now on. Then, he abruptly
tied up Deputy Chief Kim and transported him to the Seoul
Central District Prosecutors’ Office.
Although there was nowhere comfortable, seeing him dutifully
carrying out the task made him feel strangely endearing. It
wasn’t normal for him either. It was clear that he had gone
mad with stress.
“Now it’s finally quiet,” Zhenya said, leaning casually against
the railing. He glanced at the side of his face for a moment,
then turned away, saying, “Well, it’s over.” Despite feeling
relieved that it was all over, there was a lingering emptiness.
Maybe it didn’t feel real. Since the day they left for Russia
until now, it all felt like a long dream.
Lost in thought for a moment, Zhenya’s hand approached.
Without realizing it, he hesitated to pull his head back. Seeing
his guarded reaction, Zhenya’s hand paused in mid-air. It
seemed awkward. Without backing away, he stared at him
intently. Then, he reached out and removed the mask he was
still wearing. Finally, their eyes met fully.

“Breathing a deep sigh, I couldn’t help but reflect on how my

tastes had become so questionable,” he mused. Since it was in
Korean, Zhenya couldn’t understand. He simply continued to
question Kwontekju, who was muttering incomprehensible
words of lament, until he could get some answers, as if to
bring him to justice.
Before he knew it, the long day was drawing to a close, and
the sunset was fading away. The once fierce wind now felt
unexpectedly warm. It was the beginning of spring.

Ch68 - Checkmate (5)

Translated by: Noah
The trial of the espionage case involving high-ranking officials
from the National Intelligence Service (NIS) began at the
Criminal Division 21 of the Seoul Central District Court.
The defendant was accused of engaging in espionage activities
for decades under orders from North Korea. However, as the
political landscape shifted and his name was mentioned as the
next head of the NIS, he sought to conceal and manipulate his
past actions to launder his record. With the involvement of
several co-conspirators, including high-ranking officials from
the NIS, the situation became entangled with the authorities.
Furthermore, the defendant managed to deflect attention by
falsely accusing innocent NIS employees of leaking national
However, the first trial was conducted in secret, with
journalists and even spectators barred from attending. Even the
defense team had to prove their identities upon each entry,
marking an unprecedented scene in the courtroom.
“The NIS agent who apprehended the defendants at the time is
requested as a witness,” the prosecution requested.
The court accepted the prosecution’s witness request, and
partitions were set up to shield the witness’s identity from the
gallery, the prosecution, and the defense. Shortly after, the
witness entered the courtroom, concealed behind the
partitions, and took the oath to speak only the truth before
answering the questions diligently. Along with him, three
current NIS agents took their seats in the witness stand, and
the intense cross-examination continued for over two hours.
“Let’s take a 30-minute recess,” declared the judge,
announcing the transition to an open trial from then on.
Immediately, the protective partitions for the witnesses were
removed, and the previously closed doors were opened.
Journalists waiting outside quickly crowded in, expressing
regret for not being able to witness the witness examination
captured by the cameras despite the ongoing dismantling of
the partitions. In the meantime, the witnesses exited through a
private passage.
Yoon Jongwoo shrugged off his uncomfortable jacket, letting
it hang over his shoulders. His carefully styled hair was now
“Man, I got so nervous for no reason. My heart was pounding
as we entered the courtroom. If our luck was just a bit worse, it
could have been you and me sitting in the defendant’s seat,”
Jongwoo muttered, loosening his tie, earning a chuckle from
Kwon Taekjoo. Indeed, there were many variables at play.
Despite Jongwoo’s grumbling, luck was on their side, and
everything worked out positively, leading to the current
outcome. If any one thing had gone awry, the situation could
have been very different. That was often the nature of truth.
Things that should naturally come to light could easily be
buried, distorted, and obscured.
After the case was closed, Kwon Taekjoo’s life returned to
normal. He still worked as an NIS agent, and his mother’s
worries about him remained unchanged.
He still hadn’t been completely honest with his mother. He
brushed off the warrant incident as a simple administrative
error. He explained that he had hidden his job until then
because of NIS regulations, and that his work there was just
basic support duties. Of course, his mother was vehemently
against him continuing to work for the NIS just at the mention
of the word. That’s why he had to lie and reassure her that he
would soon be transferred to another agency due to a pending
Deceiving his mother wasn’t pleasant. However, he couldn’t
live a life he didn’t want just to calm her fears. Being an
intelligence agent seemed like a calling. He was well-suited
for it. Living on the edge while gathering information felt like
truly living.
He felt a sense of fulfillment. However, he wasn’t sure if he
could replace the exhilaration and sense of accomplishment
that poured over him after completing a mission with
something else. Recently, his mother had started counseling
therapy to overcome long-standing traumas. She was gradually
taking care of her neglected life. For the sake of some
semblance of peace and tranquility, it seemed he would have
to resort to well-intentioned lies for the time being.
In that regard, he decided to seek help from Janya. He couldn’t
help but wonder if it was appropriate to use a public institution
for such personal matters. Again, he couldn’t fathom how he
ended up with such a responsibility. Whether it was him or the
reckless Russian demanding it, there seemed to be no
alternative. Was he someone who would only cause trouble if
left in his own country? Was he planning some mischief on
Korean soil, thousands of miles away?
“By the way, a few days ago, I was surprised to hear the news.
Did the senior know? That crazy Russian is going to be the
next Russian ambassador.”
As he silently clicked his tongue inwardly, Yoon Jong-woo
suddenly brought up the topic. He felt visibly embarrassed as
if his inner thoughts had been exposed. He couldn’t believe
that even after being a recognized madman in Russia, he was
now hearing that he had gone insane in Korea. How could he
He sighed deeply and nodded dryly. Then Yoon Jong-woo
expressed his concern, asking if everything was okay.
“It’ll pass. He’ll get tired of acting crazy like this sooner or
later, won’t he? How long could he keep up the act when he’s
someone who doesn’t fuck a person more than twice. He
won’t stick around until his waist bends over. Won’t he?”
He uttered feeble hope. He had no intention of making rash
promises at this point. Yet, he couldn’t easily jump into a
romantic game with the guy who had played with his life. He
was also somewhat afraid to hand himself over to him.
So, he hoped that the odd interest from him would naturally
fade away over time, placing a flimsy hope on that thread.
Until then, he was determined to comply with whatever the
guy wanted.
Like a jumpy hearted ex-lover, one wouldn’t act recklessly,
and yet, upon closer inspection, there are simple sides like a
kid, so it’s best to gently navigate. While the guy’s manhood
still seemed awkwardly dangerous, the compatibility in bed
seemed decent, so it wasn’t a total loss.
Trying to suppress the mounting worries, Yoon Jong-woo
asked without realizing.
“What can’t happen twice? And what’s this ‘innocence’
“…There’s something like that, buddy.”
He muttered with an uncomfortable expression. Yoon Jong-
woo, having spoken first, pursed his lips in response. Just then,
his phone rang.
“I need to go to headquarters. What about you, senior?”
“I’m going to finish enjoying the rest of my vacation…”
That’s when it happened. Suddenly, there was a vibration from
inside the jacket. A foreboding feeling washed over. When he
hesitantly pulled out his phone, sure enough, the direct line to
headquarters was displayed. Seeing the uneasy reaction, Yoon
Jong-woo glanced at his phone. Then he grimaced. As the
phone kept ringing, he muttered under his breath.
“If you don’t answer…”
“You’ll probably call me to change it. You obviously know
we’re together.”
The expected response came back. He had no choice but to
answer the call. The conversation, as usual, was one-sided and
ended abruptly. There was no smile on his face. The new chief
was a typical taskmaster. One of the main characteristics of
capable people is their ruthlessness towards subordinates.
“What did they say?”
“They said… They’re assigning me a new mission.”
A sigh escaped. Like they had made a promise, the two of
them shrugged and chuckled. It was the everyday reality of
being in the National Intelligence Service. If you couldn’t
avoid it, you might as well enjoy it.
Resigned about to take another step, the phone rang again.
Somehow, this time, it felt like they knew who it was without
checking the caller ID. It was vague, but it was a strong
intuition. If they didn’t answer, the caller would keep trying
until they did. Pressing the call button, they held the phone to
their ear. Before they could say anything, the other person
spoke first.
“I hear you’re not coming.”
As expected, it was Zhenya. The timing of the call felt like
Kwon Taekjoo’s own phone had been hacked again.
“Hey, hacking and wiretapping are clearly illegal, remember?”
“You seem to have forgotten too. Diplomats have immunity
He shouldn’t have that privilege. No, he must not have it. Was
the future of South Korea okay like this? Preceded by worries
and guilt, he felt a sense of responsibility.
He wasn’t sure if he would ever share the same feelings with
Zhenya completely. It wouldn’t be easy because he had never
considered a man as a romantic interest before. And he
couldn’t predict when he might act capriciously again.
However, one thing was clear: the person who made his heart
race crazily was none other than him. Whether it was due to
Stockholm syndrome, an inexplicable sympathy, or some other
emotion, it wasn’t clear yet.
He was just curious about how much he could change because
of him. Whenever he saw him in a different light, it sparked a
strange sense of challenge and interest. Starting from there
wouldn’t be a bad idea.
With a silent smile, Kwon Taekjoo said, “I’ll be back.”
So, whether you’re waiting or not.
Ch69 - Honey Trap (1)
Translated by: Noah

The Russian Embassy in South Korea was bustling with

activity as the President’s friendly visit and the upcoming
performance by the Royal Ballet were just a month away.
Naturally, emergency measures were taken in all embassy
departments. Employees answered the phones vigorously upon
arrival, sorted through incoming faxes, sent official letters to
relevant agencies, and responded to various inquiries flooding
their emails, making each day hectic and chaotic.
Once the official events were concluded, the embassy planned
to host a “Russian Night” event for cultural exchange between
the two countries. This added even more pressure to every
department. Additionally, the influx of visa applications from
students preparing for study and training abroad left them with
no breathing room.
Unfinished documents continued to pile up on the
ambassador’s desk. Pavel Mensikov, the chief of staff, sighed
deeply as he placed another stack of papers on top. There
hadn’t been a day without a heavy sigh since the appointment
of the new ambassador.
Welcoming a young ambassador was already disheartening,
and it seemed inevitable that he would be seen as an
incompetent aide. In Russia, where the president was as
famous as any celebrity, the news of Yegor’s appointment as
the next ambassador left Pavel feeling bleak. How he hoped it
was just a baseless rumor.
Two months into the appointment, the feared turmoil had yet
to materialize. In a way, it was a highly expected outcome.
The elusive nature of the ambassador, who only appeared
when absolutely necessary, meant there were no problems as
long as the troublemaker was absent.
As Pavel wondered whether he should once again handle
Yegor’s backlog of work, there was a knock on the door
followed by the entrance of officials from the cultural and
political sections. They entered with weary expressions,
seemingly tired of the familiar scene before them.
“Where has the ambassador gone off to again?”
“I wish someone would inform me too.”
“Tsk tsk, with so many documents waiting for approval.”
“Probably just out for a day or two.”
The three of them sighed simultaneously and shook their
“Leaving messages but roaming around without a word… I
wonder if even the Kremlin knows.”
“Why act like you don’t know. No, you probably never had
any expectations to begin with.”
“I heard this appointment was directly requested by the
ambassador. Why Korea, of all places?”
“Who can understand his mind? Even his birth mother
probably wouldn’t know.”
Once again, sighs escaped from the three of them. Calculating
the remaining term only made the future seem more daunting.
They didn’t feel like working at all.
Nevertheless, the chief of staff tried to interpret the current
situation as optimistically as possible.
“It’s fortunate that he seems in good spirits whenever he does
appear. You know how much trouble he caused in Russia.
Even the slightest disagreement turned the surroundings into a
battlefield. Maybe it’s better to just let him do as he pleases
while we stick by him.”
The two secretaries nodded in partial agreement. Despite
grumbling about the constant delays in their work, the truth
was that facing Zhenya wasn’t exactly enjoyable for them
either. It was because of the rumors surrounding him. It wasn’t
even a rumor that he was the only one-person unit in the FSB.
Everyone dreaded becoming his subordinate, and they
understood why. It was better to avoid getting involved with a
boss prone to emotional swings.
The ambassador is by no means a mere figurehead. Holding
the highest diplomatic position, he not only represents Russia
externally, but also shoulders numerous responsibilities and
prioritizes personal security. However, the inexplicable
decision made by the Kremlin to appoint him here can be
attributed to speculative motives. Perhaps failing in his
previous role and facing repeated friction made his presence
uncomfortable, prompting his removal to a distant post. Given
Zhenya’s own desire for this, there seemed to be no reason to
Shuffling the embassy staff extensively with renowned
diplomats, there were evidently valid reasons for this. It was
evident from the moment of appointment that the frequent
absence and lack of diligence from the top authority were
anticipated. Realizing this belatedly would likely bring no
“Speaking of which, what’s the identity of that Korean
employee assigned to our embassy?”
“Yes, I was wondering about that myself after confirming it
not too long ago. They said to contact the ambassador if
anyone is looking for that Korean employee, right?”
The two secretaries raised questions in succession. In reality,
this was a matter of curiosity not only for them, but for all
embassy staff. No one had seen the Korean individual
confidently listed in the staff directory. What they did, or how
they looked, was unknown. It was presumed that they were an
acquaintance of the ambassador, simply because he had
specifically recruited them.
The political secretary displayed a displeased expression.
“Tsk tsk. Someone parachuted into their position and then
recruits another parachute hire. Birds of a feather flock
together, don’t they? Look at how they don’t even have a
shadow of qualification.”
The cultural affairs secretary, who had been silently listening,
corrected them.
“If anything, it’s not a parachute, it’s a nuclear bomb being
dropped. No, perhaps even nuclear disarmament?”
The metaphor was apt, leaving no room for misinterpretation.
No one raised objections, simply acknowledging with laughter
that it was futile to do so.

Ch70 - Honey Trap (2)

Translated by: Noah

The gate opened, and a crowd of people poured out into the
immigration hall. Among the procession was Kwon Taekju.
His neat attire evoked the image of a just-returning white-
collar worker from a business trip, yet the scattered sword cuts
on his clothes proved that this was no ordinary business trip.
It had been a while since he set foot on Korean soil. Pausing
for a moment, he savored the familiar air he had missed. He
also took in the scenery outside the glass wall. When he left, it
was the beginning of spring, but now people seemed to be
dressed more lightly. It seemed that summer was slowly
Suddenly, he rolled up his sleeve and checked the time. It was
already past 7 p.m. Hastily, he took out his phone and turned it
on. Fortunately, there were no missed calls or messages urging
him to return home from his mother. Yes, it was just a 30-
minute delay. In the past, she would have bombarded him with
dozens of calls for such a brief delay. It was a good sign. His
mother was gradually improving.
For some reason, Yegor was also quiet. Until yesterday, he
would call relentlessly, almost every second, until he received
a response. Or perhaps something unexpected had happened to
him, preventing him from contacting him.
An unexpected event had happened to him? The thought was
absurd, and Kwon couldn’t help but chuckle. He was hardly
ever in any pain. Would he fall and hurt himself? It was
unthinkable that such a serious problem had arisen that he
couldn’t even lift a finger. Of course, there were always
exceptions, unforeseen circumstances. He couldn’t even begin
to guess.
Quietly, he looked down at his phone. Should he take a big
heart and lower his ego? He searched for Zhenya’s name in the
call history. Soon, his number filled the screen. However,
instead of immediately pressing the call button, his finger
hovered over it for a while.
He briefly recalled Zhenya’s reaction. He found himself
unwittingly frowning. It seemed it was better to give up than
to witness him grumbling with his chin up. He decided against
calling and put his phone away.
“Can you at least give me a heads up…?”
Suddenly, his ears felt itchy, as if irritated. It must have been
because of exhaustion. He needed to hurry home and get some
He stepped outside and hailed a taxi. After informing the
driver of his destination, he immediately closed his eyes. His
body relaxed soon after.
It felt like he had been spinning faster on the wheel than ever
before. As the change of administration approached, the
workload had increased significantly. With each change of
administration, diplomatic and security policies shifted,
affecting international relations. Naturally, the workload at the
National Intelligence Service had increased. Although he
understood this intellectually, his body was reaching its limit.
He tried to rest for a moment, but the taxi arrived surprisingly
quickly. Worried that his mother might be concerned, he shook
off his drowsiness by slapping his cheeks. Perhaps the taxi
driver noticed, for he silently handed him a fatigue reliever.
“Thank you,” he said, quickly emptying the contents.
Exiting the taxi, he walked briskly. It was evening, so the
interior was brightly lit. The same was true for Kwon Taekju’s
house. His mother, who would usually be waiting at the
entrance, was nowhere to be seen. He always felt relieved
whenever he noticed this change.
Instead of waiting for the elevator, he climbed the stairs. As he
neared his home, he straightened his clothes. He buttoned up
his shirt all the way to the top and tightened the loose tie.
When he reached the front door, he removed the pocketknife
that had been attached to his palm.
Opening the door lock, he stepped inside. As he removed his
shoes and walked into the living room, his mother greeted him
with a smile.
“You’re back now?”
“Yes, I’m back…”
He pauses mid-greeting, startled by the unexpected guest. He
suspects why his mother hadn’t contacted him. She must have
been too busy serving fruit to the unexpected visitor.
Holding a neatly sliced apple on a fork, the one looking at
Kwon Taek Joo with a smirk is none other than Zhenya. Kwon
Taekjoo’s face contorts in shock as he meets Zhenya’s gaze.
“What are you doing here?” His eyes express protest, but his
mother interrupts Kwon Taekjoo’s stony stare.
“Who’s this? Why are you standing there? The ambassador
rarely comes here,” she says, urging him to greet their guest.
She playfully taps him on the back. Even though he couldn’t
understand Korean, his expression became even more
His mother is aware that Zhenya is the Russian ambassador to
Korea. She believed that Kwon Taekjoo had left the National
Intelligence Service as promised and was now working under
him as a clerical assistant. She had lived her whole life in a
hierarchical culture where hierarchy was emphasized. The
reason she welcomed the unexpected visitor with open arms
was because he was Kwon Taek Soo superior.
“Have you come?” He greets curtly, unable to resist his
mother’s anger. He nods vaguely. When his uncomfortable
expression becomes evident, his mother awkwardly laughs,
saying, “He must be tired.” Then, she grabs Kwon Taekjoo
and takes him to the entrance. Despite being dragged away, he
continues to express his displeasure to Zhenya. Of course,
Zhenya pays no attention and continues to eat his apple.
His mother corners Kwon Taekjoo against the wall and scolds
him in a low voice. “What disrespectful behavior towards the
“It’s the same with him, isn’t it? Well, he’s much younger than
me anyway. And he can’t even understand Korean. Being
comfortable with foreign bosses or elders is probably
something he’s used to, isn’t it?”
“Well, him? A foreigner? This guy, this guy… Did I raise you
to be like this? If you have authority inside, you should have it
outside too!”
“Mother, really. You’re like a soldier through and through.”
He retorts playfully, only to receive another slap on the back.
“Young man seems to be quite obedient. When you were away
on business, wasn’t he here every day, saying it was too quiet
without you? Where else can you find someone who takes care
of the subordinates so diligently?”
She should care less. She should care less. Mother, oblivious,
grumbled with a displeased expression.
“That’s true. Our ambassador is very affectionate.”
“Don’t say it as if you’re annoyed.”
“He’s tired, that’s why. Russia isn’t that far away.”
“Even if you’re tired, you can’t do that. Mother doesn’t have
big expectations. I just want you to keep working there. Got
“I got it, I got it. Let’s eat first. I’m hungry.”
“Even if you’re eating fruit first.”
“First? What about the meal?”
“The side dishes haven’t changed much, so I went to the
market to get some more. It would’ve been nice to know the
ambassador was coming… Did you not know either? You
should’ve given me a heads-up.”
“Oh, because of that? Ah, you didn’t have to. I’ll eat whatever
is given.”
“Is he really…?”
Perhaps Zhenya heard it, as Kwon Taekjoo gently taps on his
grown son’s back while retreating to the back room. Even if he
didn’t understand anything else, the sound of patting on the
back would definitely be conveyed. Kwon Taekjoo often
resorts to showing affection only to his mother when escaping
annoying situations.
“Mother, it’s all my fault, but I’m really starving to death. So
let’s just eat the existing side dishes today. Okay?”
“Oh, my, how can you say that? There are some. I’ll be back
soon. I’ll even be a companion for the ambassador.”
Pushing Kwon Taekjoo into the living room with a sigh,
Mother hurriedly left the house. She seemed to be urging her
steps somehow. The door opened and closed with a bang, and
the door lock was carefully secured. Mother’s footsteps
disappeared in no time. Nonetheless, She couldn’t be stopped.
After shaking his head hesitantly and then changing his
expression, he returned to the living room. Zhenya was still
leisurely eating fruit. Despite Kwon Taekjoo’s obvious
disapproval, he casually ate a strawberry.
“What brought you all the way here? Your esteemed self.”
“I thought you might not be able to sleep well because of
Mother’s worries… Is there something I should do in these
There couldn’t be such a deep meaning. He crossed his arms
and scolded him outright.
“Just how many days are you going to wander around?
According to Mother, it’s not just once or twice.”
“What does that have to do with anything? Mother seems to
like it.”
“It’s a misunderstanding. Where would a mother who doesn’t
want to look good in front of her son be?”
He shrugged as if to say, “What can you do?” Speaking up
would only hurt his pride. Seeing him at home only intensified
his fatigue.
He loosened the tie that had been tightening around his neck
with one hand. A couple of shirt buttons that felt constricting
were also undone. Having stayed in the dry cabin air for a long
time, his throat felt parched. It seemed like he needed to eat
some fruit.
He approached Zhenya without hesitation. Sitting down close
to the table, he felt a sharp gaze piercing his forehead.
Whether he liked it or not, he grabbed a strawberry and took a
bite. As the refreshing juice spread, his dry mouth instantly
felt invigorated. He quickly finished eating one piece and
grabbed an apple while checking on Zhenya’s recent
“How’s things at the embassy?”
“You don’t need to worry about that. I’ve requested to assign a
competent aide.”
“Why would your lot go to such lengths to accommodate us in
your country?”
“If you still don’t understand, should I teach you?”
Muttering lazily, he ran his fingers down Kwon Taekjoo’s
neck. The sudden contact sent shivers down his spine. Startled,
he dropped the strawberry he had been holding in his hand.
Pinkish liquid spilled onto his white shirt without fail.
Oh, no. He sighed inwardly and was about to take off his shirt
right away, but hesitated. In his heart, he wanted to
immediately put it in the laundry basket and take a shower.
However, that was unimaginable in front of Yegor. It had been
quite a while since they last met, and even a slight provocation
would lead him to casually discard his inhibitions. Mother
would be back soon, and such a situation must never occur.
Feeling disappointed, he lingered in the bathroom indefinitely.
Zhenya chuckled, easily discerning the reason behind his
“How devious.”
“What did you say?”
“I’ll tell you, I was just standing still.”
Disgustingly asserting innocence. Was it because he didn’t
touch his neck a while ago? Or because he wasn’t the one who
didn’t move even when pressed against?
Even a non-provocative provocation made it impossible for
him to enter the bathroom. Even if he said he had no intention
of doing so right now, he didn’t know when he might suddenly
have the urge to. He was fundamentally unpredictable.
“Don’t think too much about it. It’s only you who loses out in
the end.”
Now even shifting the blame. It was unbelievable.
Staring at the shameless Zhenya for a moment, he abruptly
stood up. Then he went to his room to get a change of clothes.
Yet, the fellow sat quietly on the sofa. He tossed the wet shirt
into the laundry basket and headed to the bathroom. Once he
locked the door from the inside, that would be the end of it.
But for some reason, the door wouldn’t close properly. It felt
like something was blocking it. Puzzled, he turned around,
only to find Zhenya silently approaching and holding onto the
“Hey, let’s talk this through.”
Frowning in defiance, but to no avail. Zhenya’s pupils were
already dilated with excitement.
“I don’t think you’ve promised to stay still in the future.”
“You crazy bastard. Don’t just get horny out of nowhere.”
He pushed the door with all his might. But the door wouldn’t
close. Instead, the gap was widening. The wooden planks were
bending under pressure from both sides. If he pushed any
harder, it might just break. What would he tell his mother
when she came back? That the door split in half because it was
too old? She wouldn’t believe a word of it.
When the wobbly door creaked to a halt, as if resigned, He let
go of his hand. At that moment, the door was completely
drenched, and Zhenya burst in. He grabbed Kwon Taekjoo’s
face with both hands and forcefully pressed his lips against
his. The loosened lips of Zhenya scattered randomly over
Kwon Taekjoo’s forehead, cheeks, nose, and mouth. He licked
and nibbled on Kwon Taekjoo’s cheeks in his own way.
Just as he was about to retort, thinking he was just pretending
to be innocent, he pressed his lips against his. Along with a
soft, moist sensation, there was a sound of suction as their lips
met. Zhenya, who was lightly sucking on his upper lip,
“We’re fine here.”
He smiled with a sly look. For a moment, He was stunned, and
then he completely engulfed his lips. His warm breath spread
into his mouth, tickling his throat. His head naturally leaned
back. As it swayed back and forth, He bumped his thigh
against the sink. He didn’t stop there; he kept pushing Kwon
Taekjoo, whose upper body was constantly wet, against the
sink. As his upper body kept getting wet, his waist was pressed
so hard that it felt sore. When Kwon Taekjoo frowned in
discomfort, he pressed his lips against him while lifting him
onto the sink.
He gently nibbled on the lower lip, then let go, then nibbled
again, and suddenly his tongue slid into Kwon Taekjoo’s
mouth, brushing against his upper lip. As their tongues
intertwined, the sweet taste of strawberries and apples filled
Kwon Taekjoo’s mouth. Saliva pooled at the tip of his chin,
ready to overflow. He sucked forcefully on Kwon Taekjoo’s
tongue, as if it would be torn off. Eventually, as his tongue was
pulled out of his lips, the excess saliva flowed down his chin.
Zhenya, who had been greedily sucking on Kwon Taekjoo’s
tongue, indulged in kisses around his wet jawline. As his lips
were gradually pressed down to his neck, he urgently tapped
his shoulder.
“Hey, calm down. Just a moment.”
At the desperate ceasefire declaration, Zhenya’s lips slightly
retreated. Taking advantage of this, he exhaled a breath that he
hadn’t been able to release. Zhenya, who had been glaring at
Kwon Taek Joo with a remembered face, suddenly bowed his
As he indulged, he meticulously explored every contour of
Kwon Taekjoo’s face as if savoring every morsel. Some
moments felt like starving for affection, relentless in its
pursuit, as Kwon Taekjoo grabbed the man’s face with both
hands and pulled him closer. “Pause for a moment,” he said.
“If you behave now, I’ll make sure to compensate you later.”
It was a rather plausible proposition, but Zhenya, without
much reaction, glanced between Kwon Taekjoo’s eyes. He
seemed to be assessing sincerity, visibly uncomfortable with
the idea of enduring present thirst for the promise of future
fulfillment. “Have I just been fooled by your trickery?” he
seemed to imply as he pushed away Kwon Taekjoo’s face.
“It’s been building up,” he admitted, making no effort to hide
his carnal desires. Jeonya seized Kwon Taekjoo’s hand
covering his face and slowly pulled it down. Their gazes
intertwined through the gaps between their fingers, eyes
silently conveying an understated tension.
However, before long, a frown creased his brow, and he
groaned. It was because Zhenya had unexpectedly inserted his
fingers into the man’s wrist. He tried to pull his arm away,
only to be bitten harder in return. A deep kiss mark remained
where his lips had departed.
Just then, the sound of the front door unlocking was heard.
It seemed like his mother had returned. The sight of the two
grown men cramped in the small bathroom was undoubtedly
an odd one. With a bemused look at Kwon Taekjoo’s
perplexed face, Zhenya chuckled.
“Don’t get your hopes up,” he murmured playfully, then
quietly closed the door behind him. Soon, voices were heard
outside, his mother instructing the man to wait a bit longer for
dinner. Of course, it was all in Korean, a language Zhenya
couldn’t understand.
After Zhenya’s brief reply, the two exchanged a few more
words. The notable point was that while his mother spoke
Korean, Zhenya fluently conversed in Russian. They leaned
against the door, listening to the conversation unfolding on the
other side.
He overheard it. A hollow laugh escaped him. There seemed
to be no appropriate response. Yet, strangely, the atmosphere
remained undisturbed. Contrary to his concerns, it appeared
that they had been getting along well.
He thought he should probably shower. Just as he was about to
head towards the shower booth after taking off the remaining
clothes, Zhenya’s words hit him unexpectedly.
“Thanks to you, I’m going to enjoy some nice benefits with
your son.”
That scoundrel.
He abruptly grabbed the door handle, then let go. It wasn’t his
place to storm out naked and grab him by the collar. It was a
relief that his mother didn’t understand any Russian.
When he finished showering and came out, his mother was in
a cooking frenzy. Zhenya was leaning casually against the
adjacent counter. He didn’t seem particularly inclined to help
with the cooking. He just watched his mother enjoyably fuss
over the meal.
Whether it was the final stage of cooking or not, there was a
delicious aroma filling the air. Steam rose from pots and rice
cookers, adding to the cozy atmosphere of the kitchen. The
occasional clinking of dishes enhanced the sense of comfort.
Just watching made the tiredness dissipate.
Sensing his gaze, he turned his head towards Kwon Taekjoo.
He looked surprisingly gentle, gazing warmly in his direction.
He couldn’t seem to take his eyes off him for a while. Then
Kwon Taekjoo’s mother offered some blanched bean sprouts
for them to taste. He just stared at the bean sprouts in front of
him, seemingly not understanding what to do with them.
With a trembling head, He approached them. Then, He
wrapped her mother’s shoulders from behind and abruptly
shoved the bean sprouts into his mouth. Zhenya looked
strangely at Kwon taek joo, who was chewing the dish that
had not yet been prepared.
“Mmm, it’s delicious. Ambassador, you should consider
yourself blessed. How good is my mother’s cooking skills?
Not everyone can taste it.”
His mother chuckled, covering her mouth, then nudged Kwon
Taekjoo’s side. It was a signal to start setting the table. Despite
her son returning after two months, he seemed subordinate in
front of his superior. Without a word, he laid out the utensils
and brought out the side dishes. With a slightly awkward tone,
he pulled out Zhenya’s chair, indicating for him to sit.
Zhenya, settling into his familiar seat, glanced down at the
long metal rod on the table. Finally realizing, he retrieved the
fork, which was almost a relic, and handed it over.
In no time, the table was filled with dishes. Zhenya, surveying
the array of food without much enthusiasm, murmured, “It
smells strange.”
His mother, with a sparkle in her eyes, asked what he said.
Unable to speak frankly, Kwon Taekjoo improvised, “He
means, it smells delicious. I think I can eat a lot.”
“Oh, really? Ambassador, since we’ve made plenty of rice,
please eat as much as you like.”
His mother pushed more side dishes toward Zhenya. He
looked at Kwon taek joo with a puzzled expression. Kwon
Taekjoo smiled politely and gestured for him to eat quickly.
Sometimes, he even urged him to eat faster. With a slightly
mocking glance at Kwon taek joo, who acted differently only
in front of his mother, Zhenya reluctantly picked up his fork.
There was a hesitation as he hovered it over the plate.
Eventually, he speared the mildest-looking cucumber slice and
put it in his mouth.
Gradually, Zhenya’s jaw stopped moving abruptly. Apparently,
it was too spicy for him. He pressed his lips tightly with his
fist, showing no reaction. The tip of his fork trembled slightly
in his hand. Concerned about his unusual reaction, his
mother’s face showed a worried expression.
“…Don’t you like the taste?”
“No. Usually he enjoys Korean food very much. He must be
overwhelmed by how delicious it is.”
Once again, he piled the side dishes onto Zhenya’s rice bowl
one by one. Then, with a slight tap on his arm, he smiled at
him. It was a kind expression, but it lacked genuine warmth.
Under the table, he lightly tapped Zhenya’s leg.
Zhenya’s jaw tightened. He glared at Kwon taek joo with
irritation, muttering to himself before silently resuming his
meal. A smile blossomed on his mother’s face, relieved. She
encouraged him to eat everything, explaining the benefits of
each ingredient and insisting that he eat heartily. She promptly
refilled his glass with water when it was empty, enjoying
watching him eat contentedly. It didn’t seem like mere flattery
towards Zhenya; she genuinely seemed to enjoy meeting
people. It must have been quite lonely to guard the house
alone without Kwon Taekjoo around.
It’s been a while since the house felt this lively. In the past, He
often made excuses to go out, and even when he happened to
be home, he barely did more than sleep and leave. There were
many things he had to hide from my mother, but that wasn’t
the only reason. It seemed I wasn’t such a pleasant son to be
Suddenly, Kwon Taekjoo’s gaze fell on Zhenya. Perhaps he
had some hidden resentment, but it was impressive how he
kept looking at his mother. Should he admire him for that? He
soon met his gaze as if sensing his prolonged stare.
“Eat slowly and eat plenty.”
Kwon taek joo personally added a piece of fish to Zhenya’s
spoon. He didn’t eat it right away, just stared at the spoon
endlessly. Something deep inside him, out of reach, tingled
As Kwon taekjoo’s mother escorted them to the elevator, she
expressed a deep sense of regret. At that moment, Zhenya
gave Kwon taek joo a piercing look, as if demanding to know
what this small woman was saying to him with such a
mournful expression. Kwon Taekjoo shrugged his shoulders
and falsely interpreted her words.
“She’s telling you to leave quickly.”
Suspicion immediately flashed in his eyes. Ignoring it.
“Oh, come on, Mom. What’s the rush? Wouldn’t it be more
convenient for the ambassador to sleep at our place? Look at
him. He’s clearly uncomfortable.”
Jeonya’s expression remained unchanged, but Kwontakju
insisted that he was very uncomfortable. Then he wrapped his
arms around Jeonya’s mother’s shoulders and ushered her
“I’ll drive the ambassador home and have a drink on the way
back. You go to bed first in case it gets late.”
“Alright, then. Don’t worry about me, just take care of the
Zhenya’s mother readily agreed. It was unclear how much this
display of concern would affect her promotion prospects. She
watched them until they got into the elevator and then went
As soon as the door closed, Zhenya leaned in. Despite Kwon
taekjoo’s protests, he didn’t care and buried his face in Kwon
taekjoo’s hair. It felt like he was raising a big dog rather than
an alligator.
Zhenya’s car was parked in the underground parking lot. He
exuded a presence that couldn’t be ignored, as if he were the
owner. The already narrow parking spaces seemed even
tighter. Perhaps that’s why everyone avoided them.
Particularly noticeable was the emptiness around Zhenya’s
Bugatti. Anyway, Kwon Taekjoo was glad not to worry about
“Shall I drive?”
“I’ll do it.”
After starting the car, he gestured for her to get in. They sat
side by side in the driver’s seat and the passenger seat. With a
click, the car smoothly exited the parking lot as soon as the
door closed.
He leaned back in his seat and comfortably rested. Inside the
quiet car, devoid even of the usual music, only the steady hum
of the engine filled the air. In the dimly lit city, there were
hardly any cars or people around. He gazed into the distance,
watching the fast-moving lights of the street lamps. Despite
having eaten and taken a shower, he felt tired. The subtle
vibration from the car’s body added to his lethargy.
Before long, Zhenya’s Bugatti arrived at his home. The garage
sensor activated, and the shutter opened. He parked the car
inside and turned off the engine, simultaneously extinguishing
the bright interior lights.
As Zhenya opened the door to get out, he glanced at the silent
Kwon Taek Joo. They had arrived at their destination, yet he
showed no signs of movement. Leaning over to check, Zhenya
found him sound asleep, his head completely tilted. The deep
sound of his breathing indicated he was extremely exhausted.
If Kwon Taekjoo was to receive the promised service, Zhenya
had to wake him up.
After watching the sleeping Kwon Taekjoo for a while longer,
Zhenya got out of the car. He then walked around to the
passenger side and opened the door. Kwon Taekjoo’s body,
which had been leaning to the side, smoothly slumped down
on its own. Zhenya effortlessly draped his arm around Kwon
Taekjoo’s shoulder and leisurely guided him into the house.
He laid the slumped Kwon Taekjoo on the bed. The plush
mattress supported his body, and as the soft sheets touched his
skin, Kwon Taekjoo instinctively nuzzled his face.
Unconscious, he slowly sank into the depths of the blanket.
Watching this scene, Zhenya casually undid the buttons of his
shirt. His lips curled up into a cool smile.
Kwon Taekjoo fell deeper into the abyss of sleep, unaware of
what situations lay ahead of him.
Ch71- Honey Trap (3)
Translated by: Noah

His eyes widened abruptly. The ceiling, familiar yet
unfamiliar, filled his vision suddenly. How did he end up here?
He quietly recollected the events of last night. He remembered
getting into Zhenya’s car from home. But he had no memory
of getting out by himself. It seemed like his consciousness had
been interrupted midway. It had been difficult to keep his eyes
open for a while.
He glanced around, his eyes darting. The place he was in
seemed to be Zhenya’s bedroom. He had only been here once
before, before going on a business trip, so it still felt a bit
awkward. Zhenya was nowhere to be seen. He couldn’t sense
his presence either. Was he not home? Vaguely guessing, he
didn’t bother to get up and check. Instead, he lazily lounged
around, snuggling into the sheets. The scent of his lingered
heavily on them. Nonetheless, he didn’t mind and buried his
head deeper.
Suddenly, he lifted the blanket. Despite it being summer, it felt
unusually chilly, and there wasn’t a single hair on his body.
Come to think of it, his head felt refreshingly clear, but his
body ached as if he had been wrestling all night. His groin felt
sticky and uncomfortable.
He sat up slowly, grabbing his aching back. Groaning, he
reached down to inspect his groin. Unexpectedly, it was clean.
However, there were red marks all over, as if he had been
bitten. The insides of his thighs felt sore, as if they had been
bruised. Was this the result of some unknown ordeal? He
couldn’t fathom the numbness of his body.
As he attempted to get out of bed, his legs gave out.
Collapsing back onto the bed, he winced in pain as his inner
thighs throbbed. Without even checking properly, he knew
what state he was in.
“Oh no, not this again…”
He muttered hopelessly. It didn’t feel like just once or twice,
but he had slept really well.
“Did you enjoy it too?”
He asked, looking down at his limp lower body. There was no
response. He just knew it by feeling. Considering how
uncomfortable he felt, it was clear that Yena had also collapsed
like him. Damn Zhenya. He must have had all the fun by
His throat was dry. He went to the kitchen and opened the
fridge. It was empty inside. There were a few bottles of water
rolling around, which was a relief. He opened one and gulped
it down in one go. The tender skin around his neck, bitten and
bruised, tingled with each swallow.
Wiping his wet lips with the back of his hand, he scanned the
house. It felt like being in a model home. Everything looked
perfect - the bed, the sofa, even the television - but it lacked
the feeling of being lived in. He wondered if he had ever
properly used anything he had bought.
He flopped onto the leather-scented sofa. Where on earth had
Zhenya gone? It was a weekday, so he was sure he hadn’t gone
to the embassy.
Without any real purpose, he turned on the television. The
noon news was on. As he absentmindedly watched, he
suddenly thought of his mother. Come to think of it, he hadn’t
contacted her to say he would be late.
He immediately went back to the bedroom to find his phone.
The battery was barely at 10%. As expected, there were
missed calls and messages from his mother asking where he
was, if he had gone to work, and where he had slept. He
pressed the call button. It didn’t take long for his mother’s
voice to come through.
“Mom, it’s me. I couldn’t get home yesterday because I got
drunk. Someone wouldn’t let me go until dawn.”
“Oh dear. You didn’t even get to eat hangover soup.”
“I’m about to eat now.”
“Ah, how much did you drink to lose your voice? Aren’t you
There was a reason his voice was hoarse, but he couldn’t say it
even if his life depended on it. He just reassured his mother,
blaming everything on the alcohol and promising to go to bed
As the call was ending, he sensed someone at the entrance. He
looked up and saw Zhenya just entering the house, holding a
hefty plastic bag, probably from the convenience store.
Zhenya set down what he bought on the table and stared
intently at Kwon Taek Joo. Somehow, his face seemed even
more flushed than yesterday. After ending the call, he
approached Zhenya.
“Did you have a good time all night?”
“Maybe because it’s been a while? It seemed even more
enjoyable than before. I only intended to do it twice, but
because of your hole…”
Unaware of the embarrassment, he continued to blabber on
without any change in expression. Unable to bear it any
longer, Kwon Taekjoo covered his mouth mid-sentence.
Zhenya firmly licked the back of his hand. He grabbed Kwon
Taekjoo’s waist firmly, blocking any escape route. Pressing
against him tightly, he grabbed his buttocks.
“If you regret it, we can start again now. A day can be very
“I was planning to enjoy that long day, but it seems like my
leash has been shortened.”
Pushing away Zhenya’s insistent chin, he persisted. Zhenya
effortlessly lifted him and sat him on the table. In the process,
some of the items he bought from the convenience store
spilled onto the floor with a loud noise.
Reflectively surveying the fallen items, he turned Kwon
Taekjoo’s chin towards himself. Suddenly, his field of vision
was filled with the man’s face. The upright gaze seemed quite
serious, occasionally darting with an intensity that hinted at
hidden depths. Without realizing it, he was swept away, his
heart rate and pulse becoming irregular.
This time was no different. Yielding to the weakening resolve,
his hand, which had been pushing Zhenya away, relented.
Sensing this change as if by instinct, Zhenya slowly pressed
his lips against his. As their lips parted, a lamentable sigh
escaped. Their breaths trembled as they met, close enough for
their noses to touch. Kwon Taekjoo stared into Zhenya’s eyes,
while Zhenya fixated on Kwon Taekjoo’s lips. The shallow
breaths shook slightly.
In a strange standoff, Zhenya attacked again, pressing his lips
against his. Simultaneously, he bit Zhenya’s upper lip and
wrapped his arms around his face. Naturally, his body leaned
back halfway, resembling someone hanging onto Zhenya. The
sound of moist lips meeting echoed softly, followed by a
repetition of touching and parting. Warm breaths exchanged
anew as their bodies gradually warmed up.
If only he could focus solely on that moment, but the incessant
sound of the television intruded into his ears. The news
reported that North Korea had conducted a missile launch test
under the leader’s observation, and the government’s
expression of regret had instead drawn strong criticism.
Although it was nothing out of the ordinary, tensions between
North and South Korea always led to inevitable unease. It was
a professional hazard he often experienced.
He muttered as if casting a spell, driven by a foreboding
feeling. Zhenya, who had been pressing his lips against Kwon
Taekjoo’s chin and neck, finally glanced at the TV. The screen
showed footage of North Korea’s missile launch. He
immediately went to unplug the TV, pulling the cord forcefully
enough to make it rattle. It was truly excessive.
At that moment, Kwon Taekjoo’s phone vibrated. Anxiously,
he checked the caller ID. Soon, he let out a long sigh, feeling
as if the ground was about to swallow him up.
In the meantime, Zhenya returned and pulled Kwon Taekjoo’s
legs, laying him completely on the table. Following suit,
leaning forward, and tilting their head, they attempted to kiss
again. However, the lips descending without hesitation met not
Kwon Taek Joo but the hard surface of a cell phone. The
reason was that Kwon Taekjoo unexpectedly pushed their
phone between the two sets of lips.
“It’s headquarters calling,” Kwon Taekjoo informed with a
somewhat uneasy expression. Then, giving Zhenya’s shoulder
a slight push, they got up and descended from the table.
Zhenya’s displeased gaze stubbornly followed.
While answering the call, Kwon Taekjoo began to put on
clothes one by one. Just as all the shirt buttons were fastened,
the call ended. Sensing a gaze and turning their head, they
found Zhenya standing by the door. They conveyed an
unmistakable disappointment to them.
“I think I need to go to headquarters. It’s a call,” Kwon
Taekjoo stated, knowing well that Zhenya was aware of his
return yesterday. However, being called meant one of two
things: either there was a problem with the previous
assignment or there was another urgent matter to attend to.
Either way, it wasn’t going to be easy.
With a simple “I’m going,” Kwon Taekjoo left without
looking back, the door closing with a bang. Now, only Zhenya
remained alone in the spacious house. They eyed the instant
noodles scattered on the floor with a dissatisfied look. This
wasn’t the reason they came to Korea. It seemed they needed
to come up with a plan.
“Senior, you didn’t get much rest, did you?” Upon arriving at
headquarters, Yoon Jongwoo greeted Kwon Taekjoo. After
confirming Kwon Taekjoo’s weary expression, Yoon Jongwoo
glanced around, pretending not to notice. Nodding dryly,
Kwon Taekjoo learned their chin on Yoon Jongwoo’s shoulder.
Due to exhaustion, Yoon Jongwoo let out a silent scream.
Ignoring his desperate struggle, Kwon Taekjoo pretended not
to notice and guided him to the director’s office personally.
The newly appointed replacement for Director Lim was
Director Kwak. While not a former agent like Director Lim, he
was known to be well-versed in North Korean affairs to the
extent that he was often praised as having the insight of a
Unification Ministry minister. If there was one similarity
between Director Im and Director Kwak, it was their
reputation for being tough on their subordinates.
Despite his robust stamina, Kwon Taekjoo had not rested for
several months, and it showed in his parched complexion. He
fervently hoped that he wouldn’t be assigned any new
missions upon reaching Director Kwak’s office.
After taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door.
“Come in,” came the response.
Even after receiving permission, he gathered his resolve once
more before entering. When Kwon Taekjoo appeared, Director
Kwak gestured to the chair opposite him. Quietly
acknowledging the gesture, Kwon Taekjoo went over and
slightly bowed before taking a seat.
Director Kwak began by acknowledging Kwon Taekjoo’s past
accomplishments. “You handled the previous mission well.
Thank you for your hard work.”
“Well, it was the job I signed up for.”
“I’ve heard you take pride in your work, and the more I see,
the more I understand what that means.”
With a slight smile, Director Kwak changed the subject. “Did
you happen to catch the news today?”
“Are you referring to the missile test conducted by North
“That’s right. We’ve received intelligence that the location of
North Korea’s missile launch pads has recently undergone
significant changes. Just yesterday, there were reports that one
of those launch pads was aimed at the sky. Prior to that, they
even conducted a missile test under the supervision of the
highest leader. It’s only natural for the government to closely
monitor such unusual developments. In relation to this, there
are also rumors that a high-ranking official from North Korea
will soon make an unofficial visit to China. So, I need you to
go and find out what discussions are taking place there and
report back.”
“Right now?” Kwon Taekjoo questioned.
“I know you just came back yesterday and must be tired. But
when urgency calls, what can we do? We can’t delay important
matters,” Director Kwak replied, his expression filled with
sympathy up to his eyebrows. However, there seemed to be no
intention of relenting on the directive.
“Well, if you insist, I’ll go. But I’m not sure what to tell my
mother,” Kwon Taekjoo expressed his concern.
“If necessary, I’ll arrange an official letter. You can also seek
assistance from the Russian Embassy where you are currently
working part-time,” Director Kwak suggested.
“That’s a bit…” Kwon Taekjoo hesitated.
“Why? You seem quite friendly with them over there. You
have frequent personal interactions,” Director Kwak teased
with a sly smile. It felt like a fox had left and a snake had
entered. Sensing that the conversation might drag on
unnecessarily, Kwon Taekjoo rose silently and bowed.
Director Kwak bid him farewell, suggesting they grab a drink
after he returned, as Kwon Taekjoo left the office without a
A sigh escaped him involuntarily. By this point, he wasn’t sure
if he was living to work or working to live. There was no
enthusiasm left in him; he just wanted to rest. Once this
mission was over, he felt he might have to seriously consider
taking a leave of absence.
But what should he tell his mother? And what about Zhenya?
It was all so perplexing. Perhaps it would be better to inform
them after the fact rather than facing their questions head-on.
Thinking of various excuses, he headed home. To his dismay,
his mother was nowhere to be seen; it seemed she had gone
out for some errands. There was no sign of Zhenya’s visit
either. Was he quietly waiting for Kwon Taekjoo at his house?
Although he felt uneasy, he packed his belongings. His mother
still hadn’t returned to finish the preparations for his departure.
There was no communication from Jeonya either.
He called for a taxi and asked the driver to head straight to the
airport. While gazing out of the window, he hesitated for a
while before calling his mother.
“Hello, son. What’s up?”
“I stopped by home, but you weren’t there. I think you must be
busy. I might not be able to come home for a while.
Remember what I mentioned last time? There’s a major event
organized by the embassy in a month. The workload has piled
up immensely due to my upcoming business trip. I’ll be
sharing tasks with the Russian department, and there’s a lot to
handle, so I might not even be going to the office for a while,
thanks to the time difference.”
“Oh, you poor thing. Take care of yourself. Even if you come
home late, make sure to eat well.”
“It’s because I feel uncomfortable. Commuting irregularly is
also part of the job when the workload fluctuates every day.”
“Should I make some side dishes for you? Do you have
enough clothes to change into?”
“I have everything I need, including food. Don’t worry, Mom.
I told you not to worry if you can’t reach me for a while. Take
care of yourself.”
“Won, too. Just like someone going far away.”
“Mom, I have to go back to work now. I’ll call you again.”
“Alright, work hard.”
Even after ending the call, he found himself continuously
staring at his phone. Since he had done so earlier in the day, it
was time to contact Zhenya as well. The problem was that no
excuse would likely suffice with him. Normally, he would
have rejected any new assignment, resisting interference. The
persistent silence only added to his unease.
After much deliberation, he decided to call Zhenya. However,
to his dismay, he was met with the continuous ringing tone,
with no answer on the other end. Of course, he didn’t have to
wait around solely for Zhenya. Missing a call or two wasn’t
uncommon. However, this lack of response was unusual,
considering their usual communication pattern, with Zhenya
often initiating contact. Trusting and relying on Zhenya during
his time in Korea, he couldn’t help but feel concerned.
Arriving quickly at the airport in a taxi, he retrieved the airline
ticket reserved by headquarters and swiftly went through the
check-in process.
Before entering the departure area, he tried calling Zhenya
again. Yet, once more, there was no response. He continued
his attempts to make contact while making his way to the
boarding gate, but each effort proved futile.
Glancing at his watch, he realized it was time to start boarding.
The duration of this mission was uncertain, and it could
potentially last for several days.
Pressing the call button one last time, he couldn’t help but feel
a sense of frustration. Even after accumulating a record of
unanswered calls, he felt an unsettling sensation, almost as if
he were stalking Zhenya.
“There’s nothing else I can do,” he muttered resignedly.
Despite his resignation, he couldn’t tear his eyes away from
the phone. It wasn’t as if the phone was turned off, so why
couldn’t he reach Zhenya? While he may not have been
concerned about Zhenya’s well-being, he couldn’t shake off
the feeling of worry, despite knowing he shouldn’t be
Despite feeling like a mouse facing a cat, he pressed the call
button again. “Answer, please,” he said, almost ordering. Just
then, a prompt urging him to board quickly echoed through.
Meanwhile, his phone continued to emit indifferent beeps, as
if undecided about disconnecting.
Finally, the annoying dial tone ceased. Soon after, the awaited
breath of the person on the other end was heard. It was hard to
tell if he was outside due to the surrounding noise. The person
who reluctantly answered the call spoke before Kwon Taekjoo
could say anything.
“I’m busy right now, we’ll talk later.”
The call abruptly ended as he tried to respond. He blankly
stared down at his phone. The call lasted barely three seconds.
It was frustrating, to say the least, and quite bewildering. How
could that guy be busy? Was he out at the embassy or
something? Nonetheless, it seemed that the anticipated
problem had not arisen.
Left with no choice, he left a message saying he had stepped
out momentarily due to work. Then, he finally turned off his
phone and boarded the airplane.
After a flight of about two hours, the plane landed in Beijing.
Amidst the crowd, he headed towards immigration. Along the
way, an airport staff member held up a sign with Kwon Taek-
joo’s name boldly written on it.
“Mr. Kwon?”
Approaching him, the staff member inquired, seemingly
already aware of his appearance. A sense of unease washed
over him. Once again, he hadn’t heard any mention of
someone coming to meet him specifically. He turned on his
phone, but aside from the usual arrival notifications, there
were no messages.
After careful consideration, he nodded slowly. “Please follow
me,” the staff member led the way. He followed quietly, taking
out a pair of frameless glasses. When he folded the legs, a
needle emerged, containing a potent anesthetic. With no time
to assemble firearms, it was a precaution for unforeseen
As they moved away from the bustling immigration area, the
crowd thinned gradually. The staff member leading the way
occasionally glanced back to ensure Kwon Taekjoo was
keeping up as they caught an elevator. Going up one more
floor, they arrived at an unmarked lounge. It seemed
designated for a select few, judging by its lack of a name.
Now, there was hardly a soul in sight. After confirming that
the staff member who had escorted Kwon Taekjoo there
knocked on the closed door and respectfully withdrew once it
opened, Kwon Taekjoo subtly removed his glasses once the
staff member had descended. Then, he folded the legs tightly
in his hand.
With a creak, the door opened, revealing a panoramic view of
the runway beyond. And there, unexpectedly, sat a figure.
“You might as well put that away,” he flicked the leg of the
glasses in his hand. He immediately grasped Kwon Taekjoo’s
intentions and smirked knowingly. It was none other than
Zhenya. The fact that someone who should have been in Korea
was seated on the runway at Beijing Airport was utterly
“What’s going on?” Kwon Taekjoo asked.
“For now, how about having a drink? We still have some time
before boarding.”
Ignoring the question, Zhenya relaxed, gesturing as if inviting
him closer and even flicking his finger towards a nearby seat.
Following his suggestion, Kwon Taekjoo took a seat opposite
“Explain. Why the hell are you here?” Kwon Taekjoo
demanded, tossing a document envelope towards him. It was a
series of unanticipated events. Frowning, he urged Kwon
Taekjoo to check the contents of the envelope. Then, he
poured himself a glass of wine, savoring its aroma. Eyeing
him suspiciously, Kwon Taekjoo reluctantly opened the
He rifled through the documents absentmindedly at first. But
soon, his eyes widened in disbelief.
“This is…”
He stared at Zhenya as if seeking confirmation that he wasn’t
seeing things. Silently, Zhenya smirked and swirled the wine
in his glass.
No matter how many times he reread it, there was no
mistaking it. The contents of the document were precisely why
Kwon Taekjoo had come here. It detailed recent developments
in North Korea. How on earth did he acquire this? It seemed
inconceivable that he had used a legitimate route.
Was this the reason for the lack of communication until now?
The chaos when they finally managed to connect? The
postponement with a promise to talk later?
With a bewildered expression, he examined the report again.
“Can I have this? To me?” he asked incredulously.
“Is there any reason why not?” Zhenya replied calmly. It made
him wonder if it was permissible to act unilaterally in the
interest of another country. Especially coming from someone
like Zhenya, affiliated with the Russian embassy.
Of course, it was just an empty envelope, and none of
Zhenya’s actions directly affected national security or image.
Yet, the unease lingered, fearing that his goodwill might
escalate into a major diplomatic issue. But at the same time, he
couldn’t simply disregard the effort that had been made to
obtain it.
“Am I really supposed to accept this? Don’t back out later,” he
pressed, handing the envelope over.
“That’s up to you, Taekjoo. It’s your expertise,” Zhenya
replied nonchalantly.
When was the last time he spoke so decisively? Clearly, he
had been playing dumb all along.
But what now? Just when things unexpectedly fell into place, a
sense of uncertainty crept in. How should he inform
headquarters about this fact?
During missions, it was crucial to report periodically. It
minimized the risk of missing information and prevented
deviation from the operation plan. At least, he felt he should
send a message confirming his safe arrival.
“Just a moment,” he requested, getting up. In an instant,
Zhenya reached out and snatched Kwon Taekjoo’s phone.
Before he could react, it was plunged into an ice bucket, wine
splashing over it.
“What are you doing?!” he exclaimed, rushing to retrieve his
phone. But Zhenya grabbed his hand.
“It’s awkward if it comes out like this,” he remarked.
“What nonsense is this, you lunatic?”
“There’s no reciprocity here. After giving you some time, are
you just going to return it to anyone?”
Zhenya’s intention was clear: now that he had taken care of
what Kwon Taekjoo needed to handle, he intended to use his
time as he pleased. Indeed, handing over the document to
headquarters would likely result in empty praise and a new
mission being assigned. It was an endless cycle. Perhaps
achieving reunification could be faster.
He let the tension drain from his body. He willingly
surrendered the phone, now irretrievably lost in the river he
had crossed. Regardless, thanks to Zhenya, he had obtained
valuable information without lifting a finger. Moreover, he had
failed to keep his promise from yesterday due to headquarters’
call. Perhaps it was okay to comply with Zhenya’s demands
this time. There was also a part of him that didn’t mind using
this as an excuse to take a break.
Still holding onto him, he asked, “What do you want to do?”
Finally, a satisfied smile spread across Zhenya’s lips.
Ch71- Honey Trap (3)
Translated by: Noah

“In the end, once again…” he murmured resignedly, gazing
out into the distance beyond the window. The scenery outside
was familiar yet distinctly different. Instead of the white
snowdrifts surrounding the mansion, there were lush green
lawns, and the once sparse forest was now thick with
undergrowth. Not a single cloud could be found in the
previously overcast sky. Clearly, spring had fully arrived on
this remote island.
The change in scenery brought a fresh perspective. What had
felt like a suffocating prison for months now seemed more like
a resort. The shifting emotions towards Zhenya seemed to alter
everything surrounding him. The quiet, almost eerie silence,
and the lack of obligations felt comfortable and pleasant. The
dreadful days of the past seemed like nothing but a dream.
Lost in thought while staring out the window, he suddenly felt
a looming shadow behind him. Even without the distinct odor,
he would have sensed Zhenya’s approach. Nevertheless, he
made no move to guard himself as Zhenya leaned in, and with
a swift motion, sank his teeth into Kwon Taekjoo’s neck.
Stretching out his hand to support Kwon Taekjoo’s abdomen
with his side, he held him firmly.
“Why don’t we just take a breather and come back to this
later?” he pleaded wearily, his voice strained. But it was as if
he hadn’t said anything at all. Ignoring him completely,
Zhenya continued to bite into his neck, slowly unbuttoning his
shirt one by one. Soon enough, his front became loose,
revealing his muscular physique. His other hand reached in
and firmly grasped both sides of his chest, squeezing tightly as
if molding a dense mound of dough.
Zhenya’s agile nose trailed down, resting beneath his earlobe
after trailing down his neck, and suddenly, he grabbed his arm.
His touch seemed almost urgent.
He was then tossed onto the bed, Zhenya looming over him,
pressing his body against him. The shirt, loosely draped, was
pushed back, revealing his smoothly contoured body as he
writhed languidly, stretching like a cat. With long fingers,
Zhenya slowly traced down from his neck to his sternum and
belly button, when suddenly, he made a strange proposition.
“There are two ways we can do this: either we finish it in one
go, or we keep going until you give in. I’ll leave the choice to
As if there was even a choice. Of course, without even needing
to ask, it would be the former. He could easily take a step back
and get some rest.
Before he could respond, Zhenya added one condition.
“But if we’re going to finish it in one go, you have to do the
moving yourself.”
What? Was Zhenya asking him to move even his hips? Faced
with a perplexed expression, Zhenya smirked provocatively.
Until now, he had always accommodated Zhenya whenever he
was in heat. There were times when he would tire out or even
faint from the exertion. However, there had never been a time
when he had eagerly rushed in first.
Come to think of it, he had been quite passive all this time.
Sure, the issue was his endurance far exceeding normal levels.
But even in intimate relationships, he had never relinquished
control. Just because Zhenya was the one initiating, there was
no reason for things to be any different.
He revealed his chosen tool and feigned a whimsical smile.
“Then you have to meet my conditions too. That’s only fair,
Surprised by the unexpected choice, he nodded silently. Then,
he lifted Kwon Taekjoo abruptly, seating him hastily on top of
himself. He ran his smooth hands up his waist, reversing
course as he reached his chest, gently kneading his nipples.
Kwon Taekjoo grabbed his hand and pulled it away from
“Don’t you dare touch me while we’re at it.”
His relaxed demeanor faltered slightly.
That’s a bit awkward.
His blue eyes flared in defiance. For a moment, he subtly
moved his hips, teasing his groin. “Don’t like it?” he asked, a
mischievous laugh escaping him.
“Suit yourself.”
He braced his upper body with both hands behind him, as if to
signal him to continue. Then, he gestured as if to say ‘go on’,
one after another, stretching himself out. Somehow, that
laughter reminded him of a demon.
“Ah… hmm.”
He inserted his fingers into the back, thinking that doing it
himself would be better than having someone else do it.
However, it wasn’t necessarily so. Despite generously
applying the gel and massaging, the tense entrance didn’t seem
to loosen.
His fingertips felt the intricate creases clearly. It felt strangely
soft, as if it were hiding something deep inside. The peculiar
sensation of pushing himself backward made his teeth clench
“Make sure you apply it properly inside. I don’t want to hear
any unnecessary complaints.”
Zhenya scolded from the comfort of the bed. Glaring at the
annoying guy, he squeezed out a lot of gel. Slipping down to
fill the curve of the buttocks, the slippery fluid slid along the
Gradually, Zhenya’s pelvis and lower abdomen also trembled
as he awkwardly fumbled around the hole with his hands,
causing his member to quickly become erect from the teasing
touch around the opening.
“Feels like you’ve turned the syrup upside down or
Zhenya licked his lower lip sensually while admiring Kwon
Taekjoo’s member, which was shaking in front of him. Kwon
Taekjoo’s blue eyes glowed with subtle heat.
As soon as his hips slightly lowered, he felt something hard
against his thighs. Even though nothing had been done yet,
Zhenya’s member was already standing tall. Despite trying to
ignore it, it wriggled with vitality, brushing against his body.
“Get out of the way. It’s my turn now.”
Zhenya glanced teasingly at his bulge before pushing him
aside. As a result, Zhenya’s member, which had been pushed
back, rebounded like a spring and hit his thigh again.
Annoyed, Kwon Taek joo glared at him. He smirked lightly in
Despite having his arms behind his head, Zhenya still
managed to move his member freely, teasing Kwon Taekjoo
while bouncing it around. Even though he leaned forward to
avoid it, the shadow loomed over him, asserting its presence.
He involuntarily furrowed his brow.
Although he had done it only once or twice before, an
unfamiliar fear crept over him. Trying to insert something so
dirty into his body made him feel suffocated. Yet, he didn’t
know if it was better to be dominated by him helplessly or to
move according to his pace.
He poured the remaining gel onto Zhenya’s obscene member
without warning. As the sudden cold gel flowed down the
shaft, Kwon Taekjoo’s relaxed expression turned into a frown.
He even let out a low groan. The familiar glans trembled on
the verge of his entrance, causing the foam to form and burst
on the federal tremor that was roaring.
Having thoroughly lubricated it, insertion should have been a
bit smoother. With that optimism, he firmly grasped Zhenya’s
lower abdomen. It was difficult even for an adult man to hold
it in one go.
Supporting his body by gripping Zhenya’s wriggling abdomen,
he aimed for his hole with Zhenya’s rigid member. Although it
only touched the entrance, Kwon Taekju’s member
unreservedly spat out pre-cum. The heat emanating from the
federal trembling urethra was undeniable. Even in Zhenya’s
relaxed blue eyes, there was a subtle restlessness.
While locking eyes with Zhenya’s gaze full of anticipation and
excitement, he slowly descended. His lower abdomen
involuntarily tensed. As a result, the contours of his abs
became even clearer. The entrance, which had been difficult to
open, reluctantly enveloped Kwon Taekju’s glans. Zhenya’s
head tilted back slightly. Even the slightly closed eyelashes of
the silent Kwon Taekju’s forehead wrinkled. He let out a low
moan. The unfamiliar sensation caused the already swollen
glans to tremble. Foam formed and then burst on the federal
tremor that had been roaring.
As the hole widened to its maximum, even breathing became
difficult for Kwon Taekjoo. Unable to endure any longer,
Kwon Taekjoo knelt down and sat for a moment to catch their
breath. However, even biting down on the thickest part of the
head was not easy.
With a groaning sound, Kwon Taekjoo exerted force on their
lower body again. But the flesh, fully engaged, did not budge
an inch. Despite thinking they had widened it enough, the
inner depths remained rigid. Kwon Taekjoo was unsure how to
proceed, feeling trapped. It was a dilemma. No matter what
position they took, the foreign substance that filled and
blocked their passage made them uncomfortable.
Watching the scene with eyes clouded by passion, Zhenya felt
frustrated because of Kwon Taek-joo, whose member
intermittently prodded theirs. Zhenya’s lower lip trembled
with annoyance.
Their shallow patience reached its limit not long after. Zhenya
reached out for Kwon Taekjoo’s waist abruptly, intending to
push him away.
However, Kwon Taekjoo was quicker. Grabbing Zhenya’s
hand, he reminded them of the agreement with a look of
discomfort in his eyes.
Reluctantly, Zhenya bit his tongue and released Kwon Taek-
joo’s hand. Then they resumed their downward motion. The
muscular bulk, swollen with tension, pushed forcefully against
the soft inner walls. The spine stiffened, and the intense strain
caused everything to turn yellow in Zhenya’s sight.
“Haah, haa….”
Kwon taek joo barely managed to release a fragment of breath.
It felt like their breath was caught in their throat. They were
overwhelmed by the endless ordeal.
For Zhenya, it was equally suffocating. Despite having tried
several times before, they thought it would be soft and easy.
However, inserting it was not easy due to Kwon Taekjoo’s
tension. It felt like the skin would peel off. Even if the member
snapped off right then, it wouldn’t have been surprising. As
the sensation of the slippery surface teased them, their thighs
twitched uncontrollably. Even one of their eyebrows furrowed
in irritation.
He gazed at Zhenya with confusion. Wondering if he had
misheard the previous moan, he expelled a rough breath, his
eyes and ears reddening. His throat and abdomen writhed
incessantly with an unquenchable thirst that seemed to never
be satisfied. Seeing him in agony due to desire somehow felt
like a small compensation for Zhenya’s own suffering.
But they couldn’t continue to endure the pain just for that. In a
moment when they considered spraying more gel, Zhenya’s
waist suddenly jerked upwards. As a result, the member also
plunged deeply.
Kwon Taekjoo twitched as if shocked. Unconsciously, their
body jolted upright. As a result, the unexpectedly intruding
member slipped out.
“Hey, don’t move.”
“I’m gonna die, what do you want me to do? The cum’s all
pent up inside.”
What’s he talking about “pent up”? It sounded like a terrible
excuse. While frowning in disbelief, Zhenya raised his waist
again. With a sharp sound, their thighs rubbed against each
other forcefully. The member, which had barely hung onto the
head, was pushed all the way to the root.
This time, a genuine scream erupted. With Kwon’s knees
losing strength that had been supporting them, Kwon Taekjoo
collapsed completely underneath him. He didn’t miss the
In a single thrust, he pierced all the way to the deepest point
and felt a firm constriction. Their head and neck, irritated to
the point of frustration, instantly cooled down. Every hair on
their cheeks stood on end. They just wanted to savor it deeply.
Before Kwon Taek-joo could fully grasp their weakened body,
Zhenya lifted his waist again.
The thighs slapped together with a resounding thud, producing
audible friction. Bodies soared into the air, then plummeted
into darkness. As high as they fell, the firmly thrust member
plunged deep inside. The forceful penetration felt like it could
crush the organs within. Despite attempting to find relief by
shifting, they only ended up sinking more deeply into the
sweat and gel-covered abyss, each descent more agonizing
than the last.
“Ah… Ugh! Agh… Ah!”
Efforts to suppress the groans were futile; they continued to
escape. Every inch of their bodies was ablaze with heat, sweat
beginning to drench their entire beings. Watching Kwon
taekjoo’s glistening body with lustrous fascination, Zhenya
subtly reached out, but Kwon taek joo adamantly denied any
further contact, even amidst the tormenting pleasure.
Zhenya’s labored breaths exuded frustration; the desire to
indulge was palpable, yet out of reach. Each rough thrust of
their lower body emitted a profound sense of longing. Kwon
Taek joo, amidst screams and moans, collapsed in disarray.
Between swollen cheeks, the massive member was swallowed
and spat out in one swift motion. As their flesh intertwined
and melded, the skin grew increasingly crimson. From Kwon
Taekjoo’s buttocks to Zhenya’s thighs, and the penetrating
member, every surface glowed as if bloodied. With each
thrust, the gel coating burst like spiderwebs, leaving opaque
bubbles in the swollen cavity, only to burst again upon each
forceful impact.
Zhenya revealed in the chaotic movements of Kwon taekjoo,
their body writhing with satisfaction. With each descent of
Kwon Taekjoo’s body, their member and sturdy chest muscles
swayed in unison. Merely watching caused Kwon Taekjoo’s
nipples to harden, glistening with sweat. Despite just
observing, saliva pooled in their mouth, unable to resist
The intense heat converged, sucked out through one focal
point. A prominent vein emerged on Zhenya’s smooth
forehead, signaling a deeper chaos yearning to be unleashed.
“Ah! Ouch! Uh, oh…!”
Kwon taekjoo’s upper body gradually collapsed, despite his
efforts to hold on. Even grabbing onto Zhenya’s legs and
abdomen to support himself was challenging due to the gel.
Finally, he reached out his arms and managed to grasp the
bedhead. In doing so, Zhenya’s face ended up nestled against
his tilting torso.
Suddenly, Kwon taekjoo twisted his shoulder and moaned. It
was because Zhenya unexpectedly licked his sensitive nipple.
It had always been sensitive, but he had thought it was merely
because removing it would be awkward. However, facing
Kwon taekjoo made him realize that men could feel just as
much as women. He hadn’t even been interested before.
“I should have tried sucking it.”
Murmuring with a playful smirk, he teased the nipple with his
sharp nose before gently sucking on it. As he alternated
between the top and bottom, Kwon Taekjoo’s body
involuntarily stiffened and trembled.
Despite lowering his head and groaning, he couldn’t resist the
tantalizing sensation from above and below, causing his hips
to quiver. Pushing his chest up with his tongue pressed firmly
against the nipple, Zhenya’s upper body rose abruptly. This
caused the member nestled in his abdomen to press against the
mucous membrane, eliciting a response from a previously
untouched area, making Kwon taekjoo’s body shudder. Now,
he was completely on top of Zhenya.
Even then, he persisted in burying his face into Zhenya’s
chest. Kwon Taekjoo pushed Zhenya’s shoulders away, but his
upper body defied reason and pressed closer to Zhenya’s face.
His erect member also gently nudged against Zhenya’s
“Don’t touch… I said stop, it’s dry.”
Kwon taekjoo protested belatedly, amidst pleasure.
“Who said I touched?”
Zhenya replied coyly.
Kwon taek joo tried to protest shamelessly, raising his hands,
but Zhenya didn’t stop and continued to thrust from below. For
a moment, Kwon Taekjoo’s body, which had been resisting,
weakened. Zhenya seized the opportunity and tightly
embraced his back, spreading his buttocks apart and
relentlessly thrusting his member upward.
“Ah! Oh, yes… Ah!”
“Haah, hah…”
Kwon taekjoo hugged Zhenya’s neck and groaned into his ear
messily. Zhenya grimaced as he heard the sound, and Zhenya
nibbled on his earlobe. With each movement, the swollen
member forcefully pounded against his thick chest and defined
abs, causing more pain than pleasure. The intense pressure
Their sweat-soaked bodies peeled away from each other. Their
heated breaths mingled in their ears, raising their body
temperatures. Their minds felt dizzy, and their pupils seemed
ready to melt away. Zhenya pushed his hot tongue into Kwon
Taekjoo’s ear and teased it lightly while flexibly bouncing his
hips. The sensation escalated quickly.
Unable to endure any longer, they changed positions. Zhenya
flipped Kwon taek joo onto his back and raised his legs to
access the now softened entrance. With rapid thrusts, the
breath that hadn’t been exhaled caught in their throats. The gel
that had filled the opening due to the sudden pressure release
leaked out. Some stuck to the member’s surface like melted
marshmallows, increasing with each insertion. Sticky noises
echoed beneath them.
“Ah, slowly… Oh, ah, slowly… Ahh…”
Zhenya’s body relentlessly pounded, but Kwon Taekjoo’s
outpouring didn’t slow down. No matter how much they
writhed and struggled, it was futile.
Perhaps Kwon taekjoo’s incessant squirming didn’t satisfy
him; Zhenya completely covered Kwon taekjoo’s body with
his own. Then, he slipped his tongue into Kwon Taekjoo’s
mouth as he exhaled. The moans trapped in his mouth echoed.
Eyelashes and pupils were moist with tenderness. He gently
mixed his tongue as if probing below and pushed up, as if
probing below. The rock-hard glans pressed deeply against the
inner walls.
Suddenly, Kwon Taekjoo’s chest heaved wide open. His
shoulders visibly trembled, and his suppressed lower body
twitched. Overwhelmed by a sense of impending doom and
anxiety, they completely crushed and focused on that area
Zhenya’s violently thrusting body pushed against Kwon
Taekjoo’s body, which could not resist. Zhenya’s relentless
member roamed fiercely. His toes curled white against the
relentless insistence on targeting the weakest point. The
intense pulsation concentrated in the groin, inducing
ejaculation. The moans, muffled by their lips locked together,
didn’t escape. Their vision alternated between yellow and red.
Unable to bear the intense burning sensation, Kwon taekjoo
turned his head abruptly. The moans that had only echoed in
Zhenya’s mouth now spilled out messily.
“Ah, oh, ha, ah, slowly, yes, ah, ohhh…”
They cried out hoarsely as their bodies convulsed. Kwon
Taekjoo’s member, who had been repeatedly rubbing against
Zhenya’s abdomen, exploded. The thick semen splattered
across Zhenya’s chest, clavicles, and jawline, then quickly
spread to Kwon Taekjoo’s body. Zhenya nonchalantly licked
up the semen on his clavicle.
Exhausted, Kwon taek joo only furrowed his brow slightly, not
reacting much. His body continued to twitch while still
entwined with Zhenya’s. As he sucked greedily on his
member, the pounding sensations filled his mind. The sounds
of relentless thrusting resonated under him.
A faint sound of relief emanated from Zhenya. Then, his lower
abdomen adhered tightly to Kwon taek joo. The sweaty bulge
was completely flattened against his waist. Right after that,
something hot burst from his belly. Kwon taekjoo grimaced as
he felt the sensation of being completely full.
The figure that had been thrusting with such force collapsed
against him, gasping heavily as they both surrendered to the
intense aftermath. From head to toe, they both trembled with
exhaustion and languor, longing to simply fall asleep right
then and there.
At that moment, Zhenya lifted his head, his sweat-drenched
eyelashes lowered as he gazed quietly at Kwon Taekjoo’s face.
Kwon Taekjoo, in turn, met his gaze without a word. Their
eyelashes and pupils glistened with a tender moisture. Without
hesitation, Zhenya lowered his lips and delicately kissed Kwon
Taekjoo’s eyelids, as if savoring them. He let out a subdued
moan, his body shuddering at the unfamiliar sensation, causing
a shiver to run down his spine.
In the meantime, Zhenya withdrew from him. The walls that
had been so heatedly embraced now felt empty and dull. He
couldn’t help but wonder why Zhenya seemed intent on
keeping their agreement.
It was a mistake. He grabbed a bottle of gel nearby, completely
ignoring the sound of the empty container, and tore it open.
“What are you doing? We agreed to do it just once…”
“Sure, once. Until it’s completely drained, that once.”
He changed his tune without batting an eye. Kwon taekjoo,
who had been about to argue, instead tightly sealed his lips.
Suddenly, something cold pressed against the inside of his
buttocks. The fingers covered in gel dug in, scraping out the
fluid that had filled him.
Zhenya then used his lips to pull him away, gently kissing the
area around it. From then on, he tormented him until
consciousness faded away. Even the slightest sound of his
tender voice calling him gently in his ear resonated
Whether his response to that call was real or a dream, he
couldn’t tell. Alone on that deserted island, he was lost in a
hallucinatory ecstasy that no one else would come to.
Ch73 - Honey Trap (5)
Translated by: Noah
Consciousness slowly returned, yet his body remained limp
against the relentless wind, keeping his eyes shut. The
sensation of the soft bed cradling him felt comforting. A gentle
breeze seeped in through the slightly ajar window. It was
slightly cool but not cold. The warmth of the sunlight
cascading down explained it all.
He almost felt like he was still in a dreamlike tranquility. Just a
little longer lying here would be fine. He adjusted his head
comfortably on the plush pillow.
At that moment, a shadow loomed over his closed eyelids.
Even without seeing, he recognized Zhenya’s presence from
his voice and scent alone. It seemed like Zhenya was taking a
phone call. With each pause from Zhenya, he could faintly
hear the other person’s responses.
A scrutinizing gaze seemed to be upon him. It wasn’t a
figment of his imagination; Zhenya continued his conversation
while lying next to the sleeping Kwontaeju. Perhaps Zhenya
was also struggling to fully awaken. The voice emanating
from Zhenya’s phone sounded unusually soothing compared to
“It’s about your son. He really went too far this time.”
Zhenya trailed off, pondering his words. On the other end of
the phone call, the other person muttered something again. For
some reason, that voice sounded familiar. But he couldn’t be
sure; he wasn’t completely awake to confirm.
Suddenly, the mattress shifted. Zhenya’s scent intensified. His
gaze was now unmistakably fixed. Zhenya spoke with a
relaxed tone.
“I really thought last night was going to turn out differently.
He kept resisting, biting me and not letting go. I almost ended
up forcing it into that tight hole. Can you believe it?”
What madness was this lunatic spouting? And who was
entertaining such vulgar talk?
As his consciousness sharpened, he resisted the urge to open
his eyes immediately. The timing, and understanding who
Zhenya was conversing with, was crucial.
“I don’t know how to handle him. If I treat him like a woman,
it hurts his pride. But just catering to him isn’t the answer.
He’s not some dog or horse. What if he runs away again? I’d
be really angry then. Strangely, I don’t want to kill him. He
just keeps bothering me, irritating me, and the more I see him,
the more thirsty I become. I should just get rid of this
annoying feeling in front of me… But I don’t want to.”
A thick shadow fell over his face. Zhenya’s hand seemed
poised to touch him. Even in this situation, he kept his eyes
shut. It would be awkward to react in front of another person’s
Zhenya’s hand gently covered Kwon taekjoo’s eyes, shielding
them from the dazzling sunlight. Then, a tender voice began to
caress his ear.
“How did I end up with someone like him? Hm? You… He
said you did something unforgivable to him.”
Thankfully, Zhenya’s hand obscured his vision. Otherwise, he
wouldn’t have been able to pretend to sleep quietly until now.
Soon, Zhenya’s call ended. He sensed the phone being placed
somewhere on the bed. Then, Zhenya’s body heat seemed to
draw nearer. Zhenya whispered softly into Kwontaeju’s ear.
“Your mother sends her regards.”
He swiftly shook off Zhenya’s hand covering his eyes. As his
sight cleared, he was met with Zhenya’s smirking face. It
seemed Zhenya had known all along that he was awake.
Yet, he had still engaged in conversation with his mother. The
things Zhenya had said replayed in his mind. It felt like his
facial skin might burn off any moment.
Due to the fact that the man had been rambling incessantly in
Russian, his mother couldn’t understand a single word of his
vulgar language. However, this fact did not serve as a
mitigating circumstance for the retribution aimed at him.
“You bastard!”
He reached out as if to grab him by the collar, but the man
skillfully avoided him by moving his upper body slightly. As
his futile attack subsided, she felt a surge of forgotten strength
returning to his body. He grasped his severely damaged waist
and groaned. The man held his arm, effortlessly lifting him
from the bed.
“If you’re up, go wash up. Let’s have a meal.”
It wasn’t that his stomach had suddenly growled, but the
emptiness inside his made a faint sound. The man chuckled
and gestured towards the door before leaving.
Each time this happened, it was infuriating to be reminded that
a human could feel hunger three times a day. Rubbing his
abdomen absentmindedly, he left the bedroom. He couldn’t tell
how long he had been lying there; the sensation of his feet
touching the ground felt oddly unfamiliar.
As he passed through the kitchen on his way to the bathroom,
a familiar smell wafted through the air. Peeking cautiously, he
saw Zhenya cooking something in front of the gas stove. It
struck him that the man didn’t even bother preparing his own
meals properly. Yet, he never forgot about his “food”. Was it
some kind of twisted game to him?
Watching him concentrate so intently while preparing instant
ramen, he couldn’t help but smile. It was somewhat endearing.
Lost in thought, he suddenly snapped back to reality. He
hurried into the bathroom.
After finishing his shower and heading to the kitchen, He
found a bowl of ramen waiting for him. As he moved to sit at
the table, Zhenya abruptly blocked his path. Then, he handed
him a mysterious black box.
“What’s this?”
Upon receiving it, it felt unexpectedly heavy, causing his arms
to almost drop it. He barely managed to hold on. With a
puzzled look, he glanced at Zhenya, who responded
Ah, Anastasia.
“What… what?”
He was about to accept it with resignation when he suddenly
jolted in surprise. Zhenya elaborated as if to reassure him that
he hadn’t misheard.
“The one you were looking for before, that ‘Anastasia.’”
The unprecedented weapon jointly developed by Russia and
North Korea for years, known as Anastasia. After its
development failed, numerous lives were sacrificed to bury
any possibility of its re-emergence. The blueprint of Anastasia
could only be deciphered by Zhenya, who was specialized in
weapons. The reason the Russian government couldn’t do
anything about him was also because of the fear that he could
reproduce “the second Anastasia.” If there were a real
Anastasia in the world, it would undoubtedly belong to
But to suddenly receive the very item he had been looking for,
Anastasia, on an ordinary morning was unbelievable.
“For you, Taekjoo.”
Once again, Zhenya uttered something absurd to a stunned
Kwontakju. Was he joking this early in the morning?
He attempted to place the box on the table, cautious of any
potential issues, but Zhenya, who had been idly watching,
calmly warned him.
“You’ll need to handle it carefully. It’s sensitive and could
explode with even a slight shock.”
Was this some kind of mine? Kwontakjoo couldn’t bring
himself to set the box down and instead held it tightly against
his chest.
“Take it back. I don’t need this now, and I’m not interested.”
“You need to dream big. With just that, you can have whatever
you want in your hands. Want power? Want to become the top
tycoon? Just say the word. She will gladly help you.”
“I’ll also attract the attention and interest of the public. I’ll
become a target for anyone else who wants Anastasia, always
being chased and living as if death is just around the corner…
Just imagining it makes me uneasy. I’ll quietly live as if I
don’t exist and then die. So please take this burdensome
Pandora’s box away.”
“It’s natural to feel burdened. That’s why I’m giving it to you.”
“What nonsense is this?”
“In return, you’ll receive a fair value. I’ve given you
something as valuable as my life, so I should receive
something in return, shouldn’t I? So hand over yourself
without hesitation.”
Handing over something unnecessary and demanding payment
for it. There was no end to his audacity.
As Kwontakjoo felt incredulous, the man took another step
closer. Without realizing it, he took a step back. It seemed like
he had heard something significant, but he couldn’t let himself
be swept away by the atmosphere. After all, if it were up to
him, he would twist everything to his advantage and ruthlessly
collect his fee, more cunning than any loan shark.
As Kwontakjoo hesitated, fearing that the man might explode,
he spoke. His warning tone was unsettlingly calm. Worried
that it might actually explode, Kwontakjoo hesitated, and at
that moment, the man closed the distance between them. Soon,
his entire face was covered by the man’s shadow.
“As you know, I’m a born wheeler-dealer. I don’t do deals
without profit.”
“You’re a funny one. What benefit do I get from this?”
Kwontakjoo resisted, but the man leaned in without hesitation.
The sudden tension in the air didn’t feel good at all. Two
cunning men engaging in such nerve-wracking antics since
morning. Kwontakjoo, who had initially intended to refuse
again, hesitated and then stopped. It was because Anastasia,
which he had been holding, shook as his back touched the wall
unexpectedly. He didn’t know if it would really explode with
even the slightest shock, as warned by Zhenya, but he didn’t
want to end his life here like this.
As Kwontakjoo stood firm, Zhenya’s hand approached him.
With long fingers, it traced down from Kwontakjoo’s chin to
his neck. His gaze, lazily following his fingertips without a
sound, was infinitely languid. Eventually, the man gently
caressed the protruding collarbone that had emerged and
looked up at Kwontakjoo.
“It might seem like a loss right now, but you never know. It
might turn into a bigger profit later.”
Dealer, profit, plausible excuses—despite all that, the only one
reflected in Zhenya’s blue eyes was himself. The reptilian
eyes, reminiscent more of a reptile than a human, harbored
desires that seemed out of place today. Watching the man who
was completely immersed in himself, Kwontakjoo chuckled.
He recalled the moment he first met the man. He was the first
person Kwontakjoo had ever felt fear towards. Did he ever
imagine ending up like this with him?
He shrugged lightly. Trying to resist while already dipping
one’s foot into the current only made things harder for oneself.
Sometimes, it didn’t seem so bad to go with the flow and see
where it led.
“They say good memories stemming from shared places,
times, and experiences with someone else can evoke positive
emotions in that person too.”
Now he realized. Perhaps that was the real way to obtain the
heart of Kosice.
Startled by the gunshot, the deer bolted away. Without a word,
the two of them dashed out into the wilderness. In the forest
shrouded in lush greenery, the moist smell of moss permeated
the air. The crisp air exuded by the verdant foliage filled their
lungs. Sunlight pierced through the dense canopy of trees,
illuminating the surroundings. It was as if everything that had
been dormant had suddenly awakened.
The deer crashed through the trees, fleeing rapidly. Blindly
chasing after it, the two of them dispersed in different
directions as if it were an agreed-upon plan. Their hearts raced
as fast as the heavy footsteps of the deer pounding on the
ground. Their skin tingled with exhilaration.
Kwon Taekjoo, who had been running tirelessly, suddenly
dropped to one knee and aimed his rifle in the direction the
deer had fled. Moving the barrel along the shaking bushes, he
held his breath and took aim. Before long, the deer emerged
unexpectedly. Without hesitation, he pulled the trigger.
With a loud bang, the bullet ricocheted through the forest,
surpassing Kwon taekjoo who had been running ahead. The
deer, which had been bounding along, faltered and collapsed
lifelessly. Zhenya, who had been chasing after the man, also
came to a sudden halt. Had he hit his mark?
Hurrying over, he saw the deer lying motionless nearby.
Zhenya grabbed the thick antlers of the deer and examined its
head, turning it this way and that. There was no comparison
between Zhenya’s stature and the deer’s. A strange thrill
coursed through him, reminiscent of the feeling when he
caught a big fish. It was only later that he realized his hands
were numb from the recoil of the rifle.
Zhenya soon retrieved a sleek knife from the sheath strapped
to his leg. The man, who had intended to finish off the deer
with it, hesitated for a moment. Then, he looked up at Kwon
takjoo, who had been silently observing.
“Would you like to do it yourself?”
He readily offered the dagger, spreading his shoulders wide as
if conceding something monumental. His expression was
confident, almost swaggering.
He didn’t want to spill blood and take a life as punishment.
While he might shoot a gun or wield a knife as needed in the
course of his duties, it wasn’t something he enjoyed. The
sensation of the blade piercing flesh and cutting through skin
was never pleasant.
Shaking his head with a troubled expression, he declined. “I’m
“No need to decline. It’s a special concession,” the man
It wasn’t a refusal, it was rejection. What concession was there
to make when it came to slitting an animal’s throat?
“Well, I’m done,” he insisted.
Backing away with a resigned expression, the man shrugged
as if to say there was no helping it. Then, without hesitation,
he plunged the blade into the deer’s neck. The startled deer
trembled for a moment before collapsing.
It was when he approached the dead deer again to inspect it
that Zhenya, who had still been seated there, suddenly grabbed
his ankle. In a moment of surprise, his body toppled over.
Luckily, the grass cushioned his fall; otherwise, he might have
suffered a concussion.
He climbed onto Kwon Taekjoo’s back, who was groaning in
pain, cursing silently. Looking down at Kwon taek joo, he saw
his pupils narrow, perhaps from seeing blood. His excitement
seemed to have caused his trousers to bulge slightly.
Normally, he might have tried to undress Kwon taek joo right
then and there, but instead, he silently shook his head and
pursed his lips. Only a faint breath escaped through the gap in
his lips. He watched the man with eyes wide open. The
furrowed brow looked rather desperate.
You’ve got some taste too, huh?
Quietly, he rolled his tongue inside, closing his eyes. As their
lips met, he tensed, his tongue stiffening awkwardly in
response. His dry mouth moistened faintly, exchanging
warmth and breath. Mixing their tongues only seemed to
intensify the sensation. What began as a cautious kiss quickly
escalated into a rough, fervent embrace, as if consuming each
other entirely.
Entwined, their bodies moved, with him rising above him. He
pulled at his lower lip, then released it, meeting his gaze with
an intensity that revealed pure desire. He couldn’t tell if he had
become the master of his own longing by chance or design.
Suddenly, a question he had posed long ago echoed in his
mind. Back then, his eyes held a similar intensity to what he
saw now.
“Why should I stay here…?”
For a brief moment, his mind was inundated with countless
thoughts. But ultimately, nothing remained. At this moment,
there was no room in his mind for anything but his own
position, the weight of his existence as Zhenya, and the trials
they had endured together, past and future. Only he fulfilled
his vision.
His piercing blue eyes reflected his unfamiliar face. Awkward
and embarrassed, he covered his eyes with his hand, feeling
the rough texture of his lashes beneath his palm.
“It all depends on what you do from now on.”
Leaving him with that answer, he slowly lowered his head.
Eventually, their lips met, gently settling into the softness of
her mouth.
The scent of fresh blood lingered in the air. It was okay, even
if it wasn’t sweet. Wasn’t it enough that the long, harsh winter
had passed and spring had arrived? For now, at least, wasn’t
that sufficient?

***NOTE: I might release the whole vol5 all together, it will
take time, of course.***
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