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Name: Orlino, Joshua S.

Course: Architecture
Section: ARC 211 Day / Time: Wednesday

Direction: Answer the following question.

1. Among the theories of demography presented, which do you think is the one which
presents the best explanation of the population boom and impacts in the future? Explain.

My group explained the theories of demography, specifically Malthusian Theory. I do believe it

has contributed greatly to how it impacts our future as a society. It basically has laid the
foundation for how population is perceived and how it affects the growth of resources that can
lead to famine, poverty, and disease. However, it is limited to this idea only. It does not
consider the other factors that come into play when it comes to our society such as
technological advancements, innovation, economic and social factors that overall affect the
production of our resources. The world we live in continues to learn and adapt from our status
as a society. Education and Healthcare is comparatively better now than it was before.

Considering all the information that has led to this part, I believe the theory that best
represents our society is the demographic transition theory. Based on what I have learned from
the group that presented this topic and what I have researched, this theory best explains
population growth and its impact on the future of our society. It presents the idea of population
growth as patterns that undergo social and economic development. It considers all aspects of
data such as birth rates, death rates and overall population growth over time, and therefore
creates an accurate assessment of how population affects the economy and its society.
Moreover, the demographic transition theory’s accurate data provides a predictive factor that
provides an outlook that can help the future of our society and create policies that can
efficiently allocate our resources.

In conclusion, the Malthusian Theory has created the foundation in which all theories of
demography are built upon. While it may be the first to introduce the idea of population
growth and its impact on the future, it is inaccurate and old-fashioned that it heavily relies on
the idea of Robert Malthus and does consider other aspects of what affects population growth.
The Demographic Transition Theory is the best theory that explains how population and our
society are interrelated and provides an accurate depiction of our society’s future that
considers all aspects of population growth and its impact.

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