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PROG 8011 – Lab 6 03-21-24

Classes and objects

Assignment Title: C# Program for Student Grade Management
Objective: In this lab, you will develop a C# program for managing student grades. You will
create a class Students to represent a student with fields such as student ID, name, course, and
numeric grade. Additionally, you will create a test class GradeManagement to
instantiate(create) Students objects and test their functionality.
1. Students Class:
 Create a C# class named Student.
 Define the following fields:
 Student ID (int)
 Name (string)
 Course (string)
 Numeric Grade (double)
 Add any one more field of your choice
 Implement constructors:
 A default constructor.
 A parameterized constructor to initialize all fields.
 Add one more constructor of your choice
 Implement getter and setter methods for all fields.
 Define a method GetGradeLetter() that returns the grade letter corresponding to
the numeric grade based on the following criteria:
 A: 91 or above
 B: 81-90
 C: 71-80
 D: 61-70
 F: below 61
 Override the ToString() method to provide a string representation of the
student's details including the grade letter.
2. GradeManagement Class:
 Create a C# class named GradeManagement.
 Inside the Main method:
 Instantiate(create) two Student objects using at the first two
 Set values for each object's fields
 Test the ToString() method for each object and display the student
details including the grade letter.
Submission Guidelines:
 Submit a C# source file for each class (Student.cs and GradeManagement.cs) in a zip file
 Ensure your code follows proper naming conventions and is well-commented.
 Include any additional comments or explanations as necessary.
 Ensure to validate all user inputs appropriately.
 Test your program thoroughly to validate its functionality.
This assignment focuses on creating a C# program to manage student grades, providing
students with practical experience in object-oriented programming and class implementation.
Let me know if you need further assistance!

- Unique implementation
- Code meets all requirements.
- Code is easy to read and follow.
- Code is properly indented.
- Code is properly commented.
- Naming conventions are properly followed.
- Correct inputs/outputs.
- Inputs are validated.

- Submit the .cs file to Lab 6 drop box in the Assignments folder on
- The deadline to submit is on d2l.

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