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Assignment on

The causes and effect of religious conflicts in District Kurram

Submitted to: Dr, Sameer Khan

Department of Law and Shariah Islamia College

At the end of the 19th century when the Durand line was drawn a vast region came under the
British Empire. The region was governed by the British colonial authorities through a system of
political agents who supervised local affairs. The code of conduct devised for the region was
called Frontier Crime Regulation 'FCR' due to the tribal structure. As per authority, the region
cannot be run by common laws because of tribal rivalries and unique modes of life. Post-
independence, with the creation of Pakistan, Kurram Agency became part of the (FATA) of the
newly formed country. The administrative framework changed, integrating the region into
Pakistan's governance structure. The government writ in Kurram Agency transitioned from
British colonial rule to inclusion within the administrative boundaries of an independent
Pakistan. Although the government writ was better as compared to other agencies but land
disputes in Kurram had become intertwined with sectarian tensions, creating a complex and
volatile situation. The region's diverse ethnic and religious composition, including Sunni and
Shia communities, has fueled competition for land resources. Disputes often escalate along
sectarian lines, exacerbating underlying tensions. Historical grievances and political dynamics
further complicated the issue. The government's efforts to address land-related conflicts are
challenged by deeply rooted sectarianism, making resolution elusive. The intertwining of land
disputes and sectarian tendencies underscores the intricate socio-political landscape of Kurram
Agency, requiring nuanced strategies for sustainable peace and harmony.

Overview of the Kurram

Nestled in the rugged terrain of Pakistan's tribal areas, Kurram Agency boasts a distinctive
demographic and geographical profile. As per census 2017, the district had a population of
619,553. The region, with its diverse population, is home to various ethnic groups, including
Pashtuns. Major tribes living in the Kurram District are Bangash, Turi, Mangal and others
including Orakzai, Wazir, Mamozai, Muqbal, Zazai, Paracha, Ghilzai, Para Chamkani.

Agriculture forms the backbone of the local economy, with the fertile lands supporting the
cultivation of crops such as wheat and beans, corn, rice, peanuts and vegetables.

The agency has now a single constituency in the national and two in the provincial assembly that
play a crucial role in the political landscape.

The people of Kurram Agency are deeply rooted in their tribal traditions, contributing to a rich
cultural tapestry. The presence of various tribes, each with its unique customs and social
structures, adds to the complexity of the region. Administratively, Kurram is organized into three
different regions (lower, central and upper Kurram), each with its own set of challenges and

The administrative headquarters, Parachinar reflecting the government's presence, is strategically

located within the region. This dynamic interplay of population, agriculture, constituencies,
tribes, regions, and administrative headquarters encapsulates the multifaceted nature of Kurram
Agency, contributing to its unique identity within the nation.

Timeline of conflicts
As per TCM, Sabookh Syed the history of conflicts can be traced to 1939. However, at that time,
the intensity was low. Various skirmishes were observed in the 80s and went to war with each
other in 1996, but the situation exacerbated after 2007. The prevailing conditions in the Kurram
district have intensified, creating a highly tense atmosphere. Several attempts for peace were
made and still, one jirga is going on. The most notable was the Murree Accord concluded in
2012. The contention is lack of implementation which gives chance to extremists to put out all
stops and make the situation tense.

Causes of Religious Conflicts

(1). Extremist tendencies in both factions:-

In the complex socio-political landscape of Shia and Sunni factions, particularly within regions
like Kurram Agency, Pakistan, extremist tendencies have manifested differently among both
groups. Sunni extremists banned outfits (Sipah-e-Muhammad, Sipah-e-Sahaba, Lashkar-e-
Jangwi) often gravitate towards radical ideologies, fostering a proclivity for violence and
intolerance. This can be linked to factors such as geopolitical influences, economic disparities,
and historical grievances. On the other hand, Shia banned outfits (Fatimyoon and Zainabyoon)
also display extremist tendencies, driven by perceptions of marginalization, sectarian
discrimination, or external pressures. This are the proxy of Iran in the region.

(2). External factors:-

External factors play a significant role in exacerbating tensions and fostering hatred between
Shia and Sunni factions in Kurram Agency. Geopolitical influences, regional power struggles,
and historical events contribute to the complex dynamic of sectarian strife.

Geopolitical influence and regional power struggle:-

The involvement of external actors in the region often amplifies sectarian tensions. Countries
with a stake in regional affairs may support specific factions based on their own geopolitical
interests, fueling animosities and contributing to a proxy war scenario.
Historical events:-

Historical events, such as conflicts between Shia and Sunni powers or perceived injustices, can
be manipulated by external actors to deepen existing fault lines. Memories of past grievances
may be exploited to sow discord and widen the rift between the two factions.

Radicalization and Proxy Wars:-

External forces may support radical ideologies within either the Shia or Sunni factions as part of
broader strategy. This support can lead to the rise of extremist elements and escalating violence
in the name of religious differences.

(3). Social media misuse:-

Misuse of social media has played a significant role in exacerbating sectarian violence in various
regions, including instances in Kurram Agency. Several ways in which social media contributes
to sectarian violence include:

Propaganda and Disinformation:

Extremist elements exploit social media platforms to disseminate propaganda and false
narratives that fuel sectarian hatred. Manipulative content often distorts facts, deepening
animosities and reinforcing stereotypes about different sects.

Online Recruitment and Radicalization:

Social media provides a fertile ground for recruitment and radicalization. Extremist groups use
online platforms to identify and target vulnerable individuals, promoting extremist ideologies
and encouraging them to participate in sectarian violence.

Incitement to Violence:

Hate speech and incitement to violence spread rapidly on social media platforms. Calls for
sectarian violence, threats, and intimidation escalate tensions, and using blasphemous comments
on social media often resulting in real-world conflicts as individuals act upon the instigations
they encounter online.

Cyberbullying and Harassment:

Social media facilitates cyberbullying and harassment, allowing individuals to target members of
a different sect. This online aggression can spill over into real-life violence, contributing to an
atmosphere of fear and hostility between sectarian communities.
(4). The writ of law enforcement agency is not satisfactory:-
The role of law enforcement agencies in preventing religious violence in Kurram Agency has
faced challenges, and many people feel dissatisfied with their effectiveness. Despite the agency's
efforts, several factors contribute to the limitations in curbing violence. The difficult terrain and
complex socio-cultural dynamics, insufficient resources, both in terms of personnel and
equipment, further hinder their ability to effectively address the root causes of violence.
Additionally, there are instances of political interference and local influence that impact the
impartiality of law enforcement efforts. The longstanding sectarian tensions in the region cannot
be resolved and pose a unique challenge, as law enforcement struggles to navigate and mediate
between different communities.

(5). The role of clergy:-

The involvement of clergy has unfortunately added fuel to the fire of sectarian violence in
Kurram Agency. Instead of promoting peace and understanding, some religious leaders have
played a role in intensifying tensions between different sects. Some clergy members use their
influence to spread divisive ideologies, emphasizing differences rather than commonalities. Their
inflammatory speeches and sermons can contribute to the polarization of communities, leading to
mistrust and hostility. Additionally, there are instances where religious leaders align themselves
with specific sectarian groups, endorsing or even encouraging violence as a means to achieve
their objectives. This manipulation of religious sentiments for political or personal gain deepens
the rifts between communities.

(6). Irresponsible role of elders (Malik's):-

In Kurram Agency, the elders, also known as Maliks, have regrettably played a role in escalating
sectarian violence. Instead of promoting harmony and peace, some Maliks have exploited their
influential positions to advance personal interests or the interests of their respective
communities. In some cases, these elders align themselves with specific sectarian groups,
endorsing discriminatory practices and encouraging hostility toward other sects. Their
involvement in local politics and decision-making processes sometimes reinforces existing
divisions, contributing to a climate of mistrust and animosity. Some Maliks may use their
authority to favor one sect over another, deepening the sectarian fault lines. This manipulation of
power by certain elders exacerbates tensions, making it challenging to foster unity and
cooperation among different communities.
Effects on various aspects of society
Religious conflicts have profound and wide-ranging effects on various aspects of society, leaving
a lasting impact on education, health, casualties, the economy, and overall social well-being.
These conflicts often create a volatile environment that disrupts the normal functioning of
essential services and undermines the foundations of a thriving society.


In the realm of education, religious conflicts can severely impede access to learning
opportunities. Schools may be targeted or forced to close due to security concerns, depriving
children and young people of their right to education. Some incidents were reported that school
teacher were martyred from both factions, which resulted to decline of teachers movement in
opposite regions. The fear of violence may lead to a decline in school attendance, with parents
hesitant to send their children to educational institutions.


This disruption not only affects the current generation but has long-term consequences, hindering
the development of an educated and skilled workforce Health services also suffer significantly in
the wake of religious conflicts. The breakdown of law and order, displacement communities, and
destruction of infrastructure can hinder access to healthcare. Hospitals and clinics may be
damaged infrastructure can hinder access to healthcare. Hospitals and clinics may be damaged or
rendered inaccessible, leaving people vulnerable to diseases and injuries without adequate
medical attention. Additionally, the psychological toll of living in a conflict- ridden environment
can result in widespread mental health challenges, further straining healthcare systems.

Human lives and casualties:-

One of the most devastating consequences of religious conflicts is the toll on human lives.
Multiple casualties, including both combatants and civilians, occur as a direct result of violence
and armed confrontations. The loss of lives not only creates immediate grief and suffering for
families but also perpetuates a cycle of vengeance and deep-seated animosities, making the path
to reconciliation more challenging.


Economies in regions affected by religious conflicts experience severe setbacks. Infrastructure is

often damaged, disrupting transportation, communication, and trade. Businesses may close due
to security concerns, leading to unemployment and economic instability. The economic fallout
further intensifies poverty, creating a cycle of despair that hampers long-term development
Social fabric:-

Moreover, the social fabric of communities is profoundly affected by religious conflicts.

Interpersonal relationships are strained, and trust among different religious or ethnic groups
erodes. Communities that once coexisted harmoniously may become divided, fastening a climate
of suspicion and fear. Displacement and migration become common, upending the traditional
social structures and forcing people to seek refuge in unfamiliar environments. The breakdown
of social cohesion hampers community development and exacerbates the challenges of
rebuilding a harmonious society after the conflict subsides.

Mass migration:-

Religious conflicts have far-reaching consequences, profoundly impacting mass migrations,

triggering arms races, and fostering pervasive mistrust within and between factions. The turmoil
resulting from religious strife often compels large populations to seek safety and refuge
elsewhere, leading to mass migrations. Families and communities, faced with violence and
insecurity, embark on arduous journeys, abandoning their homes in search of a haven free from
conflict. This mass exodus not only disrupts the lives of those directly affected but also strains
the resources and capacities of the regions that receive the displaced individuals, often leading to
humanitarian crises.

Arms race:-

Religious conflicts contribute to an alarming arms race within and between factions involved.
The escalation of violence fuels a dangerous competition for war dominance with rival groups
seeking to outmatch each other in terms of weaponry and capabilities. The arms race Intensifies
the destructive nature of conflicts, making resolution more challenging and prolonging the cycle
of violence weaponry and capabilities. The arms race intensifies the destructive nature of
conflicts, making resolution more challenging and prolonging the cycle of violence. There are
many cases reported in which the security agencies have arrested people taking heavy weapons
in opposite camps.


One of the enduring and insidious effects of religious conflicts is the pervasive mistrust that
permeates societies. As communities become polarized along religious lines, suspicion and
animosity grow, eroding the fabric of trust that binds people together. This mistrust extends not
only between different religious groups but can also seep into interpersonal relationships within
communities, making it difficult to rebuild social cohesion even after conflicts subside. The deep
rooted suspicions hinder cooperation, dialogue, and the formation of inclusive societies that
transcend religious divisions.

To resolve the religious conflicts in Kurram Agency involves a multifaceted approach:

Promoting Dialogue and Understanding

Encourage open and constructive dialogue between Shia and Sunni communities. Facilitate
community-led discussions to address grievances, foster mutual understanding, and identify
common ground. Also implement community-based programs that promote interfaith

Constructive role of clergy and Maliks:-

Collaborate with religious leaders to promote messages of peace, tolerance, and coexistence.
Encourage clergy members to play a constructive role in reducing tensions and fostering unity
among their followers. Malik should play a more constructive role to settle disputes and also to
facilitate third-party mediation efforts involving respected individuals to address specific
conflicts. Provide impartial platforms for dispute. They should implement the accords that can
prevent violence and promote peace.

Educational Initiatives and awareness:-

Develop and implement such educational programs that promote tolerance and understanding of
different religious perspectives. Target both faction's youth and adults to challenge
misconceptions and contribute to a more inclusive society.

Media Literacy Campaigns:-

Conduct campaigns to enhance media literacy, empowering individuals to critically evaluate

information on social media. Educate the public about the dangers of misinformation and the role
they can play in preventing the spread of divisive content. To promote the positives use of media
for social good rather than misinformation, propagandas and blasphemous content.

Enhanced Capacity for Law Enforcement and de weaponization of region:-

Strengthen the capacity of law enforcement agencies in the region with necessary resources,
training, and technology. Ensure impartiality in their efforts to address religious violence and
minimize political interference and religious interference. The law enforcement agency should de
-weaponization the region and should treat both factions with same yardstick.
Ensure accountability and extremist punishment:-

Ensure accountability for individuals or groups involved in inciting violence. Strengthen the rule
of law to create an environment where justice prevails and those responsible for promoting
discord face consequences.

In conclusion, the historical backdrop of Kurram Agency, marked by the imposition of the
Frontier Crime Regulation during British colonial rule and subsequent integration into Pakistan
post-independence, has set the stage for the complex socio-political landscape that persists today.
The region's diverse demographic and geographical profile, coupled with the intertwining of land
disputes and sectarian tensions, has created a volatile situation. The timeline of conflicts, dating
back to 1939 but intensifying in recent decades, highlights the deep-seated challenges that

The effects of religious conflicts on various aspects of society, including education, health,
casualties, the economy, and social fabric, underscore the far-reaching consequences for the
well-being of the population. Mass migrations, arms races, and pervasive mistrust within and
between factions further complicate the resolution of conflicts. The current situation in Kurram
Agency demands a nuanced and comprehensive approach to pave the way for sustainable peace
and harmony.

The way forward involves promoting dialogue and understanding among Shia and Sunni
communities, engaging constructive roles of clergy and elders (Maliks), implementing
educational initiatives, conducting media literacy campaigns, enhancing law enforcement
capacities, ensuring accountability, and de-weaponizing the region. These measures aim to
address the root causes of conflicts, foster reconciliation, and build a foundation for a
harmonious coexistence in Kurram Agency. Despite the complexities, the pursuit of lasting
peace remains essential for the well-being and prosperity of the region's diverse population.
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