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My Occupational Sight

Ps. Jonathan C. Are

Adptd from:
Ps. Ernel Gallaza
SCBC – Jan. 7, 2024

Colossians 3:1-4
[1]If then you were raised with Christ, seek those
things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the
right hand of God.

[2]Set your mind on things above, not on things on

the earth.

[3]For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in


[4]When Christ who is our life appears, then you also

will appear with Him in glory.

Paul wrote his Epistle to the Colossians because of a report that they were
falling into serious error (see Bible Dictionary, “Pauline Epistles”). False
teachings and practices in Colossae were influencing the Saints there and
threatening their faith. Similar cultural pressures pose challenges for Church
members today. Part of this epistle’s value lies in how it identifies and exposes
falsehoods while emphasizing Jesus Christ’s divinity and saving work. By
studying the book of Colossians, students can deepen their conversion to the
Savior and receive protection from deception and sin.
Colossians 3:1-4
1. Set your heart on the things above.
2. Set your mind on the things above.
3. Live above and not below...

There is an open heaven

Revelation 4:1 NKJV
After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven. And the first
voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, "Come up here, and I
will show you things which must take place after this."

Open door
Whenever we praise & worship amidst the difficult situation;
Every time we praise and worship God, it is heaven on earth.

John in Patmos experienced two realities:

1. Physically (Act)
2. Spiritual in the glory

When you praise and worship, you are in the presence of God

Ammon, Moab and Mount Seir defeated by King Jehoshaphat:

2 Chronicle 20:19 -20
Judah - King Jehoshaphat
with 35K Soldiers
Versus 200K soldiers of 3 kings alied.

Praising God instead of worrying, panicking, running....

VS. 21. Instead of organizing warriors & fighters, he organized (PAW) praise and
worship team... front.
(Paul & Silas in the prison Acts 16:25: Singing together in the night)
*Heaven came down & glory filled their hearts
*Chains were broken

Vs 20. See, what happens...

The Lord starts the fighting.
Ex. 14:14
 The Lord will fight for you.
 You need to be still.

Vs. 24 The foes killed each other.

Illus... Eagles and snake fight.

The eagle brings the snake high above 500 to 700 meters above the sea level.
The Eagle and the Snake, both are equally formidable and strong predators in their
respective realms. In a fight between the two, the Eagle chooses not to fight the Snake
on the ground. It will pick it up into the sky and changes the battle ground, and then
releases the snake into the sky.

On the ground, the snake is powerful, wise and deadly but in the air it loses its stamina,
power and balance. It becomes helpless, weak and vulnerable.

This applies to us too. If possible, it is best to avoid confronting the competition in their
comfort zone.

Try to change the battle ground like the Eagle by taking the fight into its realm where it
welds control. Maximize our strengths and minimize our weaknesses.

Vs. 25 Great victory results in great blessings.

3 days to collects the spoils of war, goodies from the enemies.

Vs. 26. They gather in the Valley of Berachah…

Berachah means the valley of worship, the valley of blessings, and valley of victories.
They start worshipping God again.

Mag level up ka na...

Palitan mo na Ang bulok na Buhay mo ng 2023...

The world will always entice us to into it (Below) while we can look at heaven in

5 Facts About the World

The word “world” in Greek is cosmos, which means “that which is ordered or arranged.”
The word cosmos spoke of an arrangement of some kind that organized things in a
certain way. In the Biblical sense, “world” speaks of the world system representing the
people whose values, beliefs, and morals are in rebellion with God’s.

1. What we call culture is what the Bible calls the world. God so loved the world John
3:16, and He sent His son into the world 1 John 4:9 - it speaks of the human being who
lives in the world. “Do not love the world” speaks of the humanistic system that is at
odds with God.
2. The world is under the control of the devil (1 John 5:19).

3. The world has its own wisdom (1 Corinthians 3:19).

4. The world is wicked

(1 John 2:15-17).

The Lust of the Flesh (sensualism)

The Lust of the Eyes (materialism)
The Pride of Life

5. The World is at war with Christians (John 15:18).

“Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are good is like expecting the bull
not to charge because you are a vegetarian.” Dennis Wholey

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