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How to make first impression?

•first impression plays important role in communication . There so many ways to

make your first impression with the other .Example :
•Make eye contact .There is a very famous saying that” the eyes are the windows to
the soul”. So make your eye contact makes you more impressive in the first meeting.
According to a researching , 70% of people say that eye contact makes a great first
impression on them

•Secondly, keep a sincere smile. A genuine smile reaches your eyes and creates
an impression of trust and sincerity. If your smile reaches your eyes, it will be seen
even if you are wearing a mask.If you feel a tightening of the muscles around your
eyes, you know that your smile shows in your eyes.

•Moving to the next step , you should be well – groomed preparing in outside
because there one said “People are affected by your appearance, whether or not
they realize it, and whether or not they think appearance is important.” In short,
what you wear has consequences . Make sure that your clothing is appropriate for
the situation. Dressing too casually for a job interview is likely to create the
impression that you aren’t serious about the job.

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