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How to install JAVA 19 (JDK) and Eclipse IDE on Windows 10/11
(How to install Eclipse IDE 2022-06 on Windows 10/11 with JDK [ 2022 Update] Eclipse - Java 19
Amit Thinks)

Steps to installed JAVA

Go to browser (google chrome)—search for “Oracle java”—java software | oracle India—download
java—scroll down and click on windows—click on link given for x64 installer—DC on downloaded

Java installation completed and we need to set the path

Go to C:\ drive—program files—java—jdk-19—bin (where the bin folder is there)

(C:\program files\java\jdk-19\bin)
Copy this bin path—go to start—search for “environment variables”—advanced—environment
variables—under system variables—DC on path—new—paste the path—ok—ok—ok.

Now path set was completed.

To verify successful installation of JAVA

Go to start—cmd—java –version
It will give the version that you have installed just now.

So, we have successfully installed java current version and it is verified also.

Steps to install Eclipse IDE (Integrated Development Environment)

Go to browser (google chrome)—eclipse—eclipse downloads—download x86_64—download—DC on
downloaded file—eclipse IDE for java developers—install—accept now

We successfully installed eclipse. You can click on launch to open eclipse (or) you may open eclipse
from desktop icon. □ use this as the default and do not ask again—launch

File—new—java project—project name: CNS Lab Programs—use a project specific JRE—next—

finish—don’t create (because we are creating simple applications)

RC on CNS Lab Programs—new—class—name: Sample

□ Public static void main (String[] args)
□ don’t choose
□ don’t choose—finish

Path of our program: (It may vary based on local settings)

C:\users\hp\eclipse-workspace\CNS Lab Programs\src

CJR 7/39

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