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Be Tea] CREATED BY AURA MLL Se a eS tg us Sham Da Tia PSE Sa TT) aaa STANLEY OBENDE GRAPHIC DESIGN /DIGITAL EDITS at ata f Ua eae aay Cc a aU OO CUM Daa UL) Pa ee ee ee) rasta RC COMIC UOC Oe eC Pe aa a ea 1310): lear Tee Na a eT ne a ee NR a) Pa ea aa Ua ay PN ae eR ig aa RLU a Cae Ca ee a eC ata) CNC Raa aa Ne ODL TMU Area IR aL Le Reece ea Or UUs /\ aN USS a SUID LCT MO Lan SS eee ae ae Sa ae CUTS ERLE a OM eb HN Dash aT Se ea aA aC a SOL CO SL STM CL SU aa aN Oa) TS COMIC . REPUBLIC Na ad eee ane NL Re ac ch 2019 OF COMIC REPUBLIC . NO PORTION OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED, IN ANY FORM OR eR eae ae Mae at ee ae Ca ee Re RU Ca TC Cater aa eae ae NT TOM eM Ue a ee ea eons Rea Me a CCL “anything cracked will shabber ab a Louch... aN eh el A ce one day bhis pain will be useful bo you.” culled Crom bhe mebamorphoses (ovid) 2017 NOMINEE eet meen a CTE ele maa oR eae Caneel eral Wh uN INNER) Sn WI Nb ER ae (tan aC Ed anata Gill THANK YOU! A ALONG TIME AO, IN A REALM QUITE FAP FROM OUR OWN. Ni ‘A STRANGE GED, NURSING ‘i STRANGE GEO’ FELLOW. UNABLE TO SLUMBER OR REST, HIS MINO AFFLICTEO WITH THE WEIGHT OF DECISIONS HE WILL BE FORCED TO TAKE... HIS MIND PLAGUED WITH WHAT HE HAS TO BECOME. ASHAUNTE... MY SUN ANO Ean a 2 Pei ee NOTHING. Your MINOP YOU NEEO CONCERN YOuRSEL! AgOUT. Rae Niorey TREMORS BOPNE ON THE EDGE OF bZolt Aa _ealelh RoN eto) DN Nehiasogt a emaiyy Dialer ae aa LeMans oO Texto bZe)N earn BROTHER? Zour pel R ela Nai ately SHADOWS CAST orm ANAS ‘SUN, T DION’T MEAN TO- eS O ASK BEFORE ME. LKNOW YOU ARE FOREVER TETHERED TO THOSE OF Y MORTALITY, FOR HO LO A ‘AN AGELE: SU alates Mieka acy um Naa ek aN Cn pa Nelo Nu Naan aaa eens SIVAN RON oa coca Eerie Na BEING AWAY FROM THOUSAND TIMES, A Be RaW FOREVER GE A GLIGHT bhi NaN THEY COULO COME Canes RoE PND SE OPINK FROM Nalgene AGAIN ASHAUNTE... AMEX SEMIS TRUE PEACE rete I CAN TEACH YOU HOW TO SPLIT A MOUNTAIN WITH A SINGLE STPAW, HOW TO \E LIGHTNING, WALK ON WATE®, OP GO YEARS ITHOUT ANY SUSTENANCE BUT AN OLINCE OF DEW. ‘BUT WHAT I CANNOT TEACH YOU AVONOME IS THE KEY TO THE BRAND OF HAPPINESS: YOU THINK YOU NEEO, GUT ALL I HAVE DONE FOR NEARLY A YEAR, SINCE AZREAL LEFT ME BEHIND, IS READ THE BOOKS YOU GIVE ME ANO OO WORKOUT TILL MY BODY HURTS ALL OVER. YOU AGE WORKING OUT IN THE OLO WAY. ALL YOUR MUSCLES WILL ANSWER BY NAME WHEN YOU NEEO THEM, ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY THAT MY DEMANDS ARE FULL OF PRIDE AND AS LONG AS T KEEP PUTTING MYSELF FIRST, T CAN NEVER BE TRULY HAPPY WITH MY TIME HERE? 20ES THIS MAKE ANY SENSE TO YOU AHHH @RILLIANT. THERE IS HOPE FOR YOU YET. GAGA, WHY 00 YOU TAKE PLEASURE IN TEASING MEP ‘SO EvEry- THING WITH YOU IS A LESSON? MY POINT IS, T 00 NOT KNOW HOW MY FATHER, MOTHER OP BROTHER ARE DOING? T.00 NOT EVEN KNOW WHAT HISNABEK |S up TO? HOW CAN T THEN BE TRULY HAPPY HERE? ‘A_NAN ONCE eeseecte THE GUODHA, WANT 10 8€ HAPPY" SAID He, THE BLOOHA REPLIED, “Fiest REMOVE 't’, THAT'S E60, THEN TAKE AWAY WANT! THAT IS DESIRE ALL YOU ARE LEFT WITH IS HAPPINESS." SO ALL THOSE pres KoNN} TEACHING ME OMAN Notice HOw 4 aR Waa INNEARLY A | MAN To aad YEAR SPENT JUST LESSONS| SsuevivING My INTs VIBES, YOU AMCek- aga Have Ceown || TEarte a IMMUNE TO EMPTY —— FINALLY! SOME SENSE! After a brief skirmish with Ajobara the last Alarinkiri, Avonome is slain and left for dead. Inneed of a miracle to save her, her guardian angel, Azreal goes to seek the face of Black Gandhi, the Hogosha, Meanwhile in the realm within, Avonome’s consciousness encounters the spirits responsible for her powers and the secrets they hold will prove both dire and shocking. And aa Ronee noone ek Clecome slate mae aI aU ero Romatatela tel} fetal a sale (torte Olas tered rob Kola Kela dia aces N felon EAR ao) a Wiatle)-Zalivas PY Eteietaiad ‘SOReY TRANSAI HELP? We Age BEING TRASHED SEVENTY TO. FIFTEEN ANO. YOU THINK We NEEO HEL? WELL, YOU NOW THAT WE TICKED’ THE BOXES, WHAT (00 we dO? ‘THE parakeers SEEM LIVELIER. OON Misaa7d lacatce Poco (ecole = ae a i, Y, J P ENA aw ae Reet ACP aoe ‘ Wea COLONIZER... Ai ETWEEN A VI ITUTE AN UNKABO! FA WHORE! T WILL MAKI Pad rae Ace TO A DEAO LVN THE HUNTER DID NOT UTTER A WORO TO HIS INTENDEO PREY. TF ANYTHING, His TONSUE WAS ALREADY HEAVY HEAVY AND ORY FROM THE ANTICIPATION OF NEXT HUNT. ND ONLY BLOOD ey PAN-ATLANTIC Pn sad ICAN (Full) Accreditation The accreditation is a license the students SUBJECT EXEMPTIONS when ofICAN, ACCA (UK], ICAEW (England & Wales) and so many offshore sssional bodies who mostly rely on ICAN accreditation before granting subject exemptions to account graduates. The difference between ICAN accredited institutions and rhon-ICAN fed institutions is quite significant in terms of length of time spent to become a professional accountant, accounting. pre APCON Accreditation The School of Media and Communication, Pan-Atlantic has received full accreditations for the B.Sc. in Mass Communication and M Media and Communication programmes bi Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria (APCON). sa res this accreditation, hence forth graduates of B.Sc. in In Media and Communication are eligible to be registered as Associate members of the Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria (APCON) with the capacity to practice the profession of Advertising asprovided by Act 55 of 1988 and Act 93 niversity Communication and Mi Wectena REGISTER ONLINE @ ioe eect study, thereby equipping them w positiveimpacton thenation upon graduation, PAU UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES ‘Ad. year Bachelor of Science in Accounting ‘4-year Bachelor of Science in Business Administration ‘A4-year Bachelor of Science in Information Science and Media Studies ‘SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (SST) Starting in October 2020 4-year Bachelor of Science in Computer Science ‘A‘-year Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering ‘AS-year Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical/Electronic Engineering uteri PART TIME Roe Pee een MCLEOD mae cree) Pn se ge Perera ney Eerste ro) E mail: Sorcery unm PART TIME TaN A el wy ay) P| MEA a Oe ee ea BOT ae eA ea eae ee ee Neue eee ee 4 | sty Ce Cee TT Ue ners @ wercionno pon i. Peta eats a cd Neen aCe cue eae eee tN NEL) dedication by giving a form of free PR. So if you've got an art, send it into our mail box at Cetera Una teEeNeae A ee e RIE ces bisa sates isi lees —— ITSTANOS (Foe PAN- ATLANTIC) J UNIVERSITY, SiLy.) APPARENTLY, OT AMAZIN FOCUS HILOA, TH! 2 coun CAREERS Week FOP OU StoATON SCHOOL IS SPONSORED BY P.AU, CORPORATE ORES |\ 'S ONE OF THEIP PEQUIREMENTS \'FOe ATTENDEES, IT PREPARES (eure { cot ALOT oF [> \ “Questions ) NHAT MAKES THEIR. COURSES DIFFERENT FOR ONE, YOU WOULDN'T FIND’ AN OFFICE ARE YOU SAYING IN JUST THIS IN LASU, BUT T PEDO FOUR YEARS STUDYING IN THIS THAT THEI® COUeSES APE J SCHOOL, YOU CAN BECOME EQUIPPED | ALL ICAN, ACCA ANO WITH THE CAPACITY TO PRACTICE APCON KéceEOITED, S A PROFESSIONAL, BEFORE MY GRANDSON CALLEO, TOLO Me YOU ALL HAO QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS SCHOOL ANO YOU ARE CONSIDERING IT FOP YOUR B.SC. AND HOPEFULLY l MSC. OESREES, / Lense, CEGALE ME \ With Youle GueStiO | BNO WiLL se eLAs TO | ANeWee THEN, AFTE Duby FA A BOAED eMGee. od TASKEO MY FPIENDS EARLIER WHY PAL SHOULO ge PREFERRED OVER OTHER SCHOOLS, BESIDES. YOUR CERTIFICATION, ICAN, ACCA ANO APCON ACCREDITATION, ANO- THE LIKES, WHAT PEALLY MAKES, YOU STANO OUT?” FOR SOMEONE WITH SCHOLARSHIP TO 00 HER UNOERERAOUATE DesREE ELSEWHERE, GUT WITH A. STRONG BIAS FOP PAL, HOW BO T.CONVINCE MY PARENTS THIS 15 THE BES AND IF £ WANTEO MORE. INFORMATION Sie, WHERE WOULD T TURN’ TOP MSCOS) YOU COULD PHONE US, 0 CONTACT OUP AOMISSIONS OFFICE DESK, OP 5 MC.EDUNG OP SYSTEM WHERE OTHERS CANT, WHOSE Desrees WILL ae RECOGNIZED IN ANY PART OF THE GLOBE. WITH ALL OUP CURRICULUM DEVELOPED IN CLOSE CONSORT WITH INDUSTRY LEADERS ‘ANO PRACTITIONERS, YOU ARE EFT IN NO OOUBT ON THE ‘QUALITY OF EOLCATION YOU WILL BE RECEIVING, SIMPLE. BESIOES WHAT T HAVE MENTIONED PREVIOUSLY, OUR CLASSES ARE ALSO SMALL OR PATHES INTIMATE, TO ALLOW FOR. INTERACTION WITH YOUR LECTURERS. ANO YOUR PEERS. PAL STUDENT'S ABILITIES HAVE BEEN TESTED IN REAL TUNE THROLIGH THE VARIOUS INTERNSHIPS. PROGRAMMES THAT THEY HAVE LNOERGONE. ‘ALSO, WITH OUR MASTER'S PROSRAM INCLUDING A MASTE@S OF SCIENCE IN (EDI AND COMMUNICATION AND M.SC. IN FILM PRODUCTION, PAL OFFERS YOU A PERSONALIZED EOLICATIONAL, EXPERIENCE WITH THE FREEDOM TO @e RESPONSIBLY YOU. BESIDES, WOULON'T YOU WANT TO GE A PART’ OF THE MOST VIBRANT ALUMNI NETWORK IN NIGERIA? ( veer iicn, VO sie END US A MAIL ADMISSIONSOPAL.EDL.NE THE PLEASURE \S TRULY OURS, ANYTIME, CHILOPEN, ANYTIME. ‘ENJOY THE REST OF YOUR DAY, SCHOOL OF MEDIAAND COMMUNICATION (SMC) PAN-ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY (MAIN CAMPUS) KM 52 LEKKI-EPE EXPRESSWAY, IBEJU-LEKKI, LAGOS UNIVERSITY MORE INFORMATION ADMISSIONS OFFICE: NDIDI — 07088641465 mt YD Neen ARAL Email:; PAU has a well-earned reputation, locally and internationally, as an institution that provides world class education Curriculum in the University is developed in close collaboration with industry leaders as well as professional bodies. Furthermore, professional courses are very different from programmes in the arts or in the physical or social sciences. Offering them to you at a very high level of quality requires deploying a practice-oriented style of teaching and doing research. PAU has developed the required skills and values over many years of experience in offering professional development programmes to many business executives and communication professionals. We are now committed to deploying these skills and values towards helping you lay a sound foundation for your professional careers. Our policy of small class sizes gives you a full opportunity to participate in class, interact with your lecturers and learn effectively. Kerra Seca ters GB focebook compauundergrad — (E) snkedncomipanatanticuniversiy ey You will receive an education that is personalised (you will have a personal faculty adviser throughout your stay in PAU). Strong beliefs and values can only be acquired in an atmosphere of responsible freedom. You will therefore be afforded the liberty necessary to enable you freely internalise good values. Thus empowered, you will be expected to make decisions and to be accountable for those decisions, About a third of your study time will be dedicated to the liberal arts/humanities. The aim of this is to help broaden your culture and improve your ability toengage incritical thinking, You'll become part of the most vibrant alumni network in Nigeria, Nee mec ted Cer eee See oe rete) Pan-Atlantic University (Main Campus), Some mes 524 (ext 240) Seas meray Sacre? (© =) titer com@PaudtlantcUni Comic .. REPUBLIC LIVES AND WE WILL BE GETTING MARRIED ROUGHLY 3 WEEKS APART: FEBRUARY AND MARCH RESPECTIVELY, WITH THIS UNDERTONE IN MIND, IT HARDLY COMES AS A SURPRISE WHAT THE COVER IMAGE FOR ISSUE 9 |S. ANOTHER WEIRD THING 15 THE FIRST TWO PAGES OF ISSUE 9 - A LOVE STORY. BELIEVE ME WHEN | TELL YOU THIS, NONE OF THE FOLLOW: ING WERE PLANNED WITH OUR WEDDINGS IN MIND. AS THE PRINCIPAL PICK THINGS UP WHERE WE LEFT OFF, TURN THINGS UP A NOTCH AND GIVE YOU ANOTHER WELL-DESERVED FIGHT. | HAD KNOWN THIS SINCE ISSUE 1 AFTER BREAKING THE STORY FOR THE FIRST 10 ISSUES. BUT SEEING AS THE PART THE CENTRAL MEMBERS OF THE KIRIJI PLAYED IN THIS TALE IS OVER FOR NOW, IT WAS ONLY NATURAL THAT THE STORY THE OCCASION OF HIS POSSIBLE RETURN, THERE WOULD BE A TON TO LOOK FORWARD TO. THE SAFEST THING TO EXPLORE WAS HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH ANANSI AND THAT WAS HOW THE PROLOGUE PAGES OF ISSUE 9 WERE FLESHED FROM JUST AN IDEA. | WOULD LOVE TO KNOW HOW WELL WE DID AVONOME AND BLACK GHANDI WAS HINTED BY WAY OF PROPHECY IN (OUR POETRY AND FAMOUS QUOTE PAGE OF ISSUE 6; EASTER EGGS? | THINK SO. THIS ISSUE IS FULL OF A COUPLE OF THEM, LIKE THE KURUKO NO BASKET REFERENCE. JUST READ THROUGH AND SEE HOW MANY YOU can spor THIS TALE WITH YOU AT THE READING END. PLEASE DON'T STOP SPREADING THE WORD, RECOMMEND FOR FRIENDS, FANS, FOES AND FAMILY ALIKE TO READ. 1 HOPE TO ONE DAY SHARE A WARM DRINK ON A. COLD DAY WITH You. ALSO A HUUUGGEEEE THANKS TO ALL AND EVERY ARTIST AND WOULD-8E FOR NOW, GOOD BYE, SEE YOU ON THE OTHER SIDE OF MARRIED MR. XAVIER. COMIC . REPUBLIC SRR 2 © -224.0022545519 [FJ comicrepuniic WP comicrepuoiicng (© ecomicrepuniicmedia 9 comicrepuoiicty WA

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